100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Strawberries here were iffy, but I bought them and cleaned them right away...super sweet and tasty. My soup turned out fabulous. It's been raining here...and is expected to continue on/off all week. We certainly need it. Happy Sunday!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today is 8K Steps done, It was a whopping 78 degrees out the door and a reported lower humidity. That means a giant :) 4 degrees cooler than yesterday.

    I am still listening to the Old Time Radio show called Escape. I think it is nearing time to look at the Old Time Radio shows I downloaded from the Public Domain site and decide what to prepare to Sync with the iPod when I go to charge it next time. Maybe a Western or two, Hmmm there is an idea, Make a set of one episode show samples to listen too. Toss in other categories and see what strikes my fancy for longer term listening :)

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Strawberries here were iffy, but I bought them and cleaned them right away...super sweet and tasty. My soup turned out fabulous. It's been raining here...and is expected to continue on/off all week. We certainly need it. Happy Sunday!

    Hi Val
    It was just my opinion but some of their strawberries were to the point where I would end up cutting off more than I could salvage :)

    As I was sitting down to Dinner last night I glanced at the Living Room window and the rain was hitting it hard enough that I could almost see through it.

    I figure I brought that on as I watered the plants yesterday in the morning.

    Have a Nice Monday
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Well, I lost my post again. Totally my fault as I wanted to check some spelling and went to page 50. I do not know what I was thinking. It is hot, sunny and cloudless here. It was truly your fault the N.E. got rain, Roger! Unfortunately it did not extend to here. I will have to water fairly soon today. Back to the mid 90's and 80% humidity!

    I will have to eat my strawberries fairly soon, but they were in good shape, maybe because we are so close to Fla. I also bought some rhubarb. I have to think on that, my best recipe I get a taste for is a crisp, which involves a lot of brown sugar and flour. I would like to lighten the recipe some. Maybe oats can be substituted. I may dig out my old weight watchers book and check the recipes. I would think I could adapt one of their apple recipes. The strawberries would also go good with rhubarb, for a crustless pie. Oh, heavy thinking today!

    They are offering Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon this month. It is on my watch list, but I have not seen it yet. Your Radio shows sound interesting, Roger. A good choice to walk to! I wish my fitbit had a buzzer to go off to remind me to move. My friend's does that. It seems silly, but sometime the time goes so fast doing something, hours will go by, and I will have taken short steps, not the longer walk that I should. I just have not got that into a daily routine yet. I may have to start setting the timer! Old school....

    Hope you all have a good week! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today is 8K+ Steps done, It was 80 degrees out the door and higher humidity.

    No to much to say today, tomorrow is market day, 10% Senior Discount Day. Most likely some Bananas and other fruit. My Brother kindly Hard Boiled a Dozen Eggs yesterday so they will be some of my proteins in the upcoming period. I do need to use up the open package of Ham since once You open them they do not stay good that long. I find that with any lunch-meats, including Deli Sliced to order meats. That will be 70 calories of protein and a a 60 Calorie Wrap and some light Mayo + No Sugar Added Sweet relish as a sandwich. I am undecided whether to buy another dozen of the Jumbo Eggs since they are only 79 cents - 10% tomorrow. And the use by dates are good.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    Well, I lost my post again. Totally my fault as I wanted to check some spelling and went to page 50. I do not know what I was thinking. It is hot, sunny and cloudless here. It was truly your fault the N.E. got rain, Roger! Unfortunately it did not extend to here. I will have to water fairly soon today. Back to the mid 90's and 80% humidity!

    I will have to eat my strawberries fairly soon, but they were in good shape, maybe because we are so close to Fla. I also bought some rhubarb. I have to think on that, my best recipe I get a taste for is a crisp, which involves a lot of brown sugar and flour. I would like to lighten the recipe some. Maybe oats can be substituted. I may dig out my old weight watchers book and check the recipes. I would think I could adapt one of their apple recipes. The strawberries would also go good with rhubarb, for a crustless pie. Oh, heavy thinking today!

    They are offering Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon this month. It is on my watch list, but I have not seen it yet. Your Radio shows sound interesting, Roger. A good choice to walk to! I wish my fitbit had a buzzer to go off to remind me to move. My friend's does that. It seems silly, but sometime the time goes so fast doing something, hours will go by, and I will have taken short steps, not the longer walk that I should. I just have not got that into a daily routine yet. I may have to start setting the timer! Old school....

    Hope you all have a good week! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I hate it when I do something to lose my post too. However Stuff happens.

    Rhubarb, Traditionally Rhubarb & Strawberry Pie as You say. When I was Young I used to nibble on the stems. I suspect that to be an acquired taste however. I believe the leaves are dangerous too if eaten. strange plant that way.

    Fibber McGee and Molly on Amazon this month would be a movie?

    My Cheapo FitBit does not have those features.... It only tracks steps and guesstimates calorie burn and distance walked. It does seem to keep track of the intensity of the walk however :)

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi All!

    Boy did I get up confused today. I went on the site to finish tracking my food, and thought I had not done it. I do not know why, but I thought it was Thursday. So I tried to remember what I had eaten and got it down. Then realized all was tracked twice, because it is only Tuesday. It just does not feel like Tuesday. I have a lot of running to do this week, and with it all on my mind, I think I just had my days mixed. Seems like a day I should not venture out!!

    Roger, that was not Fibber McGee, it was My Little Margie. It is 6 TV episodes. I have not watched them yet, so I am going to pretend my brain is just not having a moment. I did think it strange as I thought Fibber was radio, so that explains it. Sometimes I remember things my Grandparents watched or talked of, so I do not remember all of it too well. At least that is my story and I am sticking to it!

    That's okay, I thought my strawberries were from Fla. They were not. They were from California. So much from thinking they were a closer distance. They were lovely however. I found some Damson plums that were canned. My Grandpa used to have a huge old plum tree. It was taller than his two story house and had to be supported because the limbs were so huge and filled. We would sit and eat them by the dozen when we were young. I found them in Germany too. I always look for them, but rarely see them anymore. The base commissary used to carry them here occasionally, as the man who stocked spent time in Germany and ordered many neat items. Since it went civilian,though they pretend they didn't, they do not carry many items service people used to see. By the time you pay the surcharge and tip your bagger well, since he is often military, perhaps retired, you really pay what is paid on the outside. I may check their meat prices, though. I have not stepped foot in one in years.

    Off to the DR and possibly the base, though that may have to wait till tomorrow. All in all a five hour trip, mostly waiting!

    Great job on being steady Roger! I keep losing and gaining the same five pounds. I just have not found my sustained willpower yet! :/ Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I have to look at the TV to check the date quite often, Luckily the Satellite TV Box provides a easy way to display Day, date & time. That is the same reason the last two clocks I bought also display the day of the week, and the date as well as the time. And of course the bottom right of the Windows Screen also shows the date and time and if You hover the mouse pointer over it the the Day too :)

    My Grandparents had Cherry, Apple, and Pear trees and a Grape Arbor and the neighbors Apricot tree grew partially over their fence too. No Plums AKA Not Yet Prunes fruit.
    My Cali Aunt had Lemon Trees And Dates :)

    Don't believe it, I do not hold one steady weight :) I wobble around a range too. Nobody can hold just one weight, natural variations including water retention preclude that happening.

    The way I look at it as long as their is no gain trend no problem. For example if I eat a little Chinese food I can go up 4 or 5 pounds in the next two days and then It comes back off as long as I stay NS for a couple of days, I look at it as pretty much water weight. FWIW Sweets can do that to me too.

    Good Luck and Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today is 7.8K Steps + 36 cents found in two locations, It was 77 degrees out the door and a reported lower humidity. There was A Loud Thunderstorm rolled through around 12:45 last night, I know that since it made so much noise it woke me up.

    While I was walking I stopped at the grocery Store and bought 4 Bananas and 2 Plums and saved 10% for the Senior Discount :)
    Next Item on my Agenda is Breakfast around 9AM then....

    In a while around 9:30 I will head back out the door to CostCo for several bags of Frozen Vegetables and a tray of whatever Apples look best. The Ones I got at the Produce Store recently looked OK when I bought them, the next day the bruising showed up :( and the texture is somewhat mealy, Darn it.

    Have a Great Week
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Sorry I've been silent. Busy with work! Last night Em was running around getting stuff organized..i asked her what was up...she told me school starts tomorrow! (Which is now today.) talk about not knowing what day it is! Today's her first day of 8th grade. She has a tough schedule...taking two high school classes plus her regular classes. I've been having fun making different types of veggie soup. Easy and I control the ingredients...i never add salt, and obviously no preservatives...and i start w real veggies! Take care!
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi All,

    Roger, you found a veritable fortune in money! Congratulations! We had a light show in the sky for about 4 hrs. last night, but no rain. It was beautiful. I hate when I get fruit I think is good, and it is not. Especially apples! Another myth debunked! That you get great apples all the time up north!

    The flooding in Louisiana is so heartbreaking. I can not believe more people did not get flood insurance after Katrina. Lots of people and animal rescues on the way. Thank God more shelters are accepting pets. One small change. We have so much to be thankful for where we all are, don't we?

    Well, I officially have a good case of gout. My Doc seemed properly chastised when my uric acid levels came back. It is about 4x higher than it should be. So I have a steroid pack, and 2 meds and lots of instructions. And keep off my feet. At least I can feel good about watching an extra movie, but it is hard to stay off ones feet! Not like I have servants! Lol!

    Val, your soups sound delicious! I am going to break down and buy some soup making ingredients! I can not wait for fall down here! Glad school was not missed, the time sure sneaks up on one!

    I am off to water on my own feet, lol, and then on to a healthy lunch with some salmon and veggies!

    Take care all, and be healthy! Jan :) PS- the Doc wants me to drink more water, 8-10 glasses are not enough for my kidneys. Aiming for 12-14 glasses. Bathroom here I come.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I did 9.2k Steps + 25cents found at the three block location on the outbound, It was 75 degrees out the door and a reported lower humidity. There were signs of a light rain overnight. Before I had gone 5 blocks it started to drizzle then just after the turnaround point on the route back to the house I needed to put up the umbrella :(
    Luckily I had it with me having watched the early morning weather report before heading out so I put the small folding one in my pocket just in case :)

    Next Item on my Agenda is Breakfast around the 9AM to 9:30 point then take the laundry out of the washer that I started before I came here and put it into the dryer. Some dummy forgot to turn on the AC in the Living room to cool off the Main Floor AKA the Ground Floor ;) So here I am in the basement using the Video Work computer until later when it cools off up there.

    I did go to CostCo and buy 3 bags of Frozen Vegetables, a 18 pack of the Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and a tray of Link Lady Apples as they are tasty and were reasonably priced.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sorry I've been silent. Busy with work! Last night Em was running around getting stuff organized..i asked her what was up...she told me school starts tomorrow! (Which is now today.) talk about not knowing what day it is! Today's her first day of 8th grade. She has a tough schedule...taking two high school classes plus her regular classes. I've been having fun making different types of veggie soup. Easy and I control the ingredients...i never add salt, and obviously no preservatives...and i start w real veggies! Take care!

    Hi Val
    School in August? Wow, That seems early to me working from memory where school used to start after Labor Day weekend.

    My Brother has started a frenzy of cooking to take to a friends house Friday (Tomorrow) so far his Home made baked beans, loaded with thick cut Bacon yesterday. Today he plans to make a Cheesecake and Probably cook the Corned Beef turned into a Pastrami. It actually comes out pretty good too. The Corned beef was bought on sale for St. Patty's day and the conversion was done then it was frozen uncooked. He can either do it here or put it in their smoker for 6 hours. I almost forgot a Tray of Eggplant Parm to take along too that was cooked Yesterday using Eggplants from our garden.

    He does not use salt in his cooking either. Are there any other type of vegetables beside real?

    Have a Nice Day
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi All,
    Roger, you found a veritable fortune in money! Congratulations! We had a light show in the sky for about 4 hrs. last night, but no rain. It was beautiful. I hate when I get fruit I think is good, and it is not. Especially apples! Another myth debunked! That you get great apples all the time up north!

    The flooding in Louisiana is so heartbreaking. I can not believe more people did not get flood insurance after Katrina. Lots of people and animal rescues on the way. Thank God more shelters are accepting pets. One small change. We have so much to be thankful for where we all are, don't we?

    Well, I officially have a good case of gout. My Doc seemed properly chastised when my uric acid levels came back. It is about 4x higher than it should be. So I have a steroid pack, and 2 meds and lots of instructions. And keep off my feet. At least I can feel good about watching an extra movie, but it is hard to stay off ones feet! Not like I have servants! Lol!

    Val, your soups sound delicious! I am going to break down and buy some soup making ingredients! I can not wait for fall down here! Glad school was not missed, the time sure sneaks up on one!

    I am off to water on my own feet, lol, and then on to a healthy lunch with some salmon and veggies!

    Take care all, and be healthy! Jan :) PS- the Doc wants me to drink more water, 8-10 glasses are not enough for my kidneys. Aiming for 12-14 glasses. Bathroom here I come.

    Hi Jan
    I had not heard that myth. I suspect that it could be a cost issue for flood insurance and if You are not in a official flood plain there is no assistance from any government body. And I have a suspicion that at least some of the flooded homes have never flooded in anyone memory.

    Bad Luck getting that extremely painful condition known as the gout. I have had it attack a couple of times many years ago. If You have a predisposition to the gout there are medications You can take to prevent the Uric Acid levels causing a buildup in Your Joint. I used to get it in the joint behind the Big Toe, They did not have to tell me not to walk, I could barely hobble around.

    8 Glasses of water is more than enough for me 12 to 14 would be a real nuisance. I'd be afraid to leave the house :)

    Have a nice Pain Free Day if possible
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good Morning!

    All that cooking your brother has done has made me hungry! Corn beef down here is dear due to price. It is about $20.00 or more unless it is on sale. I have picked up one or two in the last few years. They are small enough I could almost eat it at one sitting, but stretch it for sandwiches also. You must have amazing will power for that meal! Portion control is my downfall! How do you turn the corn beef into pastrami? - that is pretty neat! Eggplant is one of my favorite veggies, fried being a favorite or parmed, But I love it anyway you can cook it! I have grown the regular and the Japanese, both delicious and so easy to grow. I also grew a white variety that was tasty. Just did not plant a garden this year.

    The predisone pack took most of the pain in my feet away the first day, it was amazing. On about day 4 I will add the Allpurinal which might give me a gout attack while it is reducing the acid level. That sounds counter intuitive to me, but apparently it is because it is moving the fluids with the crystals. That seemed fascination to me. The prepackaged foods like NS and Lean Cuisine and others are probably helpful, because they do use sensible portions of meat in their products. I tend to have too much, down from hefty, but not yet sensible!

    I guess the walking more is on hold. That is fabulous with your 9000+ steps and kudos for being on top of the rain situation! No rain here, so off to water and wait for the yard guys!

    Take care! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today I did 7.4K Steps during my walking, It was 75 degrees out the door and a reported Higher humidity.

    Next Item on my Agenda is Breakfast around the 9AM. Then my brother and I will be off to visit a friend south of us for the day. Once again some dummy forgot to turn on the AC in the Living room to cool off the Main Floor AKA the Ground Floor ;) So here I am in the basement using the Video Work computer until it cools off and I have Breakfast.

    While My Brother was cooking to take to a friends house He also made Pesto with Basil from the garden, And We sliced two different Bolognas from Dietrichs, I am calling them that although the cloth said one was Lebanon Bologna and the Other was a Sweet Bologna. They are going with us along with the Pastrami, Cheesecake, Ritz style crackers for the Bologna, Home made baked Beans and The Eggplant Parm.

    There goes the On NS Plan for today I suspect :) or is it :(

    I also noticed a advertisement for the Buzzr Channel

    BUZZR is a digital multicast television network owned by FremantleMedia North America, a unit of the FremantleMedia subsidiary of RTL Group. This vintage game show television network has unprecedented access to the vast portfolio of more than 40,000 iconic game show episodes, which air around the clock on the digi-net channel. Featured titles include Family Feud, Let’s Make a Deal, What’s My Line, To Tell the Truth, Match Game, Super Password, Tattletales, Blockbusters, and Card Sharks.

    BUZZR launched June 1st; in 35% of the country across 12 FOX owned and operated stations whose markets include New York City, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Dallas. This television network is available over-the-air and on selected cable and Telco providers.

    I have to take a look at it as I liked some of the old game shows. If I like what I see it will be a reason to pull out the DVR that can record off of Basic Cable or Over the Air and does tune the Digital channels. I see it is available here in the NYC broadcast area as channel 9.2

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good Morning!

    All that cooking your brother has done has made me hungry! Corn beef down here is dear due to price. It is about $20.00 or more unless it is on sale. I have picked up one or two in the last few years. They are small enough I could almost eat it at one sitting, but stretch it for sandwiches also. You must have amazing will power for that meal! Portion control is my downfall! How do you turn the corn beef into pastrami? - that is pretty neat! Eggplant is one of my favorite veggies, fried being a favorite or parmed, But I love it anyway you can cook it! I have grown the regular and the Japanese, both delicious and so easy to grow. I also grew a white variety that was tasty. Just did not plant a garden this year.

    The predisone pack took most of the pain in my feet away the first day, it was amazing. On about day 4 I will add the Allpurinal which might give me a gout attack while it is reducing the acid level. That sounds counter intuitive to me, but apparently it is because it is moving the fluids with the crystals. That seemed fascination to me. The prepackaged foods like NS and Lean Cuisine and others are probably helpful, because they do use sensible portions of meat in their products. I tend to have too much, down from hefty, but not yet sensible!

    I guess the walking more is on hold. That is fabulous with your 9000+ steps and kudos for being on top of the rain situation! No rain here, so off to water and wait for the yard guys!

    Take care! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    If You want I can get the recipe (Process) from my brother and post it. If You notice he added more foods to the take with us list :)

    I believe he breads the Eggplant, Fries it and then puts it in the baking dish to finish as Parm.

    I take the Allopurinol too. It does seem to have done the job however.

    FWIW did the doctor discuss with You what foods to avoid as they can cause a gout attack?

    If no rain tomorrow I may turn on the soaker hoses in the garden and water the hanging baskets as they are starting to need more frequent watering as they become root bound.

    Have a Nice Day
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    I would love the process for the pastrami. And yes, that is one of the no no's on his list. I did also look up the foods on line. I do eat some occasionally, like bacon. But it is rare, and I do not mind turkey or Morningstar type. I have avoided real bacon often for years due to salt, my B/P and losing weight. Same with most lunch meats. The seafood on the list will be harder, as will the nuts and some of the things they push now for heart healthy. I eat a lot of chicken and not as much red meat. I will really have to cut back on some of my cheeses. And cut down on those nostalgic meals! I may need to pin those foods somewhere to remember and keep a diary of what food triggers I have beside that bone in ham! :)

    I look forward to see how well you did eating with your friends! I think you will fare well on both counts, lol!

    It seems funny about your living room being hot without the air! I always picture N.J. as cooler even though I know you have had some really hot days! In Ohio it was unheard of to have air. That was a South thing. I wonder if that has changed!

    I did get up to 5,000 steps yesterday, and felt really good. I was just doing chores and errands, and still put my feet up. I think I will be able to take the Allopurinal on my four day as planned. Having corn beef hash did not help, but it was on my shelf and I have been craving it. I really felt no setback in the foot department, but not a wise choice for more than once a year!

    Off to water, my things are root bound also. I always thought it was sometimes good in a flowering pot, But came to that conclusion I was not watering it enough lately. I planted sweet potato vines in with the flowers, and they must greedily take the space. pretty though!

    Take care and keep up the good work!
    Cool on that game show channel! Jan B)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today I have done 9.1K Steps + 1 cent, It was 74 degrees out the door and a tus the coolest overnight for a while. Cooler weather is forecast for next week too.

    Today feels like Sunday as Yesterday kept feeling like Saturday as usually we do not go visit that friend on weekdays :)

    I did overeat unfortunately, I managed not to go way overboard, however I did eat two of the Peter Luger Burgers he supplies and grilled, tasty too. As well as a bit of Potato Salad and Coleslaw and my Brothers Homemade Baked Beans, Cheesecake, and last but not least Pastrami. Not huge amounts of any however. I suspect that the Pastrami is why I seem to be retaining water as it starts out with Corned Beef which is of course a Brined Beef Brisket.

    OTOH that was my Lunch and Dinner, Midmorning and Midafternoon snacks for the day excluding the Apple I ate last night.

    Have a Great Weekend

    P.S. I noticed that a pair of fresh figs appeared on the counter while I was out. They came off of this years planting of two fig trees and from what my brother said there are a couple more small ones that were not ready.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »

    I would love the process for the pastrami. And yes, that is one of the no no's on his list. I did also look up the foods on line. I do eat some occasionally, like bacon. But it is rare, and I do not mind turkey or Morningstar type. I have avoided real bacon often for years due to salt, my B/P and losing weight. Same with most lunch meats. The seafood on the list will be harder, as will the nuts and some of the things they push now for heart healthy. I eat a lot of chicken and not as much red meat. I will really have to cut back on some of my cheeses. And cut down on those nostalgic meals! I may need to pin those foods somewhere to remember and keep a diary of what food triggers I have beside that bone in ham! :)

    I look forward to see how well you did eating with your friends! I think you will fare well on both counts, lol!

    It seems funny about your living room being hot without the air! I always picture N.J. as cooler even though I know you have had some really hot days! In Ohio it was unheard of to have air. That was a South thing. I wonder if that has changed!

    I did get up to 5,000 steps yesterday, and felt really good. I was just doing chores and errands, and still put my feet up. I think I will be able to take the Allopurinal on my four day as planned. Having corn beef hash did not help, but it was on my shelf and I have been craving it. I really felt no setback in the foot department, but not a wise choice for more than once a year!

    Off to water, my things are root bound also. I always thought it was sometimes good in a flowering pot, But came to that conclusion I was not watering it enough lately. I planted sweet potato vines in with the flowers, and they must greedily take the space. pretty though!

    Take care and keep up the good work!
    Cool on that game show channel! Jan B)

    Hi Jan
    I have asked my brother for the pastrami recipe :)

    You can see from my previous post how I did :(
    Actually most likely not that bad considering that I had breakfast at home and a Apple last night and otherwise that was my foods for the day. We were there around 8 hours so :)

    BTW Most Cheeses have a fair amount of sodium too. I think I may be lucky that I never craved the Canned Corned Beef Hash or the canned corned beef either. I have had them and .......

    Congratulations on getting up to 5000 steps so soon after a Gout Attack
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Roger, you did not do too badly! You compensated and still ate mindfully! That is pretty good!

    I bought some spinach wraps and hummus and watercress for lunch this week. It is a nice change. I ate well yesterday but my grand daughters dug out their Harry Potter jelly beans after dinner.! We went around the table several times picking jelly beans and giving them to someone with their eyes closed, and we had to guess what they were. I just can not abide the soap one, I got that rather frequently as my face said it all! However the marshmallow were quite nice and the earthworms not bad after the soap! I think that killed my healthy attempt for the day however,lol!

    Your reaction to canned hash and corned beef reminded me of my Dad's reaction to creamed dried beef. SOS! (From the service). I liked it however! Fresh corned beef is always best!

    Great on the figs! You had a lot of produce for the first year of many of the things!

    Keep up the good work! Have a good rest of the week-end! Jan (cloudy, yaay!)