100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 8K Steps and I finished up yesterday at 10.8K steps.
    I forgot to mention that Yesterday I managed to find 11 Cents.
    The weather today is much more humid and 75 degrees out the door too. That is pretty much ten degrees warmer than Yesterday. The only saving thing when walking is that there was no Sun beating down on me and the forecast rain so far is south of me in the Trenton area AKA the state capitol.

    I do not have anything planned for today beyond having a NS Frozen Breakfast later on sometime after 9AM, So far I have eaten 1/2 a Banana before walking and the other 1/2 with a NS Coffee Protein Shake, So I have spread out my breakfast from 6AM to 7:50 so far and the Breakfast Entree still to come. Then at Noon my Midmorning Snack followed by a Lunch of a NS Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Vegetables, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and one of yesterdays purchased Apples. Afternoon snack at 5PM and Dinner at 7:30, A NS Dinner Entree, Vegetables, Light & Fit Greek Yogurt and one of yesterdays purchased Oranges.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2016
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    Happy Belated Birthday from me, too Val! Glad you are still enjoying the trip on your last stops! You have had a very packed vacation! I am pretty impressed with all you accomplished! You are a Mighty Mom and Person, I feel I must get more accomplished than just watering my plants! LOL! I hope you have a day to recuperate when you get home!! :)

    My yard guys came and cut yesterday and ran over a large copperhead. He still managed to get away so the snake story down here continues. Next year I will be a little faster with my cutting and brush burning, though this year is just snake year according to everyone down here! I got up special last night at dusk because May would not stop barking. It turned out to be a sweet rabbit happily munching on the newly mowed grass, safely outside the fence area. So you never know!

    Laughing about the Halo reviews Roger! Sounds like I may need to schedule that as a meal with protein from how yummy it sounds! I have had some chocolate low fat and not too bad sugar wise frozen yogurt this week and I have to be careful of the portion. It is still a better deal than regular ice cream, and I was just craving some. It sounds like you have really done well with your walking. I am finally getting my steps up a little more towards normal as my feet and ankles are getting a little better. Thank goodness!

    I did not know that game, Val, was an app, so I am pleased there was an explanation! Guess I am still behind the times, at times!

    I am excited that I finally replaced my toilet seat in the back bathroom. It has taken me about a month as I have just not been in the mood to fuss with it, after buying the parts. It is a whisper close seat, closes by itself. It seemed like I was standing on my head forever to just unscrew everything and in a compact place trying to take off the old one! Hence, it took forever to want to do it again to replace it. The snap feature is a little tricky as the whole seat can come off for cleaning. I almost do not think that it was worth that to do, but I feel quite accomplished now that it is done! It is kind of fun to watch it gently close by itself, lol!

    Yeah, too much time on my hands! Take care all! I sure love reading the posts! :)
    Hi Jan
    I suspect that should be the type of Toilet Seat as when I bump it there is a loud bang heard throughout the house :) Since there only My Brother and I in the house we leave the seats up, except when showering. I don't know why we close it then TBH, Habit?

    I will be blunt, for the money the Halo Top is not a great purchase for the price, I find that I like the Skinny Cow Cones and I do not have to play with weighing portions out. If You can stand the calories, the Skinny Cow and the Weight Watcher Ice Creams are less expensive and available in all the Grocery Stores by me. 160 calories for the Skinny Cow Vanilla cones, two flavors available by me of the cones, one with a Caramel Drizzle on top and the other one with a Chocolate Drizzle. Then the WW Desserts are good too.

    Congratulations on getting Your steps up again
    If all goes well, we should be home tomorrow evening! The house is pretty much the same as last visit. (I hate being a landlord! But the market in that tiny town is dead, do better to have someone in it.) today's drive was challenging.. Three hours stopped on a freeway! Then right after that a major thunderstorm Em and I kept looking for Toto to blow by! Our cell phones were all sounding the tornado alert. Stopped for the night. Meant to get further, but those events took a lot out of me. Congrats on the toulet seat accomplishment! Roger- i love fresh fruit but I don't like fruit ice cream. It's helpful to hear your product reviews! Sorry im so brief...but need to rest!

    Hi Val
    I think it is better to have a house occupied as things can go awry when they sit empty and You would never know otherwise if there was a leak in the plumbing or roof.

    Wow Three hours stopped, Yesterday there was a three hour backup on I-287 due to a bad truck accident with fire, however they did keep one lane open. I have the NJ 101.5 FM radio station on and they are talking about a Stormy Saturday. So far a mostly cloudy sky and Thunderstorms this afternoon with high winds in places. Despite that it is supposed to get up to 85 -90 degrees as a high today :(

    Have a Safe remainder of Your Trip
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Val, I am glad you are just safe driving. Driving blind is no small matter and is very wearing! I can not wait to hear about home and especially the doggies!

    Roger, your reviews are always helpful, and save me time and some money, too! Glad you are back to finding your change!

    Take care, all! Jan :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Jan
    I try to be helpful, I do not always succeed however :)

    Finding the money seems to be hit or miss.

    Have a Good Weekend
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm home!!! Long day, but relatively smooth driving. It is so good to be home. My roommate is the most awesome person...not only are the dogs completely fine and happy but, she even bought me red bell pepper and zucchinis so id have fresh veggies here when I got home. I feel seasick from all the driving. I love my bed too. Comfy!!! Here's a funny. The labels on my TV remote wore off years ago, but it was never a problem...until now. I'm clueless about which button is which! Lol.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I managed to crawl past 10K steps yesterday by 20 steps :)
    Today so far I am at 8.8K steps, While I was out since my Brother asked for a head of lettuce I switched my planned route and stopped at the grocery store, since I was there a day before I had planned to be I also picked up a head of lettuce for myself, 2 Bananas, 2 Apples and 2 Bartlett Pears so that my next stop there will be Senior 10% discount day on Wednesday. I try and be flexible.... I also passed on the free Donut at Dunkin Donuts, Which broke my heart passing up free :)

    Today's weather it was 68 degrees out the door and lower humidity, Whee! Much better weather than yesterdays 75 degrees for the same time of day and higher humidity. We did have a Thunderstorm go through yesterday that dropped a little over 3/10 of a inch so no watering needed for a couple more days.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm home!!! Long day, but relatively smooth driving. It is so good to be home. My roommate is the most awesome person...not only are the dogs completely fine and happy but, she even bought me red bell pepper and zucchinis so id have fresh veggies here when I got home. I feel seasick from all the driving. I love my bed too. Comfy!!! Here's a funny. The labels on my TV remote wore off years ago, but it was never a problem...until now. I'm clueless about which button is which! Lol.

    Hi Val
    I suppose You can go online for a manual for the TV that will show the buttons, However I suspect that if You don't stop to think about it or look at the remote Your Muscle memory will kick in.

    Congratulations on making it Home safely, That is not as easy as it sounds, there are crooks out there at the service stations. I ran into some on trips over the years, However I was onto them and managed to avoid the traps.

    What a nice person to pick up the fresh fruit and save You from having to go out and shop.

    Have a Nice Sunday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger- congrats on your walking! Last night I found a third remote and was perplexed. But hurray for muscle memory plus rest & rehydration...i now have the TV controls re-figured out.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 9.6K Steps & 12 cents, I finished up yesterday at 10.8K steps.
    Today's weather is slightly warmer at 70.1 degrees out the door and still a decent humidity, I am currently showing 72 degrees on the Front porch and it is supposed to go up around 90 later on today. I have nothing much planned today, some cleaning with shredding in the basement and getting the last box to go to the recycle center later this week :)

    From the MFP staff here:
    We have some planned maintenance scheduled starting the evening of Wednesday, 8/9/16 (PST) and will last 24 hours. This maintenance will affect the functionality of new likes and comments on the newsfeed.

    Have a Great Week
    Hi Roger- congrats on your walking! Last night I found a third remote and was perplexed. But hurray for muscle memory plus rest & rehydration...i now have the TV controls re-figured out.

    Hi Val
    I hate to tell You how many remotes I have laying around, However here is a partial list.
    DVD Player
    BluRay Player
    TV's More than one :)
    VHS Deck, used to capture to the computer.
    Media Player
    Music Center
    Programmable Universal remotes

    And so on.....
    Muscle memory helps me keep the remotes separated as I use them too. I don not even have to look them in the different areas as I use them.

    It is good to hear You feel better
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    edited August 2016
    Went grocery shopping at 6am w my teenager... Lots of fresh fruits and veggies! d1zbvdunfsuu.jpeg
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I also came home to beautiful blooms (I don't have a green thumb, so this is good for me). 9s1wwcm0cgzc.jpeg
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Love your pictures, Val! It is fun to see what is in your basket as things differ so from region to region! I am impressed Em would get up to shop at 6 am. Heck, I am impressed that you did!! I love the tomatoes peeping out from behind the flowers on your other pic. Isn't it good to get home? What kind of flowers are those? They are beautiful!

    Roger, I am proud you bypassed the free donut! I could feel your temptation as I passed a box of glazed donut holes that were whispering to me Sat. when I shopped! I did not succumb though!

    We are to have a cooler week, 2 days of low 90's and high and mid 80's. I love it! And 60% showers all week. I have enjoyed the afternoon thunderstorms. I was on my feet alot yesterday at church so I am beyond tired today. I really want to go back to bed, but I must clean house today and still water if nothing else. I need to eat the last of my grapes and cantaloupe today, not a hard task!

    Perhaps Val's basket will inspire me when I shop on Tuesday! It was a colorful array!

    Take care all, eat and walk healthy on this week! Jan :)
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    I just noticed! Congratulations Roger on hitting page 50 on this forum!!

    Quite an accomplishment!!!! :)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    The purple flowers are on a Texas Sage bush. I have no idea what type of shrub the pink flowers are on...it came with the house. Em and I were both awake at 5:30, so grocery shopping seemed like a good idea. We bought a Jackfruit...first time...looked at YouTube to learn what to do with it...ours is not yet ripe, so we will wait. I've been devouring fresh fruits and veggies all day. Breakfast was tomatoes, lunch corn on the cob (10/ $1.00) and strawberries, and dinner zucchinis, mushrooms, and fat-free fage plain greek yogurt. Everything fresh and real! Every cell in my body is celebrating!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Went grocery shopping at 6am w my teenager... Lots of fresh fruits and veggies! d1zbvdunfsuu.jpeg
    I also came home to beautiful blooms (I don't have a green thumb, so this is good for me). 9s1wwcm0cgzc.jpeg

    Hi Val
    That is a nice healthful looking shopping cart.
    Congratulations on that. I took my little camera along with me today as I do everyday on my walking and son of a gun, Guess who forgot to put the memory card back into it after copying the pictures to the computer :)
    The purple flowers are on a Texas Sage bush. I have no idea what type of shrub the pink flowers are on...it came with the house. Em and I were both awake at 5:30, so grocery shopping seemed like a good idea. We bought a Jackfruit...first time...looked at YouTube to learn what to do with it...ours is not yet ripe, so we will wait. I've been devouring fresh fruits and veggies all day. Breakfast was tomatoes, lunch corn on the cob (10/ $1.00) and strawberries, and dinner zucchinis, mushrooms, and fat-free fage plain greek yogurt. Everything fresh and real! Every cell in my body is celebrating!

    Hi again
    My brother planned to fry a home grown Eggplant and there were not enough Breadcrumbs. He likes them Breaded and fried. Strangely to me plain not Marinara style. When I went through the Yard Saturday I missed a Zuke and today the little rascal was 3.5 pounds :) They really do grow like a weed when they start to produce :)

    Plenty of sweet Vine ripened Tomatoes, Cherry red and yellow, Plum, And A slicing variety. I sliced one of the latter onto a 70 calories of Ham, 40 calories of cheese on a 60 calorie wrap with a smear of Lite Mayo That was picked up in the 1/2 price aisle , When I tried it, it was so good he got me some more for the pantry shelf before they sold out. I used that as a SC & a PF and a LE. The Tomato was so sweet and juicy and the sandwich was delicious. The ham cost 50 cents for what I used and I think I'll pick up more Wednesday when I go to the Grocery Store for my Senior 10% discount shopping for Fruits.

    I use the same wrap for a Egg Salad I make using the same Mayo, and a Egg and some No Sugar Added Sweet Relish at 0 calories per serving :)

    The Two varieties of Peppers are producing enough and the Onion Plants have Produced nicely too, We put in Three types a Yellow, White and Red.

    So Today I had a slicer type Tomato and some Yellow and some red Cherry Tomatoes, A Banana, A Apple and a Bartlett Pear throughout the Day. Plus 12 Ounces of a Broccoli, Cauliflower and two type of Carrots blend and 1/3 head of lettuce, Three NS Entrees and a NS Dessert. Hopefully the Fruits And veges balance out the NS Foods.

    Have a Nice Day
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Love your pictures, Val! It is fun to see what is in your basket as things differ so from region to region! I am impressed Em would get up to shop at 6 am. Heck, I am impressed that you did!! I love the tomatoes peeping out from behind the flowers on your other pic. Isn't it good to get home? What kind of flowers are those? They are beautiful!

    Roger, I am proud you bypassed the free donut! I could feel your temptation as I passed a box of glazed donut holes that were whispering to me Sat. when I shopped! I did not succumb though!

    We are to have a cooler week, 2 days of low 90's and high and mid 80's. I love it! And 60% showers all week. I have enjoyed the afternoon thunderstorms. I was on my feet alot yesterday at church so I am beyond tired today. I really want to go back to bed, but I must clean house today and still water if nothing else. I need to eat the last of my grapes and cantaloupe today, not a hard task!

    Perhaps Val's basket will inspire me when I shop on Tuesday! It was a colorful array!

    Take care all, eat and walk healthy on this week! Jan :)

    Hi Jan
    Those sweets have a almost irresistible siren call :) Congratulations on not succumbing to their call.

    I have been known to take the free donut and pass it off on my brother :)

    I feel for You if You consider Low 90s cool. Our normal average temperature for this time of year is the mid 80s. We start to melt when it breaks 90.
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    I just noticed! Congratulations Roger on hitting page 50 on this forum!!

    Quite an accomplishment!!!! :)

    Hi Again
    If I said I never noticed would You believe me? True until You mentioned it I did not realize it.

    Have a Nice restful week and thank You for the kind words
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 8.7K Steps & 1 cent found 3 blocks from home as I was on the homeward leg. I finished up yesterday at 11.5K steps. Tomorrow is the Grocery Store stop while walking day, I might as well get that 10% Senior Discount given on Wednesday.

    While walking The last of the Bulldog Drummond OTR (Old Time Radio) shows finished so I decided to go to some humor and put on Fibber McGee & Molly and as it happened the first two shows are both Christmas shows :)

    Today's weather is slightly cooler at 67.8 degrees out the door and still a relative humidity of 93%, It is supposed to go up around 90 later on today. The Lawn is getting shaggy loooking and therefore I will need to mow in the next couple of days as it is my turn to mow. I have nothing else planned and am ambivalent as to whether or not to do it today or tomorrow and shorten my walking yesterday to compensate for the mowing.

    Have a Great Week
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    BTW I never had Jackfruit, I'll be curious how it tastes.

  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member

    Waiting to hear on the jackfruit also! I love your post Val, about how healthy your body feels! It is amazing how good we can feel when we eat well. I can practically hear it singing all the way to Alabama!

    Yes, if it was in the 60's here, I would think winter was on it's way. The sun is moving for it's fall orbit, it looks like fall is coming if you are inside! Once out it is still low 90's and 80-90 humidity. It makes me think of Richard Simmons and sweating off the pounds. I was really tired from church Sunday, so did not walk too much Monday as the feet were really aching. It is much better today. I had wanted to have my fitbit for recording sleep as well as steps. My sleep has gone up to 8 hrs. from 5 hrs, and sometimes not that. That is an improvement, thanks to the melatonin I have been taking.

    I have been fighting the carb craving here, but am really enjoying my fruit. I have been eating my banana a day to help heal my feet, and cut down on leg cramping. I also love the fruit cups with no sugar added and natural juice. I love the pink grapefruit, and mandarin orange especially, probably because it is still so hot!They make a nice change at 60 calories, and are well within my carb intake range.

    Take care all! Perseverance! Jan B)
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    I'm looking forward to my jackfruit too. I watched a few YouTube presentations on how to know when they're ripe, and how to cut and eat them. I think that either tomorrow or the next dsy it will be ripe. If you open it too early, you get tons of latex (which is not good for eating). My 13yo is curious but cautious. She'll try it, but won't comit to opening our own Jackfruit orchard!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Today I am currently at 7.8K Steps & 1 cent found as I was on the outbound leg of my walk. I finished up yesterday at 13,022 steps. Today is the Grocery Store stop while walking day.

    I had put on Fibber McGee & Molly and then I am switching to something else. Tomorrow I have selected Fred Allen to listen to while walking.

    Today's weather is 78 degrees out the door and high humidity, It is supposed to go up around 90 later on today. The Lawn was getting shaggy looking and therefore I decided to mow Yesterday morning as it was my turn to mow. I have nothing else planned for today.

    I had a indication that the Living Room TV was going south on us yesterday :( so I ordered a inexpensive 40 Inch at $219 + tax, a Avera 40AER10 40-Inch 1080p LED TV (2015 Model) as it had more connectivity compared to cheaper models of the same size. If curious here is the link:
    So of course it died last night when I sat down to watch the news and I had to pull a small 24" HDTV off of the wall mount in the bedroom, find the stand and hook it up/ Luckily I had enough HDMI cables to do that for the best picture which also eliminates the need for separate audio cables. I was planning to change the cables anyway as the old Sony Triniton was a SD with no HDMI or Component connections.

    Have a Great Wednesday