Any Shorties Out There?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Roger, we did have a good builder. I know some of them are awful and won't fix anything.
    Most of the fixes were minor, and the contractors that came back to fix things were excellent.
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi Kel
    11:30PM and the weekend has been OK so far. It is getting foggy out again. That makes two nights in a row.
    I got my Grocery Shopping done and am good for 4 or 5 days at least before I even need to think about getting more Vegetables, PowerFuels & SmartCarbs. I use UHT Milk and that keeps on the counter until opened. The next one I open will be used over three days. Cereal as the Bananas get really ripe, and the Pancake mix flavored with artificial sweetener and Vanilla or Maple extract. Unless I decide to make two pancake mixes in one day. One for Breakfast and one for a PF + SC snack.

    Have a Good Sunday

    just finished my grocery shopping too :) found i still had a basket of mushrooms in the fridge and i bought more lol. guess i'll be having lots of mushrooms this week :smiley: i use almond milk, it keeps for about a month and that seems to be about right though sometimes i still have to toss some.

    E - happy Mommy's day! :)


    MFP - Any shorties out there?




  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The UHT milk I buy comes in little 8 fl. oz. cartons so I don't have to worry about using it up quick. I just wrok my meals so I use it in three days or so. I use 2Ounces in the pancake mix, a little water and a little Vanilla or Maple extract to make up the rest. Sometimes I use part of a water flavoring packet in the mix instead. That makes it pretty good and a different taste too.

    Have a Good Weekend
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  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Thanks Kel, you too.
    I use Almond milk too. It seems to last a really long time. Sometimes I use it to make shakes, so then I use it up faster. I'm mostly glad it's so low in calories and high in calcium.
    Had a nice afternoon at my daughter and son-in-law's house. My son and his GF were there along with lots of my Sil's family. It was good to catch up with everyone.
    I'm pretty tired. i was up early this morning.
    Have a good night. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning all.
    Gray and gloomy to yoga class in a few.
    Mom's day was nice.
    Enjoy your day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    It was sunny out, warm and Humid too. Now it is looking darker out the window with clouds moving in.
    I broke down and put the AC in the bedroom window too.

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  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Alternating between sunny and cloudy here...humid, yuck. Was inspired to buy a little dress to run around in just because it will be cooler for me. I'm not good with heat. Also repotted my hanging basket. I had reused the liner from last year and it was falling apart. I put the new one in and my purple petunias, along with the red petunias my daughter gave me yesterday, so it's pretty cheerful looking. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    OMG!Just found out about NS boards.
    2 hours past my bedtime but finally figured out how to get here. Will write more tomorrow.
    Take care.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning!
    Lynmar! Yay! You found us. So glad you're here. Maybe they'll leave it up for a while so the rest can find us.
    I checked this morning, NS is still out there, you can edit, but can't make a new post. I'm done. I like our new home.
    Have a skinny day, everyone. :smile:
    (This is me....Vix, eek-me)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi E! I knew who you were last night but was so frustrated *finally* figuring out how to get here and set up that I just wrote that short note and zonked out. I'm so very, very glad we still can keep up with each other. I think of you (all) every day even when I don't make it in.
    I was so surprised, shocked, upset, ... when I went in last night and heard about the boards closing. It was like someone took a knife to my heart. I was going to renew my lunch/snack choice but switched instead to just a la carte for 3 months - the shortest time. I was taking two months to go through the foods as it was so no big change. I wonder how NS is going to do now. In my very humble opinion the discussion boards were a very essential part of the program.
    Take care!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Alternating between sunny and cloudy here...humid, yuck. Was inspired to buy a little dress to run around in just because it will be cooler for me. I'm not good with heat. Also repotted my hanging basket. I had reused the liner from last year and it was falling apart. I put the new one in and my purple petunias, along with the red petunias my daughter gave me yesterday, so it's pretty cheerful looking. :)

    Hi Vix
    Hot n Humid today. We had a Load of Topsoil and Mulch delivered and it got to hot to finish spreading it out. My Brother plans to pick up a Wheelbarrow or maybe a Yard Cart Tomorrow.

    We also picked up some plants to put in tomorrow when it is cooler. Sweet Basil, MariGolds, And two more kinds of Tomatoes.

    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    OMG!Just found out about NS boards.
    2 hours past my bedtime but finally figured out how to get here. Will write more tomorrow.
    Take care.

    Welcome Home to out little group.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Lynmar! Yay! You found us. So glad you're here. Maybe they'll leave it up for a while so the rest can find us.
    I checked this morning, NS is still out there, you can edit, but can't make a new post. I'm done. I like our new home.
    Have a skinny day, everyone. :smile:
    (This is me....Vix, eek-me)

    Hi Vix
    You planning to put the old signature here?
    I wonder how long they will leave it that way?

    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Hi E! I knew who you were last night but was so frustrated *finally* figuring out how to get here and set up that I just wrote that short note and zonked out. I'm so very, very glad we still can keep up with each other. I think of you (all) every day even when I don't make it in.
    I was so surprised, shocked, upset, ... when I went in last night and heard about the boards closing. It was like someone took a knife to my heart. I was going to renew my lunch/snack choice but switched instead to just a la carte for 3 months - the shortest time. I was taking two months to go through the foods as it was so no big change. I wonder how NS is going to do now. In my very humble opinion the discussion boards were a very essential part of the program.
    Take care!

    Have a Great Day All
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  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Hi all
    Roger, it got hot and humid here too. Our aliums are them, and the hibiscus started blooming. I now have one more pot (my daughter gave me a nice painted Mexican pot for Mom's day), so I could get one more flower...I'll think about it.
    I don't think I'll put a siggy on here. I think people will get used to eku. :smiley:
    I'm glad Lynmar found us before it was too late. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all
    Roger, it got hot and humid here too. Our aliums are them, and the hibiscus started blooming. I now have one more pot (my daughter gave me a nice painted Mexican pot for Mom's day), so I could get one more flower...I'll think about it.
    I don't think I'll put a siggy on here. I think people will get used to eku. :smiley:
    I'm glad Lynmar found us before it was too late. :)

    Hi Vix
    Is that the Giant Allium with the big Purple Ball on Top like this one?
    Just a picture I found in Google Image search, Not my yard! I wish it was :)
    They came up the first Year and then I think it was Squirrels ate them on me :)

    FWIW I like Signatures that are Distinctive. They make it easy for me to ID the Poster.

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  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Yes, those are the ones....I love them. We had some at our old house and I just had to buy them again for this one. They're out back by our deck.
  • dia_shewolf
    dia_shewolf Posts: 177 Member
    Lynmar!!!! yay you made it! i'm SO glad you managed to find us, we were worried you wouldn't make it in time :)

    E/Roger - morning!/evening! lol just a quick check in. work is picking up again so not quite as much free time as i'd like to wander around the boards :)

    hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!!! :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Good morning.
    cooler this morning, sun is to body flow class this morning. I'll do what I can do.
    Kel, don't work too hard. :)
    Enjoy the day. :)
  • Lynmar101
    Lynmar101 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all.
    How do I get this thread to appear under My Discussions? I come in thru. my password manager. Using my tablet today.
    9 am and heat feels like 86 per accuweather. I'm waiting for a friend to come over and check my A/C in living room since it doesn't cool below 84.
    Take care and have a good day.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Lynmar, I think I just get to the group that way....join Nutrisystem Group Users, the discussion is under that group.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited May 2015
    Lynmar101 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    How do I get this thread to appear under My Discussions? I come in thru. my password manager. Using my tablet today.
    9 am and heat feels like 86 per accuweather. I'm waiting for a friend to come over and check my A/C in living room since it doesn't cool below 84.
    Take care and have a good day.

    Hi I can either use this link
    or come in via the Nutrisystem Group Users.
    Coming in the second way You will see if there and any new replies and clicking it will take You to the first new reply. The first way takes You to the latest reply.

    Good Luck
    eku0 wrote: »
    Yes, those are the ones....I love them. We had some at our old house and I just had to buy them again for this one. They're out back by our deck.

    Hi Vix
    I liked them too, but too expensive to only last one year due to critters.

    Have a Good Day

    April 25, 2015 -159.7 Pounds Lost
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  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Haha....Congrats on the 160 gone,!
    If you join the group, your groups show up at the bottom of the community page, or at the top of the page when you select groups. Pretty easy once we get used to it.
    Bought a lamp kit for my funny little lopsided hand built clay lamp. Think I'll put that together later. :)