Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I posted this elsewhere, sorry if it duplicates what You read elsewhere :)
    I walked this morning to the Quik Chek and took a new route, with one backtrack from a dead end street I ended up walking 1.95 miles. It drizzled on me one or twice so I put on the Frog Togs jacket until it ended.

    Have a Great Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi Roger. Good that you got your walk in, and your coffee. I buy the DD coffee for home sometimes.
    The Alleve finally kicked in and we were able to go for a walk. The trail in the park is a couple of miles and it takes about an hour walking at a leisurly pace. It's nice because most of it is shady. It's humid out, so I was kind of warm by the time we got back to the car. Nice way to spend a Sunday morning. :) Went to Home Depot this afternoon. Hubs needed some of those garden bed edges and some white stones for under our deck...some of them sunk in a little.
    Cheers. :)

    Hi Vix
    We went to Lowes, they seemed to be cheaper too. We bought these boxes of length of edging that lock together to make any length. 20 foot per box. I bought the Stones at Walmart since I was there that day.

    I am thinking of walking to the McDonalds for Coffee tomorrow, it is a touch over 1 mile one way using the most direct route.

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening,
    Vix-Sorry you couldn't sleep. I hope you are feeling better.
    Roger-you are doing great with all your walking.
    I worked this morning and then went out to lunch with hubby. I had a garden salad with grilled chicken and we shared an order of mussels marinara. We then went to look at new cars. Hubby is thinking of trading in his truck for an suv.
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I guess You decided not to keep the SUV in place of something else being traded in?
    I have bought new 3 cars in the past, However I did keep them until they were more or less dead. The last one I had the last one for 25 years of use. That gave me the best cost per mile of operation.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Yoga day. T-storms expected in the late afternoon.
    It's beautiful out at the moment. :)
    Have a happy day.

    Hi Vix
    Thunderstorms in the forecast up here too!
    be safe and dry
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Afternoon
    I did my good deed for the day. I rescued a sparrow twice. He or she had somehow managed to get its leg caught on the shepherds hook that holds the birdfeeder. I got him unstuck and he flew to the ground and lay there. I bent down to check him and he flew right into Sophie's path and she caught him, hence the second rescue. Sophie had never caught a bird before and didn't know what to do, so I got it away from her easily. The bird flew this time into a pile of old branches I have behind the shed. I think it will be safe in there for a while. I hope it recovers.
    Roger-You are rocking the exercise. :) My back has been acting up again, so I am taking it slow, mostly doing stretching.
    Vix-I am glad you are feeling better. :)
    Have a good evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all , T-storms just started here.
    Roger, good for you for all that walking!
    Jo, so good of you to rescue the sparrow, poor little thing.
    I better get off before everything goes down.
    Have a good night.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning!
    Sunshine this morning...yay! Clay class later.
    Have a happy day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I posted this in another message, But why put it here too. ?

    It is Tuesday and not he best looking day outside. My Achievements so far today.
    1. Renew the license for NIS AV on the big computer. I bought the 3 license package when NewEgg had them on sale.
    2. Eat my Banana
    3. Walk to McDonalds for a Large Black Coffee @ $1.07 with tax and 2.15 miles wound trip walk, Counting the stop to buy the Coffee and the stops to drink from the cup on the way back home, 1 Hour 20 Minutes. :)
    4. Toast my NS Waffles and drink the NS Vanilla Protein Shake, Breakfast now officially done.
    5. Renew the NIS AV License on this computer, One more to go later. I waited til it was the last day, Why throw away time You paid for? :)
    6. Post Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast review in the NS Food reviews group here.
    7. Come here and this is the first post in this group I am replying to.

    Have a Really Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon
    I did my good deed for the day. I rescued a sparrow twice. He or she had somehow managed to get its leg caught on the shepherds hook that holds the birdfeeder. I got him unstuck and he flew to the ground and lay there. I bent down to check him and he flew right into Sophie's path and she caught him, hence the second rescue. Sophie had never caught a bird before and didn't know what to do, so I got it away from her easily. The bird flew this time into a pile of old branches I have behind the shed. I think it will be safe in there for a while. I hope it recovers.
    Roger-You are rocking the exercise. :) My back has been acting up again, so I am taking it slow, mostly doing stretching.
    Vix-I am glad you are feeling better. :)
    Have a good evening. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I am so sorry to hear that Your back in bothering You. I have had that in the past and it is no fun.
    How kind of You to start running a Bird Rescue service:)

    Good Luck with the Back
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all , T-storms just started here.
    Roger, good for you for all that walking!
    Jo, so good of you to rescue the sparrow, poor little thing.
    I better get off before everything goes down.
    Have a good night.

    Hi Vix
    I never heard any Thunderstorms between yesterday this time and today. You must have been lucky :)
    I got lucky with the rain so I could walk. Then I went and looked at the garden and some four legged critter has pretty much eaten all the leaves on the bean plants. I will not be replanting them there. I will replant them in the home made raised bed that has a 1Foot + fence around it that is above the ground level in the bed. That should work. If Not no further plantings. I am not interested in growing Rabbit (Squirrel?) food. I am interested in growing Human food.

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Afternoon;
    Roger-I am sorry your bean plants got eaten. What is NIS AV?
    Hi Vix,Linda and Irene.
    Have a good afternoon. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi all. Sunny here now. Partly cloudy.
    Jo, hope your back is feeling better.
    Roger, my service provider gets our anti-virus for us, we just have to download when there are updates. So much easier than trying to keep track of it. Sorry about your bean plants. We have a bunny eating a few of our flowers. It was worse in our old house...the deer used to eat lots of flowers.
    Hi Irene....hope you're not working too hard.
    Hi Linda!
    I got some issues straightened out today and feel good about that. Have appts with the dentist and orthopedic doctor tomorrow.
    Have a nice evening, everyone.
    I'm putting this on both threads:
    I had a pretty strange day. I've got a handle on my medical issues, which I thought was all messed up, and am moving forward. And I got a package from my niece (who got mad at me about 8 years ago). She sent a bunch of pictures that my mother had, that I really wished weren't lost to me forever. I now have my baby picture, along with lots of pictures of my family...parents, grandparents, and even one of great grandparents! It was an amazingly wonderful surprise. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Morning;

    Vix-That was a nice surprise. I am sure you will treasure the pictures. Good luck with the dentist and orthopedic visits.
    My back is feeling better.
    Today is my day off and I am spending it at home. I am monitoring Vinny's blood glucose levels today. I have to test his glucose levels every two hours throughout the day. I just hope he cooperates.
    It is nice and cool this morning, so I opened all the windows to air out the house. We have had the central air on for the last few day because of the humidity.
    Wishing everyone a great day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning
    Jo, glad your back is feeling better. I hope you can enjoy your day off and that Vinny cooperates. :) It's been really nice in the mornings here and we've been opening the windows whenever we can. It's supposed to go up to 85 degrees today.
    I was really excited to get the pictures...I'd asked my sister a couple of times to send me copies of a few of them.
    The dentist is just a routine visit, so no worries. I want to find out from the orthopedic Dr. if he can remove the metal from my ankle....that may be a complicated visit.
    Off to body flow class this morning. Sun is shining. Have a beautiful day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    Small heads up, If anybody uses Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt I bought some at Costco this morning, It was $3 off which made it $10.99 for a box of 18 or approx. 61 cents per container, Only three flavors but a darn good price as I see it.

    Hi All
    I walked the 1.3 miles to the bank this morning and then came home and had my NS Frozen Pancakes and NS Chocolate Protein shake for breakfast, I had my Banana before the walk. Then at 9:45 I left the house for Costco.

    Have a Good Day All

    I posted that elsewhere too, so if it looks familiar, it is :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon;
    Roger-I am sorry your bean plants got eaten. What is NIS AV?
    Hi Vix,Linda and Irene.
    Have a good afternoon. :)

    Some of them the stems are even nipped off, Oh well. Time to move on and make a mental note do not plant rabbit food :)

    NIS AV, Sorry I abbreviated it. Norton Internet Security Anti Virus. I also run MalwareBytes Anti Malware MBAM for short. We use those abbreviations on the tech forum.

    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all. Sunny here now. Partly cloudy.
    Jo, hope your back is feeling better.
    Roger, my service provider gets our anti-virus for us, we just have to download when there are updates. So much easier than trying to keep track of it. Sorry about your bean plants. We have a bunny eating a few of our flowers. It was worse in our old house...the deer used to eat lots of flowers.
    Hi Irene....hope you're not working too hard.
    Hi Linda!
    I got some issues straightened out today and feel good about that. Have appts with the dentist and orthopedic doctor tomorrow.
    Have a nice evening, everyone.
    I'm putting this on both threads:
    I had a pretty strange day. I've got a handle on my medical issues, which I thought was all messed up, and am moving forward. And I got a package from my niece (who got mad at me about 8 years ago). She sent a bunch of pictures that my mother had, that I really wished weren't lost to me forever. I now have my baby picture, along with lots of pictures of my family...parents, grandparents, and even one of great grandparents! It was an amazingly wonderful surprise. :)

    Hi Vix
    I tried the AV they supply and it was terrible, slowed down the computer etc. Then It did not want to uninstall cleanly either.

    Good Luck at the Dentist
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all.
    Roger, my ISP gives us Norton. So far it's been pretty good.
    Dentist is fine. All is well, bought some special chewing gum for dry mouth, it's called Spry, all natural with xylitol.
    Set up the surgery to have the hardware removed from my ankle for July 1st. So still moving along. Just got home a little while ago, going to just chill the rest of the evening. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all,
    Was having problems with connections this morning, but seems to be working now. Yay!
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Afternoon;
    Vix-How long have you had ankle hardware? HaHa it almost sounds like we are talking about jewelry. :p
    Irene-I hope you are doing well.
    Roger-Did you get your walk in today?
    Linda-How are you doing?
    Well, Vinny survived his BG curve test yesterday. By the end of the day he was not cooperating and I was losing patients. I can't blame him, I wouldn't want my ear pricked with a needle every 2 hours. I am just waiting for the vet to review the results.
    Anyone read any good books lately? I am currently reading Playing with fire by Peter Robinson.
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all. Sunny here now. Partly cloudy.
    Jo, hope your back is feeling better.
    Roger, my service provider gets our anti-virus for us, we just have to download when there are updates. So much easier than trying to keep track of it. Sorry about your bean plants. We have a bunny eating a few of our flowers. It was worse in our old house...the deer used to eat lots of flowers.
    Hi Irene....hope you're not working too hard.
    Hi Linda!
    I got some issues straightened out today and feel good about that. Have appts with the dentist and orthopedic doctor tomorrow.
    Have a nice evening, everyone.
    I'm putting this on both threads:
    I had a pretty strange day. I've got a handle on my medical issues, which I thought was all messed up, and am moving forward. And I got a package from my niece (who got mad at me about 8 years ago). She sent a bunch of pictures that my mother had, that I really wished weren't lost to me forever. I now have my baby picture, along with lots of pictures of my family...parents, grandparents, and even one of great grandparents! It was an amazingly wonderful surprise. :)

    Vix, so happy you have your long wished for pictures and maybe first steps toward healing a relationship! That makes for a very good day! Glad to hear you're getting things figured out with your health, too! Keep asking questions and even get 2nd and 3rd opinions if you aren't confident in your new doctor.

    Joanne, glad your back is better! I just finished a bout of back pain and it's no fun!

    Roger, you're really getting some walking in! Someone needs to swing by here and drag me out to walk! Lol!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all.
    Jo, I broke my ankle about 15 years ago. There's a lot of metal in there! Luckily, I don't need it, and the ankle is moving fine. Hopefully no bone grew over any of it, else it should not be hard to remove. There's a 2 week recovery period from that where I'll have to skip the gym, but I will be able to walk, just need to take it easy.
    Glad you and Vinny made it through the test day, and hope you get good news.
    I haven't read any really good books lately. I've been reading a series about a skinwalker/shapeshifter vampire slayer by Faith Hunter that are kind of fun. And a series about a Navaho policeman by Tony Hillerman that are kind of interesting. I'll check out the one you're reading if you think it's good. :smile:
    Linda, the pictures are wonderful, and some of them are funny too. I hope the relationship comes back. That would be great. I think the new Dr. is pretty good, it just takes me a little time to get used to someone. So far he's answered all my questions pretty promptly. That's good. Glad you're feeling better too.
    Have a good night, everyone.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Zumba this morning.
    Happy Friday. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I hope everybody is have a great Day.
    No Walk today due to a combination of things. Tomorrow :)
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon;
    Vix-How long have you had ankle hardware? HaHa it almost sounds like we are talking about jewelry. :p
    Irene-I hope you are doing well.
    Roger-Did you get your walk in today?
    Linda-How are you doing?
    Well, Vinny survived his BG curve test yesterday. By the end of the day he was not cooperating and I was losing patients. I can't blame him, I wouldn't want my ear pricked with a needle every 2 hours. I am just waiting for the vet to review the results.
    Anyone read any good books lately? I am currently reading Playing with fire by Peter Robinson.

    Hi Joanne
    Long story that ends up with no walk today. Oh well, tomorrow will be a better day.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Roger, my ISP gives us Norton. So far it's been pretty good.
    Dentist is fine. All is well, bought some special chewing gum for dry mouth, it's called Spry, all natural with xylitol.
    Set up the surgery to have the hardware removed from my ankle for July 1st. So still moving along. Just got home a little while ago, going to just chill the rest of the evening. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Jo, I broke my ankle about 15 years ago. There's a lot of metal in there! Luckily, I don't need it, and the ankle is moving fine. Hopefully no bone grew over any of it, else it should not be hard to remove. There's a 2 week recovery period from that where I'll have to skip the gym, but I will be able to walk, just need to take it easy.
    Glad you and Vinny made it through the test day, and hope you get good news.
    I haven't read any really good books lately. I've been reading a series about a skinwalker/shapeshifter vampire slayer by Faith Hunter that are kind of fun. And a series about a Navaho policeman by Tony Hillerman that are kind of interesting. I'll check out the one you're reading if you think it's good. :smile:
    Linda, the pictures are wonderful, and some of them are funny too. I hope the relationship comes back. That would be great. I think the new Dr. is pretty good, it just takes me a little time to get used to someone. So far he's answered all my questions pretty promptly. That's good. Glad you're feeling better too.
    Have a good night, everyone.

    Norton should be good. I always like to back it up with something else. In this case MalwareBytes AntiMalware or MBAM for short.

    I have read a lot of the Hillerman Navajo Policeman books. They are a good read. I have 6 on the Bookshelf awaiting their turn in the rotation to be read.

    Good Luck with the Ankle
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix- There is a TV series on PBS called DCI Banks, it is based on the book I am reading. I've only read the first couple of chapters but it is good so far, and I really like the TV series.
    I will be keeping good thoughts that your ankle hardware removal is smooth and uncomplicated.
    It is a balancing act with Vinny. When I did the BG curve his levels were very good. Last night and today they were very high. It looks like he is going to take a while to get regulated. I was hoping it would be simple.
    Linda-I hope your back is feeling better. I need someone to drag me out to walk too.
    Roger-I hope you get your walk in tomorrow.
    Any plans for the weekend? I am going to a play "Into the Woods, performed by our local community theatre on Sunday with a couple of the girls from work. After the play we are going out to dinner. Should be a good time.
    Vinny is telling me it is time to have his dinner.
    Have a good night. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Jo, I like DCI Banks...we watch those. :) Thanks for the well wishes. I hope things normalize with Vinny soon, so you don't have to worry so much. Have fun on Sunday...girls night is always fun. :)
    Thanks, Roger. Sorry you couldn't get your walk in today. It was really hot here, not a great day for a walk. I'll probably go through all the Tony Hillermans in the library eventually. I did read one that his daughter wrote. She took over where he left off. Interesting.
    This is the big Mom-in-law 100th birthday weekend, so heading up to Long Island tomorrow. It will be great to celebrate, but not looking forward to the ride.
    Have a great weekend, everyone. :)
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Joanne, I'll have to watch for the DCI Banks. I really like a lot of the British TV shows, but DH can't stand them, so I get few and far between.

    Vix, hope that surgery goes really well! I'm assuming it will make walking easier for you? Or is it just to get the metal removed?

    Roger, you've been doing so well, you'll be back on it tomorrow! :)

    Have a good evening, all!