Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    I went out for dinner...had trout with some kind of blueberry sauce. It was good. Off plan, had a couple of drinks...we girls needed to destress.
    Have a good night everyone.

    De-stressing is definitely a good idea! And getting right back on track is perfect!
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Evening;
    Hi Irene-congrats on the lb. lost.
    Vix-It is good to destress once in a while.
    Roger-I have enough costco cards to last me until the end of the year. I usually get on order every other month.
    We bought a sunsetters retractable awning for over our deck.The deck gets full sun all day and sometimes it is just too hot to sit outside. Hopefully we will use the deck a little more.
    Have a good evening.
    PS I have been using my elliptical machine every evening. I am only doing 10 minutes at present but plan to increase by 5 minutes in a few days. I am slowly working up to it.

    Joanne, great job getting going on the elliptical! The awning sounds nice, too! Our deck is on the south side and way too hot in the summer, too, so we sometimes think about buying one.
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon;
    I went to work today and left my pocketbook at home. I had no money, no drivers license and no chapstick. :'(
    I did remember to bring my lunch. :)
    I skyped with my son last night. He has a job interview with Edinburg University on the 26th of June and he got a call back from another company in Manchester that he applied to that is closer to where he lives now. He is leaning more towards the Manchester job. He can commute if necessary. If he takes the University job, they will have to move to Scotland. I am just waiting for him to get settled and then I will make plans to visit. I think we will go for 2 weeks this time.
    Have a great weekend. :)

    Joanne, I'm hoping to go visit my son in the UK next spring. I was there a few years ago and had so much fun visiting all of the historical sites and buildings! This time I want to go in April or May instead of November which should make it nice for walking!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning
    Hi Linda....NS is definitely processed food...that's one reason I stopped buying it. But it did serve it's purpose and helped me get down from being really heavy. Regardless of what the charts say, I'm just a little chubby now, and would like to keep trying to deal with the weight on my own terms. I've had a little success lately, but may be stalling out again. Just have to be a little more careful.
    Cool that you're going to visit your son in the UK.
    Hi Irene...hope work eases up for you soon. Seems to be a lot of OT there! Hope you're feeling well. Glad you stopped by to say hi.
    Happy Saturday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi All
    One more day until Fathers Day and the first day of Summer.

    I walked today, a rerun of Yesterdays route. It was nice while the breeze was blowing but when it stopped I started sweating and that was going out the front door at 6:45AM :)

    Around 11AM when working in the back Yard I started feeling a fine mist, It seems that the rain is starting to arrive early. The worst is supposed to be tonight and Sunday Morning :(

    Have a Great Weekend
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Jo, I hate when that happens! At least you had your lunch. :wink: Glad you got to skype with your son. How exciting for him. That would be nice for you to go for 2 weeks.
    We just booked a trip to Seattle in August for a week. Have never been there, should be interesting. I would like to go to England or Scotland some day....they look beautiful in the shows on TV!
    Roger, it's very humid here too. It's raining again, just started a little while ago.

    Hi Vix
    Summer weather and Humidity, Yuck!
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Linda, that sounds nice. Our old house had 3/4 acre, we had a lot of trees and bushes, and there was plenty of wildlife. Our new house is on 1/4 acre, hardly any yard at all, so far just bunnies, birds, and bugs. Oh well.
    I stayed on NS food for a 18 months the first time. Probably about 6 months the second time. I didn't mind the food, though it did get boring. But it was highly recommended to me, for health reasons, to get away from eating processed foods and try to go more natural (which can also get boring!) I probably need to start using recipes to make more variety. :smiley:
    Off to body flow class this morning.
    Have a happy day, everyone.

    Vix, the NS food is processed food for me since I don't usually eat much processed food. Lol! But it should get me rethinking my portion sizes and self control!

    Roger, I don't belong to Costco so haven't ever bought their cards. Called NS to price the upgrade and it was $299 for the first month and then $379 thereafter so I opted out.

    You do not need to belong to Costco to Buy the Cards on

    They do charge a small surcharge to non members, The last I heard it was $4 a card but even at the regular price where You save $20.01 per face value You would still save $16 a hundred. Nothing to sneeze at as I see it.
    $100 Nutrisystem Success Gift Card Item #618594
    Valid on any Nutrisystem Program or Item (Only when Bought From NutriSystem Directly)
    Your Price $79.99
    Shipping & Handling included *
    The estimated delivery time will be approximately 5 - 7 business days from the time of order.$100-Nutrisystem-Success-Gift-Card.product.11702397.html

    And when they have their sale the savings are even better. The last few from Last year on have been at $59.99 per $100 face value.

    Good Luck
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon;
    I went to work today and left my pocketbook at home. I had no money, no drivers license and no chapstick. :'(
    I did remember to bring my lunch. :)
    I skyped with my son last night. He has a job interview with Edinburg University on the 26th of June and he got a call back from another company in Manchester that he applied to that is closer to where he lives now. He is leaning more towards the Manchester job. He can commute if necessary. If he takes the University job, they will have to move to Scotland. I am just waiting for him to get settled and then I will make plans to visit. I think we will go for 2 weeks this time.
    Have a great weekend. :)

    Joanne, I'm hoping to go visit my son in the UK next spring. I was there a few years ago and had so much fun visiting all of the historical sites and buildings! This time I want to go in April or May instead of November which should make it nice for walking!

    Linda-Where does your son live? My son lives about an hour and a half train ride from London.It rains a lot in the spring. Both times we have gone in Sept and the weather was perfect. There is so much to see over there. We plan to spend some time in London and then venture further out, maybe take a day trip to Brusssels or Paris. I have been working every Sunday and all holidays saving up. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    We were thinking about going to a wine festival today, but decided to go to a small art gallery in Frederick and walk around the little downtown area instead. It was pleasant, and it didn't involve crowds and wine! So, win-win, :smiley:
    Jo, that trip sounds like it's going to be fabulous!
    Linda, how exciting that you're also planning a trip to visit your son. :)
    Roger, it was overcast when we started walking around, but got sunny and hot. Then we had a short t-storm when we got home, there are supposed to be more tonight and tomorrow....we've got to sneak those walks in between! :)
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Hi All
    One more day until Fathers Day and the first day of Summer.

    I walked today, a rerun of Yesterdays route. It was nice while the breeze was blowing but when it stopped I started sweating and that was going out the front door at 6:45AM :)

    Around 11AM when working in the back Yard I started feeling a fine mist, It seems that the rain is starting to arrive early. The worst is supposed to be tonight and Sunday Morning :(

    Have a Great Weekend
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Jo, I hate when that happens! At least you had your lunch. :wink: Glad you got to skype with your son. How exciting for him. That would be nice for you to go for 2 weeks.
    We just booked a trip to Seattle in August for a week. Have never been there, should be interesting. I would like to go to England or Scotland some day....they look beautiful in the shows on TV!
    Roger, it's very humid here too. It's raining again, just started a little while ago.

    Hi Vix
    Summer weather and Humidity, Yuck!
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Linda, that sounds nice. Our old house had 3/4 acre, we had a lot of trees and bushes, and there was plenty of wildlife. Our new house is on 1/4 acre, hardly any yard at all, so far just bunnies, birds, and bugs. Oh well.
    I stayed on NS food for a 18 months the first time. Probably about 6 months the second time. I didn't mind the food, though it did get boring. But it was highly recommended to me, for health reasons, to get away from eating processed foods and try to go more natural (which can also get boring!) I probably need to start using recipes to make more variety. :smiley:
    Off to body flow class this morning.
    Have a happy day, everyone.

    Vix, the NS food is processed food for me since I don't usually eat much processed food. Lol! But it should get me rethinking my portion sizes and self control!

    Roger, I don't belong to Costco so haven't ever bought their cards. Called NS to price the upgrade and it was $299 for the first month and then $379 thereafter so I opted out.

    You do not need to belong to Costco to Buy the Cards on

    They do charge a small surcharge to non members, The last I heard it was $4 a card but even at the regular price where You save $20.01 per face value You would still save $16 a hundred. Nothing to sneeze at as I see it.
    $100 Nutrisystem Success Gift Card Item #618594
    Valid on any Nutrisystem Program or Item (Only when Bought From NutriSystem Directly)
    Your Price $79.99
    Shipping & Handling included *
    The estimated delivery time will be approximately 5 - 7 business days from the time of order.$100-Nutrisystem-Success-Gift-Card.product.11702397.html

    And when they have their sale the savings are even better. The last few from Last year on have been at $59.99 per $100 face value.

    Good Luck

    Oh, thanks, Roger! I'll look into that!
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon;
    I went to work today and left my pocketbook at home. I had no money, no drivers license and no chapstick. :'(
    I did remember to bring my lunch. :)
    I skyped with my son last night. He has a job interview with Edinburg University on the 26th of June and he got a call back from another company in Manchester that he applied to that is closer to where he lives now. He is leaning more towards the Manchester job. He can commute if necessary. If he takes the University job, they will have to move to Scotland. I am just waiting for him to get settled and then I will make plans to visit. I think we will go for 2 weeks this time.
    Have a great weekend. :)

    Joanne, I'm hoping to go visit my son in the UK next spring. I was there a few years ago and had so much fun visiting all of the historical sites and buildings! This time I want to go in April or May instead of November which should make it nice for walking!

    Linda-Where does your son live? My son lives about an hour and a half train ride from London.It rains a lot in the spring. Both times we have gone in Sept and the weather was perfect. There is so much to see over there. We plan to spend some time in London and then venture further out, maybe take a day trip to Brusssels or Paris. I have been working every Sunday and all holidays saving up. :)

    Not sure which direction from London, but my son is about the same distance - an hour or hour and a half northeast - Colchester. Two of my other sons have gone, too, and they were able to visit Amsterdam, Paris, and Belgium. They had a great time!
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Vix, sounds like a really nice way to spend the day!

    I worked out in the yard for maybe 45 minutes and began melting. It was humid today so I moved indoors and did some housework. Need to lose a lot more weight before I can move around like I used to and zip through stuff!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning.
    Enjoying the pleasant morning air. Furniture on the deck is too wet, but we have the door open to the morning room and getting a nice breeze. I know it's supposed to get hot later.
    Happy Father's Day. Hope you all have something nice planned, or just get to relax and enjoy good memories and the day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Happy Fathers Day!
    Welcome to Summer in a few minutes :)

    I went walking this morning, I had planned for a off day from walking. However the much forecast heavy rains and Thunderstorms never really arrived overnight. Everything was wet but that was it. Out the door at 7:05, 72 degrees and humid. I know it was humid, everything was wet when I left and a 1 1/2 later everything was still wet. I ended up pretty wet from sweating too :)
    Another Rerun of Yesterday @ 2.75 miles. A little slower so I know I need an off day to recuperate :) Well to be honest it could be I need the day off to recover or it could have been the humidity slowing me down :) I ended up sitting for couple of minutes to cool off on the walk too, but then I usually do that anyway.

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Happy Father's Day!
    I worked this morning and then went out to lunch with hubby and my daughter. It was pouring all day. It would have been nice to walk around the shops after we had lunch. Now at 4:30 the sun is out.
    We had an old tv in the basement,that I cleaned up and had my hubby move it to the exercise room. I am going to try watching tv while on the elliptical. I figure if I get caught up in something on tv I will exercise longer and not keep looking at the time.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Jo, it is much easier to exercise if you're watching something! :) Our kids took us out to was very nice.
    Roger, the heat can really take it out of you. We went for a short walk this morning (it's only about 1 mile around the neighborhood), but I was a little knocked out after just that.
    It's been on and off sun and clouds here. Showers expected overnight into the morning.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Happy Monday!
    Vix-love the cartoon. :)
    You have all inspired me to get out and walk. I walked 1.5 miles around the neighborhood this morning and then walked inside for 1.5 for a total of 3 miles. :) I am off to a good start today!
    The sun is shinning and not a cloud in the sky, a good day to be off from work. :) Exercise sure does lift the spirit.
    Hi Roger, Irene, Linda and everyone who stops by today.
    Have a fantastic day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good for you Jo! :) Enjoy your day off. Sunny and bright here too.
    Heading out in a few minutes to Dr. for pre-op exam. Had to skip yoga this morning to get there on time. So I'll have to find some kind of exercise for this afternoon.
    Have a great day. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Jo, it is much easier to exercise if you're watching something! :) Our kids took us out to was very nice.
    Roger, the heat can really take it out of you. We went for a short walk this morning (it's only about 1 mile around the neighborhood), but I was a little knocked out after just that.
    It's been on and off sun and clouds here. Showers expected overnight into the morning.

    Hi Vix
    I was not going to walk, but changed my mind as the weather report said low Humidity. Outbound to McDonalds for Black Coffee and back walking further before swinging back on a different street, 2.75 miles.
    Tomorrow is supposed to be Humid, Not going to walk in that unless I decide to walk to the Doctors office and back. Routine Physical.

    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Happy Monday!
    Vix-love the cartoon. :)
    You have all inspired me to get out and walk. I walked 1.5 miles around the neighborhood this morning and then walked inside for 1.5 for a total of 3 miles. :) I am off to a good start today!
    The sun is shinning and not a cloud in the sky, a good day to be off from work. :) Exercise sure does lift the spirit.
    Hi Roger, Irene, Linda and everyone who stops by today.
    Have a fantastic day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Exercise may lift the spirit, but it can lead to terminal Sweat :)
    After my walk I sure do need to shower off for my physical.
    If three miles is a good start for You, then my paltry 2.75 total is lame. :)

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good for you Jo! :) Enjoy your day off. Sunny and bright here too.
    Heading out in a few minutes to Dr. for pre-op exam. Had to skip yoga this morning to get there on time. So I'll have to find some kind of exercise for this afternoon.
    Have a great day. :)

    Good Luck at the Doctors
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Roger and Vix-good luck with your dr. appts.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all....I'm good to go. EKG, blood pressure, heart beat, all good. He took blood tests again, but I'm sure they're good enough to get my ankle done.
    Hope all went well for you Roger. Dr. is probably impressed by your magnificent weight loss! :smiley: I'll bet some of your other health indicators are probably improving too.
    I didn't really do any exercise today. It's hot and humid out and I was feeling draggy. I'll try to get myself up and at'em tomorrow. I did go to Walmart and picked up some pages to organize some pictures and a piece of poster board to try to make a mat for my latest painting. I don't know if it'll work or not. They didn't have matting paper and I didn't feel like driving 15 or more miles to a craft store. My daughter stopped by and we looked at the old pictures my niece sent. It was fun.
    Have a good night everyone.