Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Will you be able to put weight on your foot after the hardware removal?
    Roger-You are doing so well with your exercise and weight loss. Today is a beautiful day,not a lot of humidity.
    Rain is expected for the weekend. :( My daughter and I had planned to go strawberry picking on Sunday. We will see how the weather is.
    A little bragging here. I am so proud of my son, he graduated from Staffordshire University with First Class, that is the highest level over in England. He had a job interview in Manchester on Wednesday and one today in Edinburgh. He said he should hear back from both of them next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
    Have a good afternoon. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Congratulations to you and your son, Jo. That is wonderful! Yay! :)
    The orthopedic surgeon said I should be able to walk on it, but just to take it easy for a couple of weeks. I guess to let the incisions heal.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Will you be able to put weight on your foot after the hardware removal?
    Roger-You are doing so well with your exercise and weight loss. Today is a beautiful day,not a lot of humidity.
    Rain is expected for the weekend. :( My daughter and I had planned to go strawberry picking on Sunday. We will see how the weather is.
    A little bragging here. I am so proud of my son, he graduated from Staffordshire University with First Class, that is the highest level over in England. He had a job interview in Manchester on Wednesday and one today in Edinburgh. He said he should hear back from both of them next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
    Have a good afternoon. :)

    Hi Joanne
    Your son is doing so well, You must be bursting with pride!
    Good Luck with the Strawberry picking.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Congratulations to you and your son, Jo. That is wonderful! Yay! :)
    The orthopedic surgeon said I should be able to walk on it, but just to take it easy for a couple of weeks. I guess to let the incisions heal.

    Hi Vix
    Stitches have to heal ?

    Yup, it has been crazy weather this year, especially out west, I feel bad for them.

    Have a Good Evening
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    HAHA Roger- I think you read to fast, Vix said incision. :):p
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    Vix-Will you be able to put weight on your foot after the hardware removal?
    Roger-You are doing so well with your exercise and weight loss. Today is a beautiful day,not a lot of humidity.
    Rain is expected for the weekend. :( My daughter and I had planned to go strawberry picking on Sunday. We will see how the weather is.
    A little bragging here. I am so proud of my son, he graduated from Staffordshire University with First Class, that is the highest level over in England. He had a job interview in Manchester on Wednesday and one today in Edinburgh. He said he should hear back from both of them next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed.
    Have a good afternoon. :)

    Jo, I'm so glad you shared your proud mom news! That is quite an accomplishment for your son and here's hoping he gets a great position, whichever he's prefer!
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Vix, it will be nice to get that surgery behind you and start healing!
    Jo, hope your awning is up and ready to enjoy this weekend...I suppose it would be nice even in the rain?
    Have a great weekend, all!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning!
    I feel like a broken record with this's raining, it's raining, it's raining. I don't ever remember such a rainy June. Like Roger said, at least we don't have to water the garden. :)
    Jo, I hope the rest of your awning was delivered. I hope you get to go strawberry's totally soggy here, and my strawberries in a pot are behind schedule because of being flooded a couple of times. I repotted them into an old plastic/ugly pot with a hole in the bottom and have put them under the coffee table for the rain last night and today. I don't want them to drown again!
    Thanks Linda. I should be getting a call Monday or Tuesday with the exact time I have to be there. You're right, at this point I just want it over with.
    I think I'll do a little cleaning today. Could use some sunshine!
    Enjoy your Saturday! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I hope everybody is ready to enjoy the Weekend.

    I had my Banana then I went out walking today, slightly different route once I picked up my Morning Coffee at the Quick Chek, Total 2.8 miles today. It was fairly cool and comfortable. Then I came home had the rest of my breakfast, Banana Bread Oatmeal (plug here :) Review in the Food Reviews section) and the Strawberry Protein Shake.

    When I finished that I decided that rather than have my brother move his car I would walk to the Post Office and back, I clocked another 1.18 miles doing that. I am now officially walked out. No walking tomorrow, It is supposed to be rainy in the morning.

    Have a Good Weekend
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    HAHA Roger- I think you read to fast, Vix said incision. :):p

    Hi Joanne
    I may be off base but don't they stitch or staple incisions?

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    I feel like a broken record with this's raining, it's raining, it's raining. I don't ever remember such a rainy June. Like Roger said, at least we don't have to water the garden. :)
    Jo, I hope the rest of your awning was delivered. I hope you get to go strawberry's totally soggy here, and my strawberries in a pot are behind schedule because of being flooded a couple of times. I repotted them into an old plastic/ugly pot with a hole in the bottom and have put them under the coffee table for the rain last night and today. I don't want them to drown again!
    Thanks Linda. I should be getting a call Monday or Tuesday with the exact time I have to be there. You're right, at this point I just want it over with.
    I think I'll do a little cleaning today. Could use some sunshine!
    Enjoy your Saturday! :)

    Hi Vix
    I actually went out last night and watered the potted plants, they were dry. They are darned thirsty things, need a drink every day or wilt city :)

    I think You getting more rain than I am. It is supposed to rain later today into Sunday. So far a few scattered drops of water on the window and a few hit me when I went to the Post Office, I did have my Frogg Toggs jacket and a small folding umbrella, just in case, Not needed either :)

  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon
    The awning is up and waiting for the sun to come back. It is gloomy today and we are expecting rain this evening and into tomorrow. I think we may have to postpone strawberry picking.
    I had 2 ripe cherry tomatoes on my plant and enjoyed them in my salad last night.
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all.
    Roger, I've never seen so much rain here, we had flood warnings today. We went out about 4:00 when the rain finally let up for a bit. Some of the roads had a few inches of water on them, there were streams and ponds where there are usually fields. The actual streams were all way over their banks. We bought some shrubs. Pete had planted some flowers and small plants in beds on our little incline on the edge of our back yard, and they were all being washed out, so we thought shrubs would be better. I think we're supposed to get a break from the rain tomorrow so he can plant them. It totally clouded over again, and it looks like we're in for more t-storms tonight. Only a few days this week it isn't supposed to rain.
    Jo, glad you got your awning up! Yay! We have some grape tomatoes....they're good, I had one or two. There are several more out on our plant.
    I dusted the house today, and did some straightening up. I have a lot more to do as I've been neglecting it lately. So that's my plan for tomorrow....more cleaning. If we get some nicer weather, will also go out. :)
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning....everything's wet from the rain overnight, but there is sunshine...Yay!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I woke up, looked out the window and the streets were drying off so I decided walk. I did take a small folding umbrella and the Frogg Toggs jacket, just in case. I ended up putting the jacket on and off twice. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes total, Not to bad. I did get my 2.75 mile walk in however despite the drizzle and then the light rain, most of the walk was OK.
    I came home, Ate my frozen NS Cinnamon Bun, Cleaned up, Then relaxed for a few minutes before going to CostCo. I was about out of Frozen Vegetables so I bought two 5 pound bags, Gala Apples, Clementines, Real Vanilla Extract for my Brother to use in his Oatmeal and a 18 pack box of Light & Fit Yogurt @10.99. Today was the last day of that $3 off instant coupon sale, Yea :) Now I'm glad I did not postpone goi9ng until Monday or Tuesday as It would have cost me $3 more.

    Have Great Sunday
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon
    The awning is up and waiting for the sun to come back. It is gloomy today and we are expecting rain this evening and into tomorrow. I think we may have to postpone strawberry picking.
    I had 2 ripe cherry tomatoes on my plant and enjoyed them in my salad last night.
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend. :)

    Hi Joanne
    My Brother is hoping that some of the tomatoes re ripe by the 4th of July, He has one more week for that to happen :)
    So far lots of green tomatoes with not a hint of color. Plenty of Blossoms on the Yellow Squash and the Zucchini however according to him they are mainly male blossoms. Oh well!

    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Roger, I've never seen so much rain here, we had flood warnings today. We went out about 4:00 when the rain finally let up for a bit. Some of the roads had a few inches of water on them, there were streams and ponds where there are usually fields. The actual streams were all way over their banks. We bought some shrubs. Pete had planted some flowers and small plants in beds on our little incline on the edge of our back yard, and they were all being washed out, so we thought shrubs would be better. I think we're supposed to get a break from the rain tomorrow so he can plant them. It totally clouded over again, and it looks like we're in for more t-storms tonight. Only a few days this week it isn't supposed to rain.
    Jo, glad you got your awning up! Yay! We have some grape tomatoes....they're good, I had one or two. There are several more out on our plant.
    I dusted the house today, and did some straightening up. I have a lot more to do as I've been neglecting it lately. So that's my plan for tomorrow....more cleaning. If we get some nicer weather, will also go out. :)
    Have a good night, everyone. :)
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning....everything's wet from the rain overnight, but there is sunshine...Yay!

    Hi Vix
    You do seem to be having more rain than I am getting, I looked at the brook when I was walking and while it was high it was not over it's banks. I think the forecast for me is Dry tomorrow and then rain Tuesday afternoon.

    I hope You get that break in the rain so You can plant.

    I saw some sunshine out the window a little while ago too. :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Roger, hubs managed to plant 2 shrubs, dug a hole for the third shrub and it instantly filled up with water. Back to the garden center for rocks, peat humus and some more soil. We also bought some native bee balm which is supposed to stand up to flood, drought, whatever. It looks nice, gets red flowers. He's busy out in the yard, I've been cleaning. Did both bathrooms and may start on the kitchen. It's really pretty cloudy today, and windy, but hopefully will not rain for another day or two to give things a chance to dry up a little bit. Also pretty windy out, big gray clouds.
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Happy sunshiny day so far. Off to yoga class this morning and a massage this afternoon.
    Jo, did you get to pick your strawberries? Besides the cherry tomatoes, we have a couple of grape tomatoes growing! Not bad for only 3 little plants. :)
    Have a good day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi All
    I'm back from walking, I did a re-run of Yesterdays walk, Minus the Drizzly rain. It was a nice cool comfortable 62 degrees when I headed out. I had my Banana before the walk, stopped for a Ex-Large Black Coffee and made my NS Pancake Mix w/Wild Strawberry flavoring and a couple packets of Sweetener added when I returned. I have had my Protein Shake and used it to wash down my Vitamins. I opened three windows for the fresh air too.

    Have a Great Week
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, hubs managed to plant 2 shrubs, dug a hole for the third shrub and it instantly filled up with water. Back to the garden center for rocks, peat humus and some more soil. We also bought some native bee balm which is supposed to stand up to flood, drought, whatever. It looks nice, gets red flowers. He's busy out in the yard, I've been cleaning. Did both bathrooms and may start on the kitchen. It's really pretty cloudy today, and windy, but hopefully will not rain for another day or two to give things a chance to dry up a little bit. Also pretty windy out, big gray clouds.

    Hi Vix
    It sounds as if someone has been busy. My brother wants me to go to Lowes with him in a little while and look at edgings for the lawn. Bee Balm sounds like something You would use to soothe a Bee Sting :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi Roger, it does. We bought one bee balm that gets red flowers and one that gets pink. I'll have to check out a herbal remedies site to see if it has some healing power. :)
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good morning;
    Vix-No we didn't get to pick strawberries. We went to Ikea and browsed around instead.
    Today is house cleaning and laundry day.
    I got a text from my son and he got the job in Manchester. He will commute for a while until they find a place to live up there. They are excited about the move, as there are a lot more things to do in Manchester. Now I can start to plan my trip in Sept.
    Roger-I opened the windows too! :) The sun has been in and out.
    Have a great day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning.
    Jo, congratulations to your son. How exciting to be settling down with a new job in a new location. I'm glad you are planning another trip. I know it will be wonderful for you. Too bad about the strawberry picking, but shopping is fun too. :) I've been doing housecleaning and laundry too...spreading it out over the days so I don't do too much all at once. I pretty much have the floors and kitchen counters left to do. I also want to work on my closet and the spare room over the next couple of weeks. I need to do some reorganizing. :)
    Off to clay class today.
    Have a happy day, everyone.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I took a day off walking and Did Yard Work instead. I mowed and weeded and my Brother ran the weed whacker and is muttering about where is the leaf blower. Well we both looked and it is MIA. So Out came the brooms.

    Have a Good Day


    Regarding the Costco Sale it shows
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  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    That's a great deal with the Costco cards. I took the day off too. May do a little more cleaning/organizing later.