Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good afternoon;
    I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. I had a great time visiting with my sisters and nieces and nephews.
    My sister made cheesecake and I had to have a piece. It is a weakness of mine.
    I made up for it today by going for a 2.5 mile walk and then working out in the yard for 2 hours weeding.
    Vix-I am glad you are able to move around better. Your cane sounds very stylish. :)
    Roger-i am glad your knee was feeling good enough for you to get your walk in. :)
    I bought a new pair of sneakers today for my trip to England, so I will have to get out and walk more, so I can break them in.
    Have a good afternoon. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    HI All
    I was out this morning too for another 2.75 miles and My Coffee. Tomorrow I will be doing a different route that should hopefully get me by the Produce store for Bananas. I used the last one with my lunch and it was mushy so I blended it into a NS Vanilla Protein Shake Mix.

    I actually got some Yellow Beans from the plants that the critters have not eaten. They seem to steer clear of the beans mixed in with the Squash & Basil plants

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Looks like a pretty nice day today, a little hazy, but have to get out for a while. Up 4 pounds in 5 days, staying on diet, but not moving enough. Hopefully it's mostly fluid to heal the ankle.
    Got the foot in a bag thing worked out, kept it completely dry this morning in my shower. Yay! Only another week and a half to go.
    Enjoy your Sunday. :)

    Hi Vix
    It Could be. It Was a little humid when I got out the door so I worked up a small sweat despite beating the heat.
    Good Idea on the foot in a Bag thing I tried garbage Bags and they failed so You are way ahead of me :)

    Have a Good Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good afternoon;
    I hope everyone had a good 4th of July. I had a great time visiting with my sisters and nieces and nephews.
    My sister made cheesecake and I had to have a piece. It is a weakness of mine.
    I made up for it today by going for a 2.5 mile walk and then working out in the yard for 2 hours weeding.
    Vix-I am glad you are able to move around better. Your cane sounds very stylish. :)
    Roger-i am glad your knee was feeling good enough for you to get your walk in. :)
    I bought a new pair of sneakers today for my trip to England, so I will have to get out and walk more, so I can break them in.
    Have a good afternoon. :)

    Hi Joanne
    It sounds as If You had a good day.

    I agree, You need to break them in, nothing worse than putting on New Shoes and feeling the pain until they break in or finding out they are just not comfortable and No way to change :)

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Roger, good that you're getting so much walking in. I used a lot of tape on my leg, just tying the garbage bag on definitely did not work. We've gotten a few cherry and grape tomatoes. My best potted crop this year is the Greek oregano. It's growing like crazy and tastes great. The thai basil is also doing well. The strawberries and pepper are struggling.
    Jo, the 4th of July party sounds like it was a lot of fun. I agree about the cheesecake. :smile: You're all doing so much walking and exercising. I am feeling like a total slug. I can't wait til I can get around better. Way too much sitting. Read 2 books since Wednesday! Hope you like your new sneakers. :smile:
    Have a great night.
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    I've been having a fun few days with kids and grandkids, some from out east! We went to the lake to swim and then came home and grilled, had a bonfire, set off a few small fireworks with the grandchildren, and watched some impressive fireworks set off by a neighbor. A pretty perfect day!
    Vix, glad to hear you are able to drop the pain meds! It won't be long and you'll be out there walking again!
    Jo, sounds like you had a nice time with family! Our daughter in law made an absolutely delectable rhubarb cheesecake that is now on my top 5 list of indulgences! :) Walking afterwards is a great counter-balance!
    Roger, you must have discovered a good companion planting strategy for some of those beans near the squash and basil! You're hanging in there with the walking! Great job!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Linda, sounds like you had a great 4th of July. :) Always fun to spend time with family. (I'm usually the one in the family that makes the cheesecake. They're all good! )
    Another rainy Monday here. Just hanging out this morning. Will try to get to the library later.
    Enjoy your day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I was out walking again today, I took a new route that took me past the Produce store since I was out of Bananas. I looked at the Lettuce, Small and Light weight and said, Nope, Not worth the money. I also picked up two Wheat Rolls for my brother, He weighed them and 3 3/4 ounces for the two of them and @ 5 for a $1 not to pricey :) My Preplanned route was 2.72 miles, however With having to loop in to the shopping center and walk in the produce store I figure easily 2.75 or higher. The planned stop meant I got out the door slightly later than usual and despite that I had to sit for 5 minutes until the 8AM open time. Then Home.

    Then as I was walking up the street I was thinking the lawn looks like it can go a few more days, Then I got closer and realized my brother had mowed it, So after breakfast I weed whacked. I got a few beans off of the plants the critters didn't kill off, My Brother got his first Zucchini and there are tons of Green Tomatoes.

    Have a Good Week
    Roger, good that you're getting so much walking in. I used a lot of tape on my leg, just tying the garbage bag on definitely did not work. We've gotten a few cherry and grape tomatoes. My best potted crop this year is the Greek oregano. It's growing like crazy and tastes great. The thai basil is also doing well. The strawberries and pepper are struggling.
    Jo, the 4th of July party sounds like it was a lot of fun. I agree about the cheesecake. :smile: You're all doing so much walking and exercising. I am feeling like a total slug. I can't wait til I can get around better. Way too much sitting. Read 2 books since Wednesday! Hope you like your new sneakers. :smile:
    Have a great night.

    Hi Vix
    We have tons of Green Tomatoes, I suspect that when they go ripe there will be way to many to eat. I told my Brother he should think about a dehydrator to preserve some for Winter. Another option will be Make Tomato Stew and pack it in the Vacuum Seal bags for later on too. Maybe Home Made Ketchup? Not to Mention Salsa. I will be linking some Tomato Ketchup Recipes in the Recipes section shortly.

    I've been having a fun few days with kids and grandkids, some from out east! We went to the lake to swim and then came home and grilled, had a bonfire, set off a few small fireworks with the grandchildren, and watched some impressive fireworks set off by a neighbor. A pretty perfect day!
    Vix, glad to hear you are able to drop the pain meds! It won't be long and you'll be out there walking again!
    Jo, sounds like you had a nice time with family! Our daughter in law made an absolutely delectable rhubarb cheesecake that is now on my top 5 list of indulgences! :) Walking afterwards is a great counter-balance!
    Roger, you must have discovered a good companion planting strategy for some of those beans near the squash and basil! You're hanging in there with the walking! Great job!

    Hi AdNil
    Yup those are the survivors and the ones nearest the Basil too. I wonder if We have deer eating them. Something is Eating the Marigolds too.

    My Grandmother had Rhubarb plants and made a delicious Rhubarb Pie.

    Thank You for the kind words. I am working on getting healthier, Now if it doesn't kill me :)
    Good morning.
    Linda, sounds like you had a great 4th of July. :) Always fun to spend time with family. (I'm usually the one in the family that makes the cheesecake. They're all good! )
    Another rainy Monday here. Just hanging out this morning. Will try to get to the library later.
    Enjoy your day, everyone. :)

    Hi Again
    My Aunt made a great Cheesecake, then as need arose She reworked it to be better for my Uncle.

    Rain?? None up here. I even watered the front planting bed and should water out back now that I have cooled down.
    Soaker hose for much of it and a spray hose for the rest.

    Good luck with the Library
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Sunny but hazy so far today. :) I get to go to clay class.
    We've been fighting off Japanese beatles in the yard this week. They really got to our red maple before we could get to them. Hopefully it will be alright.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Still out Walking despite the Humidity, I took a Different 2.75 mile route today, Picked up a Quick Chek Coffee on the way out and a Diet beverage there on the way back as I was sweating up a storm. My Walk was a sort of Figure 8 when mapped. I got drizzled on too, not for very long fortunately.

    Have a Good Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Sunny but hazy so far today. :) I get to go to clay class.
    We've been fighting off Japanese beatles in the yard this week. They really got to our red maple before we could get to them. Hopefully it will be alright.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    It is not particularly Sunny here, Humid? Yup!

    Sorry to hear about the Red Maple. Not a real good or useful Japanese import are they.

    Good Luck
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Afternoon;
    Monday is usually my day off, but I had to work,so I was all off kilter yesterday. I never even checked in with you all.
    Vix-I hope you ankle is continuing to improve. Sorry to hear about the beetles attacking your Red Maple. :(
    I have not seen any yet this year.
    Roger-Great job on the walking. :)
    Linda-It is always good to spend time with your children and grandchildren. :) I wish mine lived closer. :(
    Have a good afternoon.

  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Ok, so my daughter and two of her children came out from the east coast to go to a family wedding and help me paint and slightly distress my kitchen cabinets. Guess whose back started spasms and was hardly any help??? :( Ugh! Well, with the help of a couple of her brothers, she was able to get almost all of them done and when my back gets better, I'll give a couple of them some finishing touches. They are gorgeous, btw! :)

    So now I know I really do need to add walking into my daily routine to strengthen my core and everything else! I'm almost sure that's why my back is giving me trouble, so I'm going to tell you all that I'm going to start walking at least 20 minutes, 5 days a week starting tomorrow (or in a couple of days if my back isn't enough better) so you'll know if I'm following through. Maybe the disappointment of having to admit failure to follow through will keep me on task!

    What a gorgeous, perfect day weather wise! Put daughter and grandchildren on the plane this evening, but they'll be back in August with the rest of the family!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Hi all.
    Roger, keep it up, you're doing great.
    Jo, sorry you had to work on what should have been a day off. I think my ankle is improving pretty much as it should. :) The beetles just showed up this week here, and we're a little warmer than you. They like the heat of midday. One of the few critters I use killer spray on. The fake wasp nest worked well, by the way. They didn't build here this year.
    Linda, if your back is bothering you may want to start out with even less than 20 minutes, but just bump it up every day a little. You can start with as little as 5 if that's all you can tolerate. But, good for you for deciding to do something.
    Irene, hope you're doing well....and not working too hard!
    Have a good night everyone.
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Morning
    Linda-Sorry your back is acting up. I agree with Vix, start slow and gradually increase.
    Vix-If I remember correctly, I used to put a container of water under the tree, the beetles would fall in and couldn't get out. I will have to keep my eye out for them in the next few weeks. That is great that the fake nest worked.
    I found wasps making nests in the tracks of my screens. I pulled out two of the screens and found dry grass and what looked like baby grasshoppers and a single wasp in each track. I cleaned them out and will keep my eye on them.
    I have today off and have nothing planned. I already dust moped, vacuumed and folded and put away the laundry.
    A few more chores and the house will be ship shape.
    We are getting the humid weather now.
    Hi Irene and Roger.
    Wishing everyone a great day. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    Enjoy the day off, Jo. I have a lot to do around the house, but it will wait I walked around a bit yesterday and want to keep my foot up for a while again today.
    We are going to finish off part of our basement, so had some guys in looking at it this morning. That will be interesting.
    It's overcast again this morning...haven't looked at the forecast yet, but I've really got nothing planned for today, so will just see how it unfolds.
    Enjoy the day, everyone. :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It is another day, another walk, I stopped and bought some produce, Bananas, Lettuce and 3 20cent rolls for my Brother, then due to the weight I cut my walk a little short. I'm not sure how much, Not a lot however. OTOH it was 77 degrees at 6:45 when I started and higher when I got back home at 8:30. Humidity is pretty high too. I got drizzled on coming home from the produce store. When You see condensation despite the Overnight low being 76 or 77 degrees You know the humidity is high. I will be off for a Follow Up Visit to the doctors shortly and will hear what the Blood Work showed. Not worried but since it was done I might as well know :)

    Have a Really Great Day
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Afternoon;
    Monday is usually my day off, but I had to work,so I was all off kilter yesterday. I never even checked in with you all.
    Vix-I hope you ankle is continuing to improve. Sorry to hear about the beetles attacking your Red Maple. :(
    I have not seen any yet this year.
    Roger-Great job on the walking. :)
    Linda-It is always good to spend time with your children and grandchildren. :) I wish mine lived closer. :(
    Have a good afternoon.

    Hi Joanne
    Thank You for the encouragement
    AdNil54f wrote: »
    Ok, so my daughter and two of her children came out from the east coast to go to a family wedding and help me paint and slightly distress my kitchen cabinets. Guess whose back started spasms and was hardly any help??? :( Ugh! Well, with the help of a couple of her brothers, she was able to get almost all of them done and when my back gets better, I'll give a couple of them some finishing touches. They are gorgeous, btw! :)

    So now I know I really do need to add walking into my daily routine to strengthen my core and everything else! I'm almost sure that's why my back is giving me trouble, so I'm going to tell you all that I'm going to start walking at least 20 minutes, 5 days a week starting tomorrow (or in a couple of days if my back isn't enough better) so you'll know if I'm following through. Maybe the disappointment of having to admit failure to follow through will keep me on task!

    What a gorgeous, perfect day weather wise! Put daughter and grandchildren on the plane this evening, but they'll be back in August with the rest of the family!

    I Agree with Vix, start out slow and if You can get out before 7AM or after 7PM to try and avoid the worst of the worst of the heat. I also try and stay on the shady streets for the same reason.

    Good Luck
    eku0 wrote: »
    Hi all.
    Roger, keep it up, you're doing great.
    Jo, sorry you had to work on what should have been a day off. I think my ankle is improving pretty much as it should. :) The beetles just showed up this week here, and we're a little warmer than you. They like the heat of midday. One of the few critters I use killer spray on. The fake wasp nest worked well, by the way. They didn't build here this year.
    Linda, if your back is bothering you may want to start out with even less than 20 minutes, but just bump it up every day a little. You can start with as little as 5 if that's all you can tolerate. But, good for you for deciding to do something.
    Irene, hope you're doing well....and not working too hard!
    Have a good night everyone.

    Hi Vix
    You must have different wasps than I get, They do not seem to mind old nests where I am.
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good Morning
    Linda-Sorry your back is acting up. I agree with Vix, start slow and gradually increase.
    Vix-If I remember correctly, I used to put a container of water under the tree, the beetles would fall in and couldn't get out. I will have to keep my eye out for them in the next few weeks. That is great that the fake nest worked.
    I found wasps making nests in the tracks of my screens. I pulled out two of the screens and found dry grass and what looked like baby grasshoppers and a single wasp in each track. I cleaned them out and will keep my eye on them.
    I have today off and have nothing planned. I already dust moped, vacuumed and folded and put away the laundry.
    A few more chores and the house will be ship shape.
    We are getting the humid weather now.
    Hi Irene and Roger.
    Wishing everyone a great day. :)

    Hi Joanne
    I need to look at the Mirror on my car closer. I suspect that there is a wasp nest in it. When I pull back into the driveway a wasp flies up and crawls in every time.

    I will most likely spray it as I do not want them gumming up the mechanism.

    They nest everywhere.

  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Roger, we had a big bald faced hornets nest last year low hanging on one of our little trees. It looks like a paper ball sort of. They're related to yellow jackets and are pretty fierce. They are territorial and supposedly will not build a nest if there's already one around. I put up my fake paper mache, polyurethane coated one, and it kept them away during the nesting season. I think it may also scare away other similar species. So far, we've been lucky. I think it's past the time they start nesting so I took it down. I try to avoid chemicals when I can. One of my friends tried it. I'll have to ask and see if it worked for her. I think she had the other kind of wasps/hornets.
    Big gray clouds again here.
    Have a good night everyone. :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Good morning.
    I see sunshine. :smiley: Supposed to be t-storms in the p.m., but for now....sun. :)
    Have a happy day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    It's Thursday
    I looked at the TV and saw it was cooler and a little less humid so I figured I'll walk in comfort compared to Yesterday, Nope, didn't happen. Shortly after leaving the house and thinking what a nice cool breeze it started drizzling. It drizzled enough to make the roads wet and despite my judicious use of trees to stay dry I got damp too. It stopped right after I left McDonalds with my coffee. Then the breeze went away and the humidity went up. About three blocks from home the breeze returned, a little late :) 2.75 miles done for today despite Mother Nature.

    Have a Really Nice Day
    eku0 wrote: »
    Roger, we had a big bald faced hornets nest last year low hanging on one of our little trees. It looks like a paper ball sort of. They're related to yellow jackets and are pretty fierce. They are territorial and supposedly will not build a nest if there's already one around. I put up my fake paper mache, polyurethane coated one, and it kept them away during the nesting season. I think it may also scare away other similar species. So far, we've been lucky. I think it's past the time they start nesting so I took it down. I try to avoid chemicals when I can. One of my friends tried it. I'll have to ask and see if it worked for her. I think she had the other kind of wasps/hornets.
    Big gray clouds again here.
    Have a good night everyone. :)

    Hi Vix
    I wondered if they were Hornets or Wasps. The ones we get build large sort of flat nests that hang from a sort of stem in the middle.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    I see sunshine. :smiley: Supposed to be t-storms in the p.m., but for now....sun. :)
    Have a happy day.

    Hi Again
    Drizzled enough to get the sidewalks and roads wet except where the trees overhang then they are dry. We are supposed to get Thunderstorms later on in the afternoon or evening.

    Yesterdays rain was all South of us, I saw not drop one :) They showed heavy rain in Atlantic City OTOH. How did You make out? It is a gray day today, no Sunshine yet.

    Have a Good Day
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Good Afternoon
    It is sunny here and a bit cooler than yesterday. I guess we will probably be getting the weather you are having tomorrow.
    I should be getting a new BBB next week. I also added some ala carte frozen dinners.
    Enjoy your evening. :)
  • AdNil54f
    AdNil54f Posts: 139 Member
    Beautiful weather the last couple of days, but heat and humidity is supposed to move in for the weekend.
    I do my walking on a treadmill since then I can't use weather as an excuse. :wink: Yesterday I walked the 20 minutes at 2.2 mph but took two one minute breaks. Today I was able to walk it without any breaks, but I can't believe how long that 20 minutes feels! I know it will get easier.

    Roger, your 2.75 miles is something I'll still need to work toward!

    Jo, Vix, glad you're both doing well. I'm looking forward to more energy!
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,173 Member
    Happy Friday! :)
    Roger, you're really consistent with the walks...that's'll really help keep the pounds off. :)
    Jo, have you tried the frozen dinners before? I never did. I'm doing pretty well eating regular food, don't want to have to go back on packaged, but it is nice once in a while to be able to put a boxed meal in the microwave. :) I'll occasionally get one from the supermarket.
    Linda, good for you! Great start on your walking. :) I used to enjoy the quiet time of walking, just letting my mind wander, looking at the local flora and fauna, but I know some people enjoy music while they walk and it may make it seem faster.
    At least a couple of pounds of the giant weight gain last week must have been from fluids for healing. It's slowly ebbing. Yay.
    Not much planned for today, but it looks nice out, so I may go sit on the deck for a while. It's nice and shady in the a.m. :)
    Have a great day.