Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Yearly check put off til has to be at least 1 year and 1 day from the year before. The massage was nice. :)
    Stained glass and clay today.
    Overcast right now....high of 80 and t-storms today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, yes I am finding out nj has a lot of things you have to do before you can close on your house we have to get permits there is 2 of them one is for fire and the other is certificate of occupancy well we will get it done before closing. our weather here is awesome I actually went for a second walk yesterday and I will probably do the same thing today take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did post more new humor today, already

    I'm back home from walking with two cents found. The Temperature out the door was 74 degrees and was not comfortable while walking despite the light breeze due to the Humidity :(
    Amazon Isn’t Paying Its Electric Bills. You Might Be
    Woman dupes dozens of dudes into weirdest Tinder date ever
    E-cigarettes can damage DNA
    No Surprise to Me FWIW, Who knows what is in those things ?
    Strawberries could help reduce harmful inflammation in the colon
    And they taste good as I see it.
    The DroneHunter knocks killer drones out of the sky
    Watch the DroneHunter find and neutralize a drone loaded with explosives
    At Least 58 People Shot In Chicago This Weekend; 6 Dead, 52 Wounded
    August 20, 2018 at 6:00 pm
    Doctor’s orders: Let children just play
    Another metro Atlanta county offers safe zones for online purchases
    Georgia’s top lawyer confirms fears about change to school bus law
    Not to smart reducing fines for passing a stopped schoo bus IMO

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Yearly check put off til has to be at least 1 year and 1 day from the year before. The massage was nice. :)
    Stained glass and clay today.
    Overcast right now....high of 80 and t-storms today.
    Happy Tuesday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    I recall that medicare pays for one wellness check a year so a 1 year separation makes sense for Your insurance.

    I heard rain go through twice last night when I was awake in the middle of the night, Possibly more. It had not rained before I retired for the night.

    Today is supposed to be drier, just more humid.

    I hope all went well yesterday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, yes I am finding out NJ has a lot of things you have to do before you can close on your house we have to get permits there is 2 of them one is for fire and the other is certificate of occupancy well we will get it done before closing. our weather here is awesome I actually went for a second walk yesterday and I will probably do the same thing today take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    Welcome to NJ, the land of many regulations, some of which even make sense.

    I agree, Yesterday was great weather for walking, I went further than I have been going for much of the summer it was so comfortable.

    The CO does not surprise me, The Fire one sort of does. Do You have to do a Radon test too ? I know my brothers both went through that when they sold their house. I was surprised when I saw on a TV show that well water needs to be tested and often mitigated for Radon. Your house in Trenton should at least be free of that as I am sure it is on City Water.

    Good Luck
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    We had some big t-storms last night....lots of rain and lightning. High of 83 today and partly cloudy.
    I'm off to get a shot in my hip this morning. Hope that helps. The epidurals didn't. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    I guess in MD , the realtors guide most of what has to be done, like the inspections. They're more expensive than lawyers! Good luck wih everything, Irene.
    Anyway, happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, hey I found a dime yesterday on my second walk. Found out yesterday it cost 200.00 to get the permits . George was going to get them today but he is coming down with something so he has stayed home from work and is now sleeping, I took Annie for her walk this morning. Today I go to the hospital to give communion I have been helping out 2 days a week well take care everyone. oh Roger we are on city water at both houses
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited August 2018
    And today's humor was posted earlier

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 68 degrees and was comfortable while walking due to the light breeze.

    After 60 Years, I-95 Is Complete
    Meanwhile, the rest of America’s roadways, rails and bridges are disintegrating.
    Meanwhile in NJ
    The Lincoln Tunnel, which brings 200,000 passengers by car and bus from New Jersey to New York City each day, is in a decrepit state, as are the highways that lead to it. NJ Transit’s commuter-rail system is struggling to compensate for crowding, delays, faulty technology and a lack of engineers. Roughly 42 percent of New Jersey’s roads remain deficient, costing each state driver an estimated $1,951 annually in lost time, according to a 2016 report from the American Association of Civil Engineers.
    China Assigns Every Citizen A ‘Social Credit Score’ To Identify Who Is And Isn’t Trustworthy
    Country Determines Your Standing Through Use Of Surveillance Video, Plans To Have 600 Million Cameras By 2020
    Media Silent as South Africa Seizes Land from White Farmers
    Sixty nine major earthquakes hit the Pacific's Ring of Fire in just 48 hours driving fears that the 'Big One' is about to hit California
    This company embeds microchips in its employees, and they love it

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    We had some big t-storms last night....lots of rain and lightning. High of 83 today and partly cloudy.
    I'm off to get a shot in my hip this morning. Hope that helps. The epidurals didn't. Keeping my fingers crossed.
    I guess in MD , the realtors guide most of what has to be done, like the inspections. They're more expensive than lawyers! Good luck wih everything, Irene.
    Anyway, happy Wednesday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    No ill effects from the weather in Your area I hope.

    When buying a home a good inspection is worth every penny.

    Hopefully the Shot works, Constant pain is debilitating.

    The weather this morning while walking was great, I could see that there had been some rain, whether it was only from yesterday evenings rain or more overnight I'm not sure. It looks dry outside, OTOH I do see a few drops on the windows have now appeared. I may run to the Grocery Store later, that sort of depends on the weather as nothing is critical so if it does rain I will avoid driving in it.

    Have a Good Day, Good Luck with the shots results
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne
    good morning, hey I found a dime yesterday on my second walk. Found out yesterday it cost 200.00 to get the permits . George was going to get them today but he is coming down with something so he has stayed home from work and is now sleeping, I took Annie for her walk this morning. Today I go to the hospital to give communion I have been helping out 2 days a week well take care everyone. oh Roger we are on city water at both houses
    Hi Irene
    Congratulations on Your find.
    $200, It could be worse :wink:

    I'm sorry to hear about George

    You are so nice doing that.

    City water is best IMO in most areas of the State.

    Have a Nice Day
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Scary news articles Roger...haha the headlines are enough for me this morning.
    Hope George is feeling better, Irene.
    Hi Jo. Hope you enjoyed your day off.
    Off to painting class this morning.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, it looks like it is going to be a nice day . George is still recovering he plans on going to work tomorrow ,just taking today off so he will be stronger. No plans for today need to stay quite since George went back to sleep. I plan on doing some paper work that needs to be done for the closing take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I did indeed post new humor already, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking no cents. The Temperature out the door was 62 degrees and is now down to 60 degrees, it was comfortable while walking due to the the great temperature.

    Today's to do list is sort the socks from the other days laundry. The only reason I need to sort is that despite looking the same when worn some pairs are shorter than the others :blush: I thought I had bought all the same ones, Oops :(
    What else, Shower, maybe vacuum the living room and of course eat :wink:

    I did a quick run to the ShopRite yesterday and Picked up some really nice looking Baked Ham Ends at a good price and unusually for the foods in the ends section these are nice looking slices that will work well in a sandwich. Not to mention some real end cuts of Provolone and White American cheese that I may shred into the baked ham Sandwiches when I make them. I was early enough that they had just started to put out the Hot food bar items so I avoided that. Sadly the Siren call of two slices of Carrot Cake got me, Dang it, no won't buy power. I also picked up two 50% of prepared salads, One Chef and one Garden Salad.

    When I did the Grocery Store Run yesterday outbound I had to swerve over to the curb to avoid some blind person driving that pulled out of a side street from the oncoming side of the road, I swear they never saw me and a Buick Century is not that small :( Then on the return to the house after studiously avoiding Buying French Fries and or Onion Rings at the Burger King another moronic driver, They must have gotten their drivers licenses from either a box of Cracker Jacks or a online Diploma Mill.
    People with criminal records urged to become magistrates
    John Bache says barring "anyone who's ever done anything wrong" is "no way at all to increase diversity".
    See how many bills it took to buy a chicken in Venezuela
    The once-booming nation is now suffering from Soviet-style product shortages and a mass exodus of citizens fleeing for other South American countries.
    Smoking cannabis ages the brain by an average of 2.8 YEARS - compared to four years in schizophrenics, major study finds

    Woo Hoo !
    The pill that stops you getting fat: New drug 'forces the body to burn fat and keep slim even on an unhealthy diet'
    Experts have invented a pill which blocks the body from building fatty tissue
    An experiment on mice revealed the body could burn fat instead of storing it. Scientists hope the same process can work in people and reduce obesity rates. They say less obesity could tackle diabetes, cancer, heart disease and dementia
    Don’t drink water if you’re eating a doughnut! Combining sweet treats with a drink gives you a bigger sugar high

    Blood sugar levels rise more when someone drinks water while eating a snack
    Scientists think the water helps the body to absorb glucose from the food
    Asian Tick Invading America Is a Mystery to Lyme Experts
    We don’t yet know how the long-horned tick came to the United States, how it’s spreading, or what it’s capable of doing. All we know is that it’s here.
    Firefighters say Verizon ‘throttled’ data, crippling communications during California wildfire

    Hospitals shut at 30-a-year pace in U.S., with no end in sight
    The next year to 18 months should see an increase in shutdowns, with the risks coming following years of mergers and acquisitions.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi Joanne

    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Scary news articles Roger...haha the headlines are enough for me this morning.
    Hope George is feeling better, Irene.
    Hi Jo. Hope you enjoyed your day off.
    Off to painting class this morning.
    Happy Thursday, everyone. :)
    Hi Vix
    Some interesting ones today IMO, Good News if they can get that Fat Burning Pill released, The Water and Blood Sugar is interesting to me and that Cannabis ages the brain.
    Sad news regarding Verizon and the California Firefighters OTOH.

    I hope the class was good and that today is good for You
    good morning, it looks like it is going to be a nice day . George is still recovering he plans on going to work tomorrow ,just taking today off so he will be stronger. No plans for today need to stay quite since George went back to sleep. I plan on doing some paper work that needs to be done for the closing take care everyone
    It was a great day yesterday and today is looking even better.
    Some of the small cormlets I planted to grow them to flowering size bloomed in the back yard surprising me, Then the Dang Deer came and ate the flowers off of the stem :(
    They eat more of the things in the garden before they are ripe or grown than we get, I do not want to be growing deer food, only People food.

    I'm guessing You went walking :wink:

    Hopefully the paperwork went well.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The average U.S. wedding costs more than $25,000. How much does it average in your state?

    FWIW NJ is Number two :(
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    The average U.S. wedding costs more than $25,000. How much does it average in your state?

    FWIW NJ is Number two :(
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Maryland is 8th in wedding costs. My son and his fiance have narrowed it down to 2 places. I think the future in-laws need to check out the 2nd one and then decide. I remember when we were looking at places for my daughter's wedding, there was a wide range of options, barns to fancy hotels, golf clubs, wineries, etc. I think they'll keep it modest (like we did).
    Sunny with a high of 82 today. The morning is nice and cool. Have to go to an imaging center this morning....after that I'm free. I have a big bruise where I got the shots in my hip. The leg seems a little better, but I'm not ready for long walks yet.
    Happy Friday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,163 Member
    good morning, well George did go to work and he is feeling better. We did a nice hour walk this morning it was a little chilly but it was good to walk in the cooler weather. my plans for today is the hospital and the food shopping take care everyone
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just clicked the post button for more humor :smiley:

    I'm back home from walking with no cents found. The Temperature out the door was 63 degrees and is now down to 61 degrees, it was comfortable while walking due to the the great temperature and low humidity.
    Target CEO raves about the state of the economy: This is the best consumer environment 'I've seen in my career'
    Texas Exports More Oil Than It Imports For First Time Ever

    Europe to ban halogen lightbulbs

    After nearly 60 years of lighting homes halogens will be replaced with more energy efficient LEDs
    Kroger to phase out plastic bags at all stores
    Your Next Steak Could Come From a Vending Machine
    Shark bite victim says he now has flesh-eating bacteria
    The 42-year-old construction worker is expecting his medical bills to top at least $100,000, a high price to pay for what was supposed to be a fun day at the beach.
    Chicago's predatory funeral homes target homicide victims, cash in on taxpayer-funded expenses

    As electricity fails, desperate Venezuelans buy spoiled meat

    Have a Great Weekend