Slower Weight loss at 50?



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, Well Annie's visit at the vet went very good he did give us more pills but it is for the swelling she needs to take them until Monday if the swelling keeps going down we won't have to do any more test. You can tell she is feeling better she is running around like a puppy again .On our walk this morning she was pulling can't go fast enough the vet did say she can go on as much walks as she wants. Vix you are always so busy . Hey jo and roger
    Hi Irene
    I agree, Vix keeps busy, Doing all that She does would wear me out.

    Good News about Annie's Leg, How Nice that it was nothing serious
    Did the vet say what caused the swelling ?

    Have a Great Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, Roger I believe she hurt her leg/paw when she slid in the kitchen . I am just glad she is doing better we will know more when we finish up the pills on Sunday, so if she is good on Monday we know she will be good . We had a nice walk it was on the chilly side but not to bad got a nice walk in take care every one
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    My daughter's baby shower is tomorrow, and I just got a request from my son's soon to be parents-in-law for a wedding lots to do.
    My daughter's baby shower is tomorrow! Getting my hair cut and colored today. Will go shopping this afternoon for the rest of baby shower goodies, and try to get everything organized.
    Roger...yes...the hot air balloon sun catchers are stained glass.
    Happy Friday! :)
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I posted more humor a few seconds ago

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 44. The rain in the forecast for Friday afternoon arrived, It did move out earlier than forecast. We hit 100% precip Friday too, I do not now if it rained into Saturday as the rain appeared to have ended early before 10PM Friday despite the earlier forecast that showed it going into Saturday morning. Better for me, it was only wet and even the trees did not drip on me while walking. I did take care not to step into puddles and tried to avoid walking through wet leaves on the sidewalks. Two reasons for that, I hate wet feet and I would not want to step on an uneven surface or a hidden branch under the leaves.

    The Halloween decorations are gone and I have started seeing Christmas lights this week.
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    Say What !
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    Thousand Oaks was third-safest city in US before mass shooting

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, Roger I believe she hurt her leg/paw when she slid in the kitchen . I am just glad she is doing better we will know more when we finish up the pills on Sunday, so if she is good on Monday we know she will be good . We had a nice walk it was on the chilly side but not to bad got a nice walk in take care every one
    Hi Irene
    I thought it might be from when She hurt it on the walk earlier reoccurring.

    I have been wearing the heated mittens set on low so far while walking, After walking for a while and warming up from the exertion I have been turning them off. I'll take chilly over rainy or snowing while I walk :wink:

    Good Luck Monday with Annie
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    My daughter's baby shower is tomorrow, and I just got a request from my son's soon to be parents-in-law for a wedding lots to do.
    My daughter's baby shower is tomorrow! Getting my hair cut and colored today. Will go shopping this afternoon for the rest of baby shower goodies, and try to get everything organized.
    Roger...yes...the hot air balloon sun catchers are stained glass.
    Happy Friday! :)
    Hi Vix
    Enjoy the Baby Shower. Wedding List, Guest list, gift list or both plus more ? Mom handled that for all of us kids hence my curiousity.

    You are getting a lot of use out of the stained glass class.

    Hi Joanne
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning!
    Hi Roger...thanks. You and Irene always seem to walk so early in the a.m.
    Gotta go pick up platters for the party later this morning. We decorated last night, so that's done. Shower should be fun today.
    Cold, windy, mostly sunny today.
    Happy Saturday, everyone.
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, Roger when we walked at 5am the rain was gone . I did let Annie out last night at 12:30 and I don't think it was raining if it was it was really light. Now we have to be careful when we walk because wet leaves can be slippery. Oh Vix so much great stuff is going on in your life have fun today you will have to give us details tomorrow. Hi Jo you must be busy working today . Take care every one
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More humor has been posted FWIW

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 30 degrees. Yesterdays wind is gone and it was not bad outside while walking.

    Last night was the first night of the season I left the heat running instead of turning it off upon retiring and back on after rising. From the weather forecast I think it will now be running 24 - 7 until spring.

    Yesterday I took a Stainless Steel pan, melted some butter in it and tossed in some Dried Sweet Corn left from last years crop, one it was done popping, a Dish with a paper towel for the grease AKA melted Butter, Salted to taste and a nice crunchy treat if likely not super low calorie. When I say popped I do not mean they pop like Popcorn they pop back up to slightly larger that the original kernel. I do have to keep the lid on so as not to get splattered with stings and is messy.
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    The Latest: Greece arrests 5,633 at airports with fake ID

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    Hi Roger...thanks. You and Irene always seem to walk so early in the a.m.
    Gotta go pick up platters for the party later this morning. We decorated last night, so that's done. Shower should be fun today.
    Cold, windy, mostly sunny today.
    Happy Saturday, everyone.
    Hi Vix
    I wish I was getting out the door later, What has happened is that I seem to be waking up earlier than last year so out the door, Side benefit is less traffic to look out for and thus less noise.

    Hmm... Can I guess, Cheese Platter, Sandwich Platter, Dips ??

    Probably You are in the real cold area too. Some parts of the tri-state area have been forecast to hit the 20s.

    Stay Warm
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, Roger when we walked at 5am the rain was gone . I did let Annie out last night at 12:30 and I don't think it was raining if it was it was really light. Now we have to be careful when we walk because wet leaves can be slippery. Oh Vix so much great stuff is going on in your life have fun today you will have to give us details tomorrow. Hi Jo you must be busy working today . Take care every one
    Hi Irene
    I think the rain ended much earlier than the forecasts had indicated here too. I suspect it was ended before midnight, I did not mind, I hope that Tuesday is OK for walking, I am not a huge fan of walking in the rain, however it is what it is.

    I have been trying to detour around wet leaves where possible, I also need to be careful driving if they are on the road they can be dangerous.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Joanne
  • Joanne3366
    Joanne3366 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Good morning;
    Irene-I am glad to hear Annie is on the mend.
    Roger-Your dried sweet corn sound like the corn nuts they sell in stores.
    Vix-I can't wait to hear about all the cute things your daughter got for the baby shower.
    When you mentioned the room theme, you said him, so I am guessing she is having a boy. :)
    Well, my first week back on NS went very well. As of today I am down 7.4 lbs.
    Some one at work offered me a piece of banana bread,I took it, broke off a small piece and ate it. I then remembered my diet, so I wrapped it up and gave it to another co-worker.
    I have to remember that I am on a diet and no extra snacking.
    Have a great day! :)
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Good morning.
    Wow! That's great Jo! I never lost that much on NS in a week. Congrats!
    Roger, it's cold here too this morning. About 27 when I got up this morning, but the sun is out now and it's not windy like yesterday, so should be a better day for walking.
    Hi Irene.
    The shower was nice. Lots of people. I got a sandwich tray, wrap tray, veggie tray, fruit tray, and foccacia tray. We also made cocktail meatballs, and buffalo chicken dip, cheese and crackers, cookies, and the cake I ordered was really good. More than enough food. Several of the women brought their husbands and some children.
    My daughter got a lot of nice, useful things....lots of things we didn't have when our children were born! Bottle drying mats, all the baby care items, play mat, cute clothes.
    I need to vent! You don't have to read the following!
    I was distracted by one little girl who insisted on ripping into all of the packages. I was mostly trying to keep her a little under control without being mean. Her mother took her away once for a couple of seconds but she started screaming and the mother let her run back to the presents. The child is only 3 or 4 years old, but that mother is going to have her hands full. Totally out of control. My daughter was feeling overwhelmed with all the presents, but she was going out of her way to accommodate the intrusion, and she was being so sweet. I don't know how she did it. I did my best to try to calm the little girl down, but it's awkward when it's someone else's child. She was throwing paper all over and dropping gifts on the floor. I tried to get her to pick some of it up, carry things out to my daughter's husband. My daughter even cut down a balloon for her to try to distract her. That lasted about a minute while she ran around the room. I should have been paying attention to my daughter, not some little spoiled brat.
    Anyway, everyone else was really nice. The other children were all well behaved and very cute and sweet. There were some adorable little babies there, and I'm looking forward to having a grandchild.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, aw vix sorry that kid was such a brat but I blame the parents the Mom should of that that child under control. But the rest of the shower sounded nice. Jo wow that's a lot of weight good for you . Roger when we walked this morning it was 25 a little chilly but no wind so that was nice. take care everyone
  • eku0
    eku0 Posts: 10,369 Member
    Baby shower cake:
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I just posted more humor

    I'm back home from walking and No Money found. The Temperature out the door was 28 degrees.
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    Artists, intellectuals call for ‘European Republic’
    BERLIN (AP) — Artists and intellectuals across Europe are calling for the founding of a continentwide republic to replace its many nation states.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited November 2018
    Joanne3366 wrote: »
    Good morning;
    Irene-I am glad to hear Annie is on the mend.
    Roger-Your dried sweet corn sound like the corn nuts they sell in stores.
    Vix-I can't wait to hear about all the cute things your daughter got for the baby shower.
    When you mentioned the room theme, you said him, so I am guessing she is having a boy. :)
    Well, my first week back on NS went very well. As of today I am down 7.4 lbs.
    Some one at work offered me a piece of banana bread,I took it, broke off a small piece and ate it. I then remembered my diet, so I wrapped it up and gave it to another co-worker.
    I have to remember that I am on a diet and no extra snacking.
    Have a great day! :)
    Hi Joanne
    It is like the Corn Nuts in many ways, however I suspect that most of the Corn Nuts use a Animal feed grade corn, I could also be wrong. The ones I did are similar, however Corn nuts are done differently as shown below.
    Corn nuts are prepared by soaking whole corn kernels in water for three days, then deep-frying them in oil until they are hard and brittle. The kernels are soaked because they shrink during the harvesting and cleaning process, and rehydration returns them to their original size.
    I may try soaking them next time. What I made are called Parched Corn.

    Congratulations on both the weight loss and giving away most of the Banana Bread.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    eku0 wrote: »
    Good morning.
    Wow! That's great Jo! I never lost that much on NS in a week. Congrats!
    Roger, it's cold here too this morning. About 27 when I got up this morning, but the sun is out now and it's not windy like yesterday, so should be a better day for walking.
    Hi Irene.
    The shower was nice. Lots of people. I got a sandwich tray, wrap tray, veggie tray, fruit tray, and foccacia tray. We also made cocktail meatballs, and buffalo chicken dip, cheese and crackers, cookies, and the cake I ordered was really good. More than enough food. Several of the women brought their husbands and some children.
    My daughter got a lot of nice, useful things....lots of things we didn't have when our children were born! Bottle drying mats, all the baby care items, play mat, cute clothes.
    Hi Vix
    If I said I am not that happy with the cold or the upcoming rain.

    It sounds as if You served up a feast, and that Your Daughter got lots of useful items.
    I need to vent! You don't have to read the following!
    I was distracted by one little girl who insisted on ripping into all of the packages. I was mostly trying to keep her a little under control without being mean. Her mother took her away once for a couple of seconds but she started screaming and the mother let her run back to the presents. The child is only 3 or 4 years old, but that mother is going to have her hands full. Totally out of control. My daughter was feeling overwhelmed with all the presents, but she was going out of her way to accommodate the intrusion, and she was being so sweet. I don't know how she did it. I did my best to try to calm the little girl down, but it's awkward when it's someone else's child. She was throwing paper all over and dropping gifts on the floor. I tried to get her to pick some of it up, carry things out to my daughter's husband. My daughter even cut down a balloon for her to try to distract her. That lasted about a minute while she ran around the room. I should have been paying attention to my daughter, not some little spoiled brat.
    Anyway, everyone else was really nice. The other children were all well behaved and very cute and sweet. There were some adorable little babies there, and I'm looking forward to having a grandchild.
    Happy Sunday, everyone. :)
    I may be wrong with my guess that the mother and daughter may become less popular at parties as a result of that type of behavior. I feel sorry for the mother and people that have to deal with the girl in the future all the way up to any future SO.
    eku0 wrote: »
    Baby shower cake:
    I have seen the ShopRite Grocery Store selling baby reveal Cakes and baby smash cakes. The latter I had to look up to see what it is. A baby reveal cake is what Your cake reminds me of.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    good morning, aw vix sorry that kid was such a brat but I blame the parents the Mom should of that that child under control. But the rest of the shower sounded nice. Jo wow that's a lot of weight good for you . Roger when we walked this morning it was 25 a little chilly but no wind so that was nice. take care everyone
    Hi Irene
    I agree with what You say that there is no one else to blame except the parents for out of control children.
    Twenty Five degrees is chilly but is OK with no wind IMO also.

    Have a Nice Day
  • IreneMurman
    IreneMurman Posts: 2,162 Member
    good morning, well we didn't go for our walk yet it is like 22 outside so we are just enjoying our coffee and Annie is just sleeping so as long as she is sleeping we are good. Vix the cake is so cute. We are thinking about putting carpeting in our kitchen this way Annie can go in there we are getting tired of the gate and if you go in the kitchen and forget to close the gate she will follow you in we are afraid that she will slip again and hurt her paw again. Hey Jo did you do turbo and if you did how was it? take care everyone