May Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    Me: 11
    Binge: 2
    Days binge free: 0

    For some reason this week is difficult for me. I think it's because I have a weigh-in on Tuesday for the third round of my six-month Dietbet and I already knew I wasn't going to make it. I think maybe I'm giving up mentally and just physically (nutritionally? :P) as well. Gah! Need to pull myself out of this.

    Pudding - dont focus on what others expect or measure you by. Sometimes we dont meet the goals even if we have made all the right choices. Dont let the negatives make the decisions for you. Stand fast, even if you dont reach that dietbet, you are still a winner and moving in the right direction. This forum has helped me back on track when the binge monster was beating me up. Know that you have support from people who have experienced the same frustrations as yourself.

    Me - 10
    the binge - 3
    binge free days 8

  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me- 12
    the binge - 1
    days binge free - 8
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Me: 11
    The Binge: 3

    I have went over my calories for the day, right now I am sitting at around 3,000. I know I don't burn that much so it's exceeded what my body needs.
    I don't feel like I have lost control or experienced a binge today though (even though I'm over my calorie limit by a lot).
    Causes of overeating:
    I drank too much coffee. I slowed down on my intake for awhile and now my tolerance for caffeine is pretty low. It doesn't take much to leave me jittery and irritable.
    When my caffeine intake exceeds what it should I have urges that feel kind of like a low sugar -- shakey, dizzy, fatigue, etc.
    It makes me low in energy so I resort to food because it seems to give me a bit of energy back to help me get over the crash. I know I don't need the extra calories, and I probably shouldn't have drank 5 cups of coffee and three bags of black tea this morning.
    I think it would benefit me to start limiting my caffeine intake - maybe allowing myself tea and if I have any coffee stick to a 6-8 oz cup and nothing more. I know that excess caffeine can trigger me to binge because once I overeat I feel guilty.

    **Sorry I took up so much space, just had to get my thoughts out and log my stats. **
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Hi All! I just found this group and would love to jump in for May. I've been doing pretty well, but I know we are only as good as the work we put into it.

    May 14th

    Me: 14
    Binge: 0
    Days binge free: 86. (I committed to not binge for Lent and have been going strong every since)

    Welcome to the group :) Nice job on going 86+ days without a binge.
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Me: 14
    The Binge: 0
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    May 14:

    Me: 10
    Binge: 4*
  • starsandowls
    starsandowls Posts: 55 Member
    Me: 13
    Binge: 0
    Days binge free: 16

    Didn't binge, but came close. Victory, I think.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 11
    Binge: 2
    Days binge free: 0

    For some reason this week is difficult for me. I think it's because I have a weigh-in on Tuesday for the third round of my six-month Dietbet and I already knew I wasn't going to make it. I think maybe I'm giving up mentally and just physically (nutritionally? :P) as well. Gah! Need to pull myself out of this.

    Pudding - dont focus on what others expect or measure you by. Sometimes we dont meet the goals even if we have made all the right choices. Dont let the negatives make the decisions for you. Stand fast, even if you dont reach that dietbet, you are still a winner and moving in the right direction. This forum has helped me back on track when the binge monster was beating me up. Know that you have support from people who have experienced the same frustrations as yourself.

    Me - 10
    the binge - 3
    binge free days 8

    Thanks for this. I was so close to bingeing again tonight but read this and stayed away.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    ObtainingBalance, how amazing!

    Me: 12
    Binge: 2
    Days binge free: 1
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    ^^grats Pudding
    me - 11
    the binge - 3
    binge free days - 9
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    binge: 3
    days binge free: 5
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    me- 13
    the binge - 1
    days binge free - 9
  • maicap22
    maicap22 Posts: 433 Member
    Me: 15
    The Binge: 0
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    mmm not sure if I can count today (its 10:30 in the evening) Found a box of choclates left over from Christmas and ate 7 of them before i managed to stop myself :( didnt even taste good !). I drank 3 glasses of water and the sugar monster left my house after about 30 mins. Im going to call that a "win" over the binge. There was half a box left.
    Me : 12
    the binge : 3
    days binge free : 10
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Hi All! I just found this group and would love to jump in for May. I've been doing pretty well, but I know we are only as good as the work we put into it.

    May 14th

    Me: 14
    Binge: 0
    Days binge free: 86. (I committed to not binge for Lent and have been going strong every since)

    Welcome to the group :) Nice job on going 86+ days without a binge.

    Thanks! and congrats for figuring out how caffeine triggers you. Interestingly, I am the opposite. Caffeine is a motivating factor for me. If I don't have caffeine and therefore get tired or cranky, I am much more likely to want to reach our for carby comforting foods.

    We all work differently, it's interesting to see how different things trigger different people.
    Thanks :)
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Me: 10

    The Binge: 5
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