How I'm doing....



    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    In keeping it honest and real I have to admit I am a bit frustrated with how hard I work throughout the week, and how quickly the weekend OWNS all that I have accomplished! My biggest challenge is when I have liquid indulgences over the weekend, (craft beer or summer indulgences~) I find that "reckless abandon" sets in and there is no turning back, as my appetite begins to peak and I indulge with no care of what the consequences will reveal come Monday! I hope others are not losing momentum, and that your all doing fabulous, and if for any reason your stumbling as well~your not alone! As much as I desperately wanted to avoid weigh in and posting today, I am here...... :# staying accountable, honest & real........ We have 5 weeks of our challenge remaining and I really want to break out of the 200# and into the 190#~ I hope your ALL still here with me in completing our challenge together~ :):)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited July 2015
    SIERRANV1 wrote: »
    In keeping it honest and real I have to admit I am a bit frustrated with how hard I work throughout the week, and how quickly the weekend OWNS all that I have accomplished! My biggest challenge is when I have liquid indulgences over the weekend, (craft beer or summer indulgences~) I find that "reckless abandon" sets in and there is no turning back, as my appetite begins to peak and I indulge with no care of what the consequences will reveal come Monday! I hope others are not losing momentum, and that your all doing fabulous, and if for any reason your stumbling as well~your not alone! As much as I desperately wanted to avoid weigh in and posting today, I am here...... :# staying accountable, honest & real........ We have 5 weeks of our challenge remaining and I really want to break out of the 200# and into the 190#~ I hope your ALL still here with me in completing our challenge together~ :):)

    Stacey Here with you all the way during the good and the bad :)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Stacey i am having the same feelings.

    I haven't been into my journey this past few weeks. Just as i was getting better we had gotten bad news that my Son fiancé has decided to cancel the wedding with only 3 months left before their big day. He has been so upset that i too am feeling his pain. I have been emotional eating the last few days and feel sick about it. This morning i woke up feeling like i have been defeated and lost my " I need to do This" feeling. I can't allow his unhappiness and very sad event drag me down with him. I know i need to stop using this bad news as a reason to eat unhealthy food. I will support him but i need to snap out of this funk.

    Going forward i am going to regain my control and finish the next 5 week strong. My lowest has been 175.4 and as of the other day i was 178. My goal is to get out of the 70's before this challenge is over. Stacey count on me, i am still here and will finish strong.
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    thank you for reaching out! I am very sorry to hear about your families recent unexpected news, and I hope that you and your son are just taking one day at a time as I can't imagine how upside down you both must feel with this news. I am as well an emotional eater, so I understand 100% where you found comfort most recently. We have to move forward here together, knowing that each day is bringing us closer to our goals, and with better habits we can and will do & achieve our health & wellness. We have 4 1/2 weeks left now to get moving in the right direction~ :)<3:)
    Best to you and your precious son!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Thank you so much. Weird thing with all of this mess is that i am not an emotional eater so i don't understand why i turned to the food. I am a bored eater. I guess it really doesn't matter i still turned to food. Moving forward is all i can do. Sending hugs your way. Thanks Friend <3
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    @ Vera~ <3
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    So I decided I am going to get any yuck off of me, so that Monday I can start anew~ Y...U...C...K
    be gone! I need to wipe the slate clean so to speak and get moving forward in the direction I know and LOVE when I am on my journey~busy taking care of the world around me, and not prioritizing myself. Today was a good start back with workout & some healthy choices in my eating, and some time in my garden~gardening always helps me get centered. I know what my pitfalls are and I know what I need to avoid them and what is required move in a positive direction, rather than the WRONG WAY! OK so I think I have vented a bit, and who knows I just might come back again today with more, so I have nothing to keep me from moving forward in our journey together tomorrow~ (MONDAY) 7/27
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    I woke up today saying that i need to get back on the right path. Each day i say that same thing then don't. I hope that today i can. Going to start with a protein shake for breakfast and then a lunch around 1, before i need to leave for work. Hoping for a good day :(
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    @Vera I hope you had a good day friend~ :)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Stacey, Better then yesterday but not 100% back :( . I just want to eat everything in sight >:) . So afraid to get on the scale tomorrow. I can feel that i put back on some weight. I am feeling a gain of 6 to 8 pounds. Hoping i am wrong, tomorrow will tell. Thanks for checking in. I see you had a great day of burning many calories. :)
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    I'm still having a tough time getting back to where I was a few weeks ago but I'm getting there. This tragedy really knocked us all for a loop - trying to be kind to myself and allow time to grieve. Vera - I have been dealing with my grief similarly, eating mindlessly. Ugh. I can't figure out where that desire eat mindlessly when I'm feeling down came from...
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning Sunshine's @ Vera & Cat~ :)<3:)
    Do NOT beat yourself up, be gentle, kind & loving in every way possible to YOURSELF~especially at a time like now, in which you & your family have recently experienced. Keep reminding yourself how far you have come, and don't put sole emphasis on the weigh in~your here, your closer to achieving your ultimate health & wellness, and most of ALL you are WONDERFUL! <3
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    @Cat and Stacey thank you for listening, your words stay with me all day and want to thank you because your words are what get me through these last few tough days. I wish i could reach into the computer and give hugs. Cat please allow yourself all the time you need. <3 .
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Cat -- I think I missed something...I hope you are ok. I have been through a few devastating times filled with grief, and those times have been difficult weight-wise. Keep checking in here for support, and don't worry about the end of 12 weeks. There is always another 12 to start. Sometimes life affects our ability to meet goals with a deadline, but this is s life-long effort toward better health. Hang in there, Cat and Vera!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    sending <3
  • CatAlii
    CatAlii Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you all for your support! I had an unexpected loss in my family that really threw me for a loop. It's been a tough few weeks. I really appreciate all the kind words. I'm doing ok and really trying to get back on track (and not beat myself up for doing it slowly). That being said, I'm going to really try to rally for the last few weeks of this 12 week block. Thank you all for being such awesome cheerleaders. I hope you are all doing well and I wish you all the best during our home stretch. Hugs and <3 to all!
  • StefieS
    StefieS Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone--tomorrow I head out to Caki for 12 days vacation; second trip of the summer before kids buckle down and go back to school. I have pretty much just maintained my weight this summer -- gained on the first trip but have lost it now. Still, I just feel BIG and wanting to lose 10 lbs. I feel like that's a good number for me to shoot for, and then maybe I can do it again. Worried about hotel food options and eating out a lot, but I'll do my best. Even though I exercise the weight is hard to shed!!!!!! Does anyone want to keep going this fall? I do!!! X lbs by Halloween, or Thanksgiving?
    SIERRANV1 Posts: 206 Member
    @ Stefie~YES
    enjoy your vacation! :)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    So sorry i have been MIA the last few weeks. Just can't seem to get out of this funk that i am in. I have put back on some weight and i have not been working out. It's been 1 week since i weighed myself. So afraid to get on and see what damage i caused. Just can't seem to pull myself together. I hate that i am using the old excuses like i will start tomorrow or that i need time to reset. They are just pulling me in deeper and i feel like i can't get out of this hole that i dug. I feel like i can't say i will take it day by day but need to say more like hour by hour. So here is to the next hour. I will make the right choices and start strong. Its 10:15am and i will start with a protein shake and some fruit. Thanks for listening.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited August 2015
    Well six days have gone by and i failed. On August 12th i promised myself to get back on track, i didn't. Yesterday August 17 i finally did it. I went the entire day and made all the right choices. Here is to day 2, i have to keep focused. Stepped on the scale this morning and i knew the number would go up and it had, up 5 pounds since my lowest. I'M BACK I CAN DO THIS