Our Exercise For The Day



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :) Walked the dogs as usual and then spent the day knitting and watching three movies as part of our Thanksgiving celebration
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    No exercise the past few days. Today i walked 3.5 mil. Did some dumbell arms reps. Light cleaning/laundry. Hope to walk more or run later tonight. May venture out for some black friday shopping too!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    taught the line dance class today--- low attendance but those who were there had fun....walked the dogs in the morning
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Walked the dog with the hubby. He came home after a week on the ferry. Then I worked on costumes. I will have to get a pic of the one I helped make. I hate making rosettes out of ribbon. It is a pain in the butt!! Then I put together my share of the food and we had Thanksgiving with other friends today.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    t09011.gif Dog walking in the morning and the afternoon
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Fixing costumes. I can't wait until I can finally say I'm done with those stupid things. Although I did walk the dog with the hubby today as well.
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    5 mi walk
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    3.5 mi walking on treadmill
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hiking!!!!!!!!!! It feels so good to say something other than fixing costumes. Hubby #2 child and I went out into the woods hunting the perfect Christmas tree. Yes I live where we can go out and chop our own wild tree down. That was a tough hike through soggy half frozen moss 12 inches thick. I really enjoyed it until I slipped climbing over a log and I ended up severely pigeon toed with my one foot almost at my waist. It really tweaked the knees and hips. Can't wait to go swimming tomorrow and help ease the soreness. I have a gut feeling I will really hurt tomorrow.

  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Hiking!!!!!!!!!! It feels so good to say something other than fixing costumes. Hubby #2 child and I went out into the woods hunting the perfect Christmas tree. Yes I live where we can go out and chop our own wild tree down. That was a tough hike through soggy half frozen moss 12 inches thick. I really enjoyed it until I slipped climbing over a log and I ended up severely pigeon toed with my one foot almost at my waist. It really tweaked the knees and hips. Can't wait to go swimming tomorrow and help ease the soreness. I have a gut feeling I will really hurt tomorrow.


    Hope you aren't too sore!
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Esther, we used to be able to do that out at Grandma and Grandpa's acreage. Miss those! Hope you're not hurting too bad today!

    Yesterday I ran for 30 minutes. Still didn't quite make 5K running, but I did figure out how to switch the treadmills from Miles to Kilometers! This morning was Triceps and chest. Leg day on Thursday wasn't too bad; I was sore afterwards, but not like last week. I actually caught my husband hovering next to the bathroom door last week, ready to spring into action if I couldn't get up on my own. That's how sore I was! He's such a sweetie!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Lots of dog walking and riding the exercise bike
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member


    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Lots of dog walking and riding the exercise bike and some housework

  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    3.5 miles on tread mill
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Lifted weights - 30 minutes
  • edellaratta
    edellaratta Posts: 565 Member
    Omg, we made it to the fym BEFORE work today!!! Ran over a mile, walked about 1/2 mi and some weight machines. Hope to walk at lunch or tonight too.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Swam gingerly. Bones still screaming dirty words at me from Sunday. And fixing costumes. I'm getting so tired of that part of my day. 3 more days!!!!!!! Then it will be all over with.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    16,000 steps
    143 minutes of dog walking
    100 minutes riding the exercise bike
    line dance class
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Swimming gingerly for 50 minutes. Then I spent 4 hours steaming costumes. I was at .77 miles at 2:45. I am now at 3.57 miles at 7:47. I'm beat.......
  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    May have a touch of whiplash. . . . :'(

    I'm going to talk to my personal trainer and see if I should be doing anything. I'll still be doing my afternoon walk, but whether or not I'll be doing my weight lifting has yet to be determined. . .