Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Esther do you grow any veggies there. That's along way to go get fruits. How many freezer do you have?

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I have a small greenhouse. I grow a few but not many. The weather is really not conducive to growing much unless you have a green house. And we have 3 full size freezers and the one attached to the fridge.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, friends! Happy Friday!

    Ray...so great when you and hubs are on the same page...means he "gets" it!

    Rainy here again, but I am going to the gym anyway. Still holding my new low weight.

    Make it a great day and weekend!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Misfit.
    well this month is rolling along so fast. Times just flies the older you get.
    the sun looks like it is out and shinning brightly
    we are off to the grocer store this morning am feeling great and still a happy camper.
    Missed Janet and Ruthie yesterday. Hope you just took the day off and are all fine. I don't think I seen a post from Nancy either. and Dear ShirleyTake care you guys.
    seems that Connie and i are really making headway's now We may be slow but we are getting there.Oz by oz.
    Have a great day

    My mini goal 169
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.9.....5/20/16 Up a oz.
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Congrats Marie and Connie on your losses and persistence!

    It's another cloudy day in GA with rain expected for the rest of today and tomorrow am.

    I gained a pound at the beach week. That is a huge improvement over the usual 4 or 5 lb vacation gain I usually have.

    I've gotten rid of that rxtra pound along with an extra .4 lb loss this week. Yay! I'm trying to move into the 180s but it, at times, has seemed like an elusive goal. I'm 3.1 lbs away!!

    Esther, I really appreciate the offer to help plan and a private not touristy tour! I haven't gotten much further with my plans. Seems like everyday life takes over. But I will get back at it.

    Both boys are doing swim team this year. It's in the neighborhood so not a big deal as far as getting them there. In fact, they usually ride their bikes to the pool and back.

    Tried to sit outside this morning with my coffee because I do like the cooler weather but it's a little too wet. I need a big umbrella to cover my seating area.

    If not now, when?

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    just stopping in for a quick hello!!

    congrats on all your losses! marie you kill me with your updates. i was hoping that by the time i hit my 70s, maybe i wouldn't feel the need to weigh in everyday! not sure how that will happen. i think i probably won't be able to see the numbers on the scale, my eyes are deteriorating after 45.

    have a great day everyone!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great hearing from our Misfits this morning. Missed you guys when you are not around.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning,

    We missed the rain and storms!!!

    Esther, Wish you had farmers markets like we do. We have a great one not too far from us and I go there often this time of year. They have these large tubes of shelled peas, butter beans which are great for freezing. It is always a very busy place.

    Can't believe it's Friday already.

    Have a great day.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi misfits,
    I found out yesterday that they did not get enough cells again for my pap smear, because of the bleeding. I also have HPV, which is what can turn into cervical cancer. I am not feeling very good about that. At this point there's nothing I can do, except pray it isn't. They are still doing the Leep surgery on June 2 and also something else, where they examine cervix more.

    Connie-So happy to see you are getting closer to onderland, it is a big achievement. You will be there soon, hopefully getting thru your 190's is as fast as mine were. They flew.

    Marie-It amazing how this plan has worked so well for you. You must be thrilled. So glad you are in the 170's and heading down.

    I am still up, I weighed yesterday and it was 185.2, but I will get it off and back in the 170's again with Marie.
    Hi everyone else, I hope you all are well.Gotta go. Janice
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Esther, technically it's not really a Farmer's Market, but that's what the grocery store calls itself. :) It's themed, I guess. It's still great though! We have a Farmer's Market in town where I live, but it's only for a few hours early on Saturday mornings. We made it to the tail end of it a coupe weeks ago, and managed to get two delicious zuchini brownies, and some different squash starters to plant. Hopefully those grow well. We started a garden this year, I'm not sure how much is really going to grow though. So far some cabbages seem to be doing well, and the broccoli and brussel sprouts seem to be not dead yet, haha. We planted onions, potatoes, zuchini, eggplant, tomatoes, squash variety, melons, and a few other things I can't remember. Haven't seen a lot of action yet so I'm not sure what will actually grow.
    We got a smaller deep freezer recently, which is something I'm really enjoying. So hopefully that will get utilized with some home grown veggies and soups.

    Thinking of you, Janice.

    This week flew by, I have finals for the quarter next week. I can't wait to only have work for a couple weeks and a break from school. Planning on climbing on the treadmill again thanks to that break. :)

    Have a good weekend, everyone!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You will Janice, You have been thru quite an ordeal with your health issues. And I am praying that all turns out fine and it will just Believe And try not to stressed too much. We are right there for you

    And yes I am thrilled beyond words how well i took to this plan and stayed on it 100% for 30 days. We started another 30 days of 100% So I am shooting for that too.There is something magic about that group I am on. They are all a lot younger than me. But they treat me like one of them.Of course they will never feel the way I do our little group here.you all give me such great support.
    Love 'ya
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @janiceclark08...thoughts, prayers, and hugs headed your way. <3
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Well guys..........pick my coffin and plan my funeral........ We had a 75 degree day. I did a short workout at the rec center this morning. I ate lunch with Iris at school. Came home and mowed the lawn and decided to go logging in the other side of my fence. There is an empty lot that we have a 10 ft easement on. It is so overgrown with alder trees a spruce tree and salmonberry bushes. I got about 3/4 of to logged. I have such a huge pile of branches that I have to empty the truck before I can go any farther. My legs are KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!! The uneven ground took its toll on my hips ankles and knees. But it looks so much better. I have been wanting to do this since last year but the last summer wasn't conducive to crossing the small drain creek. Even now it is still really mucky around the creek but I can at least hop over it.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You are always busy Esther. That ought to Keep you trim.
    Have a great day
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning!

    The scale is down another .8. That puts me just over 2lbs away from the 180s.

    Janice, I wish my 190s would fly off. It has been soooo slow. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. Maybe time for a second opinion/new doc? There was a lady in our moms group who had a similar run of events. Her dr. Kept having her come back for more procedures/tests. She finally went to a second doc who immediately did the correct testing and it turned out to be cancer. She was very lucky the second dr. caught it right away. I remember one procedure her first dr did that you want to make sure is not done. They froze the cervix to stop the bleeding. However, freezing the cells only masked the real problem. Don't want to scare you, just make sure you see a second dr.

    Another cloudy day here but I like the cool weather. Will take the kids on a bike ride soon.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    :) Hi Everybody, I read the posts every day but say nothing...you are special in my life and I'm interested in what you are all doing. I'm doing the same stuff...walking dogs, dancing, riding the exercise bike while watching TV and knitting. The weather is getting better so I've been pulling weeds and doing some general clean-up in our little yard.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2016
    And it has been a long journey Barbie. But a lot of us are making headway Connie, Ruthie, Shirley, Steph, Nancy , Esther ......I found my way at last. and these girls have been so supportive. glad you stopped by. always a pleasure to hear from you.

    Well girls made a pot of Spanish cabbage soup this morning all plant base food. So can eat all I want.
    Love Marie


    My mini goal 169
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.9.....5/20/16 Up a oz.
    CW.................179.6.....%/21/16 up again1.7 better tighten my belt

    Happy Saturday.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Rachel- Sounds like you are very busy with school. You will love your garden once it starts growing.
    I bet you can't wait for summer and a break.

    Marie - You are doing fantastic with your potatoe plan. Maybe I should try that since I am up and down
    like a yo yo most days.

    Connie - I can smell Onderland for you, it shouldn't be long now. Yay!!

    Janice - So sorry to hear about the HPV. What treatment do they do for that? If that's not too personal.
    I know about the shot for HPV, they are giving it to teenagers now.

    Nancy - How goes it with your weight loss plan? I hope your hubby is doing better after his treatment.

    Stephanie - the 170's seem to be harder to reach these days no matter how many Fitbit steps I do.
    I have not gotten on my road bike yet, maybe that will be the trick to make things change.

    I just had my MIL for dinner, we had steak, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, and salad. Dave just
    took her home and we will have some dessert when he returns.

    We got all our planting done yesterday including the garden. I have cut back from more flowers and using grasses in pots. We did put in a small garden: tomatoes, kale , romaine lettuce and a raspberry
    bush. On the side of the garage I planted two butterfly bushes and wild flowers including forget me nots. The flowers are peeking through.

    Today we washed windows and I scrubbed the screens. Now we just have to get the boat in the water and we are ready for summer. The hoist that puts the boats in the water at our club broke, the new
    part is stuck in Customs right now. So NO boats are going into the water yet. Our first club party
    is this Saturday, Pig Roast.

    We got to Skype with Isaac and my daughter. He is crawling like the wind, and can step only when
    held. I will see him in another week. :)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    and good morning
    My mini goal 169
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.8 .....5/19/16
    CW................177.9.....5/20/16 Up a oz.
    CW................179.6.....5/21/16 up again 1.7 better tighten my belt
    CW............... 179.2..... 5/22/16 Coming down some at least I am still in the 170.s
    Happy Saturday.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thanks for your prayers and advice.
    Marie-Glad you are staying in the 170's, I'm sure it'll be heading down some more soon.

    Ruthie-I am going to my next visit and and do the Leep procedure to finish getting the cyst off and he is suppose to closely examine cervix. I have only been twice to him, but I will consider going for a second opinion if I don't get some more answers.I do feel good about my biopsies being negative on my cyst and uterine lining plus my ultrasound was also good.

    Shirley-The HPV virus can go away from your immune system. One week you can be positive and a few weeks later negative. Apparently it can also stay and that is what can develop cervical cancer.

    It's pretty here today and I am not going to think about it and upset myself. I think I am going to get some sun and relax. Janice