Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I went to see 2 of my sisters yesterday. First I took my oldest sister some grilled ribs, burgers, and hot dogs leftovers from Memorial day and Sunday. She lives close to the nursing home, so I try to go there too.

    After that I went to the nursing home, I bought her some special goodies. She was happy to see me and we had a good visit. It's amazing how they have gotten her meds straightened and and how normal she is, after they had her so drugged up.

    There is a grocery store down the road from there, that I like to go in, so I picked up some more produce and odds and ends on sale.

    It's very hot and humid here, too right now, but suppose to cool down the weekend. I will be glad when tomorrow's over, this has been going on for 2 months so far. I have to fill a pill I have to take for tomorrow to relax me today. I can't take most pain pills, so they gave me a valium. I gotta run, talk to you later. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    o:) janet my heart goes out to you in your tiring times. your own issues and your sister. Be hard on any of us.

    <3 Connie Keeping own a trucking. I am but loving this way of eating. It is just right up my alley For breakfast I had a mess of veggies cook in my air fryer. summer squash , onions. cherry tomatoes. bell peppers was very good only wrong I did not have a starch with my meal. But I will make up the starch at my noon meal. Last night for my dessert I bake a apple in it with some sugar free apricot preserve in the center was really good. I used to bake them all the time When I had the big glass bowl infray cooker and it died on me. To night will have my baked sweet potatoes with BBQ pineapple for a topper and some greens. I do think that is my favorite meal.
    Nancy i am not looking at this way of eating as a weight lost but as a healthy way of eating. being with the Mc dougall group on facebook has been such a big help to me. My blood sugar has improved so much along with my Blood pressure.I go for lab work in July to see How well I am doing on other things. The weight lost will just be a big bonus. for me. I am still hanging in the 170's. still a long way to go But I will make it. <3 Shirley Have a good time this weekend on the boating

    <3 Barbie Thanks for your long lasting support You have been a blessing to me for the last 9 years. My how the times fly.
    for those I missed Sorry my menory has flew with the times
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Misfits
    ope you all are having a Happy day. Put a smile on your face and lets have a smiley day

    nothing going on here this morning. i have left over roasted veggies and rice for lunch.
    Had a baked apple for breakfast, Tonight Baked sweet potatoes and will be roasting brussel sprouts and red radish all roasted in my air fryer. I am beginning to love it too.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, today went good, the Dr. does not think I have cancer and he took more of my cervix to make sure. My husband and I feel good about all he said. I am not hurting, thank god all went good. I just wanted to tell you, with everyone being so supportive and concerned. Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Janice, So happy this procedure is over and you feel good about what your doctor told you.
    Nancy :)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday, losers!

    Janice...God is good all the time! So happy that you and hubs are happy with the doc's diagnosis!
    Steph...hope that bug bite has resolved itself and not caused you problems.
    Marie...feeling good is the best result of our efforts!
    Nancy..I love my dog walks in the early morning hours, too. We get out there around 6:30.

    This is gym day for me, and other than that, I don't have much planned. I am still bouncing between 200-202 but holding on to my resolve that I will get to Onederland at some point. I bought some new capris a few weeks ago that are now loose even after washing/drying so I won't complain.

    Hope y'all have a great weekend!

    Stay strong!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Happy Friday,

    Hope everyone is doing good today!!!

    Walked outside today and felt good although it was hot!!!
    Not much going on with me today.

    Have a good weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2016
    I am down to 176.6 heading down to my mini goal of 169 . All the way with the Mcdougall Starch solution plan.
    Connie you are so close. take a deep breath before you get on the scales in the morning and blow it all out! in fact do it throughout the day. I am trying to practice that now. We need those deep breath and blow out. Come on and lets blow 'em out We don't needs the extra pounds we are carrying around.
    My support for today

    Can anybody give us some deep breath exercise we can do
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    It is a hot day today and yesterday it cooled down so we shut off the A/C but it back up again.
    I had a chiropratic apt. this morning about my knee and had a treatment. The swelling is going down a lot and she thinks its still the same problem I had before with the band on the side of the leg gets tight
    and since I cleaned the boat who knows what I did. She doesn't think its cardilage problems so I was
    happy to hear that. I may get an xray when i see my doc this month. I am still putting ice on it and wearing my tensor bandage. Hardly any pain but I feel it when I go downstairs and I have a lot of stairs.

    Janice - Happy to hear you are well and things are good.
    Stephanie - Sorry about the tick bite I hope you check out okay. Some people are bringing the tick to be tested. A lot of that going on this year.

    Today was getting groceries and still have to put the laundry away and ironing after being gone since

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    My breaakfast this morning cooked in my air fryer
    Apples potatoes with ketchup and onions
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    my lunch yesterday Slice orange, chili beans, and k-bob
    tis wao eating has turn into an adventure for me my weight holding steady after a loss yesterday . was at 176.1 tis morning lOOKS LIKE i LOST 1/2 LB. SINCE YESTERDAY. can't beat that after eating taters and beans all week
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Good Morning!
    I've been so busy with swim team and soccer for the kiddos.

    Heading to a low country boil (shrimp) later today at friends' house. Hoping the thunderstorms stay away. My mouth is already watering.

    Hope everyone is doing really well!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am down to 28.8 lbs since we all started out on our journey here back in Dec of 2015 or was the 2014? Connie when did we start out os a team the first time?
    All i know I am a very happy camper. my next goal was to get in the 160,s well I am at 174.2 now. So well on my way.I have found out carbs are my friend not my enemy no wonder I could not lose all these years i been on MFP my body needed carbs.
    If not now when? My doctor going to be one surprise Doc. next month. for i sure am.
    Love you all

    My breakfast this morning was 1/2 cup of pintos, a pot of air fry veggies, Mushrooms, squash, onions, mini peppers.
    lunch will be air fry potato and a salad. Dinner baked sweet potatoes and turnips greens, maybe some boiled cabbage.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-That is wonderful you are down more, the rate your going you will be in 160's soon. It was December 2014. I was always leary of to many starches before. But this plan is really working for you. I am sure not eating meat is really helping too. Congratulations. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi Janice, thanks I really think it boil down to lots of things. No nimble product,no oil or fat, no dairy or its products. Just God' s given plants food. It was really hard given up dairy for I love cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese but having all of these potatoes and beans make up for it. Staying 100 % pure starch solution has been a big help . It was a mighty change over for me, but so wort it.. I guess it was the plan for me. I have no regret I have been on it long enough it is normal for me now. and admit I am loving i
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    Marie, I am so excited for you. Your food looks so delicious , makes me want to rethink what I did wrong when
    I tried the Starch Solution??? The air fryer sounds great, what kind did you get. I don't know anything about them.
    You have definately found your plan. Your doctor will be so proud of you!!!! <3

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend. Ours has been quiet.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I got a Farberware. now the french fried are not what we are use to fry in deep oil basket But still will good since i get do get ketchup that's did makes them a lot better.I am gettin me a routine going now. I eat for my starch beans one day the next day beans and a couple days of mixing my starch up somewhat. And lots of non starchy veggies, salads with oil free dressing. Pretty simple. and keep my fruit to 3 a day. I do not mess with any of these deserts recipe they are coming out with just let fruit be my dessert., Been making lots of bake apples in the air fryer. This plan may not be for everyone but seems to be mine. I have been looking a long time for something to work.Not only is the diet working for me It is keeping me satisfied so i do not want to nibbles all the time. That is the cue. I will be having a large sweet potato with a BBQ Grilled pineapple and cinnamon. When I shopped for my sweet potatoes I shop for the latest ones I could fine. One girl says she buy them weighing 2 lbs. each. I have not found any that size. Anyway I am a happy camper at long last. If you do try it again be sure you sign up with one of the Mc Dougall Forum
    here is one

    https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=mcdougall seniors
    You might want to kind of check it out some before you join
    i am not to active in it yet for i join the 100 % group and the are not exceptin any new members right now. They are the one keeping me on my toes.
    Here is there link i did see a new member so maybe they open it up to new members


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Marie, Thanks for the information. You are doing such a good job with the McDougalls plan.
    I know one thing I did wrong when I was on it, I ate the same thing over and over and didn't add
    the veggies like I should have. I didn't feel like I was on a diet because I got to eat the things I was
    never allowed to eat before but I didn't lose any weight after the first 2 weeks. I didn't keep up
    with the calories very closely as I should have either.
    Thanks, Nancy
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2016
    Congrats, Marie! Yep, Janice nailed it...December 2014. I remember when we used to do the One One One plan. It is truly remarkable how different our bodies are and how they respond to different foods. You have definitely found your way!

    It's been a lazy kind of day for me, but I am doing well.
