Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Rise and shine, losers! Happy Monday!

    Shirley...Issac is adorable and you look great, too!

    Steph...I bet you are getting your kids ready for school, huh?

    Nancy...when are you guys going on the cruise?

    Marie...what's Jerry been up to now that you are home? How are you feeling?

    Janice..hope you have another positive week ahead!

    Ruthie...you are getting your boys ready for school, too, huh?

    Esther...you are in constant motion!

    I am on my way to pool exercise this morning and have already walked the dog. Will probably run errands after that. Hope everyone has a great day.

    Stay the course. If not now, when?

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie have been up a while. Alice will be out and the nurse will be by later to change dressing on my heel. I am getting around in the house pretty good with my walker. Manage to make my coffee and fixed my Oatmeal for Breakfast.But Jerry had to carry it to the table for me.I feel like a baby some times. i know it will take time to for my heel to heal and me get my strength back. I Am just impatient.
    Love to all Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Take care of yourself Marie and time will heal so try to not get impatient. I know how you feel, I don't
    like being incapacitated ever! We love you and are glad you are back.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the picture, we love that little guy. o:)

    Today was getting my hair cut and groceries. Slowly getting the food back in the fridge after being away. Dave is picking up my bike today after having some adjustments made and I will take a bike ride
    later today when it cools down. Another hot week on the way. Getting tired of it.

    I am reading The Mayo Clinic book and found out I need to spend much more money to get the complete set of everything so I will finish the book but started back on Phase 1 South Beach today and will stick to it which has a meal plan already. I am going to add more vegetables 4 a day, fruit 3 a day,
    fats 3 a day, carbohydrates 4 a day, Protein/dairy 4 a day and see if I can get the scale to go down.

    Enjoy your day!!


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi misfits,

    Connie, September 4-11!!! Can't hardly wait.
    Cozumel, Belize and Mahogany Bay, Isla Roatan.
    We just need a change of scenery. I think you would love the relaxing nature of a cruise. Once you are on the ship they take care of most everything. It's nice being pampered.

    Marie, Take it slow and easy. You will be back to your normal self soon.

    Esther, Wow!!! It's getting close. You will be hard to keep up with when you get the new knees. Esther the BIONIC woman!!!!

    Just doing laundry and house work today!!!

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Back to school here as well as sports, etc.

    Marie, hope your heel is healing well.
    Janice, thinking about you,
    Nancy, your cruise sounds wonderful! I've been one time and really enjoyed it!
    Shirley, very nice picture!
    Connie, hows the grand baby coming along?
    Esther, the countdown!!very happy 4 u!
    Steph, busy with the kids?

    It's still very hot and unbearably humid here. What a summer it has been with this heat. I'm trying not to complain too much because I prefer summer over winter, though.

    If not now, when?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just a short note. My eyes are acting up not focus so good.good. Good to read alll of your post . My heel still hurts a lot pain pills do not kelp much.But the nursethat comes by says it was looking a lot better

    See you all tomorrow
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-Happy to hear your heel is looking better and healing.Take care, glad you posted.

    Esther-You must really be getting excited, I know this is something you have been longing for, and wanting, your new knee. Now it's just around the corner. I happy it is finally happening for you.

    Nancy-The cruise so nice, especially the part about being pampered. You deserve it, relax and enjoy.
    Ruthie-It has been really hot here this summer too, plenty of over 90 degree temperatures and humidity. I am looking forward to an early fall, especially since I can't get in my pool and my treatments she be over. School starts Wednesday around here, they go early because of all are snow,days, they have to make up. It's getting earlier and earlier it seems.

    As for me I have been having bowel trouble the past few days, the doctor gave me some mild sleeping pills, and they say they can cause issues, but I am not sure, if they have anything to do with it. My bowels are normally messed up, that's why I am on linzess, plus the chemo, plus the radiation in that area. I am glad the first 2 weeks weren't bad, because I haven't felt real great the past few days on and off. I know it comes,with what's going on. I did go to radiation today, 15 left, and Wed. I have chemo, after that one I will only gave 3 of them left. I need to go now, so I can try and get some sleep. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning, friends!

    Marie...glad you are posting. Being able to get up and move around some is the step in the right direction. You will get stronger every day because you are not one to give up!

    Janice...hang it there! You've got a lot going on right now.

    Ruthie...it's still very humid/hot here and I am tired of it, too. Soooo many 100+days! DIL and grandbaby are doing well!

    Nancy...so excited for you! Which cruise line ?

    Not much for me today. Will have lunch with a friend and may do a little shopping.

    Make it a great day, losers!

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    janice, you are doing great! just hang in there, you got this!

    connie, glad things are moving again. sounds like a good plan for the month. i think i need a new plan just don't really know where to go? i really don't want to cut my calories more.

    ruthie, yes craziness with my kiddos. my little one is coming home from camp thursday and my daughter is turning 16 on saturday, driver's license and party! school starts a week from monday but books and stuff are this friday.

    nancy, i would love to go on a cruise, that is super exciting. my husband does not really like them so i don't know that we will go:(

    marie, i just had my oatmeal also. maybe i need a new breakfast. been eating the same thing since i started here:)

    got go get ready for spin!!

    have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello and good morning..
    Nancy you are going on a cruisw. How nice. Enjoy yourself.
    Gotta go to potty and Jerry has gone to the srore hope i don.t fall tryiny to ger yto get there. See you later
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    Marie - you sound better and glad to hear the heel is healing for you.

    Nancy - We did an alaskan cruise several years ago and just love it! I hope you enjoy and relax after all
    that is going on.

    Connie - What is your new plan? Are you talking about dieting?

    Janice - Thinking of you. <3

    Ruthie and Stephanie good to see you are posting again.

    We did a bike ride last night after getting my bike back after a tune up and I was rolling along without
    any effort. Our sailing friend Don did a good job on my bike. He didn't want any money so we bought him two bottles of wine. Don used to own a bike shop and just recently retired from that.

    This morning was my chiropractic apt. my usual monthly adjustment. I left my Kindle there and had to go back and retrieve it. Another senior moment. :p

    We are going tonight to see Star Trek the new movie out. I will let you know how it was.


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Marie, So good to have you back. Please be careful!!! You surely don't need a broken bone.

    Connie, Carnival Dream out of New Orleans. It's a rather large ship, 3646 passengers plus 1369 crew. The port of New Orleans is really nice since it was redone after Katrina. You drive into the covered parking area and they take your luggage and will usually be at your room when you board the ship.

    Hope everyone is doing good.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Shirley...no new plan just back to basics...weighing, measuring, logging and eating all calories within an 8 hour window. Still low carb, mod protien, high healthy fat.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my best day in over a month Yeah! I go to my doctor in the morning and my nurse will be out in the afternoon to change my bandage. I think I am going to make it now. Just got to be careful and not fall while I am taking this blood thinner.If you had a great day and I think most of you did. I just had a marvelous Day So lets all have a great night
    Love everyone of you for being such good friends. janice you are always in my prayer.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-So glad you had a good day, mine was good too. Thank you for all your prayers. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!

    Marie...so happy to here you had a great day and hope today will be just as wonderful! <3

    Janice...glad your was great as well!

    Shirley...I want to see Star Trek, too, but will wait until I am safely under 200 before I treat myself to movie popcorn! That is the one treat I will not give up.

    Nancy...I can feel your excitement! I hope to go somewhere/anywhere soon! ;)

    Gym day for me then a pedicure. Rainy and muggy today but no 100+ temp!

    Make it a great day, friends!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi there Misfit Losers. i finally got on the scales this morning. Weight in at 171.0. that makes about 32 lbs since the beginning of Easter Challenge. I am not actual dieting now trying to get as much protein down as I can to fight my healing process, so the nurses are telling me too. I have a doctor appointment to get my blood check for this blood thinner I am taking. . then this afternoon a nurse will be by to change my dressing.. So a busy day for me.
    Do hope you are all have a beautiful and wonderful day. I am looking forward to it. Cooler weather is coming in soon in the 90's if that is cooler.So long for now
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Marie...so happy that you are feeling better AND the scale is in your favor!! Is your blood thinner Warfarin...the one where you can't eat a lot of vitamin K?
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good morning, I had my chemo and radiation day, yesterday. At chemo, my salt was up to 128, so better, but my platelets dropped from 200 to 99, which is bad, under 100 they have to ask, if I can get my chemo, they let me. So my mission this week is to raise my platelets. My white cell count was still good. My husband and I went to the pharmacy and ask about some otc medicines, I can take, he suggested a Vitamin B complex, and I bought some green tea pills, it was buy one get one free. They didn't have zinc which I seen was good. I know many of you have dealt with similar things, do you know how to raise pkatelets. I know some food with folic acid such as leafy greens are good and I seen something about beef liver and red meats. If you know of anything to help me please respond, I only have 3 left and I need to not be postponing them because of low platelets. Thank you, Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Janice...I Googled low platelet count and got a page: top10homeremedies.com It listed pumpkin, spinach, vitamin C, papaya, and a few others. Beetroot juice was also listed and it says it can increase the count within a few days. Interestingly, the chemo treatment itself is often a cause of the low count. Seems like the doc could prevent this by giving patients this advice BEFORE they begin. Hope this helps.
