Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Connie -Thanks for info, I have also been on internet, saw that about papaya, spinach and beetroot juice. The beetroot had someone go to hospital, because it all looked like blood from what was coming out of her. I may get some, but I have to be careful already worried about a bleed from my diverticulitious, my left side low was killing me and that's when you know it is acting up. It feels alot better today though..

    Another hot and humid day here, then lots and lots rain too coming. I need to get my cushions off of my new rocker chairs, when I'm sure they'really dry. It already rained here once early this morning. We could get 6-12 inches over next 4 or 5 days. They expect some flooding in areas, hopefully not ours.

    Have a great day everyone, Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    Connie not hrear anythinhg about vitamin k. But will check it out with the nurse.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    Nancy - Your cruise sounds delightful you both will need it and enjoy when it comes.

    Janice, I am happy to see you are so proactive in your chemo treatments and doing things as they come. I have to agree with Connie, why don't they give these downfalls before you start chemo and
    it wouldn't hurt after your treatments are done to go see a Holistic doctor or Naturpathic doctor
    and tell them what you have been through and they can help you build yourself up again after all your treatments are done. Chemo takes alot from the system of courser you know that.
    Anything we can do to help.

    Marie - You sound so chipper these days, I am happy you are healing and you will be back to where your were. Fantastic loss of 32 pounds so far, you are my inspiration to keep on going.

    Finished cleaning the house today and did get a 45 min walk in even though its another hot one!
    I have a meditation meeting tonight and trying to stay cool.


    Feel better Marie !!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Janice, Hopefully you will get your platelets back up before your next treatment. I know you would be disappointed if you can't get your next one on time.
    Ben's platelets were 85 last month and I was more upset than the Oncologist. He told us it was because of his spleen being so enlarged from the lymphoma??? So my question is how low are you going to let it go before you do something??? We have started getting copies of each visit and each CT and MRI report so I can at least keep up with everything. Sorry about my rant!!!
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi Marie. Glad you are doing better. You have been the strongest one in this group.

    Hi Janice. Great to hear you are doing as well as can be expected with the chemo and radiation. Stay strong. We are all here for you.

    As for me........ The nurse called on Tuesday and she wants to cancel the surgery because I am not down to 225. I told her to get the doc to write a script for a wheelchair then because my body is giving up the fight. My back hurts more than it doesn't any more. My feet constantly ache because of the lack of support in the shoes I have to wear. Toms shoes are not designed to be worn all day every day on uneven ground. My ankles throb from the misalignment of the legs. My hips scream dirty words 24/7 at me because of everything else going on. She said she would call me back. So today she called me back. Doc is concerned with all the rest of the body failing so we are going to proceed as scheduled!!!!!!!!! Thank God somebody finally listened!!!!!!! I leave the 24th on the ferry. I'm hoping they will let me return on Sept 3rd.

    In the meantime I have a boat to clean and soccer games to coach because the lame flake we have for a regular coach "can't be there Saturday". Luckily it is the last game. Iris has done surprisingly well this year being as she is the youngest one of the team.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Esther-Thank you for your support. I am so glad the doctor is going ahead with surgery. That will be great for you, after its done. Take care, Janice
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good Morning,
    Up early again today, but alittle later than yesterday, so that's good. Today when I logged in I hit 900 days, I have consistently logged my food in everyone of those days. I remember before I was really serious about losing weight, I would start early in the day then overeat and not log, originally a friend told me about the app in Aug or Sept 2013, I did not commit until ate Feb 2014. I am so glad I did. I thought I would start by cutting back on carbs, and just cutting back in general. I did not want to tell anyone I was doing this except my husband until I was, losing. They had seen over the past 16 years my weight go up. Originally it started with my meds for my thyroid, being out of wacky, at the same time my mother was dyin and I didnt get in the dr. until after she died and cleaned out her apartment. They fixed my meds but the damage was done, I was grieving over my mom so at that point. I didn't even try to lose. Plus I had only been onmy 2ND marriage less than a year, when I started gaining. When we got married I weighed around 144, I have pictures of me in a pink bikini on the beach in Florida, from our honeymoon. I'm sure he was surprised, when I put on all the weight I did over the years, but he loved me unconditionally, normally I was between 208-225, for many years. Anyway I am so glad I found mfp and lost over 57 pounds originally and still have lost at about 50 and kept most of it off until my recent health issues. I am so glad I found a nice, supportive group for this hard time in my life, to talk with. I have 3 older sisters and 1,step sister, but not really close to her, she always lived in Cali, or Florida with my dad. But 1 of my sisters is hurt, with broken shoulder and she's staying out of town with her daughter and the other 1 in the nursing home , but I can still talk with them. My one healthy sister, has been wonderful, taking me to chemo and we have been talking more, and doirg more normally she and, I more to do with the 2 sicker ones. My husband's family knows I am sick, but no one has called, posted or anything, which had hurt me, but we are not real close, but very civil, we were just there Easter, right before I started bleeding. I had posted a small thing on facebook, late June, a couple of weeks, after I knew I had cancer to tell my small community of family and friends I have it.My friends and my nieces all commented and we messaged or spoke on phone, including my step sister. I have 3 members of my husband's family in that group, none message or posted anything, however his mother did call him a few days later and asked about me, and that's been it. So I have tried not to let it bother me, even though it has. I feel, it's creating a wedge, but I'm not saying much to him about it. I don't want him to feel bad.
    I appreciate you all and all your kindness, and so happy I found mfp to lose alot of my weight, I have more to lose and eventually, I will. Just remember, it does work. Have a great weekend. Janice. Sorry so long, I have been really deep lately.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Janice...I am so glad our paths met through MFP and this little group, and I am extra happy that here with us is where you find support and comfort. You have been a blessing to me. God is good all the time!

    <3 Connie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi there And good afternoon. In this good old summer time.And believe me it is summer time here in Texas. And else where in the good old USA too!!!

    The nurse came out and change my dressing. and sign me up for at least 2 more weeks. for home care. Hope to get a hair cut soon. Its been awhile. Kind of shaggy.

    Esther what exactly what kind of surgery are you going to have.? Will it make both legs the same height? Please keep us infromed. I will be praying for a excellance recovery for you.. You will be a new woman

    Janice. Janice we have you to thank for this small group..And i love it. My prayers are with you always. How is your tomatoes doing?

    Connie you are the backbone of this group. So proud of you and your weight lost.You really have determinations

    Nancy hope you cruise trip is as lovely as you are.Have a ball.

    Shirley Have you started that new diet Yet? I am looking around for a new one kind of think it will be a cutting down on the bad carbs. but do include more protein to keep my immune system working better.

    Steph. how are you doing girls. still baking cookies

    Hope I did not leave anyone out
    Oh I did. RUTHIE. oh my gosh. how could I forget you.You have been such a wonderful friend.

    Bye for now See you all later.
    For all of us that are ailing lets keep our chin up the for we are all working for better health.
    And we will get there. Think I will go and take my beaty nap
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Janice, I enjoyed reading your long post and I feel we know each other and you are in my thoughts for all you are going through right now. <3

    Esther - I guess you are getting close to your surgery, I still can't read your comments they are blank
    but I check what the others are saying so good luck with the knee.

    Marie - You sound so much better lately keep it up you are doing fantastic. Yes...I have been counting
    calories and cutting back but I have been tracking my protein, dairy, fruit, vegetables and carbs for the day which has helped me see where I go over or where I need to add more food. I am also keeping
    track of calories each day. I hope it helps me be accountable.

    Hi to Ruthie, Steph,Connie, and Nancy

    Have a good night

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good morning,
    Up early again, but it's fine. Late yesterday I had a 2 1/2 hour nap. I was worn out feeling after radiation, and running a couple of errands. I got up and seen my husband and then we watched tv for awhile, then I went to bed at midnight. I slept over 6 hours, and felt awake so I got up.

    Marie-I am so glad you and I got back of this site after the initial other group was so massive, if you hadn't of responded, and then eventually others, this group would have died out completely. Glad to hear you are doing better, you are one tough cookie. Our tomatoes have really been coming the few weeks, it took the large ones longer this year, because of our cooler, rainy weather, and planting them alittle earlier, at one point, I thought they may not make it, thankfully they did. However the grape and cherry tomatoes, came in earlier, so we have had them until the normal size came in. They all really have a good flavor, this year, better than last. You are an inspiration to all and many times, I have felt your love and compassion.

    Connie-I think you have been a blessing to all, with your determination to get under 200, no matter what, even when you ate at maintaiance, trying to get your metabolism right. I have appreciated your positivity and compassion. You have shown you can have major life changes, and lots of hard work to do and still not let yourself get side tracked. I did that myself for along time, but I think this latest situation, finally got me off my game alittle, thankfully not too bad. It's been a pleasure meeting you,too.

    Shirley- Although you are our adventurous traveling friend ,you have always managed to come back and tell us your adventures, and still be involved and just as caring as the others. At this point, it's great to hear about all your boating trips and to the cabin, with your mil, and all we have seen with your daughter and Isaac entire life, growing so big, it helps this group, know this is still adventures and life to be had.

    As far as the rest of the group, they have been great to. I am sure Ruthie, Steph, and Esther are busy with school and kids getting ready to start, plus Esther has the knee job, in a couple of weeks, I know she getting alot done before she gets surgery, cooking things to freeze, she's one busy mama.

    I am going to try and get plenty of rest till Wednesday, so my platelets come up, and I think I am going to get some Ensure Complete, it's suppose to good for your immune system and has foliate and B12 and lots more vitamins, it can't hurt, it's just has alot of calories. I think I will get the vanilla. Has any of you tried these? I know my sister in the nursing home, was on one of them that was to gain weight, they have a few options to chose from. I am going to give her a call today, I haven't talked to her since last weekend. Gotta go, Janice

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I am grateful for our little group also. We have all had our ups and downs as we do life and have remained faithful through
    it all. Sometimes I feel your pain as if you were a friend or family member and that is pretty special.

    Have a great weekend.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Janice, loved reading your post and your postitive attitude that you are showing and dealing with this.
    Yes...this has been especially busy for me we usually are gone with our sailing boat but never this many trips to the cottage. This is all for my MIL right now. Keep up the good attitude and get plenty of rest.
    Writing how you feel to us is part of getting passed this and if we can help we will.

    Everyone here has a positive attitude on life, weight and family. It is very refreshing to come here day to day.

    Our plans today were to get a bike ride but its another steamy day and the wind has really picked up which will make riding a challenge plus the heat so we passed on that idea. I could walk but I got
    a little crazy on filing my calluses on my foot and now its sore today. :s

    Tonight we have a dinner/party at our sailing club, corn roast, so another food challenge. I also have
    been not having alcohol since I started getting serious about losing again. I will indulge as the signature drink are margaritas. I will watch my calories all day so I can enjoy tonight's meal.

    Have a cool day! B)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley sounds like you got the right attitude to lose weight . Keep it up. you usally do good with your plan.Got to o fix my lunch.
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi been reading some of the. Back post. connie i complerely forgot you afre to be a grandma. How marekouse. so happy for you. When is it due.?love marie

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited August 2016
    Nancy-So sorry I left you out this morning, you have been very supportive and caring and a big part of this group. It was early and I am alittle off, so please forgive me. Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Marie..the baby is due late February. We are so excited...she's right at 11 weeks.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie I am so excifed for you. I remember my first grandchild almost 40 years ago? Now she is a grandma
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning, losers!

    Hope everyone is doing well this beautiful but hot Sunday morning. I've been to church, and my daughter and I are going to the movie this afternoon. We are going to see one of her all-time-favorite childhood movies, Pete's Dragon. I must admit I am mostly going for mother-daughter bonding and the popcorn. ;)

    A positive attitude can get us through anything! (I live with a person who sees only the negative first in almost everything, so coming here to our little group a huge blessing to me.)

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited August 2016
    Janice, :)<3