Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys!!!! I will be MIA in less than 48 hours!!!!!! I'm taking the ferry south to Seattle. My aunt and uncle will pick me up and be my chauffeurs while I am south. I'm hoping to be able to return on September 3rd on the Kennicott. Say some prayers that the doc will let me come home then. I am SO EXCITED!!!!! It's getting harder to sleep at night I am so excited. I decided to make a batch of moonshine to relax before going south. It really tastes good. A few sips of that is all the anesthesia I will need.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh that moonshine will calm you down Esther My prayer are with you all the way.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello All,

    We are at the cottage again for a week. I went to Yoga class this morning and then did some shopping in Walmart at the nice Mall they have here.

    We just got back from fishing and I tried out my new pole and reel and it works great!, but no fish today. It is quite windy out there.

    Now going to do my meditation and then have a drink before we start dinner. I am tracking food this week so things don't get out of hand like most vacations this summer.

    Marie- Good to hear you are getting better and hopefully you will be walking full foot soon. :)

    Janice - Good luck with the next few treatments and hope you can finish them successfully in your favor.

    Nancy - I swear by my chiropractor and she has helped me a lot over the years.

    Ruthie - One busy lady with the kids, I remember those days. I am now enjoying my grandson.
    I know what you mean about the weight, I am looking forward to a more settled down Fall and back
    to seriously losing some weight.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have regretful gain 2 lbs this week.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited August 2016
    Good morning, getting ready to for radiation and chemo today, hopefully I can get the chemo. I haven't been having a fever, and feeling alittle better. After radiation this morning I will have 3 left. Pray, I don't have a repeat of last Wednrsday where I had to go to hospital. Have a good day everyone.Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning, friends!

    Janice...keeping you in prayer!

    Marie...it's okay..medication is probably the culprit or water from sodium levels. Did you get the Quaker Oats?

    Shirley...I bet fishing is the ultimate relaxation solution!

    Nancy...vacation cruise is fast approaching!

    Esther...good for you!

    Cooler temps are headed this way...even a reduction in humidity is good thing. I am down .4 and will take it. My goal for August was to stay under 200 so at least I made that...not where I want to be but not where is was. Onward and downward!

    Gym day for me...need all the exercise I can get because I have jury duty next week and may not get any.

    Make it a great day, losers! Stay strong!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did not get on the scales this morning. I was so hungry. i fix my breakfast gluten free oats meal . now I don't want to weigh with the oatmeal in my tummy.I am waiting on Alice and the nurse this morning. Jerry is out cutting grass this morning I woke up at 4 30 AM this morning after hurting my food while asleep . Dont know what I did but it really hurt. So I got up and made Breakfast
    Connie you are doing fantastic keep up the good work.

    Janet prayers for you today.
    Love Marie

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    My prayers answered, I am getting my chemo today, my numbers were up. Sodium 130 and platelets 144. So only one left after today, that will be next Wednesday. I also got my radiation earlier. Thanks for the prayers. Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Janice, Than goodness for answered prayer. So happy that your numbers are good and you can get your chemo today. The road to recovery is getting closer!!!

    Marie, Sorry you hurt your foot last night. Maybe it want slow the healing process too much. I am ready for you to feel good and be your perky self again.

    Esther, Easy in the moonshine!!! Praying you surgery will be flawless and recovery fast.

    Connie, You go girl---you are clicking on down.
    I think we picked up your heat and humidity in MS.
    Got our eye on those pesky storms and hoping they will fizzle out!!!!

    Shirley, I think I have found a wonderful Chiropractor. Had my 2nd visit today and it was great. He took it easy on my first visit as he said he didn't want to stir up anything so today I got a neck and back adjustment and he got things back in alignment. Then had treatment with some type machine which felt awesome!!!

    Hi to everyone else.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Well girls........ I'm off like a prom dress....... Will see you all again in Bellingham in 36 hours!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    janice glad you got your your chemo treatment today . Soon this will be a bad memory for you.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    ibought mesomerRice pasta for some of my m meals. I gain another pound this mormning.. So back on the plant plan Alicecameoutto cook for me again.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited August 2016
    Morning, losers!

    Esther...wishing you the best with your surgery and recovery!

    Janice...so glad prayers were answered so you could get your treatment!

    Marie...hope your heel is better today.

    Nancy...I have not gone to a chiropractor...I probably should as neck is stiff most mornings.


    Cooper and I walked farther today than we ever have since we moved. It's probably because there was virtually no humidity. I guess I will not do my walking DVD since my exercise is done. I am down 1.4 today putting me at 196.6! I need to be under 195 to make it stick, though, so that will be the goal for September.

    Make it a great day! If not now, when?

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good morning,
    Connie-That is great your weight is down more to 196.6, you have really hung in there, taking those pounds off. It was cooler here late Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, but the humidity came back yesterday and it's hot now.

    Esther-Prayers for a speedy recovery and great results on your knee.

    Marie-Sorry you still having a sore heel, I hope it gets better soon. I was so happy I was able to get my chemo yesterday, now I have 1 left, and after radiation today 2 more, this phase is almost over thank god.

    Shirley-Enjoy your last trip at the cottage for awhile, it sounds like a nice place, where is it. I hope you get to catch some fish too. I am not very patient so I get real impatient when I fish, waiting for one, and it seems my line constantly is floating in and needs to be recast. My daughter loves to fish, she takes that after her dad.

    Ruthie- I hope you are are good and the kids are all in school and settled. When my kids were young I was constantly running around to different activities and we also coached some sports.

    Step-Have you made any good desserts lately? Do you have a website that you sell your baked goods from? I hope your 2 kids are good.

    We'll I started running lo grade fever last night, like last week, I called the office to see if they wanted me to take tylenol or aspirin, she said tylenol, it was a 500 mg, and it knocked my fever out, I feel I was lucky to not end up in hospital last night. My face got real red again and still is around my nose and cheeks alittle. Today I also get an a am to see how the cancer looks, I pray it's gone or almost. Gotta go Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning,

    Connie, So happy you dropped a good amount on this weigh in. I know you are so happy to see that number on your scales.

    Janice, Sounds like you want have to go to the hospital with this round of chemo. Hang in there you are almost to the end of these treatments.

    Hair cut and a run to Walmart today.

    Getting a little concerned about the tropical activity, the storm which might go into the Gulf of Mexico.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Be back later off to the Doctor This morning.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited August 2016
    Nancy-I almost forgot yesterday my magnesium was low, I have to get some magnesium pills today after radiation, they want me to rake 4 - 200mg a day. Every week it's something different but atleast I work on it and get it up. My platelets were 144 and sodium 130, so they were both up my white cell count was up alittle better. I still feel hot on my face I have got to take my temp again. I do feel I was lucky last night and didn't have to go to the hospial. Janice
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I just checked my temp 98 1, so still good, it's just my face is so hot. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2016
    Wonderful Janice

    Shirley can you get on the Sneakers. i can't
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, I did get on Sneakers, but my WIFI here is very poor so I tried posting a picture of Isaac and no luck. I am only doing the basics on here right now, exercise, and logging to keep my days.

    Janice - Hang in there girl, you are doing fastastic and hope you finish soon. <3

    Connie - Another fantastic on your weight loss you are staying steady.

    I went to yoga class this morning but it was cancelled. The instructor's babysitter cancelled on her.
    I did go for a walk though and posted it here. Still fishing but no luck this week so far. A fish fry
    sounds remote at this point. Still a few days left, we shall see. My daughter Kristina and her boyfriend John will be coming tomorrow.

    Nancy - Happy you found a chiropractor you like, keep at it and you will feel so much better.

    Better get going before I get kicked off of here!
