Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    we have2 birthdays his month

    Steph.....Sept. 19

    Esther ....September 20 let not forget them.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Marie for reminding us.


    Janice - Sorry you were so sick from your treatments, I guess it goes with the territory. I hope your next one is better for you. <3

    Connie - Yay! clothes are falling off, you are doing fabulous.

    Yesterday Dave and I went sailing, a perfect day with weather and conditions we couldn't have asked for more.

    I am still doing the 1200 calorie plan and we are on day 3. It seems to be working I have lost some weight. The meals are filling and no snacks and that part is hard for me because I am a snacker.
    Just trying to eat less. The meals are only for 7 days so you have to repeat the meals. So far so good.

    Tomorrow we are going for an overnight sail across the border and the weather should be cooler so sleeping should be great.

    Have a good weekend. I will be back Friday sometime.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi, I am back from my treatment, today wasn't as bad, I didn't take any pain medicine at all. I was in alittle pain , but not much, another long day I'm wore out. I am going to lay down. I will check back later. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Take care of yourself Janice. We are praying for you.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I went to therapy yesterday. They encouraged me to start going up and down stairs like a grown up. I have been unable to do that for over 10 years. I have been relegated to one step at a time like a toddler for forever. I have also been told I can ditch the crutches in the house and only use them when outside. And since it was a beautiful sunny and 64 here I went for a 2 mile walk this morning. I stuck to the touristy part of town where the sidewalks are wider and more even but I did it. I also went up and down the 3 flights of stairs to Iris's school and had lunch with her and her classmates. I took Shaundra out to Walmart to get art supplies since he grades are up. Now that the day is almost over I have walked 3.31 miles!!!!!! What's even more shocking is I DON'T HURT!!!!!!!! I only feel like I walked a mile maybe two. I can't wait to be able to put miles on my legs again!!!!!!!! I used to struggle hitting 3 miles because I would get so sore. But now I can do most anything again!!!!!!! I have not been in this little pain since before Iris was born and she is 7. And no I am not using any pain pills either. I am doing absolutely awesome and funny how the weight is starting to come back off again now that I can move around so much easier. I have been able to drop 2 pounds this week alone.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!

    Janice...hope you are feeling good today.

    Shirley...sounds like your calorie reduction is going well.

    Esther...good progress!

    Marie/Ruthie/Nancy/Steph...hope to hear from you soon.

    Heading out in a few to take Cooper to the groomer and run errands. I am down .06 this morning putting me at 195.4. I hope this will be a whoosh loss and it will drop more tomorrow, but won't complain if it doesn't. This is just how it is...SLOW.

    Make it a great day, losers!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie you are doing so good so proud of you. Shirley is going do fine too I know Janice When she get over this big bump in the road.So sorry you are going thru this rougt time in your life.
    As far as me both feetlooks less swollen . can get into some shoe I have not worn in quite a while.Can put my full weight on my sore feet. So now it is all downhill for all of us misfits.

    Now Esther is a walking miracle. Great going my friend. And good luck on your weight loss. I think you will.You had quite an outing yesterday. one step at a time

    "One day at a time" quotation from a very dear friend from the Sneakers groups
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALICAT...so happy to hear you are less swollen and your heel is almost healed!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am too Connie. been a long time of healing. But I can see some progress now. I am waiting on my bath lady now.. I am going to miss her love the good bath rub on my back. and getting my hair wash. Maybe I can talk Jerry into doing it. I got hit with another restriction, As long as
    it with another restriction yesterday. as long as I am on the blood thinner no excess greens includes green beans, spinach any green veggies. They were my

    stand bye.to fill me up.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @CALIECAT....you must be on warfarin also called Comadin. Vitamin K is in the green leafy veggies and that interferes with your blood getting thin like they want it. My hubs used to be on that one until we asked for it to be changed because we did not want the food restrictions. The doc changed him to Eliquis. There are several thinners that do not restrict the food and you do not have to have blood drawn to test the thinness.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did not know that Connie. will check will my doctor about that.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, losers!

    Marie..my hubs goes to the VA hospital and after a blood clot, they put him on the Comadin/warfarin. When we asked the clinic for a different thinner, they claimed that was the only one available which was a LIE. Months later, we got it changed. There are many other thinners available like Pradaxa and Xarelto. I don't know why they push the ONLY one where veggies have to be restricted and blood has to be drawn to monitor.

    Janice...hope you check in soon.

    It's cloudy here today, but no rain is expected. My trainer had to cancel our session, and I really don't feel like the pool so I am thinking that is will be a rest day. Still holding my new low so I am a happy camper. Hope you guys have a great weekend!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will check with my Doctor on that. Connie. seems like the doctors are pushing the no veggies ones veggies.This is getting the best of me. one things lead to another. Now I am having BM problems.The nurse will be he shortly so will check with her on that.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-Sorry you are having so many issues with your health. Hopefully you will be back to your self soon. I can definitely relate.

    I have been trying to get a few things done around the house, plus pay bills, but mostly trying to get some rest and just feel better. I have 2 more implants left, one Monday and then Friday. After that I really don't know what's next. I will ask Monday. I am so glad I am getting a few days break before the next one. The last 2 were in 3 days not really a break. It's still really hot here, I can't wait for some cooler weather.

    Esther-So happy for you and your new knee. I am glad you aren't feeling any pain with all the walking your doing. The knee replacement was a complete success.

    Nancy-Glad you had a good time on your cruise.

    Connie-That's wonderful you are in the mid 190's and seeing alittle loss happening.
    Have a good weekend everyone.Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Seems like I have been going since we got home.
    Ready to settle down and rest for a while. SEC football tomorrow and hopefully will be able to sit down and enjoy the games.

    Sounds like good things are happening with our group. I did gain 2 pounds on the cruise. Thought I would stay the same but did go up some. Will be working on that now.

    Have a great weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey all of you misfit. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Alice is coming out tomorrow and we will be getting out
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My plans for today

    make my cell phone ring louder.

    order me some checks

    lets go to ElFenix for lunch.

    exactly this is notes to Alice for today

    I love my little notepad


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie, you are sounding so much better and getting back to your old self again. I see Alice is starting a new job, good luck to her.

    Connie, you are losing slowly but you are losing and that's all that counts. Your clothes are getting bigger too, so keep up the good work. We are all routing for you.

    Janice - Only two more treatments left, and good that they are spaced a little for you to recover. <3

    Nancy - I know how you feel when going away there is always so much to do when you get back.

    Esther - A friend of ours just had a knee replacement and his new knee bends more than the other one.
    He still has to get the other one done in the Spring. Good luck with your healing.

    We had two days away on the boat, and the weather was cool and sunny. A nice break from all the humidity but now back home and the rain has started and the humidity is back. :(
    I am hoping the rain will clear and I can get my walk in today.

    We woke up this morning to a flood in our kitchen(upstairs), laundryroom and bathroom(downstairs.
    What a mess!! All cleaned up now, it was a broken hose under the kitchen sink and it is fixed now.
    I am doing laundry now and washing all the rags and towels I used to clean up this mess.

    We are invited to dinner tonight with friends so no cooking for me.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Shirley, your little getaways sound nice. Glad the weather was cooler, while away, soon we'll all have cooler weather. Next week it's still going to be in high to mid 80's, so no end in sight here. I am so glad for this break between implants, and also a break after Mondays, I will be glad when they are over.

    Marie-I hope you and Alice have a nice day out, and a good lunch. I hope your foot is doing better.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good morning, I am waiting for my sister to pick me up for another radiation implant. I hope everything goes smooth today. Check back later. Janice