Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning. Loving this cooler wearher,. I have made up my mind i am going to make the best of my situation with the help of my nurse" my prmary docterhas not help me,in fact she has not even look at my feet. Says she does not have any banage to put on it....
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - Hang in there, I hope your condition gets better and isn't a chronic problem. Keep smiling!! You are a lovely person to know.

    Janice - Must feel good not to have to deal with treatments and apts. :)

    Our weather here is mostly rain and Fall has definitely come to our neighbood. All my windows are closed because its chilly.

    Our company has left and I got to see my grandbaby over night and we had so much fun with him. I am
    hoping to either get take in food or go somewhere tonight , I have been doing nothing but dishes for days now.

    Our next family get together will be Canadian Thanksgiving on October 10th. We have a planned trip
    to NYC on October 11th so getting excited about that.

    I will be going to a diet clinic end of October, I have 4 pages of information to fill out and my doctor suggested it so I will keep you guys informed about it. I thought well, have tried everything so one more thing may help plus there is no fee our health insurance covers it.

    Have a good weekend.


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I got energetic and got out and washed my car this afternoon as it was in the upper 70 but I still got hot.

    Marie, I wish you could get back your health. It must be discouraging to have the on going problem. You are a great encourager and I am hoping you get things back to normal soon.♥️

    Shirley, I think getting help is a great thing when
    losing weight is elusive. I have been looking into what is available in my area but the only thing I find has a lot of soy in their foods and I just can't have too much soy.

    Connie, I hope you get relief with the muggy weather soon.

    Janice, You must be celebrating being finished with your treat treatments. Must be a great feeling.

    Hope everyone is doing good.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Nancyd. i am coping the best I can.dI love my little nurse. she is so sweet she does keep my spirit up. I am not in very much pain now that's good.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning misfit. Looks like a lovely day herbin my neck of tjhe woodsmy day today l
    My day today. My nurse will be by, then to Kroger for a few items. I am still holdin175 on the scalesmy legs are still red but the sores . Not completly gone yetlooks aclot better

    Nancy don,t know why ii hit the d at the end of your name, sorry

    Have a wonderful day . But most important thing. Put a smile on your face as you enjoy this wonderful day God has given us
    Love to all
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Nancy-It has been great being done with treatment, now I need to figure out what I want to do.
    Marie-I am happy your legs look better and that your nurse is sweet and you like her. That's great your still holding at 175, I weigh yesterday and was 182, still up a few pounds from being in the w70's too, but thats okay. My weight has been higher and lower the past 2 months, I plan on getting some more of this weight off, now that my treatments are over. I did make brownies as a treat this week, I haven't been to bad with them, but they are my vice, that's why I can't make them to often.
    Ruthie-I hope you get your cooler air soon, it's been raining here alittle, but we need it, still cooler.
    Nancy- I am happy that you felt energetic and washed your car today, my energy level isn't very big, it comes in spurts.
    Connie-I bet you are getting ready for your new grandbaby, it'll be here soon won't it.
    Shirkey-Your trip to New York sounds nice, I have never been there, you are one busy person always on the move. That's great you feel like it, plus still have time for family. Gotta go. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Thanks for the birthday wishes last week. It has been really crazy here. Between my travel plans changing yet again. The kids school schedules and ballet schedules. There has been a lot of excrement hitting the rotating oscillator around here so I have been reading but not posting. I'm doing good all things considered. I ended up with a minor infection at the very bottom end of the incision. A weeks worth of antibiotics and it is all gone. My therapist gave me some exercises that I can do while on a road trip. I am almost ready to go on my trip. Just have a few minor things left to pack.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    no October post yet?. My the months are flying bye. is is the first of October. We have been posting together almost 2 years.Under one name or another.I have enjoy every moment of it too.Except my currant illness. I ave a new blister to pop up and busted. They say it takes a lon time for a diabetes to heal Well it does indeed.
    Did I tell you guys I quit using the bath lady. Jerry is helping me take my shower now She was a very nice lady We just got tired waiting around for her to show up. Now I can get my shower early in the morning instead of between 2 and 5 Pm
    Have a very nice day my friends
    <3 Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2016
    Marie - So happy things are looking up for you. It helps when you like the people that are caring for you.

    Nancy - I don't know what this clinic is going to do for me, but I will be patient and see. My apt. is end of October.

    Janice - Your energy will resume but it will probably take a while seeing what you went through and your body has to adjust again.

    Hi to Connie and Ruthie. I guess we have lost a few ladies but they always return at some point.

    Yesterday I did a little shopping and bought some new pictures for our upstairs bedroom. I was tired
    of what was there and I like to change things up sometimes. I also bought a Himalayan Salt Lamp
    for my meditation room which is a plug in and has a dimmer switch.

    Not much news just going to do some ironing and maybe start a new book my daughter sent me.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Happy October, losers! It is cooler today, thank God! I was able to walk the dog without sweating up a storm. Busy today...went to a women's conference at church this morning then will go to a b-day gathering later. I am trying to keep busy since that keeps me out of the pity pot!! :s

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang. I DID IT!!!!!!! I went for a hike today. According to the Fitbit I climbed 35 floors!!! The trail was all log steps, rock steps, and tree root steps. I made the mile and three quarters hike in an hour!!! I thought I was going slow but my friends were having troubles keeping up with me. Here are a couple pics. 22gmf1qixrib.jpg

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hear ya Connie!! No pity parties allowed. :D

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Right on y'all
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Morning, friends!
    I kept busy this past weekend after being in a minor funk aka pity party most of last week. Nothing major, just the same ole stuff...feeling sorry for myself which is stupid because I have sooooo much to be grateful for, and I am incredibly blessed. Much of it stems from thinking about my only sibling sister who passed away 6 years ago whose birthday was last Wednesday. And, of course, that led to thinking about my mom and dad. Grief just never goes away, it just gets a little easier to bear.

    Anyway...here we are in a new month. I guess my goal for October is to get under 195. We have a lot of family stuff coming up not to mention the holidays. The baby reveal party is the 22nd of this month, my daughter will be 40 in next month, and we are throwing her a suprise b-day party, and then Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to all of it. It gets easier to get right back on my regular eating pattern after a day of being off of it....probably because I am so afraid of gaining it back! There is something to be said about losing it this slowly, though.

    Thanks for letting me ramble...I am glad to be back in good spirits!

    Make it a great day, losers! If not now, when?
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good sfternoon,
    Esther- That's great you were able to hike and so far. I am so happy for you and your knee replacenent, you must feel like a new woman.

    Connie-Just when you are getting the cooler weather , ours is starting to get hot again, today not to bad, the rest of the week, is back in mid to upper 80's. Aren't you still in onderland? Why are you trying to stay off pity pot?

    Marie-I hope your having a good day so far. Have you been cooking in your instant pot or crock pots latrly? I made a pot of beans in mine recently, today I am going to put some country style ribs in on low. I hope they taste good.

    Gotta go for now. Janice

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Janet No I haven't been doing much cooking, But this cooler weather that is. going make me want do some.I do want to get back to eating my beans again everyday. I had a great time yesterday I did not o anywhere, Alice went and got me a big baked potatoe and slice BBQ turkey. So big it made 2 meals.I need to get back on my plant food
    So hard to do so. So easy to eat what others are eating but not wise
    Have a great day everyone
    I am waiting on my nurse to change my bandage
    Love Marie.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Happy October,

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. It's still warm but fall is in the air.

    Connie, You can have a pity party if you feel like it. We all get there on occasions but we don't stay there.

    Janice, I bet you feel like a free woman having your treatments in the rear view window.

    I don't have too much on my schedule this week and for that I am happy. Last two weeks have been extremely busy.

    Marie, Hope you have a good week with no new leaks. It's time for that leg and foot to be healed.

    Esther, You are looking great. Just can't believe you can do all that climbing and only 6 weeks out from knee surgery.
    That's simply amazing.

    Ruthie, Sounds like you are still busy with your children.

    Shirley, Guess you are having fun this week.

    Have a great day.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Enjoyed the cooler weather this weekend! However, the afternoons are warming up again.

    Connie, I'm trying to stay out of the 90s but have not been able to get very far away. Oct will be our month to get far away from our top ends!

    Yes, soccer and baseball have been keeping us busy but baseball only has 2 more weeks so things will slow down.

    Congrats on your hike, Esther! That's a huge reason why I want to be in better shape. I love an active life, which is so much easier when I weigh less!

    Happy Monday !!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We were at the boat today and everything is cleared out what comes home and the rest is bagged for the winter. One more night on the boat after our Tom Turkey party and it will be put on the cradle for the winter.

    Our Canadian Thanksgiving is coming this weekend, usually celebrated on Monday. We are having our dinner on Sunday. I will have to pack for our trip on the following Tuesday to NYC. A busy week coming up.
