Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone,
    Wow, my new exercise regimen is really hard for me. Hope as I continue it will get easier.
    Going out to eat and to see the new movie War Room with our Sunday School Class tonight.
    Have a good weekend.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone,
    Wow, my new exercise regimen is really hard for me. Hope as I continue it will get easier.
    Going out to eat and to see the new movie War Room with our Sunday School Class tonight.
    Have a good weekend.

    My church went Wednesday, but I had a killer headache and did not make it. Gonna try to make it this weekend.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Losers,

    Our dinner last night was good but too high in calories. We all shared a cheese plate with bread. I ordered the vegetable
    rosiutto and there was so much of it. I passed on dessert and coffee but did have some red wine.
    Of course the scale was up so probably restaurant sodium.

    Today I had Yoga class and did some cleaning upstairs.

    Have not seen War Room or not been to the movies lately. Probably in the Fall and winter I may catch a few.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    its been years since I have been to a Movie. Seems all Jerry and I do is go grocer sopping and doctor appointment
    I can't remember the last movie. we took my grandson to see fourth of July and he is 27 years now. At the time he was about 7. We took the granddaughters to see ET before that.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    I feel like I have been spotty!! the beginning of the year is so nutty, so much going on! I am trying to get myself back into a good routine. I am up about 2lbs but not really sure from what? maybe stress. I am going to try and get it back together as I still have more weight I would like to lose.

    marie, did you try the noodles?

    connie, how is the reset? sounds like it is going well.

    Shirley, you can try and get back in a routine with me!

    Nancy, enjoy the movies!! I love going to see a movie, it is a great, cheap escape!!

    everyone else, happy Friday and have a great weekend!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :) Nancy, tell us more about your new exercise regimen
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. Sorry I've been really quiet. I have been reading posts but I have been getting progressively sicker the last few weeks. Yesterday and today it just hit me really hard. I finally broke down and went to the doc today. They are not sure if it is walking pneumonia or just a respiratory infection. But she gave me Zithromax. I ended up taking a 2 1-2 hour nap today and I still feel like I have been awake for 3 days nonstop. I feel like a total slug today. I am so ready to feel better. Yesterday I was tired too but not this tired. And Wednesday I was energetic. This tiredness just hit me like a freight train fully loaded barreling down grade ............ Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. I sure hope so.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi there,

    ester please rest and take care of yourself!! so much with the kids, it is often difficult to take care of yourself. make sure you rest and sleep enough! hopefully you can use the weekend to regroup.

    nancy, not sure what new exercise Barbie is referring to but would love to hear about it.

    connie, what is doing with the house? hope that is moving along.

    I feel a little better today because scale is going back down. it is crazy how that little appliance can control my moods. I think I need to keep switching up some meals every now and then. think I become mentally and physically bored. also, with kids home, it is easy to get sticky fingers while preparing meals, snacks or making lunches. need to be cognizant of that. I really would like to make some progress:) I think it is helpful to switch up my afternoon snack as that becomes my witching hour. stress kicks in with driving, homework, and whatever social drama may be going on. I had something new yesterday which was so good! I had a palin greek yogurt mixed with sf maple syrup, truvia, 1 tbsp. pb, and 5g of sf choc chips. tasted kind of like cookie dough.

    anyway, hope everyone has a great Saturday. it is raining very hard here:(


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited August 2015
    The end of the eymorning. Stephanie great earing from you everyday. now Miss you. .Wile you kids was gone.

    my dieting has gone to pot. Get back on my beans and maybe I can do better. But I have not given up yet/

    I think its time for a roll call

    Marie~ CALIECAT Still kicking around

    Connie~ lovesretirement Getting a new home.

    Nancy~ eyegirl777va into a new execise
    Becky~ tenpets ? h oping her new trainer is working out and miss her around herBeen a few days since she reported in

    Janice~ janiceclark08 Janice id doing fine

    Esther~ SeeAhtter787 et well soon
    Tami ~

    Faye~ eatless83 : Hi Faye

    Cristina~ cristina0000 Been missing yiou too

    Stephanie~ slw19 glad you are back with us

    Barbie~ barbiecat into a new strength lifting

    Rachel~ rayw89 ? Busy moving into her lovsely home

    Ruthie~ JLoRuthie getting her kids back in school

    Sunnyfarm~ ? Where are you sunny?

    Eninad~ Eninad is losing that weight so fast she losin her pants

    .Shirley~ Shirley61 ad a wonderful Summer now time to et to business at hand. take me with you Shirley

    Rosie ~ italy10548 ? Been missing in action for a while. Remember the door is always open
    A few MIA But most of us still hanging aound.


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Misfits,

    -Connie, War Room was awesome. Hope you get a chance to see it.

    My new exercise is really simple. It's called burst training, you do your exercise (for me it's the bike) for 40 seconds
    as fast or as hard as you can, then rest for 20 seconds and repeat for 20 minutes. It's intense. You can do different

    Have a good Saturday.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi everyone, I am doing fine, was busy yesterday with my sister Donna, she invited me up to swim, but water was cold, so we ran around and went to visit another sister and then went out to eat at a greek food restaurant, I had never went to one and she loves it there. It was pretty good, I liked her food, beef schwarma with hummus and mine was rice with roasted cauliflower, and potatoes with some ground beef meatballs and some tahinni sauce. We got pita pockets with it and I had a side of hummus, ihstead of greek feta salad. I did not like it and they brought me the hummus instead. Also some hot tea with cinnamon and cardamom,plus I took a bite of backlava,it was wonderful. I got full fast and told her take take my food home, we were already sharing. It was a nice experience. It sounds like I had alot, but I really didnt, she ate more than me and shes another one thats small, she's 122 pounds. My oldest sister is 135lbs. The sick one is app. 102lbs. Anyway you get the picture when I got heavy in late 97, at almost 38yrs old, and stayed that way, they hated it,and so did I. I was always alittle taller and bigger, around 140, but nothing like being in the 200's, except pregnancy and I lost it. Donna made the comment yesterday, my backside was little and I was looking like the old me. I told her not yet, but it was good hearing. They are all older than me and were really worried about my health, they knew not to get on me about it. I hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. Janice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :) Nancy, your new exercise is impressive, not wonder it exhausts you.....I do like the simplicity of it
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Sunday!

    Marie..I love your roll call. I guess many misfits are just busy with life and are pressed for time.

    We were told by our agent that it takes about two months to get all the paperwork, permits, and architectural approvals completed. We anticipate the land being cleared by mid-September. I'm thinking it will be ready by January/February. My hubs is very impatient and jokes about being alive to see it..he's 68. I try to explain that this is a long process..his impatience is making me crazy. ;) I'm trying to get through this without turning to food to relieve my stress!

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well Hello all your Misfits.
    Beautiful Sunday morning here
    Don't know whether Alice will be out today or not. She is having major problems at work But will be out tomorrow to take me to the heart doctor. and then go back to work. so no eating out this week is out for me.

    If I left anyone out on my roll call please let me know.

    Becky Where are you miss you a bunch. How is your garden doing those potatoes about ready?

    Miss the rest of you too. that has not been around in the last few days. Let us hear from you.

    Not much going on in my neck o f the woods.

    Have a great Day

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Monday!

    Marie...I hope your visit to the heart doc goes well today.
    Nancy...love that exercise!
    Janice, Steph, Barbie..good to see you guys.

    Cloudy here today, but will climb to the 90s. The humidity is back..yuk! I have done my exercise this morning and will get out to grocery shop after dog walk and breakfast. I am down .04 this morning and will take it...finally below the diet break weight.

    Make it a great day, losers! Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cheers Connie that's wonderful wtg

    Hugs marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I was having too much trouble with typing here but now it is back to normal. just my usual typing errors.

    I love hearing from all of you. Especially Shirley and Barbie my old time friends,. But you new fiends I feel very close to too. I think we have a swell family here, hope it last my lifetime and beyond.

    About time to get dress for the doctor appt. So see you all later

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Morning Misfits,

    -Marie, Hope you get a good report from your heart doctor.

    -Connie, Way to go!!! So happy for you and you surely deserve seeing the scales going down.

    I am staying the same which is 3lbs above my lowest weight. I gained 3 lbs when I increased
    my calories and have not been able to lose those pounds. Go figure!!! If my increased exercise
    doesn't change things I have no idea what to do???

    Have a good Monday.

  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    I'm 194.6 about the same.

    My friend, who was in the coma passed away, she was actually only 53 and yes, it's incredibly sad. My calories were over this weekend because I made her homemade biscuit recipe and had alcohol as part of her goodbye wake, but I'm on track again this morning.

    I'm reminded yet again that having the opportunity to participate in life is a real gift and not to squander it.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Eninad-I'm so sorry about your friends passing, life is so precious, we need to remember to cherish our loved ones, each day could be someones last. Not trying to be a downer, but recently another person I know passed and that makes 4 recently and oddly enough 2 of them were 53, not including you, what a weird coinincidence. Glad your back on track. Janice