Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



  • cristina0000
    cristina0000 Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning!! I have been so forgetful lately...I've been meaning to login to this app and see how everyone's doing but something always comes up. Guess I need to incorporate some sort of daily routine.

    I'm doing great just a little upset about gaining 10 lbs since the beginning of July but this morning the scale was moving back in the right direction! I have been traveling a lot and got sick but I'm determined to get back on track!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi there,

    hope everyone is well!! I have owned my 2lbish gain in hopes that things will start moving in the right direction. I really have been eating pretty well this week. I need to get it back on track!! I have 2 1/2 weeks to get back down to 146. my small goal was to be there by my 46th bday which is September 19th.

    hope everyone is well!! very busy week for me with cookies. am doing a wedding and 2 other parties!

    have a great day!!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Good to see you who have been MIA!

    Marie..hope you got good news from the doc.

    Eninad..condolences to you on the passing of your friend. Yet another reminder to thank God for every morning for the new day.

    Steph, Cristina..you can get back on track..we can do this!

    Janice, Nancy...have a good one today.

    Not too much going on with me. I tried to go for another walk outside after I walked the dog but did not last long..too much sun and humidity even though it was early. Fall is not here yet. So I went to the store instead and am back to do much needed housework.

    Make it a great day, losers!
    We are all facing tough challenges and only one of them is losing weight.

    Connie :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did see the doctor yesterday and o back in next Tues for 3 more test. So maybe he have some answer for m then
    he will be given me a chemical stress test.. scan my stints to see if they are Ok and another test. I did get my old doctor back the one that did my stints 5 years ago. I sure hope he don't have to redo them. As far as my leaky legs he said he could send me to a skin doctor and he could drain all the water out of my legs But that it may show up again. They are not leaking now so think I will by passed that.
    I do go see my primary Daocter this afternoon and we are off to walmart in a few minutes.
    Be back later
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Losers,

    I had 20 posts to read, I guess I have been behind. It should get better after my last sailing cruise which will be starting
    tomorrow until Monday. After that we will do just day trips of sailing from our club. It has been a long summer.

    We had a wedding this past weekend in Geneva, NY along the Geneva Lake. It was at a winery and the venue was beautiful.
    We got to see some old friends too. The bride was beautiful and we just met the groom that night.
    I have a picture to share.

    Today I got my bike ride in before it got too hot. All week it will be in the high 80's with humidity. I have to pack for the week.
    The week of September 7th I will back and motivated to start seeing the evil scale go down. We have a week booked
    in the Bahamas in February. That will be my goal to look decent in my bathing suit.

    Tonight we will be getting some groceries to take with us and visit my cousin who is 60 and battling cancer. He is not doing
    very well.

    I will be checking in on the Newsfeed with exercise. Shirley


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Shirley-Great pic, what a summer you have had, it sounds like it was a good time. Going to the Bahamas definitely is a good motivator to lose and several months to do it.

    Marie-I hope between your doctors, they help you with your health problems, you are such a trooper and such an inspiration at your age to never give up on your goal.

    Connie-Its warmed up here again also, and finally I got in my little pool again last night, my husband said it was still to cold for him, we are suppose to have a beautiful but hot week, which will be good for Labor Day weekend. It had been 2 weeks since we had gotten in it. I was glad to see you are down and that the break helped you. You have been such a big exerciser and I hope you get the results you deserve.

    Stephanie-Sorry about your 2lb gain, atleast your still in the 140's, and you have really done great, over the past several months at losing and exercising, you reach your goal by your birthday, probably even more, you got this.

    Christina-I hate to hear you gained 10lbs lately, but it sounds like you are already back to business, it happens so easy, if we go back to our normal ways. That has happened to me previously, several times and some of them were more like 20lb gains. Hopefully with summer ending, you can ease up on traveling and get back to your routine, good luck and glad to hear from you.

    I hope everyone stays cool, since the weather has gotten so hot. Have a good day! Janice
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Thank you Connie, we never know the measure of our days. <3

    Thank you Janice, whether it's a surprise, or known, it's really not easy. <3

    Shirley you look lovely and Lake Geneva is so pretty. I've never been to the Bahamas, but everyone I know that has has loved it.

    Marie, you're a fighter and will tackle anything tossed your way and I am confident, win against it.

    Hey Stephanie you're a year behind me, but pounds closer than I am. Happy birthday month. I will try to join you at 140 by my next year birthday. (this year's November I'm trying for 180-185)

    Christina, we'll just keep plugging along, with renewed focus and priorities we've got this.

    I'm looking forward to cool weather soon, so I can re-add activities outside. That should jump start the losing again and off set my sluggish habits.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    hope everyone is in a positive place this morning!! I met with the nutritionist woman yesterday and I was down on her scale so go figure.....weird! she suggested that I cut out a carb and go from 3 to 4 servings of fats a day. also, tried to clean up the diet a bit. no processed foods which I eat so little of anyway. going to get my hair colored this morning, I have about fifty shades of gray, lol!! hope everyone has a great day!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Wednesday!

    I second Steph's hope that everyone is in a positive place this morning! <3

    Steph..what are your macros set to? What does she suggest you change them to?

    I just got back from the gym after having a great workout with my trainer then a 30 minute walk! Will head out soon for a mani/pedi. It's another hot and humid day today, but I won't complain because I've been blessed with another day. Still, though, I will say I am ready for fall.

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Misfits,
    Wow!!! We got almost an inch of rain late yesterday afternoon. Was so refreshing. First significant rain since July 4th.
    Hope everyone will have a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning all of you misfits

    Nancy we are still waiting for a good rain.

    I am going to roast me some okra, cauliflower for my lunch to day with some cottage cheese;/ I am adding I am adding dairy back into my diet. To get my protein in. I had a real bad case of gas I think too many beans and coleslaw and maybe sweet potato's. Anyway laying off for a while.But will not add back any meat back in.

    jerry took the kitties outside this morning for a spell but they immediately wanted back in the scared cats.

    Have a great day
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Marie..sweet potatoes and beans are a lethal combination for me, too. I tend to just stick with the potatoes since they also tame my need for something sweet.

    It's another hot one today, and I can't decide to go run errands now or wait until tomorrow.
    Do you guys have big plans for Labor Day?

    Make it a great day, losers!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    ummm....it has been so quiet here! so I had a good day of eating yesterday! just am going to keep on pushing forward. September is notoriously a very busy month. back to school, lots of holidays, and birthdays. just need to stay focused and hope to just get through it!!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Been a very busy week for me but today should be less busy.
    High school football Friday night (grandson is the center for the team).
    No big plans for Labor Day. We are having breakfast with friends Saturday morning
    and spend some time with them.
    I continue to be totally baffled with my weight!!! I have gained a half pound since
    starting my new exercise regimen.
    Have a good day.
  • Eninad
    Eninad Posts: 204 Member
    Labor day weekend is going to be Laboring Weekend, if I can get off my butt, it's house cleaning time. I decided against flying to Florida for funeral services for my friend, it isn't financially within budget and it's a small intimate family affair anyway. I know her wishes and she would much prefer I would carry on with life and honor her in other ways, truly.

    I did a morning walk today to check on my tolerance for the temperatures and it looks like it will be time to resume my workday walks. When I get back from the holiday I'll be doing them again, this should help me get back in the swing of things activity wise. Maybe it will jump start my weight loss pace, which has slipped from 2 pounds a week, to 1.5, to 1, to fractions.... and I know why, so turning that around.

    The Thanksgiving challenge will bring me right into my first vacation in years, to New Orleans. I will need all my will power there, but I also need to enjoy it. I'll evaluate my next strategy when I get home from that.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,
    Been a very busy week for me but today should be less busy.
    High school football Friday night (grandson is the center for the team).
    No big plans for Labor Day. We are having breakfast with friends Saturday morning
    and spend some time with them.
    I continue to be totally baffled with my weight!!! I have gained a half pound since
    starting my new exercise regimen.
    Have a good day.

    Nancy..it's water weight from the excercise. Be sure to have recovery time and drink LOTS of water.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Misfits,

    Thanks for the compliments on my picture. As you can see I have gained this summer and I not a happy camper.
    I am on the last club cruise of the season and then back to South Beach Phase 1. It will take about a month on it
    to get back to eating different again and less calories. Then onto Phase 2 I have never made it to Phase 3 which is
    maintenance but it helped alot in taking off weight.

    We are on the North Shore in Toronto at one of the ports. We will stay here for 3 days then head to another port
    where are club members will be to finish up the cruise. The weather here is very hot and I took a cold shower
    after my bike ride this morning and trying to stay dry with all this humidity. I am drinking lots of water.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, Thanks. I do drink lots of water,
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good afternoon misfits, the holiday weekend is here, I really dont have any plans, my husband and I plan on winging it. Its really very hot here and I know I will be in my pool. His family normally has a big get together, not sure what day it is yet. My tomatoes are slowing down, and thats okay, we have had plenty. I probably have about 2 more weeks before they get cut down. I have made salsa, and several other things, plus keeping 3 sisters and neighbors in them. All in all a success. Next year I would like to grow something else with the tomatoes, that grows easy. They are saying we should have a snowy winter this year. Gotta run, my daughter calling . Janice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :) This holiday weekend is not an event time for us. We went to Costco and the grocery store this afternoon and battled the crowds and traffic and came home with plans to not leave our neighborhood again all weekend. To those of you with plans, I hope you have a great time.

    <3B) Barbie