Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    this computer is driving me nuts again,

    I have met some nice people here on facebook OA and have me a sensor now. her name is Kathy. I think I found my problems . I am a overeater/ We are just suppose to eat 3 meals a day and just from our list of foods.
    I am getting a whole new look at how to go about this far I Am carring around.i am still having my water retention gain the 5 lb back this morning . the doctor have not call me yet?

    Take care
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Marie, that's great that you found a good connection to OA and read some of the literature.....it's a great program but without the Steps and a sponsor, it's just another diet with friendly people....the Steps are what makes it work

    Janice, we have a Taco Bell in our town that I've never been to because of the high sodium in the food..I'm glad you found something that fits your eating plan...love your garage..what a great place to work on the car.

    Connie, good for you getting to the gym.

    Nancy, good idea to do your exercise first

    I have been taking it easy and not overdoing. I walked the dogs this morning first thing so Jake could sleep a little later. After breakfast he walked Brandy and I walked Sasha. I taught my beginner line dance class today and felt really good while I danced, but I sat down during the break to rest. I am still staying away from the exercise bike and the dumbbells so for me, that's taking it easy. :)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Saturday!

    Where are you guys??? It's so quiet in here. I hope we can keep this thread alive..seems like so many have stopped posting.
    Just a regular Saturday for me, no real plans and trying to stay on the straight and narrow.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Yes, Connie it is so quiet here!!!
    We have to keep this thread alive. I think we might just be tired and busier than usual.
    I know I still get motivation from this group and definitely want to keep it alive.
    I am going through a time of discouragement with the no loss period although doing
    more exercise but I am sure I am more healthy so that is a definite plus.
    Have a good Saturay.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Me too Nancy You guys are my back up you all perk me up.
    I am still trying to get involved in this OA group. it really sounds promising. I am just taking one day at a time. Not looking no further than today
    Had a good night sleep and no low blood sugar. And no more falls. had a wonderful breakfast of Whole wheat thin whole wheat bun with mash 1/2 banana 1 T peanut butter and glass of skim milk

    lunch will be 2 cups of steam spinach with 2 eggs . 1 T Butter My first Honey crisp apple of the season. love those apples.

    Have not decided on Dinner yet. Too far ahead. Will check out some O A recipes tis afternoon

    well those kitties are bring fall into us The think those fallen leaves are their prey and binging them in for us to see. They are brown not the fall color But they moved in the wind. That's all it take for them..

    Have a great weekend and please all keep posting

    I missed Becky, ray, cristina. Ruthie I fill will drop in soon.

    Love you all to bits

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Losers,

    Marie- OA seems a good plan for you like my South Beach. Just stick to the plan and the recipes
    and you should be able to take weight off - good luck my freind.
    Janice - Nice car and your cupboards in that garage are nicer than mine in
    kitchen. Can we trade? HA!

    Sometimes life just gets busy and we forget to check in with our friends. So I am checking in. We went to a sailing swap
    this morning at our club. People from our club bring things related to boating that they want to sell. We didn't see anything
    we wanted so we just hung around for a while and chatted and then went home.

    I just finished some Yoga at home with one of my dvd's. Our yoga studio was closed all week due to changing and
    painting and fixing things up for the next group of lessons. I sure missed it.

    We were supposed to see Isaac, our grandson, on Monday but Dave forgot he has a board meeting to attend so we
    changed it to Thursday and Friday. I can't wait to see him again.

    Rainy here and cold, the temps sure have dropped into the 60's. I am rather enjoying it. Now doing some ironing.
    We are having company next weekend so I think I will change the sheets on the bed.

    Enjoy the day!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    We went and bought a new mattress today, it will be nice. I want to get some new sheets and comforter. We ate out at Zaxbys, and I got some mushrooms and a chicken sandwich. I only ate 1 piece of the bread, and not all my mushrooms, but still high in calories. I dont plan on eating there for awhile, I got my mushroom fix. I have tried to take pictures, during my weight loss to see the changes. My husband took a few of me today. Here are a fewqsukmx29kk8o.jpg
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    They other 2 didnt show, I will try again cnm7p8h9hoek.jpg
    I had a skirt that had the pants made into them, skorts, and I wasnt thinking my husband said that wont be very good to
    wear laying on mattresses, so I changed. That would not have looked very nice. The weather here has really cooled off, going to get real cool tonight and tommorrow night. Well gotta run, I am goibg to get my husband to go look at comforters with me. Have a good night. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang. Finally had 10 minutes to post something. I walked around the lake with my hubby daughter and dog this morning. Came home and had breakfast. Took Iris swimming and I swam while she had her lessons. I had a couple errands to run after that. Then I came home and fixed dinner. We had curried lamb with gravy rice and broccoli. I just finished eating so now we are getting ready to go to church. It has been a really nice day here. Mostly sunny and 55+. A little rain about noonish but otherwise sunny all day. And tomorrow we have auditions for Nutcracker. And while that is happening I will work on cataloging more costumes. I swear the costume room has a wall that moves and adds more totes during the night!!!!! I swear I will never get done. Oh well. It needs to be done.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    So good to see you ll postingg today. Janet loves your Pictures. And Shirley looking forward to seeing Isaac next weekend. . I bet e has grown Esther is so bout about posting love her stories about Alaska.. Connie has not missed a day since since she join the Eastre challenge. and Nancy I think might have missed 1 or 2 All in ll we have not miss many. Love our safe haven here.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Sunday!

    Janice..you look wonderful..slim, trim, and happy! Did you find the perfect matress? I bought a new one last November and love it!

    Just checking in since getting back from church. I hope everyone has a blessed and restful Sunday!
    It's much cooler here and I'm loving it!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thanks for the compliments, thats good to hear, sometimes. I feel like we got a perfect mattress for us, we really felt it was time for a new one. We got a plush one, the one we have right now is pillowtop, but that one felt as good as a pillowtop. It has really gotten cooler here, too. I love it, too. Last night I drained my pool, and it is drying out today. I think I am going to clean up the tomatoes and call it quits, they seem pretty done. I am going to keep the green ones for salsa verde, I seen on the Chew. It is beautiful today, we have all the windows open and I have been really busy cleaning and laundry so I can get outside. I been out a few times, messing with the pool, dogs and the tennis shoes I soaked last night, while emptying the pool. Gotta run, have a nice day, I'll check in later. Janice
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Losers,

    Happy Sunday to all. We are having a gray, raining day. I did my groceries today for South Beach instead of leaving it
    until tomorrow. I washed bed sheets from two of our beds. We are having company next weekend.

    Yoga tomorrow and cleaning my downstairs for company.

    Enjoy your day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi folks. My day did not go so well. Alice and I got out had my Mexican meal and really got sick. Going to have to pay closer station to this gluten/ We stop at Walmart and brought me a transport wheel chair will have to have one to this " Cows pasture wedding" next Saturday. This out to be hilarious, Hope they don't dump me in a mess of Cow Patties Will be taking my Camera hoped these Texas longhorn don't mind us being there
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. I finally got a chance to read the posts. It was another nice day today so I walked the dog around the lake again. (I will try to get a picture of the lake to post when I get the chance.) I came home and had breakfast washed a load of clothes took Iris the 6 yr old to Nutcracker auditions. (She will be a toy under the tree). Shaundra had tap rehearsal for the chimney sweeps for Mary Poppins our local theater group is doing in November. So I walked around downtown playing Dodge Tourist while she danced. Then I came home and made a blackbarb pie (blackberry rhubarb) and made dinner. So I cheated on dinner it was last nights leftovers. I just had to make the rice and broccoli and heat the curried lamb and gravy up. Now I am watching a little TV and kicking back with my crochet and I realized I hadn't looked at my posts today. Gee I wonder why......... Tomorrow I need to get the car cleaned out and get my addresses and directions for a few errands I am running on Friday in Seattle. Wednesday I will be leaving for south to get my car fixed. I will be off the grid for 36 hours. In "the real world" for 36 hours and then off the grid for 36 hours again. I will be home Monday morning. The kids are staying home with my parents while we are gone. My hubby is coming with me. We are also taking the dog with us. I hope he does ok.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HI folks

    I am getting serious on this OA plan. I am a compulsive overeater. But just taken one step at a time. Will be making OA a priority in my life now These kittens are pill But so lovable

    Have a great day

    PS I hope I do not bore you all. with The OA
    Take care.
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Hello Ladies. I read a few pages of comments to get caught up. So glad to hear everyone is doing well. We had a cold front move in late Saturday and woke up to very chilly temps. Should warm back up later this week. I did a lot of walking this weekend and spent a lot of time outside in general.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi everyone! I did end up cleaning up the tomato plants, so no more tomatoes, plus we completely got the pool mess boxed up and put in shed. We got alot accomplished, today I plan on doing alittle more outside. I ended up with over 14, 000 steps, I'm alittle sore today from all of the bending, squatting, and pulling the vines out. I like to have everything neat and put up before weather gets cold. I still have awhile before all that happens, just glad the tomato mess and pool are put up. Have a great day, Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    -Janice, Great workout!!!!
    I am just plain lazy today!!! Don't feel like exercising at all.
    Hope everyone is doing ok.
    Liking this weather and should get me motivated but so far not!!!
    Have a great day.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Nancy-That was yesterday, today I am not moving as much. Sometimes its just nice to take it easy, your body must need it. Sometimes this weather motivates and other days it makes you feel lazy. Have a great day, Janice