The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    work - meh
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It's past midnight, I am beyond tired and want to go to bed but I have one more thing to do before I can. (Not just coming on here). Last week Monday was my only evening home. This week, I will be home on Saturday evening and that's it. It's going to be yet another long week. It just took my 2 hours to do my banking. That's what happens for not doing anything in a month. That and forgetting to pay a bill for a month. (ie: credit card bill) Really don't recommend that. I just hope I don't oversleep again tomorrow like I did today. Last night I was up watching the disappointing Jays game (Hallelujah they won tonight!!). I wanted to leave for work at 6:30 (Need to leave by 6:45) I woke up at 7:30. Oops. I was only about 20 minutes late so that wasn't to bad. Work is busy right now. It hasn't really slowed down at all! I am desperate to get in on a Saturday to do final reports, but my Saturday's are so full I don't have time! Sigh. It's a no win situation. I'm trying to stat eating healthy and working out but being so busy right now I'm struggling. I just hope I don't wear myself out to much and get sick. One nasty cold going around work (the girl I share an office with has it) and my church right now. I don't want it!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    auditors counting today - wheeeeee - one of the odd balls they pulled the guy here who is in charge of it just shrugs and goes - yeah - it's 9 off - I meant to write off 6 bad ones and the others I don't know what happened - we go - well you need to go find 11 switches that look similar and bring them back - and tomorrow we will fix it - right now - I need 11 - no more, no less. Or they'll draw another 20 numbers to count.

    The games we play. Good times.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - Hang in there!! Soon the auditors will be gone.

    Ang- My hubby is a Jays fan and daughter Kathy and her husband are crazy fans. We were supposed to babysit Isaac today so they could go to the game tonight, but my hubby has a cold so she said it would be best not to come because they all just got over colds which they had at Thanksgiving.

    Jenny - How are the renovations going?

    My hand is doing better after my cortisone shot on Monday. I can't believe how much it hurt but today it is still stiff and sore but I can move it much better. I think I will do some cleaning today to keep it moving.

    I picked up a photo in Central Park of the bridge in the winter time so I went to get it framed. Framing is not cheap and I told the lady that I didn't want to spend alot. We ended up changing the matting color and picked out a frame and the cost was still $129 and change. It will look great when its finished.

    I am still reading the book 'INTUITIVE EATING' and doing rather well on it. No more dieting just eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full. I relate to this book so much I couldn't believe it.
    I have been dieting for over 25 years and no more. Its getting in touch with how you feel and figuring out why you eat,what you eat, and when. I am almost done, and I feel very liberated. No more planned meals and restricting myself. I put the scale away and I check about once a week to see how I am doing. They say put losing weight on the back burner for a while. It will take some time to learn this
    but I can see changes already.

    Monday - Yoga 75 mins.
    Tuesday - Walking 35 mins.
    Wednesday - House cleaning.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shirley- I have the Instagram App but don't really get how to use it. Any tips? I'm glad you had a good trip. My friend was in New York at the same time you were. She mentioned they walked about 9 miles per day and how crowded and noisy Manhattan is. They saw Chicago on Broadway. Did you get your tickets from that place in Times Square that sells reduced price tickets when seats are available? Some day we will make the trip but we will do the bus tour where you hop on and off.

    I took the dogs to the dog park today. They were pestering me with cries and barking, driving me nuts. We went to the one at our kennel where they were the only dogs. They ran fast and free! Happy dogs. I made chicken and dumplings in the crockpot for dinner and then went to Cardio Drumming class. It was fun but my knees are having a bad day. I'm going to try their dance fit class next Tuesday and see what that is like. There is an Anytime Fitness opening up near our house. If they have a cheap deal I may join for the elliptical and treadmill. We'll see. It will be time to bring my bike inside soon. I'll have to be more diligent about riding each day for 5 or more miles.

    I'm watching the presidential debate. I can't wait until the election is over. It's been a horrible campaign. 5 year olds running for president!

    I go to my dermatologist in the morning. He will not like the scars on my legs from my eczema. It's been a bad year for rashes and I've scratched a lot.

    Rory called yesterday. He had come home from Ecuador with mosquito bites that were still visible. It turns out they weren't mosquito bites but were possibly from sand flys. He went to the doctor because they still haven't gone away. They sent him to a dermatologist and now he sees an infectious disease doctor on Friday. The CDC will analyze a biopsy he had done at the dermatologist. They think he has a parasite that is transmitted by sand flies. South America is one of the locations that has this parasite. I've been on the phone with Medica Insurance trying to find out who he can see for this within our network in ND. This could get very expensive since he is being treated out of state. Hopefully the treatment works.

    Well I'm going to watch this crazy debate, shower and go to bed.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    good luck wishes for Rory - hope he gets well soon and you can find coverage!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny, we did the hop on and off bus too and if you have a good tour guide you will get so much information on the city. Yes..we got our tickets from TKTS (Times Square) stood in line and got a reduced price.
    Our apartment where we stayed wasn't too far from Times Square we walked most days.
    Rory's diagnosis sounds a little scary but I am sure they will get to the bottom of it and I hope your
    insurance covers some of the costs.

    Marla - TGIF!!

    Hi Ang!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Beautiful weekend! Yesterday I took the dogs in the car while I did errands and then rewarded their fantastic behavior with the dog park. The were tuckered out by evening.

    Scott is working on the upstairs bathroom today. He will start the tiling tomorrow morning. It has a new sub floor, new wall board around shower and tub, and new shower base. We will call the company to come measure for the shower doors this week. Yay! Finally moving along.

    Rory saw the infectious disease doctor. He had not received the results of the biopsy from the CDC yet. Rory said this doctor did not think it was the parasite from the sand fly but he didn't say what he thought it may be. He has recommended antibiotic injections and 3 blood tests per week, not sure how long. Crazy! I told Rory it was an aggressive approach for not knowing what he has. Hmmmm? He is suppose to see the doctor again next Friday and results should be in. Not sure how you treat something if you don't have a confirmation of what it is.

    One more day and back to work. It will be difficult to return on Monday. I'm not ready! Boo hoo! I know I'm lucky to have the break schedule I have but it does make it difficult to return after a two week break.

    Hope you are all having a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    sending good thoughts for Rory!

    I did take a black light and enzyme cleaners into the upstairs bathrooms this weekend - it was disgusting -and I am guessing it has more to do with finding more of the gross to clean up - but it did smell better - so gross

    I let my logging go for the last week and did more eating than I had been and yep the scale shows it - MEH!!

    Son number one is 16 today! Wow. Wish I could be home (he actually is off school) to do something special - but Monday's are my terrible day, and he probably will enjoy more the day in the house with the x-box by himself. I have steaks to grill tonight and cheesecake - his requests - I hate that I don't have an actual present for him today - but what he really wanted was a personalized school golf bag - so it is ordered but not in -

    we had a big blow up last week because I again caught him lying about something pretty stupid (did he go to the FBLA meeting) so it has been strained between us for a few days - he finally gave me the contrite attitude and words I was looking for yesterday

    Hugs ladies!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny :) Glad to hear they getting to the bottom of Rory's bites. It sounds aggressive but after all he is getting the care he needs.

    Marla :) Only the start of teenager angst many more to come. Take it day by day.

    Ang :) I hope all is well and you are happy and healthy.

    Yesterday was a whirlwind day of cleaning up the gardens, pulling out some plants and have to finish up today along with laundry. Dave is finally feeling better so I came back to my bed last night after sleeping in the spare room so I don't catch it. I will be leaving this Sunday to see Isaac so I didn't want to catch anything. I will be there for Halloween to see him in his costume, bonus!

    Dave is also getting busier and selling more meditation benches lately. He had an order for 3 and now I have to call someone else from Yoga for another order. Just a hobby for him but making some cash on the side. Who would of thought my hubby would be making meditation benches. See what retirement brings out.

    Today finishing up cleaning up lawn ornaments, pruning some more plants, and laundry. I better get moving.


    Thursday Oct 20 - Yoga 75 mins.
    Friday Oct 21 - Yoga 75 mins.
    Sat. Oct 22 - No exercise
    Sun Oct Yoga 75 mins.
    Mon Oct 24 - Gardening, laundry
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Back to work today, bleh! I had two cancellations so only saw a set of twins in the morning and had the rest of the day at my desk. I didn't accomplish a lot because of all the social catching up with coworkers' vacations and my own.

    Shirley- you are doing great with your logging/exercise! WTG! I'm glad you get to see Isaac on Halloween. What costume is he going to wear again?

    Marla- Happy Birthday to Zach! You are definitely in the midst of teen angst and the struggle for independence from Mom. Hang in there.

    Hi Ang!

    Scott is grouting the bathroom floor. He says he will be done with the whole bathroom by Sunday. Then we will have the people measure for the shower door. They need the tile on the shower to do that.

    The weather here has been so beautiful! Blue skies, sun, pretty leaves, my favorite time of year.

    Well I have paperwork to do so must get busy. Have a wonderful evening.

    I haven't logged lately but will get my act together again!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2016
    Just a thought, how would you guys feel about closing out this site and have someone else open it up again so more people can join, or do we want to leave it as is with just us. I just don't know how to start it up for open members. It would go under GROUPS. Any thoughts?

    Jenny - Looks like the bathroom is getting done, you must be relieved. Renovations also cause me angst when everything is upside down. Dave will be painting our kitchen and repainting our cupboards and everything will be upside down so here comes the angst. LOL I can't complain at least he is doing it some husbands don't do anything.

    Marla - Happy Birthday to Zach! I can't believe he is 16 but when I see the pictures of the boys on Facebook I realize how they have grown over the years since we have been on this site.

    Hi Ang!

    We have all the gardens cleaned up and 8 recycle bags later to go to the curb. Dave did a trip to the dump yesterday and got rid of paint cans. Our garage floor has been completed for a week or so now and looks great, what a job that was. Dave brought my bike in so I can ride inside now which I will be doing this morning. He has also been selling meditation benches lately again, the word is spreading.
    I have choir tonight and have to practice, I will be missing next week.

    Well have to go and get on that bike.

    Have a wonderful day my freinds!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Ugh. Life has gotten insane. Right from work to something else with hardly any time at home. When I am Im up late getting things done. I really need to get my priorities straight.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Shirley- I'm fine if you want to change up this link, whatever the majority want to do. How was your trip to see Isaac? It sounds like you and Dave are ready for winter and have outside projects done. We haven't even started!

    Ang- Do you like your new job? Are you working extra hours or is it all that you do with church and work combined? Hang in there and give yourself quiet time when you can fit it in.

    Hi Marla! Happy 16th birthday to Zach!

    Tiling in bathroom will be done by Sunday. Then they will come and measure for shower doors. It will be totally usable within a few weeks.

    I had a headache that wouldn't quit yesterday. I ended my work day at a home where the mom must have cleaned with pure bleach. The smell and fumes were awful and I felt increasingly lousy. My headache got worse and by the time I got in my car I felt queasy. I barely made it home because it was hard to have light in my eyes. I didn't go to my play at the theater but went to bed instead. I still have a dull headache so I'm staying home and going to get checked for a sinus infection later.

    I have the morning news on and they are showing clips of Donald Trump and his crazy statements as a result of his narcissistic personality and big ego. I can't stand it anymore. He's insulting our military and those who serve right now over the whole ISIS fight in Mosul. Get this over with! Worst election campaign ever televised is this year!

    I've been taking more steps during my day but haven't hit 10,000 yet due to knee pain. I'm getting there. It's time to bring my bike in also. I'll ask Russ to do so this weekend. He'll be glad to get it out of the garage. We have a dumpster in our driveway and are filling it with flooring, junk from garage, etc.

    Have a nice day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hope you feel better dear J - and I agree this insanity needs to end - unfortunately I truly believe we are 'scrooged' either way -

    the last few hours before fiscal year end - it's so draining -

    hey Shirley - great job cleaning up

    hi Ang!

    better get back to it - just took a moment to eat a bar - been a busy beaver for six hours straight!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2016
    Jenny - I haven't left yet, we are going on Sunday until Wednesday. I will miss choir but I would rather see my little Isaac, it seems forever since I saw him. We did talk on Skype but that's not the same.

    Marla and Ang - Hang in there, good times around the corner. B)

    I had my apt. yesterday at the Diet Clinic, and was there for an hour and a half. Lots of information but dare say didn't learn anything I already knew. I have two more apts., one for a breathing test to see where my metabolic rate is. That should be interesting. They have rotating doctors there so I meet with one every time I have an apt. There are group discussions and so forth. I will try this because my doctor wants me to. They also told me about the MFP website, I had to laugh to myself since I have been on it since 2010. I am back to logging food since I took a break from it and still reading Intuitive Eating. They want copies of your daily food diary.
    They also have dieticians and counselors there.

    Today I am making potatoes, green beans and sausage in the crockpot, plus homemade beef barley soup. l better get to it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    I went to work today feeling all better. The tile is shaping up in the bathroom. Very excited to be done with this project.

    Marla- Neither candidate is a glowing choice, I agree. Just get it over with and don't ruin the country or the world.

    Shirley- Have a fun Halloween with Isaac. I know what you mean about not learning anything new. When I was sent to the nutritionist I didn't learn anything I didn't know. She also mentioned MFP. I guess it just shows us it's under our control how well we do with making healthy changes. Good luck! I may get that book Intuitive Eating. Do you think it's worthwhile?

    I have a book club brunch in the morning. One of our members moved to the southern suburbs so she's having us for Saturday morning brunch since it is quite a drive we couldn't do after work during rush hour. We read "Everything I Never Told You". It was a good book.

    Well relaxing and reading. Have a great weekend!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hey all - back at fun town for the last day of the fiscal year - but then there should be a short reprieve before it gets crazy again (eh, not really - they are buying another failing company so that has to be handled now, meh)

    tomorrow is church, church, church and more church. It's Reformation Day- it's like the high holiday for Lutherans (the day Luther nailed his thesis' to the door...) so Zach sings at the 10:30 service and the Reformation circuit service, Caleb has practice, Zach has practice AND the Hallelujah party that Caleb is helping at this year. Oy.

    not much of a restful weekend - oh well - I am working hard on praying and being thankful for my blessings and turning the rest over - I can't say if it is working or not - but daily I am trying - wish I could say the same with exercising.... no bueno -

    I agree we all know there is no magic bullet for our healthfulness - just the daily work - we will get there with every good choice we make -

    Rock on ladies!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    felt like this weekend was mom for the fail - Sunday morning started out well with Zach and his group singing and then fell off a cliff - Zach suddenly decided he had never wanted to do the Reformation service and then we spent two hours arguing about many different things and I just feel like a failure - I know I should make him do things he should do - and I am teaching him terrible lessons by not punishing him - or I force him to do something with a bitter heart and he then decides to quit the singing (and other stuff) all together? Caleb was whiny all day - he had been at a sleep over Friday night and most of Saturday - then decided Sunday he is getting sick (maybe he is) - but this is why I HATE sleepovers - and then Caleb refused to go help at the Hallelujah party - which I was done arguing with people at that point. Especially since I am irritated at the youth pastor too - he decided a few months ago he wanted to take the Jr High youth to a big jr youth gathering in Kearney in November - Caleb is excited - I sign him up, pay for it - get an email last week that Pastor is now preaching at the convention and won't be chaperoning or spending any time with the kids. Grrrr..... this was your great idea and if we don't step in we look like the pukes - instead of you who once again bailed on the kids. Two more years and he can get called somewhere else.... two more years.... of course my kids will be mostly grown by then...