The New Water Cooler



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Nothing exciting going on here, just doing chiropractor apts. with leg raised up and heating pad and ice still going on. I will give it the rest of this week for apts. and then I call the doctor next week to talk to him.

    I did go out for lunch with a yoga friend today and it was good to get out.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Shirley you are lucky your doctor will check your knee out thoroughly. I can't seem to get anyone to have empathy and listen to me. I think they believe I make up the pain I feel. They are so dismissive about it and say it's due to age and arthritis so deal with it. I"m glad you may get treatment.

    Rainy again today. Russ and I went out for dinner and he leaves tomorrow for a training to get a license renewal he needs for work. I will have the house to myself tomorrow eve!

    Tired tonight so relaxing.

    Sleep well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    long week - cold front moved in - finally winter weather - feeling the holiday pressure!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I finished my Christmas cards since I am sitting on my butt and resting my knee for the weekend. I have
    Saturday rehearsal and performance on Sunday for choir and just want to get through it in as least pain as possible. I am still doing Chiropractic apts. and called the doctor today but couldn't get an early apt. so I had to take the one I had on Dec. 15th anyway. I will see if I can get an xray for my chiropractor to look at until then.

    One day at a time.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Tomorrow is Friday! Yay!
    Busy week at work so I'm glad the evenings have been somewhat lazy.
    Shirley-sorry you couldn't get an earlier appointment with your chiro.

    Marla- I wish I felt holiday pressure so I would get something done. I know it'll happen but I'm not too motivated since it will be just Russ and I home for Christmas Eve and day. Our Christmas dinner probably won't be until after New Years.

    I'm home alone! Whoopee! It's not that I don't want Russ around but I do enjoy being alone and just doing and eating what I want. I don't have to converse with anyone. My cousin may be calling though so I guess I will have to talk since I told her I would be home.

    Enjoy your evenings!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I don't want to jinx myself but today is the first day I have less pain with my knee since Nov. 8th. I have an apt. at 11:15 this morning with the chiropractor and doctor apt. not until Dec. 15th.

    Have a great day, I gained 2.3 lbs. since my week away and my first weigh in since last Wednesday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    hope you are feeling better Shirley and your choir went well - we had a big practice yesterday - one more Saturday and then Sunday both services. I don't want to jinx it but things went pretty well yesterday - Zach sounds great, Caleb's new group is coming along - I love a couple of our pieces -

    I am so blah about the holiday this year - I put my tree up but no other decorations - nobody wanted to help me and I'm just tired of it doing by myself -

    most of my shopping left to do and again just bleh -

    got my machine and did a few minutes Friday and few Saturday - whew! It's a killer - here's to baby steps and getting back in the movement habit!

    Here we go ladies!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I'm here.
    Lazy weekend. I did finish my touch up painting "again" in upper bathroom. I will work on lower bath over my break.

    Russ and I decided not to put up our tree. It's artificial but is still a lot of work to spread the branches, haul boxes upstairs, unpack and put away again. None of the boys are coming home and our Christmas dinner will be in January when the tree would be down anyway. We do have laser lights on the house outside and a wreath on the house. Kind of depressing but also trying to minimize too much we put on ourselves. We haven't planned how we will spend our Christmas eve and day yet. We will stay in town for sure.

    Sitting in a very boring inservice training. Watching the clock which is moving slow. This morning's training was for speech pathologists only and was great. At least half the day was good. The poor teachers had a bad morning training too.

    WTG Marla on getting on your machine!
    Shirley- I hope chiro helps. I have an afterwork appt today too.

    Well I must attend so more later,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Our choir rehearsal and performance went well. We had a sold out crowd and I was on the reception
    committee after with desserts and coffee and tea. My knee held up through it all but is kind of sore today. I got an xray on Friday and I will take it to my chiropractor tomorrow and maybe she can see more what is going on.

    Today is laundry day and Dave is putting up some new curtains and rods I bought during black friday shopping week. I ironed the panels and it should all be done by tomorrow. We still want to paint
    the kitchen before Christmas and do the cabinets after the holidays. I still have to decorate the inside
    but taking it one day at a time. I can't believe I have not excercised since Nov. 8th. Me who exercises every day. I may have to calm that down once I hear my knee results. Right now just walking around
    the house and doing our stairs is enough.

    Jenny - I hope you enjoy your Christmas even though not many decorations are up.

    Marla - Good luck with the choir performance. Nice job on exercising on your new machine, I hope you see results but at least you are doing it and enjoying it. At least you have your tree up, nothing here yet but I did ask Dave to bring in the containers so I can do a little at a time.

    We are going to see Isaac on Wednesday and Thursday for a visit.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Here is a picture of Isaac with his visit to Santa.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Tonight is my first evening home in a week and a half. Last week was insane, but the Christmas program is over! It went well. I'm glad to have my evenings back again! I wore myself out and caught a cold. There was a lot of coughing through the performance.
    I haven't even been on here for over a week. That's how nuts it's been.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    I went to the chiropractor yesterday after my training. He helped get my lower back right again. It had been wacked out for a few weeks. Feeling better about it. I woke up last night at 3am with bad stomach pains, gas, bloating, and the need to get to the toilet. Bizarre! Where did that come from? I was up 3 more times and had chills at one point. I stayed home today in case it persisted because I didn't want to be far from a bathroom. I ate light and bland today so I'm sure I'm fine now and will work tomorrow. Weird!

    Cute picture of Isaac, Shirley! Christmas will be so much fun with his current age. Enjoy!

    Our gym is almost done. I'll be able to work out over my Christmas vacation if they get it done on time 12/18.

    Ang- glad you survived your busy schedule. Enjoy yourself and relax as you get ready for the holidays.

    I just booked lodging for the Seattle wedding in June. My brother's last daughter is getting married. Hopefully all 3 of my sons will be able to attend. It would be so nice to have siblings, nieces and nephews together for a weekend. Hasn't happened in a very long time. I'm not sure if my two sisters and oldest brother are going or not. I had heard they were hoping to but since Lynn was so sick and hasn't bounced back yet, she may decide not to attend. My middle sister has the husband with MS. She didn't go to AK because she didn't want to find someone to stay with him while she was gone. He can't do anything for himself anymore. I don't know if she will actually allow herself to go and enjoy herself. She feels guilty if she goes out to dinner and a movie with a friend or our other sister. There is no reasoning with her.

    Well time will tell. Tomorrow it is suppose to become much colder. Rory experienced a blizzard in Grand Forks today and his classes were cancelled.

    Sleep well. I hope I do.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    migraine - day....twwwwoooooo
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    Oh Marla, so sorry you don't feel well. Sorry you suffer from migraines. I have some friends that do and know it is debilitating. Not a good time of year for feeling under the weather. Feel better soon.

    I received an email from my new gym. I will have my first training session in the next two weeks. The gym opens 12/19. Just in time for my two weeks off of work. Nice!

    Tired tonight so just checking in. It was a long day and the next two are also. Book club tomorrow eve and then a quiet weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
    feeling better today thank goodness

    glad your new gym will be up soon - enjoy!

    skipped church last night since we didn't have practice - practice Saturday and then two performances Sunday - woo

    cold front whipped in - very brrrrrrr
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2016
    I just got back from seeing Isaac and got to see him get his first haircut yesterday, which went good until the hairdresser brought out the electric clippers and his little head went every which way and he bumped his head and started crying. The crying was over fast and he looked so cute with his new cut.

    We got home after lunch and I finished decorating the upstairs for Christmas so that is all done. One thing at a time. I was chasing Isaac around so now my knee is a bit achy so I am icing it. I had my xray
    read by the chiropractor, nothing serious, some arthritis which I thought, and muscles and tendon.
    I still have to see my doctor and see what he says but until then I continue with the chiropractor.

    I made some squash soup before we left to see Isaac, so that will part of our dinner and anxious to see how it tastes.

    Have a good evening. 

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,725 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Chiropractor this morning and she started massaging on the back of my knee on the right side, hamstring, and I thought I would go up the roof, very sore today. Icing it now and resting. I finished putting laundry away and got the bows on the bannister. Decorating is done. Yay!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,271 Member
    TGIF and off to have a cocktail and fajitas in a little bit. Crazy week at work and so behind. I'm feeling irritable and agitated. Feels like PMS but since I have hit menopause I don't notice most months. Today is not a good day for my mood.

    No torn meniscus Shirley? Sounds like you are in a lot of pain. My arthritis is in the front of my knees and knee cap.

    Well I'm tired and not good company today so I'll check in later this weekend.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Well after an insane week. I crashed and I crashed hard. I started coughing last Thursday (that was NOT fun trying to get through the Christmas program with that!), and it's only been getting worse. I ended up going to the walk in Wednesday night and he said it was bronchitis. Ugh. He didn't get me antibiotics though. He prescribed me Robitussin with codeine in it. I've been on it for almost 3 days but don't really seen any improvement. I may go back tomorrow to a different walk in and get a second opinion (as a couple of people have told me I should) All the coughing is starting to go to my voice and last night at the kids program I work at I croaked out the Christmas story. It's to hard to slow down this time of year and rest. I can't afford to miss work. I have no vacation time and no overtime. If I loose a days pay that's my grocery budget for the month. It's really not good.

    Tonight is the ladies Christmas banquet my church does. I am so looking forward to it! I just hope people (like my mom!) doesn't mind sitting at the same table with me an my coughing! I took some of what they gave me when I forced myself to get up at 10. I can only take it every 8 hours which means I can't take it again until 6, when the banquet is starting. I'm gong to hall where we are having it at 4 to help with the set up. I have to figure out a way to take it with me. It's liquid so that's harder to take then if I had pills.