The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Sorry you are sick Ang. It's hard to keep up with our schedule when we don't feel well. Get better soon.

    Lazy weekend but feeling less agitated. Russ and I went out for dinner Friday eve and I had a margerita. Saturday I read my book and went to the grocery.

    Today I'm working on paperwork and will make batches of playdough this afternoon for my students' Christmas presents. They will each get a couple of Christmas cookie cutters and a ball of red or green playdough.

    It is beautiful outside here today. Fresh, fluffy snow on the trees and ground and snow falling from the sky. It's cloudy, no sun, but I love it when it looks like this outside.

    One more week of work and two weeks off. I'm really looking forward to it.

    Have a nice Sunday!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny- I won't know if I have a torn miniscus unless I get an MRI and my doctor will have to prescribe that. My soreness is on the right side of my knee and my chiropractor thinks she can deal with it.
    I did a lot yesterday and its sore today.

    I started wrapping yesterday and Isaac is all done. Now to finish up today. Dave got the tree together
    today and we should decorate later tonight. I do want to finish up wrapping after the football game is over.

    Ang- I hope you feel better and go see another clinic maybe they can prescribe something else.

    Marla - Hi hope all is well.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Can you hear me screaming? Why do men have to think so differently than women? I'm so tired of miscommunication and having to be so literal so Russ can understand something I want done. Even then, he doesn't totally listen and does what he wants. Our last towel rack in the upper bathroom hadn't been put back on. It goes in the jacuzzi tub area, centered on a wall above the tile. When the tiling was done it had to come down. I put it on the vanity this morning for Russ to hang since he was home today. Why would he think we would move it to a different spot? We had already made the decision a year ago to put it where it was before. All he had to do was put it back but slightly above the old spackled holes. But no! He decided to move it closer to the front of the tub under the hook that is for a robe, etc. It looks ridiculous! If I have him move it, then two more holes need to be spackled and repainted and those spots always show no matter what. If he had put it back where it was and slightly above the old repaired holes, they wouldn't have shown since a towel would have been hanging there. Now a towel can't hang on it because it will hit the faucets and if it's wet, the drips will cause puddles that fall to the floor rather than go in the tub. He drives me crazy and we definitely don't think alike on household tasks/jobs. This kind of stuff happens a lot!!!!!! Rant over...

    Very cold today, 3 degrees with negative windchill. I wore my winter boots because we have lots of snow and roads/driveways are covered. I gave my students a sugar high today because we decorated cookies with frosting and sprinkles. They proceeded to eat their cookie by licking off the icing and sugar but not eating the cookie! I prefer the topping too!

    Shirley- you and Dave are so together on getting stuff done. Maybe when we are retired... Christmas will be so fun with Isaac. What did you get for him? It's so fun to buy for little ones.

    Hi Marla and Ang.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,719 Member
    I feel you J - hope things are calming down and that 'bad boy' fixed your towel rack. It's not the time of year to mess with us stressed out ladies. B has been trying to be more helpful and I am trying to not throat punch him - he has been emptying the dishwasher more often (nice enough and I appreciate) but what I keep mentioning and going on and on and on and on about is the bathroom - after hours and hours and hours and hours of repetitive cleaning with no luck on eliminating the odor - my handy googling research tells me it is probably underneath the toilet (the base of their toilet is not sealed and I'm sure there has been too many nasty seepages) and that the best way is to pull the toilet and re do the wax seal (clean everything first of course) and then seal it. I have begged for this ( I know it will be a pain) - have said I will use my profit sharing money - he is still 'thinking' about it.... and I am still dealing with the smell... gggggrrrrrrrrrrr

    I am freaking out about gifts. I only have a few bought and basically nada/zilch for ideas on the others - I did my cards done but am completely PHREAKED!

    Church concerts are over. They went well I think, but exhausting as always. Music is my joy and so blessed my boys sing too - but it's a lot of work during a stressful season. The kids school concerts are still upcoming -

    Ang - hope you feel better - good luck and sending healing thoughts!

    Shirley - zooming healing to your knee as well!

    Hugs ladies.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Marla- Right back at ya. Getting calk or a replaced seal or toilet seat is a major ideal around here. Not a great job but has to be done some time. Luckily our bathroom redo's made it happen. I will have to live with the towel rack. I'm going to let him have his view point that it is "more functional" even though the location drives me nuts. I don't need two more holes to spackle, sand and paint. I will get use to it but will not like it for the next 4-5 years. The next owners can move it. I will have to let my OCD relax a little bit for this one.

    I haven't done any shopping for Christmas so you all are ahead of me. We aren't really having a Christmas but I will give the boys something when we have our dinner in January. They really don't want anything but money though.

    Well working so signing off. Enjoy your day. Frigid temps here but the sun is out.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Frigid here too snowing and blowing and we will be decorating the tree this afternoon. I had another chiro apt. and she is suspecting maybe a tear in my meniscus. I see the doctor tomorrow and see what he says the next step will be. If its torn surgery will come next. Ugh! I guess I need an MRI to see this.
    So sitting here with ice on it and my chiro apts. will keep going so far.

    Dave is helping me with some laundry so I can rest( with my instructions LOL) I feel your pain on what the husband's do and don't do. My chiropractor's receptionist was complaining about her husband today about painting the bathroom. Must be a hubby epidemic.

    Well better go and get that tree decorated.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,719 Member
    bleck - it's only Wed!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,719 Member
    so dear h and I got into again last night about the bathroom - and after he yelled about how stupid my idea is and that I am the only one who has a problem and on and on and on and I finally walked away because once again I am exhausted of hearing how stupid my problems and ideas are - he supposedly bought the stuff to fix it - we'll see - but I am frankly still pissed - don't yell at me and then think I am going to kiss your A.. feet because you ended up fixing it. *kitten*. *kitten*.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    This week has been slow, Marla. I finally finished seeing students today and have my paperwork day tomorrow. We also have a potluck tomorrow which will be nice. It is suppose to storm tomorrow so the snow will be accumulating fast. Our program Christmas party is tomorrow night so we'll see if it gets cancelled or not. Russ is going to grocery shop for our weekend tomorrow because of the snow storm and frigid temps are going to get worse by Sunday.

    Marla- I feel your pain with the bathroom. In my case, Russ would listen to his male buddies before he would listen to me about a home repair or improvement. I guess wives or females have no clout. At least we know we are right!

    Well dinner is ready.
    More tomorrow.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We have had ridiculous cold temps today which took your breath away. I saw the doctor today and
    he is sending me to an orthopedic surgeon which I have no idea when that will be then MRI if needed.
    So for now I go to the chiropractor at least twice a week and my doctor is giving me Tylenol #2 for pain.
    I didn't want the #3 which constipates, I know too much Info. More to come...

    Tomorrow we will be picking up my girlfriend, Aline, and her dog for the weekend and then her family
    comes on Saturday. So a busy weekend.

    Marla - TGIF tomorrow Yay!

    Jenny - Have fun at the Christmas party.

    Ang - Hope all is well.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,719 Member

    They are calling for copious amounts of freezing rain and then snow - not cool Mama Nature.

    Stay warm my friends.

    Pray I get all my babies home before it becomes bad out.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    The snow storm wasn't as bad as predicted. It didn't start snowing until around 3pm and it was lightly falling. We did have the Christmas party. It was alright. Not much of a party but some good laughs with coworkers at my table. People tend to stay at their tables and not mingle around the room. A little weird but also a very tight space with all the tables and buffet.

    Shirley- glad you get to see a surgeon but does that mean they think you will need surgery? They haven't confirmed the torn meniscus yet have they? Enjoy your company this weekend.

    Marla- hope all is well in NE. I imagine you have cold temps and lots of snow too.

    Relaxing today and watching a Star Wars movie marathon. I did manage to get all my work done before leaving work so no paperwork brought home, yay! Busy with friends Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday day. I need to make a list of shopping I should do. Very low key around here...

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    We made it through the frigid day yesterday by not leaving the house. The dogs only went out long enough to do their business and ran back inside. I think it was -20 temp with -30 windchill. No thanks! I made a chicken and corn chowder that cooked all day in the crockpot. It was good and will freeze well for another meal later. The recipe filled a 6-7 quart crockpot.

    Today I am meeting some friends from work for a late lunch at a Japanese restaurant and then we are going to a movie (Collateral Beauty? with Will Smith). Not sure on the name.

    Russ has his first training session at the gym tonight and mine is tomorrow morning. I don't know if it is officially open this week or not. It may be delayed until the 3rd.

    Watching the news and drinking Dunkin Donuts coffee from my new coffee pot. I got rid of my Kuerig and the one that replaced it broke. I'm back to a traditional Cuisinart with pot only. So far I'm glad to be back. The water reservoir in the Kuerigs always made me nervous. How much bacteria built up in there as the water was waiting to be used?

    It's going to be a heat wave today in the teens so I won't be dressing with lots of layers. Yay!

    Have a nice day,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,719 Member
    the ice was a mess and the temps brutal - bad weekend - I car drama on Friday that started my weekend on an anxious note and I think I am just kind of depressed - worried about Zach and his grades - worried that he won't make concert choir again - worried about Caleb's weight - worried about mine - worried about presents - stressed about work - I'm just yucky.

    it has warmed up here considerable too Jenny - almost 30 - break out the light jacket

    warm waves my friends - this too shall pass
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    It will be warming up here this week after we had freezing rain last Saturday night.

    I had company from Friday until Sunday and there was lots of laundry bed sheets and towels after they left. Everyone seemed to have a good time and they all went to an NFL football game on Sunday while my friend and I went shopping. I waited until all the ice melted before we ventured out but when the group left they were skidding on the road. They brought pizza back after the game and then got all their gear together and left. I don't think they were gone for 20 mins and I got my tablet and started down the stairs but fell and ended on my stomach. I thought I broke my teeth but they are intact, my mouth
    was the last to hit. My left arm is full of bruises and all I could think of was my knee but it seems to have withstood the fall, a little sore on the knee cap but my chiropractor thinks its okay. I feel like a mack truck hit me but no broken bones thank God!

    Last night was our choir Christmas party and it went well our group was hosting so I made some appetizers which I took from Pinterest. I was home early because I had to get up early this morning
    to go to the diet clinic. I am not losing weight in fact I gained 2 pounds but they are okay with that
    and I know after the holidays I will buckle down. I took my BP readings and the doctor was pleased
    with them so I don't need more meds.

    I hope you guys are getting finished with Christmas preparation I will be dealing with food this week
    for the dinner.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    Shirley! I hope you are ok. What made you fall down the stairs? Were you carrying stuff and didn't see your footing? I always worry when I'm carrying sheets or a laundry basket down to the laundry. I tend to go down sideways so I can see the steps. With my knees I have to lead with one foot anyway when I'm carrying something with weight. I hope you are ok. Scary! If you can even maintain or stay within a couple of pounds this time of year, consider that you are successful.

    Marla- I'm sorry things are so stressful right now. Does Bernie carry any stress or have the same worries about the kids as you do? Are you able to talk to him or your sister when you feel this way? You're always welcome to chat on here but I wondered if you have emotional support in your home or nearby?

    Today I had my first training session and then went to meet friends for lunch and coffee. One of our former coworkers that moved to Michigan a year ago is here visiting family for the holidays. She contacted 4 of us to meet up and visit. It was so nice to see her. She looks great! They want to move back here but her husband has to find the right job to do that.

    My training session was more of a consult today. The gym won't be done for two weeks. The trainer met with me and he gathered info on my goals, current weight, body fat, etc. (not good at all), did a fitness test, and I set some goals I want to achieve. I have to keep a food diary for the next 6 days to go over with him when I see him next time. I'm suppose to start a multi vitamin and fish oil. I'm so inconsistent with this stuff so I need to kick my own butt and make things a priority. I had to do plank for one minute, balance on one leg at a time for 15 seconds, lunges (to see how much I can go down), squats and another position with legs and arms on the floor. I didn't do too bad on the balance, did maintain plank for one minute, but not so great on lunges and squats with my bad knees. So I have things to work on and am anxious to get the gym open so I can do my cardio and weights with accountability. Russ had to cancel his training session but rescheduled it for Friday this week.

    Tomorrow morning I meet two more friends for coffee and gift exchange and then social is done for the week. Collateral Beauty was a good movie. Will Smith, Kiera Knightly, Ed Norton, Helen Mirran, Kate Winslett, were a few of the big names in it.

    Temps have warmed up to the 30's so tomorrow I will go to the car wash. My car is coated in salt.

    Have a great evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,719 Member
    Shirley - I'm sorry about your fall! I hope you are ok. That is scary.

    Jenny - glad your session with the trainer went well. Good luck! I have my machine at home and have only used it twice - I need a booty kick too
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Winter Soltice!!

    All is well besides my bruises on my left arm and some sore muscles it could have been worse.

    I had my chiropractor apt. this morning, nothing now until January 4th. I am improving with the knee
    but slowly. I have been watching a lot of Christmas shows as I can because I am retired. Today I made
    chicken soup for lunches and chili for dinner tonight.

    Tomorrow is my hair cut apt. and I will be good for the holidays. I have to pick up some Christmas cards
    for the 4 children in the family because they will be at our house on boxing day, Monday and they will be getting some money from us. This will be the first Christms Kathy won't be with us on Christmas day
    because they will be at her sister -in - laws. We will see them on Monday with the rest of the family.
    My sister and her boyfriend will be coming on Christmas Eve and there will be 5 of us for Christmas
    dinner, my MIL, Kristina and John and Dave and myself.

    Marla- I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and maybe a New Year's resolution,
    less worrying about everyone.

    Jenny - Your new exercise program sounds great, I hope it all goes well when the gym is open.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,265 Member
    The little bit of movements and exercise the trainer had me do made me sore in the hips and my core. I'm in trouble!

    Russ came home from work and then had to leave and go back to two different buildings to trouble shoot security stuff. He's not happy. His boss is a worrier and gets very anxious when things aren't on schedule or working. Much of it is not in their control because it is due to outside companies they've hired to do the work within the school district. He always calls Russ to deal with it. I think every vacation we've ever taken out of town, he gets a call from his boss. They guy can't stop thinking about work, is 65 or older and could retire, but he won't until he feels all is checked off his list of to do's. That will never happen because there is always more added to the list.

    Coffee was nice and we talked from 9am until 1pm. Panera was very crowded and people were waiting for open tables. When we got up to leave, two groups swarmed us to take our table. I tried to go to Costco today but parking lot was full. I managed to pick up a med at Target pharmacy but went home after washing my car. I can't deal with crowds this time of year and since there is no rush to get stocking stuffers for the boys, I will wait until the 26th or later. We won't have our dinner and stockings until the 7th or 8th anyway.

    Well I hope you all have a great Christmas. I imagine checking in will be sporadic for all of us over the next few days.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I finally got my MIR apt. on February 14th for my knee. I will continue with my treatments at least twice a week at the chiropractor, she is helping with the pain. She has actually helped me alot since I first
    injured it, it has come a long way.

    Today I went to my yoga studio to talk to Joyce, the owner, and let her know how things are going with my knee and my future at the studio. I hope to be okay and back there as soon as my knee lets me.
    I have a DVD at home of yoga so I will try that after the holidays and my weights in between. After exercising 6 days a week I feel I am at a stand still now.

    Yes...I guess we will be sporadic posting on here during the holidays, but pop in and just say hi.

    I went to visit my MIL today as I have not been stopping in due to my knee and no yoga classes.
    I brought her a donut and I got a breakfast sandwich at the coffee shop and we just chatted. She is still
    knitting baby booties and sweaters for the mission and the poor. Always keeping busy as she is going into her 91st year.

    Marla , Jenny and Ang - Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!
