The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    It sounds like a better prognosis now. Sorry you are all going through this. Stressful! Our children think we will be here forever and when something like this happens, they realize life can change fast.

    I hope Bernie heals quickly. Take care of yourself too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    The swelling isn't receding as fast as I would hope - but Bernie seems to be feeling less pain - so we are just sticking with the treatment - he will see his primary care Tuesday. Hopefully that's all we need to do - I hope no more hospitals!

    My propeller is starting to run out of go.

    Busy weekend of music stuff and try to get the house back in order - and the dog is sick so I probably need to call the vet and beg for a saturday appt - I need one more thing to do!

    All in all - we are very fortunate and I am grateful for what we have.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Wow, when it rains it pours! I hope your dog is ok.

    My week was busy with back to back student visits and something every night late. I hit the wall this morning. Busy day and got home about 2:30, organized and cleaned all the toys out of my car, and then hit the chair. I ache! I almost fell asleep at the wheel on the way home from work. Luckily my car has eye sight and the bell was dinging as I headed toward the median. I'm off to bed in a minute and hope to sleep in a little bit. Tomorrow I need to go shopping for Christmas. I also need to plan my menu for hosting knitting Tuesday eve. That will be my last hosting for this year. I got book club out of the way in October. After Tuesday, I will begin to pull the stuff off walls, patch holes, pack some stuff that needs to go to garage and make more piles for give away.

    I need to make a To Do list for Russ because he can't seem to remember what he needs to do to help out! Ugh!

    Well I hope you all get some rest this weekend. I hear the Kurt Russell Christmas movie on Netflix is very good. I'm hoping to watch it.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh I'm glad you didn't fall asleep while driving. Hope you get rested up!!

    I cleaned off my desk and did some bills and filing. All very needed.

    Dog has gunked up ears and eye - ear drops and eye drops on top of trying to continue working on his major skin allergy issue that we have been doing for a couple of months now. Poor guy.

    Here's to a recuperating weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I just finished hosting knitting tonight. We didn't knit but sat around the dining room table talking through and after dinner. I'm done hosting for many months! Yay!

    I'm tired and off to bed in a minute. Bad arthritis week and still have stuff to get done for boxes to send to Jeff and David. I need to finish stocking stuffers tomorrow after work.

    Does your dog have a virus? Have you looked at his food? Changing food sometimes helps many dog issues.

    I'll write more later in week. Need to crash now.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I feel like Bernie is recovering, but I also think he is slow walking it and could very easily jeopardize his job - I am exhausted from all the drama of everything and doing everything on my own. It hasn't been very long overall, but still such a drain. And when I tried to talk to him about returning to work for an hour or two he got pissed that I didn't understand what he was going through and didn't care. Whatever. I'll just shut up and pray he doesn't lose his job, because he make 75% of our money.

    Hope your week is better than mine!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    That is stressful. Do you think he's feeling pretty sick or enjoying being home and not working? A little of both?

    Tomorrow is a non student day. We have our Secret Santa reveal, paperwork, and meetings. TGIF!

    I need to finish up wrapping and packing boxes this weekend for Jeff and David and their significant others. Need to be mailed by Monday!

    I have a little more time with Rory's stuff. I need to bake a few coffee cakes. Jeff wants me to send him one already baked. Hmmmm...freeze and put in the box?

    Are you ready for Christmas?


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I think he likes the attention and being home

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Men are pretty dramatic when sick.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    word - and I get he was pretty seriously ill and I know it was scary - but frankly I'm tired of everyone only asking about him - hey guess what I have been doing everything on top of dealing with the scary sick and scared kids, sick dog, music boosters, church choirs oh and the only person working at the moment.

    hope your weekend is going well - it's the big big big music weekend - church music practice for three hours today, two services tomorrow and then the high school music program tomorrow afternoon too. I am skipping the work party tonight. Just not into it and work SUCKED this week. I have no desire to see anyone.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I am still exhausted from the weekend. Just trying to grind out each day.

    A squirrel ate through something and took the power down at church during the second service. Had to finish in the dark, without sound. What a year.

    high school concert was very nice, now Caleb is trying to get ready for concert choir auditions - I'm a wreck. I want him to make it so bad, but know it is unlikely, Zach didn't make it until his Junior year - but I have always felt he should have made it Soph. So anxious making.

    ergh, so tired. Just in a fog.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    You sound like you need to sleep for a week. If only...

    One more day of work tomorrow and then off until January 2nd. I'm ready. My knees have been hurting and I'm holding fluid around the knees and ankles. I know my weight isn't helping my pain. I'm going to the gym tomorrow after work whether I'm tired or not. I need to move and am sitting too much.

    Last night I went on the limo light tour with coworkers. It was sort of fun and lots of laughs but the lights were lame. The company supposedly researches where to take us for the good lights. We saw a few houses that went all out (weird) but lots of driving in between and nothing was awesome. For the price to rent the limo and be driven around ($45 per person), it wasn't worth it in my opinion.

    I need to wrap presents for Rory this weekend and finish stocking stuffers for him and I'm set. I will bake a few coffee cakes on Sunday or Monday.

    How are your holiday plans coming together? Hope work is getting better for you.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    ah to sleep, perchance to dream...

    last night of Advent service at church - women sing and the boys were serving the advent meal as a required 'help' for their trip this summer. Then to race home and help Caleb and his friend practice for their concert choir auditions which were this morning at 7 a.m. Sigggghhh. The odds are not in favor of making it - with only a group of 50 (about 12 per section) and few graduating and MANY auditioning. I just want it so bad. For him. Zach blossomed SO much when he finally made it. And Caleb also has the necessary skills (an awesome ear, pitch, tone, ability, etc) - just depends on the man in charge. Ah well. It's out of hands.

    Two more days to get through. I have a few more gifts to wrap. Have to figure out my sister - thought I had a great idea, can't find it anywhere - too late to order. Meh. I haven't heard word one about what she wants to eat that day so I can't plan my grocery list. And I do still have to worry about all the worries going on around me. I.e. - The B and the wound, but not too sick to work out.

    Boys semester ends on Friday as well. Barring any catastrophes Caleb is on track for solid A's. So proud of him. He has worked so hard. Barring any Zachness he should be ok too - although i still have plenty of fear, because it's not over yet and something always comes through to bring it down.

    Benedryl? I hear you calling my name.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member

    a couple more hours and then off, off, off

    still need direction for what we are doing on Cmas - but praying for a calm couple of days

    people be crazy

    hope you have a wonderful holiday
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Busy two days off so far. Yesterday I got my eyes checked, saw the movie The Green Book (very good), and went to our realtors holiday open house. Today was chiropractor and Charlie to the vet for vaccinations. Rory left for the weekend so tomorrow I go in and fumigate his mattress and room. Ugh! It stinks like sweaty guy in there.

    We have our menu for Christmas eve and day. Russ is going to grocery tomorrow morning while I clean Rory's room, etc. I also want to do my small gingerbread house kit that I bought for something fun to do.

    Hopeful for Caleb! Glad the boys have done well in school.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I slept and slept and slept. Still kind of tired, probably slept too much. Caleb went grocery shopping with me last night. God I hope he keeps that sweetness of wanting to be my helper. Such a good kid. (Remind me I said that when I want to shake him sometime later). I wrapped presents today and stayed in my jammies. Just put some scalloped potatoes in the oven, because it sounded good.

    I know about boys and the smell. And they can't smell it!!

    I tried really hard to stay nonchalant (sp?) and to remember in the scheme of things it won't matter all that much. But watching Caleb refresh his email last night every hour just about did me in. We got back from the store at 9 and he checked once again and I happened to be peeking over his shoulder and we saw his name at the same time. HE DID IT. He made concert choir as a sophomore. He gave me such a big hug. I am so proud of him and happy for him. I honestly didn't think it would happen. We've lived this disappointment several other times. His buddy Alex also made it. Of course there are lots that didn't make so there will be hard feelings to be dealt with (been there) but for now we are just soaking up the amazing feeling.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Merry Christmas my dear J! I so glad to have you to chat with. We may have never met but you have become an integral part of my life. Blessings to you and yours and a wonderful new year!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Merry Christmas Marla! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Eve and enjoyed today. It's amazing how much prep goes in to the holiday and how fast it is over. Onward to New Year's!

    I'm so happy for Caleb making the choir! He must be ecstatic. How does Z feel about it?

    Russ cooked a ton of food for 3 of us these past couple of days but we did it justice and enjoyed all of it. I talked with my siblings and sons today along with their girlfriend and fiance. Rory gave Russ and I each a couple of books. I received two thrillers written by Gillian Flynn who wrote Gone Girl. Russ got a couple of Sci Fi books. Jeff and Karah sent us cheese and a beautiful candle. David's package has not arrived from AK yet. My sisters unearthed the white elephant gift we use to pass around and I received it this year. Really ugly salt and pepper shaker set (Christmas tree with a bear sitting next to each tree with gifts). I will pass it back next year. Russ bought us tickets to see Kathy Matea at the Dakota Jazz Club in January. We don't exchange gifts but he saw she was playing so he got the tickets. We love her music.

    How is Bernie feeling? Is he back to work yet? Do you get some time off this week? I hope so.

    Still working on getting this place ready to sell. Let this be a lesson to us to not get behind on home repairs. It is a lot to deal with.

    Hope you are relaxing after enjoying family time and a good meal.

    I too enjoy our chats and feel like we've met.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Productive day. I cleaned out lower kitchen cabinets and dining room cabinet. Two boxes of stuff to give away and some went in the garbage. Wiped out drawers and put new liner in a couple of them. Washed down outside of cabinets too. Still have to do uppers and clean pantry. Big job! Tomorrow is spackling nail holes and determining what paint I need to match to touch up. Friday is the sheets and blankets linen closet. Most of it never sees the light of day. I think two sheet sets per bed is plenty.

    My hands are hurting. I can really feel the carpal tunnel these days. My arthritis is worse too. Getting old definitely isn't for sissies!

    Snowstorm to hit MN tonight. We are expecting 2-3 inches and then rain. Makes for bad driving...

    Well enjoy the after Christmas fatigue!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    it rained all day and night and the temp dropped after most of us got to work this morning. The outside is now a sheet of ice and the authorities have issued a travel advisory - well???? we are already at work and I sure as heck don't want to sleep here. So salt that cr@p and let me get home!

    You are doing a great job on your house! I haven't done anything for awhile. Fighting the fatigue fog. We have the 'big' Christmas on Saturday at my sister's house. Next year will probably be my year. I don't want it anymore. Meh. It's such a pain.

    My wrist is killing me this week too and I don't have any idea why since I haven't done any unusual cleaning or whatnot. Just age I guess. Bah.

    Don't overdo it!