The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    This morning I spackled nail holes that remained from items I took off our walls. Tomorrow I'm starting the linen closet. I'm avoiding my craft room for now. My car is loaded with boxes for Saver's and Rory is suppose to take the boxes of books in his car. I want to get the tree down this weekend and put the boxes in the garage. I'll purge them one more time and try to condense decorations to only 3 boxes if possible. We'll see.

    This weather is gloomy, wet and turning icy. Rain turned to snow this afternoon and now the roads are freezing. I'm suppose to go out to dinner tomorrow eve with friends. Today I met friends for lunch because a former coworker came home from MI for Christmas. We got together to visit with her. Afterwards I went and picked up my new glasses. I can see clearly now!

    Sorry your wrist is worse. My hand is tingly and numb quite a bit. My EMG is on 1/7 and I see the doctor a week later.

    TGIF for you tomorrow! Russ took tomorrow off so he will be home with me. Rory's work was called off today. I wonder if he will be as lucky tomorrow?

    Relax and enjoy your evening,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Happy almost New Year!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Another productive day. I cleaned out the upper and lower linen cabinet that was full of sheet sets and blankets. I have 3 large garbage bags of old sheets and blankets that can be used to cover and protect furniture during our move. What's left inside is either in those vacuum bags and I want to keep or a sheet set for a bed we currently have. Russ went through his clothes and has 5-6 large bags of stuff. 5 to donate and 1 to toss. Tomorrow I will sand my spackle and see if I need to get new matches for current wall paint to touch up. If time and not too tired I will go through my clothes one more time.

    I met a few friends for dinner at a Vietnamese Restaurant this afternoon. It was very good. Unusual choices on menu but I loved all that I tried. I delivered our Twin Cities Monopoly Game to a friend at the bakery she works at. I bought 4 cupcakes for Russ, Rory and I. I had a cookie dough cupcake for my dessert. Rich!

    I'm watching the Garth Brooks concert at Notre Dame. I love his music and he is such a good entertainer. The stadium is packed!

    Happy New Year!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Happy New Year!

    You are a sorting and decluttering fiend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I went to buy bubble wrap, brown wrapping paper, packing tape and air duster (for my wreaths). I hauled another load to Savers today. Russ has a truckful to drop off. I didn't get to my clothes or craft room yet. Procrastinating... I also didn't sand spackle and touch up paint yet. Snowy and windy. We decided to stay home tonight. Maggie was vomiting bile this morning in different locations, luckily on wood floor. She has been coughing off and on. Not sure what is going on with her. She does have an appetite.

    Are you doing anything fun for New Year's Eve? We were suppose to go to a gathering but decided not to do so. I feel a little guilty since we had rsvp'd but weather is going to get colder and potential for freezing rain too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    it got bitter cold the last few days. I worked early NYE am and then just lazed mostly. I am not a go-er outer. Watched some tv and sat with Zach watching some football. Caleb went to a buddies house. Sounds like he had a blast. His mom had a bunch of cool games for them (something with a huge wad of saran wrap with treats in it, oven mitts and dice. He thought it was the bomb) I'm glad he has friends with moms who are go-getters and make cool stay in things.

    slept in today thought about taking the tree down, but after a fight yesterday Bernie actually did some work in the basement so they can stay up here and out of the way.

    Taking tomorrow 'off' (as in a makeup for working two holidays) and taking Caleb to the ortho and taking a bunch of stuff back to Kohls. Weeeeeee.

    Still cold!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    heard the terrible, sad news that one of the high schoolers the boys go to school with passed away from complications from his leukemia. I am having a hard time holding it together. I think he was just a class behind Zach, and neither of the boys really 'know' him, but just knowing another young life lost. Awful. His family. I just can't.

    Hugs to you.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Hi, I'm here. I went back to work on Wednesday. I'm such an old fart! Just working these 3 days after having the time off made me so tired. I came home Wed and Thursday and fell asleep on the couch for a time. Went to bed early on Thursday and slept in all three days cutting my time to get ready for work short.

    Glad it's Friday eve. Well I am serious about WW's again. I weighed in on Wednesday morning and have stuck to the points, logging and drinking my water. It helps that Russ has committed himself to getting his diabetes under control so he is buying healthy foods for snacks and lunches and cooking lower carb healthy dinners. We'll see how long we stay on track. Hopefully, a long time.

    On the flip side, Russ is driving me nuts. He is ALWAYS right! (so he thinks...) His tone and inability to admit he may not know everything in life has always been an issue, but right now it grates on me. Just venting!

    I went to the gym Wednesday after work and rode the bike for 15 minutes, stretched my back and lifted some weights. Not too strenuous and barely broke a sweat. I'm suppose to meet two friends at 8:30am tomorrow to work out. We'll see if I get up in time. I should make it a priority...

    That is very sad about the boys' classmate. It has to be so hard for his family. It's always been my greatest fear to lose one of my boys. I want to go before them. That's the way it should be.

    Glad you took some days off even if they are full of things you have to get done. Enjoy!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I tried to skip the gym this morning but then turned my mindset around to go and get moving. I rode the bike for 30 minutes, lifted some weights for upper body and stretched my back. I came home and started purging and cleaning my hobby room. Wow! I didn't realize how much stuff (paper, bills, therapy materials/work, etc,) that I had put in there because I didn't want to deal with it at that time or thought it was a place to store it. Lesson with what to do with stuff right away. Many boxes for Savers and a couple large bags of garbage. I have one more piece of furniture to be removed for house sale pictures and need to organize and purge all my knitting yarn. I should finish tomorrow. After that I need to go through my clothes again and clear off my dresser.

    Russ washed and degreased the kitchen cabinets, took items off of high shelves and the cabinets and washed them and I am so glad! I was dreading that task. Still have to clean out the upper kitchen cabinets (too many glasses for two people and the few we would entertain).
    Our dishwasher will be fixed on Monday (was leaking) and the contractor comes to do repairs on sheetrock and kitchen floor beginning Wednesday. Final touch up painting and spackling, clean and organize basement and we will be done. I'm nervous about finding a rental. The company we were going through does not have the same business plan it use to. They want people that will rent to own. So we will find our own. We may end up in an apartment but at this point I'll be glad to have a residence.

    Hope you are having a good weekend! I can't wait for Mexico.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    What an super productive day. You go!!! When is Mexico?

    Great job getting to the gym and getting back on points. Woot
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Not a good points day today. Unprepared at dinner so ate pizza. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. I ended up working late today so I couldn't get to the gym like I planned.

    We leave for Mexico on 2/10 - 2/18. We are working hard on the house but it is currently a dirty mess. Our contractor starts repairs on sheet rock and kitchen floor tomorrow. When he is done, we will do the final cleaning just before we leave for Mexico. Lots of little details to get done but we are so tired after work we don't do much in the evening. Instead we work hard on the weekends.

    Cold and blustery here today. I'm tired of winter since we've had it since November.

    How are you doing?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I got on the scale this morning and just want to cry. I thought I had been maintaining (it's only been a week or so since I looked) based on my clothes - but the scale doesn't lie and I have been obviously lying to myself. I am mad at myself for letting another good start slip through my fingers and get back to where I was 15 months ago. Bleh.

    Boys went back to school Monday. Last semester for Zach. Holy moly. Lot's to do. Only a couple of weeks until concert choir goes to Nashville for the Barbershop Harmony Society Convention competition. And he needs to get his music scholarship done soon, so I am trying to get a time to work with his piano/voice teacher to get that going. Golf season will be here the last week of February. Gotta get announcements figured out too I'm sure.

    And, I have to get back in the saddle. Trying not to cry. Be a big girl Marla.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Well I gained .6 pounds this past week. Retaining water even though I drank more water than I had been. I suppose the pizza was a bad move. Always a struggle. Life is too busy. Maybe when I retire I will be more successful (less stress, more time to prepare and exercise...).

    Hang in there. A stressful and busy year for you!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I feel so gross. So bloated and puffy. Trying to get back in points range.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    More cleaning and purging ahead this weekend. Ugh! So ready to be done with this. Next week at work is crazy so I'm dreading it. The only consolation is the week will fly by. I see the doctor for my hand and EMG results so it will be interesting to see what he says.

    What are your weekend plans?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I finished sanding the spackle and painted the needed spots in living room, family room, upper and lower hallway today. Next I will touch up the upper bathroom and a couple of spots in our bedroom. Rory moved some of his stuff over to the house he is moving into soon. When he moves out completely, we will tackle his walls and clean thoroughly in there. I found a comforter in the linen closet to throw over the bed because he is taking his. Realtor just wants it to look like a bedroom for showings so any comforter will do. I told Rory we could give him a bed after we sell but needs beds in the rooms for showing. We have a full size bed in the guest room that we may give him. I imagine our King won't fit anywhere we rent so we'll need the queen in his room. A new mattress may be needed. Our contractor and his sheet rock guys and painters come Tuesday to repair the sheet rock that needs to be cut out and replaced. They will paint what they fix which is nice. We are getting there. I only hope someone wants this place and look beyond the east and west side siding outside that needs some pieces replaced and painted. We ran out of time with the weather and couldn't find anyone who would do such a small job.

    Very busy week coming up and I'm dreading it. The bright light is we get to go to a jazz club Thursday eve and see Kathy Matea perform. I love her voice and music. Tuesday I will get answers on my hand. Stay tuned...

    I hope you had a good weekend. My eating and weight are going no where...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    You are killing it!!

    I have had five 'blue dot' days and still (weigh) terrible. I know it will take a continued consistent effort, but just so unhappy with myself.

    Getting worried about my dog. He is just not himself and not getting around. We have given up on the allergy injections that we were trying to help with his allergic issues, they were making him miserable, but I just don't see any improvements even with stopping and he is getting just not himself. He is 11 I think and the average for bulldogs I guess is only 8 to 10 - so I suspect he is just downing, but that stinks. I hate it.

    Music boosters meeting tonight and Zach has a couple of practices with his old piano/voice teacher to get a vocal scholarship audition ready, Caleb has an honor choir this weekend and then Zach heads off to Nashville next week already. I have to make some decisions about graduation time/date etc. and get the announcements going. Gotta get rolling.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Senior year is so busy! You'll get it done. Sounds like the boys are very busy too. I hope Z's audition goes well when the time comes.

    Sheetrock/painters were here today. Russ says they repainted the whole basement. Where did they find the paint? Hmmm, must have snooped in the store room. Good for them! They repaired the buckled corner in the diningroom and will paint that wall tomorrow. Yay! We can see light at end of tunnel. I need to finish up some sorting in the basement and kitchen and then it's just cleaning. We should be ready by mid February. Lots of detail stuff to do but it will get done. I'm more anxious about where we will live after we sell.

    I saw the ortho doc for my hand today. I'm having surgery on my right hand on 3/8. Then I have a two week spring break from work. He is going to remove a small bone in my thumb so I will be in a splint for up to 6 weeks. He will drain my cyst and clear the nerve pathways that are affected with carpal tunnel. A few incisions and scars! Could affect me going back to work after break. I need to talk to my boss. They can be real sticklers about when to come back, especially with restrictions. I feel like I need to get this hand fixed while I have good insurance. I need to call insurance and make sure what is covered. The whole thing should be but we'll see.

    I have to hunt for David's baby pictures for the wedding. They are planning decorations and want to put out their baby/toddler photos.

    Well hang in there. Mild winter here so far so I hope it stays that way. We've reserved two camping trips for spring so far.

    Have a nice night.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I'm glad to hear that you have made what sounds like progress in getting something done for your wrist. Fingers crossed that this will help!!

    Sounds like we are getting a big winter blast Friday. Great (sarcasm) they'll probably cancel Caleb's honor choir - or we'll get stuck getting there or home. So many fun possibilities.

    Influenza is hitting Ctown hard. Prayers that Zach and fam stay healthy. It would righteously stink if he got sick right now before Nashville. No whammies!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    The painting and sheet rocking is done and looks nice. They did a great job on the buckled corner wall in the dining room. I don't know what it is about how this house has settled. It continues to do so because I've found cracks in the paint in a couple of rooms. I had them fix the one in our bedroom. I know of two in the family room but they aren't too noticeable and hopefully an inspection doesn't say something about them.

    Hope you don't get too affected by the weather this weekend. I'm not thrilled its going to get cold.

    Tired, busy day at work. Two more days! This weekend I will be touching up paint on the kitchen cabinets and going through stacks of papers.
