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The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Do you think COVID is causing hair loss or the stress of the COVID stay at home, masking, working, etc.?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    We had a nice bday dinner for my brother last night. Most of us wore our masks when not eating but my sisters are pretty lax about wearing them otherwise within a family function.

    Today I'm taking down the ornaments on the tree so Russ can take the tree to the basement. My house is looking pretty lived in at the moment and needs a good cleaning. Hopefully I'll get to that this week and also assign Russ some duties to help me.

    We still have snow on the ground, a little bit, but nothing in the forecast for more for awhile.

    Enjoy your last weekend day and try not to think about work tomorrow until you wake up in the morning.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    wow - today was the Monday-est of Monday's. Hope its not a portent of the week to come. :<(
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Well the tree is put away but the ornaments are on the diningroom table for me to box up. I met my new dentist this afternoon and had a cleaning and xrays. I've been clenching my teeth in my sleep and when I drive (when under stress). They noted that I have a ridge on the back of my top, front teeth created by my bottom teeth clenching. I also have lost some enamel on the front teeth due to this. I found my mouth guard that I was given for this reason so will start wearing it at night and when I drive during weeks where I feel more stress from my brother's situation, etc.

    Hospice nurse visited my brother today. He told her his legs and groin are numb and he hadn't had a bowel movement in 4 days! Alll the pain meds create constipation but in addition, he eats a ton of veggies but doesn't drink enough fluids. Ugh! The nurse thinks he should use his wheel chair. My sister told her if he needs to use the chair and needs help with daily routines, she can't do that for him. They may be looking at an assisted living/nursing home situation. We wouldn't be able to see him except through a window. I pray that his progression to the end goes faster rather than slower. I really don't want him to suffer and live with daily pain and discomfort. I need to call my brother in AZ tonight and let him know so he can make a decision about coming to visit before the move to a nursing home.

    I am going to make an overnight oatmeal trailmix recipe tonight. I want to try it for breakfast. Russ just made a hummus crusted chicken breast with sesame seeds on top and roasted carrots and broccoli. The recipe came from Eating Well Magazine. It was good and light. We will put it in our meal rotation.

    It's warming up here, so mild. Suppose to get to 40 degrees by end of the week. So weird for this area.

    Well sorry your Monday wasn't so great. Hopefully the rest of your week is better.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I think it is likely that we are experience extra 'hair fall' as a result of the trauma of being sick. I have done some reading and it does seem to be a common thread with those that had symptoms that weren't on the mild end. Not sure where things will land with it coming back. Bernie has always had really thick hair (me too) - but we are both at an age where you wonder if it might not come back. Bummer.

    I'm sorry your brother is declining. But I would feel the same way that I would think it would be more merciful for things to be swift and not lingering. I do pray for you and yours nightly.

    My niece goes back for her last semester (whoa already!) this weekend but I am sure going to miss all the work she has been doing for the last four weeks. Having her super smart brain and fast typing fingers has been amazing. Yeah - I know it is definitely a weird environment that has so many family members that work together. And often it doesn't work out (so many of the 'top' family that have high level jobs and are not good at it) but when you can get a good one like Caitlin in - worth it. Not sure what she will find herself doing after May. Her plan really got derailed with COVID. She missed a lot of her opportunities for testing and medical experiences that she had to have for trying to get into medical school. I think she may have given up on trying to get in. Hopefully something comes together for her this spring. Even just starting on a Masters might give her time and the ability to get into an advanced program later. Sigh. She is such an amazing young woman. Just want her to get what she wants. Not sure she knows anymore.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Is the company you work for your family business or just that a lot of family work there because it is a big employer in the area?

    I do feel for all those high school and college students that got derailed in their education and experiences due to COVID. It is so unfortunate.

    Rory is still waiting for word from the electrical union about an apprenticeship job. He is at the top of their list to be hired next but due to COVID companies have not been hiring. At least he has a good paying job to tide him over at the fence company. However, he admitted he has not purchased a health insurance policy since he went off mine September 1st. That makes me very nervous and I want him to get one that at least covers major medical expenses. He will have insurance with the union but that is many months away.

    Russ had his last appt with the wound care doctor this morning. He is healed so now he can take normal showers and no more bandages. They do recommend he wear a compression sock for a month or so when he walks the dog, etc. to avoid his boots or shoes pushing on the new skin and to keep swelling down because that could cause it to open inside.

    I feel lazy today but should pack up those Christmas ornaments and get them off the diningroom table. I need to start on finishing Jeff's photo album and will sit at that end of the table when I work on it. I found some boxes from my craft room that I need to finish his album.

    I got in to it with my sisters yesterday through texting. They really drive me crazy at times with their constant texting and chatter when in person. They don't really listen to each other or me but talk over one another. I had volunteered to be Power of Attorney for my brother's financial stuff (banking, etc.). My brother agreed I should be his POA. I told my sister's this but they didn't listen enough to comprehend or hear me I guess. I sent them a text yesterday morning to let me pick up my brother's mail at his house from now on so I can log where his stuff is coming from for credit cards, bank, investments and life insurance. They sent umpteen texts back and forth about SS, Medicare, and one even opened his mail to check his accounts. He is still with it and she shouldn't be opening his mail. I told them I would give him his mail and ask if we could open together so I could understand his assets, etc. They then questioned me about being POA and wanted to know when that happened and did Steve choose me. I said we had already talked about this but they said they never heard that before. Since they were interfering so much and seemed to know more about SS and Medicare, I backed out of POA duties and told them to decide which one of them would do it and tell my brother who it is. Texts went silent at that point because they don't want to do it but can't help but interfere. It was a tense time and I went for a drive around the county and visited a friend at her store for awhile to bring my blood pressure down. I refuse to take on the stress of POA and deal with their interference for the remainder of the year.

    Well it is hump day so you will be cruising to Friday.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    My oldest sister popped over yesterday to drop off soup she made. She tried to slip in and slip out of the house without having to talk to me. I heard her and went to the kitchen as she was putting it in the fridge. She acted passive aggressive by turning her back to me, walking to the door and barely speaking to me. Today I picked up my brother's mail and took him the veggie chili I made and froze for him and his mail. He is at my middle sister's house so I didn't know how that would go. She was fine and asked if I wanted tea or coffee but I told her I had projects to get done at home (final clean up of Christmas tree ornaments and going through photos for Jeff's book). I'm not even sure she knows we all had an issue because she just doesn't pay attention. Just as well.

    Christmas stuff is finally gone and I will start on Jeff's album and find baby pictures for Karah's baby shower that her mother requested. Hope I can find them.

    I hope you are having a good week. TGIF for tomorrow!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I'm sorry things are tense with your family. Unfortunately that will probably be an issue as long as this continues. So stressful.

    We are having terrible winds (50-60 mph). Technically in a blizzard warning, luckily we didn't get much for snow so we are ok, but other parts got blasted pretty good. But this wind is the pits. A set of gates came crashing down just before I walked past them this morning and the door nearly slammed on my hand. Not a great start to Friday.

    That would make me nuts knowing my kid doesn't haven't an insurance policy. Me and my anxiety would curl up in a ball. Here's thinking good thoughts for getting the apprenticeship he is wanting. I think electrical is always in demand - even now. Lots of remodeling and upgrading going on.

    I'm super hungry and there's really nothing in the house that is satisfying me. I already ate a huge bowl of cereal. But it's yucky out and no one wants to go to the store.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Russ finally built the shelves for our other pantry cabinet. It was a broom/waste basket, etc closet but we need it for large trays, cookie sheets, and small appliances. It is so nice to have it done and all fits so well. Now it will be easy to access what we need.

    I unpacked a couple of boxes from the garage and found more of my serving pieces, bowls, pitchers, etc. I know there are some boxes in the pole barn that have more glasses. Russ has brought in some of my craft and photo boxes so I need to open them up and see if I find what I need for Jeff's album. I had some pages already laid out but not attached so I'm hoping I find those and can just put them together.

    I was invited to Karah's baby shower in Atlanta but am not going to go. I really want a chance at having the vaccine before we travel. If we don't get it by May we will go see the baby anyway. If we have it, I also want to fly to AK and see Halen.

    I'm nervous for the next weeks. I hope people keep their anger in check and no one gets killed and buildings don't get damaged. Unstable times...

    Well enjoy your two days off!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I am sending good thoughts that you can get your appointments soon and then get to see and cuddle those babies!!!

    You guys are doing such an amazing job at working away at your project and upgrades. Even though things have certainly not been smooth and easy for you these first few months. I am still waiting for Bernie to work on my dishwasher. This has been a good six months I have been waiting. I ordered the part he wanted months ago. Sigh.

    I put in for a few days off over Caleb's spring break so that we can hopefully go visit South Dakota School of Mines. It's a good 8 or 9 hours away but the school looks pretty amazing for all things STEM and that is where C kids heart is. I don't love that is SO far away and that there scholarship offerings are pretty slim. Even a perfect 36 ACT only gets 8,000 - that doesn't even cover tuition. But we still all want to go visit. Hopefully they are doing in person visits and we can make it happen. Then spend another day or two visiting Rapid City. Dare I say, maybe have some fun?

    Haven't heard how the first week went for Zach. Hopefully he is having an amazing start.

    I love Saturday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Now that Russ is healed, he is having fun setting up his work shop which helps for some projects I want done. Now that he does not have to work at a job he has lots of time and seems to enjoy accomplishing things. I try to prioritize what I need first so he just has to focus on that one project. I am still working on the unpacking, organizing our stuff and deciding what doesn't stay with us. This will take another year I think. I ordered a pretty rug to put in our bedroom partially under the bed and around it to add a pop of color. It is pretty bland in there.

    I went through the scrapbooking and photo boxes. I found some pictures to send to Karah's Mom for the shower. David (oldest) and Rory (youngest) seem to have a lot more pictures when they were babies through Kindergarten than Jeff. Middle child parenting??? I'm guessing since David was so busy and I was going through a divorce when Jeff was only 11 months old, that I wasn't focusing on taking pictures.

    I asked Karah if she would Zoom me into the shower during the gift opening if it isn't too difficult with timing and everything. She said she would work on that. It would be fun to feel a part of the celebration.

    Sorry you are so frustrated with getting your dishwasher fixed. Maybe you should just hire an appliance guy to come fix it so you can move on and use it.

    Rapid City is a fun place. I enjoyed our trip to the Black Hills when the kids were little. Exciting you are doing a college visit!

    Well lazy day here. Every day is a Saturday but I still like the weekends anyway.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    It's official - I have a bald spot too. I have known that I have been losing an extreme amount of hair for the last few weeks, but yesterday Bernie announced to me that I have a bare spot too. Thanks dear. I preferred living in denial that it was just thinning. It's right up top where the bangs go forward and the long goes the other directions - so I guess it's a spreading of the hair part. But still. Makes me really sad. I am hopeful that it will come back since from what I am reading it is likely the 'standard' extra hair fall due to a major stress/illness, but still. You never know. I have always had SO much hair. Just a couple of months ago I could barely get the hair elastic around my hair twice - now it goes around three times easily. I don't know if I should try adding some collagen. I don't have a lot of luck with supplements they almost always upset my stomach. Sniff.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I would think your hair would come back in the next months. I can't remember the 2-3 stage cycle that my dermatologist told me about but see if you can look it up online. Hair falls out as a result of extreme stress and then grows back. There may be an interim stage in there, not sure. My hair has always been thick too but that year of work when I was so stressed and depressed at my boring job a few years ago caused mine to fall out. It started in Dec/Jan and felt like it was getting so thin in the back and near top of scalp. By June/July I saw new hairs growing in at my temples and back of head. You could try Rogaine for Women but it is expensive. My dermatologist told me not to use it and just give it time. Hopefully your situation is similar. Having gone through COVID your body needs to go through a process of getting back to your normal. It may take time.

    I met my sister's at my brother's today. We made a lot of progress on the lower family room. Now we need some strong guys to haul boxes and bags of garbage to the garage. When we are ready the dumpster will be ordered. We will need a large one for the furniture that is not good enough to sell and no one wants. My oldest sister seems to be over her passive aggressive stage towards me.

    Tomorrow I will bake cookies in the morning and take some to my brother in the afternoon. Russ is making his mac 'n cheese with the cauliflower and bacon in it for tonight's dinner. I will take some to my sisters since it makes a 9x13 pan. My brother won't eat it with the bacon but he has his veggies and rice. I was suppose to bake cookies today but my sisters texted they were going to the house to work so I figured I better join them.

    It has been lightly snowing today so the ground looks refreshed with white. Still not enough to snow shoe but hope that will happen soon so I can at least try my new snow shoes.

    Have a good Monday. Don't think of work tonight!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Mmmm cookies!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    The cookies are great. They are called the "Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie" on Pinterest. They call for way more chocolate chips than typically goes in to a chocolate chip cookie. I gave some to my sisters and brother and kept a couple dozen for us.

    We got fresh snow today and it is suppose to fall lightly all week. Makes outside much more pretty.

    Tomorrow I hope to get my act together and work on Jeff's photo book.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Another Monday done. Go, go photo booking!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    I am currently booked for my next hair color/cut appointment on Saturday. Wondering if I need to cut it in deference to losing so much hair. Am also hoping that coloring it won't make even more fall out. Hair oh hair.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    The cut may make it feel thicker and look better. Maybe she can style it to cover your bald spot. As for color, I would talk to your person. It can be harsh so think about it.

    I worked for hours today on Jeff's photo book. Making nice progress! Feels good to get it going again and to know I will be done soon. I need to search for his senior pictures and see if I have any from graduation and prom.

    I zoomed with the knitters tonight. We aren't knitting much but it's nice to visit.

    It has been lightly snowing all day. It is so pretty outside again.

    Good luck with your cut and color.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Tired today. I had a Zoom meet with two friends from MN this morning and tonight was Zoom book club. I didn't read the book but clicked in to say hi to all. I've been trying to discover campgrounds both private and state parks in MI and it is a bear! It seems that either the web sites are less than functional or other people book up days and days so they can decide later when they are going. This makes sites look unavailable as people like us are planning a few trips throughout the summer.

    Russ and I went to the city today to grocery shop and go to Menards to pick out ceiling tiles for basement bedroom. Tomorrow is Russ' birthday so I'm making Lasagna and ordered him a coconut cream pie from our small town bakery. I haven't made lasagna in over 30 years so hope it works out and tastes good.

    Hope you are well. How is your hair cut and color?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Russ' birthday was today. He turned 62. I made home made lasagna which turned out so good! We will try the coconut cream pie I bought from the local bakery in a little bit. It looks good. He like his woodworker's apron and wore it in his shop today. I went down to the pole barn to see what he has accomplished in his shop since he has been building benches and putting in shelves. It looks really nice and he is having a good time putzing in there. He's still setting up and will eventually build us a sliding barn door we can install in side to divide the guestroom side of the house from the living area and our bedroom. Sort of another noise barrier since we get up early and guests may not.

    Lots of snow fell today and the wind was blowing snow off roofs and trees. So pretty.

    Hope you are well,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    30 years since you made lasagna? Whoa. I love lasagna. I make it every so often. One of my favorites.

    Tomorrow is hair day so we'll see what I end up doing. I don't really want to cut a bunch off. I just prefer my hair longer.

    Caleb is going to a robotics meet tomorrow. He is so excited to have something to do.

    Snow is coming here too this weekend. I hope not more than a dusting. Did you get enough to finally snow shoe?

    Not much on tap except for hair. Oh Hair! But, very happy to be through another week.

    Happy weekend!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Hair day done. No highlights because she feels they would be too harsh for current 'fragile' hair. She said the all over color is not so harsh. Unfortunately the all over is pretty dark - and that's why we do the highlights in addition too. So I feel super dark. Ick. She also just trimmed the ends - on my bangs where she usually has to trim, layer and thin - just a trim. Yikes. She recommended trying a biotin supplement, so I ordered a bottle - I don't have a lot of luck with supplements, they usually upset my stomach, but we'll try! Sigh. She's like, "you have a really good attitude about what's going on." I'm like, "don't worry, I'm crying on the inside." She was way more gentle on the shampoo and the blow dry which was the best part, because normally she is pretty rough on that. But just goes to show how noticeable it is if she went that far out of her way to not jar any more loose!

    Now just hanging out watching some food network and getting hungry.

    I love Saturday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    My ex husband was an *kitten* in our short marriage. He was supposedly working 14-16 hour days but eventually he used that as a screen to go to the bar after work with young, unmarried coworkers, and eventually had an affair that started when he and she were drunk. They fell in love and our already fragile marriage broke up when the boys were babies. I had made lasagna one night when we were still married. I set the table, had the food ready and waited and waited but he did not come home until 10/11pm. I was so hurt and disappointed. He didn't have the decency to call me and say he wouldn't be home for dinner. At that point I stopped cooking because he only called me when he was coming home with only 20 minutes notice and didn't call when he wasn't. I've never made lasagna again with exception of a veggie lasagna using zucchini from our garden when I was dating Russ 30 years ago. So I made it for Russ' birthday dinner and he said it was the best he's had. Such a sweetie. I made him promise he would be home to eat it, haha!

    I'm sorry your hair is so fragile. It must be a long term symptom from COVID and what your body went through. Give it time...by summer it will be growing back.

    I took my sisters lasagna and pie today and gave my brother pie too. He doesn't eat meat so he didn't get lasagna. My sister who he is living with is going out of her mind. He is very messy and irritable and takes his circumstances out on her. I'm going there tomorrow to help her change his sheets, clean the bathroom and hopefully clean up his junk that is accumulating. He has lost his check book and I'm going to ask if I can help look for it in his room. Hopefully he says yes. I will clean as I go.

    Tonight a fox ran across our back yard and around to the front porch. He was on our porch outside our bedroom door. Then he ran down the driveway. He was so pretty and not very old.

    The ticket for the big lottery jackpot was sold in MI. We did not buy a ticket nor win.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    That story would have put me off lasagna too. I'm glad you felt up to giving it a go again. Because it is delicious!

    We had a lot of freezing rain last night, and it happened after Caleb went to work. So I spent the night worrying about him. I wanted to pick him up, but Bernie said if Caleb wants to drive home he can. Of course he wanted to drive himself. Yikes - he did fine, but oh my heart. It's so different how Bernie is with the boys. With Zach he never would have allowed him to drive in it, but with Caleb he's cool with it. Ah well, he seems to handle it great, but momma will always worry, worry, worry.

    I don't think I ever answered the question about what kind of business Behlen is. Well it started years and years ago (1936) in the garage of the Behlen brothers. They made a variety of things - egg crates, safety shoe covers, and then gained a reputation for creating innovative farm products. In 1969 the brothers sold the company to the Wickes Corporation and brought in a Tony Raimondo as a GM around 1982. In 1984 TR (that is what everyone calls him to this day) led a management buy-out and returned Behlen to local ownership that stands today. So basically the Raimondo family owns and runs Behlen with a few others at the top in the board. But the top positions are held by Phil Raimondo who is the current President and CEO. He is a smart guy and overall someone who I can stand to look to. But there are a number of others in the family that have positions who are not smart enough for them and then others at the top with their family in many positions. It's a lot family dynamics to navigate. Some do a good job, some don't. I suppose typical of any place, but they aren't going to get rid of a family member and you better be willing to pick up the slack.

    They are calling for a big snow tomorrow. Boo.

    Have a cozy night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    I helped my sister clean my brother's room and change the sheets on his bed. I went through his stuff and found his check book that he couldn't find. I gave my sister some unopened mail to smuggle in to her office so we can figure out what his assets are. We need to know if he can afford nursing care, funeral, etc. He won't talk about any of it. He can't go back to his house due to multi levels and he is now in a wheelchair. I have volunteered to discuss with him to give notice to end his lease or keep paying rent and utilities for a house he can't live in and never will. Am I crazy or what?

    Russ and I bought a beef brisket at the meat market the other day. He cooked it in the crockpot and we had some tonight. I love brisket and this one was wonderful!

    Snowed all day here.

    Family company and not public for stocks? Sounds like a big, long term employer in your area.

    My grandson's name has been chosen. When born he will be named Miles Finley Major. Finley was my paternal grandfather's middle name but they chose it because they like it. Now I can refer to him as Miles and not "BB".

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    Tonight was brisket on a bun with coleslaw, pasta salad and baked beans. I could eat brisket 1-2 times per week. Russ spilled juice from the brisket on the rug in the kitchen last night. I spent my morning with the carpet cleaner I use for Charlie's accidents cleaning the rug. It's a bissell and does a nice job. I had to re apply the cleaning solution several times to get the stains out as much as I did.

    I have to get up early tomorrow morning and see if I can get a camp site at a state park by the Mackinac Bridge. They won't let us reserve more than 6 months ahead. I'm aiming for July 26th so hope I get a lake side site.

    Nothing else new here. Just hanging out.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    So.Much.Snow. Omaha and Lincoln had areas of 14 inches over the day Monday and then another one to two inches today. We were 'only' at 8 inches. But what a mess it's been. On the drive home Monday I got so scared. I wasn't worried when I took off because driving in a few inches is not usually a big deal, but they hadn't even made a pass on the highway or parkway. There wasn't even tracks for me to drive in and it was the worst drive I have had in years. I'm still not over it. Bernie got to bring the work truck home from Flexcon because he spent the day moving snow at his plant so he drove us both back to work Tuesday. I ventured out on my own today and it went ok. Caleb had two snow days and managed ok today - though it sounds like many in town were still getting stuck on their side streets.

    Your brisket sounds yummy.

    Hopefully you got your camping site.

    I like the baby's name!

    Should be thinking about going to see the folks this weekend since it is dad's b-day tomorrow - but sounds like more snow is coming. Good grief.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    We have had a few more inches of snow. I'm going to try my snow shoes tomorrow on our acreage. I want to use them at least one time! I feel cheated. Wow, that is a lot of snow that NE got. 8" is more than we've seen in one storm this year. 14" is a lot! I wish we would get a good storm with a lot of snow. But then, I don't have to drive in it. Sorry your drive was so scary. I don't like driving on unplowed roads when you can't see where to be.

    Yesterday, Russ and I made home made egg rolls. It was so easy. Tasted way better than any frozen ones we have bought in the store. We need to get better at rolling them up tight and will tweak the amount of veggies and pork we put in them.

    Today I met my sisters at my brother's house. We had the land lords son help us by carrying out the heavy boxes of books and garbage bags to the garage. All that is left in the house is furniture, rugs and small boxes of CD's to go through and family mementos and financial papers to go through. My brother hasn't committed to giving his notice yet. He is paying rent and utilities on a house he is not living in and won't again. I tried to talk to him about it but he didn't want to. He is talking with Hospice about living options for the remainder of his time so he can move out of my sister's house. I would imagine he would need help as he deteriorates. This is all so awful.

    I got a camping site but not the one I wanted in a specific park. I had to go with plan B and got one in the upper peninsula on Whitefish Bay at an old state park. So far I have two camping trips planned, one in June and one in July. I'm hoping to book two trips in September and one in October but can't do so until 6 months to the day we want the sites. I don't want to start working the system like others do by booking more days and canceling later, but I may have to do so to get what I want. If we are lucky, we will have 5 trips between summer and Fall. We aren't booking for Spring because we need to get our garden planted and do some yard clean up, seeding, trimming etc. Also, David, Chantrelle and Halen plan to come for the month of August (I think) and I'm sure Jeff, Karah, Miles, and Rory will come up at some point. I don't want to be gone all the time. We are booking sites for Monday through Friday (4 nights) when we do camp.

    Well happy thursday and stay safe on the roads.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,897 Member
    Mmmm egg rolls sound good - did you fry them? I wonder if it would work in the air fryer?

    I'm sorry about all the - well - just yuck with your brother - his illness and the stress of trying to help him even though he is reluctant to allow it. Just so sorry.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,450 Member
    We fried them but want to try our air fryer next time.
    I just zoomed with some retirees from my old work place. Some have been retired for several years and one is not yet retired. It's so sad that none of us have much to talk about in our personal lives since we are laying low due to COVID.

    I'm going out to snow shoe in a few minutes. I need to get moving at least once a day but haven't been consistent.

    Have a good weekend.