The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Snowing here today, cold and icy. Enough!

    I am so far behind at work and can't concentrate with all the stuff in my head with the move, my surgery, etc. My pre op is Thursday. I need to find and review my instructions sheet for things to do and not to do before surgery the night before and morning of. Where did I put it?

    We signed our lease and sent it over to the leasing company. We will get occupancy 4/10. I need to schedule some movers but we have only a small amount of furniture and some boxes.

    Rory got his first job in solar and begins 4/8. He will be installing residential solar panels for this first job. He has the opportunity to become a crew leader and move up. The job includes travel in MN, WI, and IA and they pay for his expenses and provide the work truck. He gets overtime when he goes beyond 40 hours per week. He likes to work with his hands and outside. He works with a crew. It also comes with vision, dental, and medical benefits which is nice. Paid holidays and time personal time off.

    Stay warm and safe. The icy sidewalks and parking lots are stressing me out.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    You have a lot going on! I am completely scattered and don't have nearly as much to keep track of as you do.

    I forgot your surgery was coming up too. I hope you get amazing results from it and feel so much better.

    Congrats to Rory! Sounds like this job checks a lot of the boxes. Hopefully he likes it too.

    More snow this weekend and record cold. Enough!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Snow starts tomorrow morning, yuk! Cold temps coming too.
    Pre op today. Unless blood work shows something wonky I'm good to go. Found a place that sells CBD salve today. Very expensive but helps my knees. I've been rationing my jar I bought in October in MI. It's almost gone.
    We will go measure townhome model this weekend so we can determine what will fit in each room. Moving company has not called me back. I'll try tomorrow and then look else where.
    So behind at work and need to start packing. Stressed!

    Hope your life calms down too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    TGIF - this week has been... unpleasant - just a lot of snapping and unhappiness.

    Makes it hard to stay upbeat.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Sorry you had an unpleasant week. I think this weather is getting to everyone. Looks like no end in sight here. New snow today and slow driving. It's a wet snow so kind of slippery on the sidewalks and driveways.

    Moving company contacted me to quote some prices. We will measure our furniture that may go with us and go to model tomorrow to measure space That will help us determine what goes and what gets stored. Our realtor contacted me about our couch. She said she knows someone that may want it. If they pick it up they can have it. I hope they take the whole set. Ugh! Fingers crossed!

    Russ has an upset stomach and has had one for a few days. I told him he should get checked for a parasite since we went to Mexico. But, what do I know? He won't follow through.

    My brother had his second knee surgery and is doing great. He's doing his own rehab and can be home. He seems to be feeling great and is convinced he can take care of himself. He lives alone in northern Arizona.

    Watching news. Cold weather and more snow for the next couple of weeks. Make it stop!

    I hope your weekend goes ok. Do something for yourself!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Got the stuff from the soffit down and washed everything. What a yuck job but glad it’s done. That’s about all I managed. Just in a funk.

    Hope Russ feels better. You are still so busy! Getting a lot done.

    This weather!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We went to the model and the livingroom and bedrooms are larger than I remembered. The kitchen is tiny and won't have storage for much. We will put our tall restaurant shelf by the entrance door in the garage for extra storage. Hope it fits. Garage is pretty small too. We have figured out what we are taking for furniture and what we may purchase (small couch and end table for upstairs den.

    The guy and his son were suppose to come pick up our couch, chair and ottoman today but they blew us off and never showed up. Pretty rude! I guess they didn't want some decent furniture for free. We will call a place that gets homes ready for homeless/needy people and see if they want it.

    Rory came for dinner tonight. Russ cooked a roast in his new Instapot. It was very good. We were celebrating Rory getting his solar job. We gave him all the leftovers to take home. He is suppose to start back at the fencing company tomorrow and will work for them until his Solar job starts in April.

    I have a busy day tomorrow starting with a conference at 7:30 and ending with a home visit from 4 to 5 pm. Suppose to snow by afternoon again. Please stop!

    I haven't been sleeping well so I've been up since 2:15am. I did paperwork for my job in the middle of the night and then it was light out so I stayed up all day. I've had to stop taking Ibuprofen in preparation for my hand surgery this Friday. That means I'm not taking Ibuprofen PM which helps me get through the night asleep and with less pain in my knee.

    A four day work week, then surgery, and two weeks off. Not excited to be in pain and on pain meds but I hope this surgery relieves the pain in my hand.

    Have a great Monday!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    hopefully there will be very little post op pain and much improvement overall!!

    sigh - Monday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I had 6 visits scheduled today with students but my back and ribs were hurting so bad I cancelled the 4pm visit and went home at 3:15 to sit in a hot bath. Now I have a heating pad on my back. It felt like a band of pain around my front and back just below my bra. If I took a deep breath it hurt. My sister thinks I could have shingles. I think it was just a strained muscle but I'll see tomorrow.

    I have so much paperwork to do! I should be doing it tonight but just can't. Tomorrow I will have to hide out in the afternoon and get it done. My students seemed to feel blah today too. I chalked it up to Monday.

    Sleep well.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Oh man. I hope you are better tomorrow!!!

    More snow Thursday and Saturday. I’m over winter!!!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    sending you better feeling wishes

    and please Mother Nature - send winter away!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I think my back and rib pain is from carrying a very heavy backpack of files, computer and Ipad. Too much in it and straining my muscles. I went to TJ Maxx and bought a rolling case to hold my stuff. It's light weight and seems to have good wheels. I'll try it out tomorrow.

    I've been working on paperwork tonight. It's a bear! I still don't have an IEP done that is way over due. Parent and I need to talk tomorrow and then I can finish it.

    Tomorrow night we have to clean our home for the appraisal on Thursday. I guess the appraisers get "distracted" if it's messy. Ours isn't messy but Charlie's hair is all over the floor. We have some clutter on counter top and dining table.

    I have to get laundry done tomorrow and Thursday so I can go into surgery with all that taken care of. Surgery is friday. I'll be out by 1pm and home. Laid back weekend.

    I heard more snow predicted but I also heard temps in the 30's. Hopeful!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    SIX more inches overnight. Surprise snow day for the kids since it came in heavy and too late to plow. Glad at least I don't have to worry about them. The neighborhood was deep since we hadn't been plowed - I took the car that will be Caleb's since it has AWD and it got me through (my Encore is only FWD and pretty low to the ground compared to the Highlander) - the main roads had been sort of plowed, one pass, couldn't see the lines. Driveable, but messy and parking lots are disasters. Omaha and Lincoln completely closed up, but don't worry State Basketball is still on. Snort. Too dangerous to have people driving to school, but send them out on the same roads for ball.

    More snow Saturday.

    For the love of....
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm done for my two week break now. Sick day tomorrow for my hand surgery. It is at 9:20 so I should be in surgery about 2 hours and recovery for an hour and then on my way home. Hope they give me good pain killers so I just sleep in the recliner and do nothing all weekend.

    We are suppose to get a foot of snow this weekend. We'll see. Sometimes it is hype and misses us. I'm done with this weather. Time for spring to show its signs.

    We had our appraisal on our house today. Hopefully it appraised ok and the sale goes through without further negotiation or buyer dropping out. Time to start packing.

    I've been having stomach issues. Lots of upset and gurgles. Digestion is wonky.

    Lucky boys to get a snow day! Woo hoo!

    Well I'll check in again when I can type or text. It may be after the weekend.

    TGIF! Have a great weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    good luck and swift healing!!

    hope you get the 'good' drugs and just get to zonk out.

    be well my friend.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Hi! Russ is doling out my drugs on a schedule. Some Oxy but they are pushing more Ibuprofen than Oxy. I get Oxy every 6 hours and Ibuprofen in between. All went well so I hope when I'm healed it was worth it. Hope to not need Oxy except at night by tomorrow. Big splint is not comfortable.

    We got about 6.5 inches of snow. Pretty but needs to leave. Flooding warnings with warm temps this week.

    How are you?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Glad things are going well so far!!

    The big melt started and flooding is happening. And more weather this week maybe.

    Heal fast dear!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    This splint is uncomfortable. Oxy takes edge off for very short time. Going to be a long week. Hope this plaster splint comes off for a removable one next week.

    Time for bed. Warming up later this week. Expecting flooding.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh I'm so sorry that you are in the midst of the uncomfortables right now. Sending you faster healing vibes.

    It's flooding and bad here. People are leaving left and right trying to get home before their roads get closed - but I am watching the department of roads map and every time I refresh it's getting red-er (more closings) and red-er. It's kind of scary. I hope my way home will be ok - now I am re-thinking about coming back to town tonight for church. It is raining all day today and tomorrow - the flooding will only get worse. Western Nebraska is having a blizzard. Caleb says it's because global warming is melting the polar ice caps. Could be. Scary stuff we have dealt with this year.

    I am such a nervous nelly - why can't I just be one of those chill people?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh my - there are so many road closures and forced evacuations going on - it's freaking me out - I am back at work today - again scared I won't get home -

    water everywhere!!