The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Rained buckets all day yesterday so I organized my teaching materials and unpacked boxes. Today I will unpack some clothes and hang some decor. We should be all settled by next weekend. We also clean the camper next weekend so we can pull out on May 3rd after work.

    Beauitiful out today, 65. Tomorrow 75. Perfect!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Warm today. Easy at work but came home and fell asleep in the recliner before dinner. Hand therapy tomorrow after work. I need to make time to try out the fitness center here. We are still getting settled but no time like the present. I weighed this morning. 9 pounds down since surgery and move. Yay!

    Graduation coming fast!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I am still so dang tired from all the sing, sing, sing for church, church, church. This week we had to slam in dragging Zach out here to Behlen at 6 a.m. to meet the team leader where he may work this summer, because they suddenly decided it had to happen now (after five weeks of silence on their part) - and I'm like he's at the busiest point of school and golf. But, hey, sure - I'll cram this down his throat too. Zach crammed a two day calculus test into one day yesterday, on top of an ortho appointment, golf and serving some detention minutes for missing a class in November (he didn't but not like we can prove it now - so meh). The poor guy is buried.

    I also feel both wired up and exhausted. I don't want to wish away anything, but yeah the stress is getting to us.

    And this weekend is the "Nebraska Acapella Championships" - our music teacher's dream baby he has wanted to do for four years and just decided we would do this spring without an actual vote by our group - but we still have to pay for it and make it happen. Unhappiness.

    Oh and graduation is barely three weeks away and Bernie hasn't cleaned out the garage yet (he's thinking about it) - I don't know if my mom is doing the cake for Zach like she did for the others and I know if I ask I will upset her.

    I wish I drank.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Wow! You are under a lot of stress. At this point all you can do is take charge, get bossy, and get things done. When graduation is over, relax. Kick Bernie's butt and tell him to start this weekend. You aren't responsible for your how your mother reacts. Ask her and if she isn't making the cake, order one. Let some of it go... You can do this!

    I'm feeling crazy busy with work. Lots of meetings and kid's plans to write and hold progress reviews. I feel like I'm missing something or someone. Hope not!

    Hang in there.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    loved that pic of the dog flower! :smile:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    That dog looks like David and Chantrelle's dog, Nuka. So cute! Have a good weekend.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    survived the first annual Nebraska Acapella Championships Saturday. Whew. Crazy day. Mr. Ritter finally birthed his dream baby. Not really how I wanted to spend my day, if the kids got a lot out of it, then it was worth it.

    This is the week where Zach will miss three of the five days for golf. Yikes, very stressful. He still refuses to go to Honors Night Wednesday, he claims because he would have to miss his lead sessions (kind of like study halls) for the practice and he has to work on his robot and project. For some reason I think he is just really uncomfortable with thought of being recognized, I'm not sure what happened, it didn't use to be a big deal, but it definitely is something that happened in high school. Oh well, I'd love to hear his name for his scholarships and cheer for him, but I don't think it's worth 'forcing' him to do. I just hope Caleb let's us get our cheer on for him someday.

    I did pick out a new outfit on Thursday, I'm not sure it's dressy enough for the graduation ceremony, but I'll definitely wear it for the open house. It's a white skort with big flowers on it - pretty bold, I'll wear it with a black t-shirt. I need to find some shoes. Black flats? I actually don't have any plain black flats any more. I also got a pair of coral capri's and a navy blouse - for something else new. My clothes are really old and boring. Tshirts and pants. I still had a hard time going off my comfort clothes.

    Thirteen days of school for Zach, six days gone for golf.

    He also officially committed for Wayne this weekend. No more waffling about his other choices. He says he's a Wildcat! Their new Center for Applied Technology (CAT) building sealed the deal. Robots and such galore.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Ugh. Things have been a tailspin this month. My determination to stay on here, to stay fit, to eat right, went down the drain.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm here. Tried to check in via phone app and couldn't find our thread. Weird.

    Hang in there Ang. You can do it. Have you been running?

    Marla, glad Z knows what he wants for Fall. How far is Wayne from home? I dont like attention on me either so I understand. Each kid is different.

    That's a lot of golf in last days of school.

    Meeting with our financial advisor in a few minutes. Discussing retirement/financial planning for when not working.

    Rainy. Got my fob for fitness room access. No excuses now. Camping this weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    are you starting to feel settled into your new place Jenny?

    Wayne is only about an hour and 45 minutes from Columbus. Unfortunately, some of the roads we would normally have driven to get there are missing their bridges from the flooding, but there are still two good ways - just a little further in total distance than before.

    Good luck on your advisor meeting - can't believe how close it is getting for you. Camping this weekend? Will it be cold? It dropped back to 40 yesterday - awful day for golf again. He was so wet and cold last night. They take off for Scottsbluff tomorrow which is WAAAAAAAAYYYY out west. That will be a two-day trip.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    It is suppose to be a nice weekend. 70s on Saturday! So gray and gloomy this week so I hope they are right. No rain predicted but we'll see... I don't mind if it is chilly. I just don't like mosquitos.

    We are pretty settled. I have a couple boxes of clothes to look through and see if I should drop them off at Savers or keep some. I also have too many shoes. Russ almost has the garage cleared so I can park in there. I have to say it is stress free. No feelings of guilt of what we should be getting done. The grounds crew has been out for two days blowing leaves and cleaning up from the winter. Two cute little kids from next door came over with their May Day baskets. They were hoping to find a little boy neighbor to give them to. I said my dog was a boy but my boys were all grown up now. They didn't give me their baskets, LOL!

    That's a nice distance for college. Easy for him to get home or for you to visit but not so close he depends on coming home on weekends. Hopefully he will love it and find his niche. You will have a busy summer getting him ready. What is the grad party date?

    Our meeting with financial planner went well. We are going to a seminar Monday eve on long term care insurance to learn more about it. We are going to have him put together a retirement portfolio spelling out what our income will be, budget info, social security and when to pull it, how to take our pensions so we maximize but use it wisely, etc.

    Baby shower tomorrow after work and then I need to get weekend camping clothes packed, cleaning supplies, and Russ will pick up food. Since we area storing the camper we don't have electricity or running water where we store it. We will have to empty fridge and pantry every time we are done camping so food doesn't spoil and mice don't make their way in to munch. At the house, we kept it plugged in so we could keep butter, condiments, cheese and icecream in freezer in there so we didn't have to rebuy or put in our fridge in the house. New routines...

    Well have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    sounds like a really nice place you have moved into.

    Zach and the team made it Scottbluff (6 hours plus on the road for this tournament) - silliness.

    I am working on finishing the centerpieces - I am put golf balls in a clear glass vase - it's about six inches, with a picture on a pic sticking out of them - then I am wrapping a maroon ribbon around it - maybe I'll stuff a dark red flower in it. They turned out really neat, even though I can't tie bows to save my life. I wish everything was coming together. Have to spend Sunday at a Confirmation for a cousin. Argh. I wanna work on my stuff! (just a little fit throwing)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Hello Friday it's so good to see you!

    Happy Weekend dear ones.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm leaving work and we are heading to the camp ground. Suppose to be a nice weekend so Yay!

    Your centerpieces sound cute! I wasn't creative at all so I admire your idea.

    Have a great weekend!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yesterday was a semi-good day. I ate healthily, but couldn't make myself go out the door for a run. I did, however, do Leslie Sanson 5k indoor walk - 3 times. I may not have gotten in a 14k run, but I got in a 15k walk! I'm on day 10 of a 10 virtual race. I've gotten in 30k, mostly walking. I wanted to run this morning before church but I overslept. I can't go in the afternoon as Sunday afternoons is when I get whistled at, catcalled or starred at in an uncomfortable way. I avoid. I shouldn't have to, but I do. I'll see what time I get home this evening about getting out in the evening for a run. We have our quarterly business meeting after our evening service. I hope it doesn't take to long, but since we are talking some renovations, it could!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    the weather was so nice Saturday - I spent way too much time poking around the garden centers and dilly dallying around outside. But it was so nice for a change.

    A cousin's confirmation pretty much took the whole day Sunday - and just like that another weekend gone. One more weekend and then it's showtime. Eight short days of school (minus three for tourneys) - multiple projects, test and concerts - can we do this? Yes. We. CAN! (I pray)

    Let's rock this week.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    WTG on your 15k walk Ang! You're doing it! What do you mean you get whistled at and hear catcalls? Where do you run that this happens? On the street? I would hate that.

    Marla- One almost done with high school! He did it! Wait until he comes home mid year from college and you see how much he has grown up. You are one busy lady with events every weekend.

    Friday eve we got to our campsite about 6pm and it was sunny and blue skies. It took us awhile to set up and I cleaned inside of camper from winter grime. Russ cooked burgers and a corn potato hash on his new Blackstone griddle. As soon as we were going to take our first bites of our burgers the rain started and we had to get everything inside fast. So typical! It rained all night so we went to bed early since we were tired. Saturday was sunny and beautiful. We had so much fire wood that we had a fire all day and I sat by it and read my romance book all day. I went on one walk with Russ and the dog. Initially the weather forecast said rain Sunday morning but it supposedly changed. We were going to pack up Saturday night and bug out early Sunday but changed our minds. We cooked breakfast out doors, packed up and as soon as we got in the truck, the rain began. If this season is rainy like last year I may give up camping. It's too much work to travel, set up, have one or no nice days and pack up to head home. Now I know why many people with campers rent seasonal sites where they go there in their cars, enjoy their weekend and go home, leaving the camper until the next weekend all summer long.

    Tomorrow night is my theater night. It will be a long day. I hope the play is good.

    Have a nice night.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    more rain - which we certainly don't need

    Zach had a big day yesterday - donated blood at school again, then had a golf tourney. Still not shooting well, but at least he didn't make himself sick like I was worried about (donating and playing in the same day). Proud of him.

    Hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    TGIF!!!!!!! I'm behind at work and have to do paperwork this weekend. Blah!
    Cruddy weather, cold and rainy. Northern MN got lots of snow last night. No real spring here either.
    I'm tired and need to go to bed but am too lazy to climb the stairs. How sad am I?
    I had a bad eating day (too much junk) and paid the price with abdominal gas and pain tonight. I need to get serious about staying away from sweets.
    Well I'm going to climb those steps and fall into bed!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member

    another day of golf - it froze last night - we'll see how the flowers fare - and hopefully I have a super productive weekend - and hopefully Bernie is on board - because it's time to start setting things up

    other schools have graduation this weekend so there will be plenty of busyness around town and our ladies choir has our last sings on Sunday.
