The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Thanks for listening. I appreciate the ear and shoulder!

    Have been including Steve and your family in my prayers. Praying for peace and an easy transition to his next life.

    Another hot day, should go check to see how my flowers are faring.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The only thing harder than marriage is raising kids, especially teens. Sometimes I get so tired of compromising or giving in to someone else's preferences. Other times it is a joy and comfort having someone to share the ups and downs in life.

    Steve is having more uncomfortable days than good ones lately. Hospice increased to twice per week and state his liver is beginning to fail. I visit him twice per week although haven't made it there since last Thursday. Tomorrow I'm busy so Tuesday will be the soonest.

    Our weather has been hot for here. It seems early in the summer for this. I don't know how you handle the extremes you have in NE. We need rain badly! I'm hoping this week although the chance is slim. We have been planting new bushes and transplanting plants. Lots of watering to help them to get established. I received my wild flower seed so I will begin planting those on Tuesday too.

    Tomorrow Russ and I are going to kayak in the afternoon if he doesn't bail on me after working in the yard tomorrow morning. He's been working so hard and has made so much progress. I really want to get out on the water while it is so hot and have some fun.

    I feel like I'm watering my flowers daily. I fed them last week. Am I suppose to feed them weekly or twice per summer? I better read the plant food directions again. I am managing to keep the tomato plant alive but the herb garden in a pot isn't doing well. I may be over watering that. The parsley turned yellow.

    I was suppose to bike ride with a friend today but she never called to set a time. She had an appointment with a gardener or someone to help with her landscaping this morning. She seems somewhat spacey and doesn't organize her schedule very well. It was windy and hot so I decided not to go on my own.

    Hang in there and I hope you have a good week.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    HOT! I planted some wildflowers. Now to see if they grow. I did spots here and there in the meadow. I cleared some areas and dumped seed in others. We shall see. I wish rain would come. Watering is a pain.

    Stay cool.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Super hot for this early in June too. Watering every day too.

    Hoping things are going ok with your brother - I know not really

    OMG - I can't find my resume!!! I know I started updating it recently and now it's gone. Arggghhh - I must have been doing it at work and I lost it during the 'meltdown'. NOOOOOO. I cannot believe I have to start over. Bollocks
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    ERMAHGAAAAHHHH - trying to rebuild my resume. HAAAATTTTTEEEEEE. I had it pretty well done - and I must have only been doing it on my work p.c. I'm so stupid.

    By the time I get it decent the job I saw that was kind of interesting the posting date will be over. Of course, it's up at the community college, and I have applied up there like four times in the last 20 years. Never got in. Don't know why I should be bothering, but I am going to work on my resume no matter what.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    picked up my new glasses tonight and there's something not right with the top/distance part. I can't read my phone or computer at all out of the distance. I never had to use the bifocal for my laptop or phone unless I was actually reading. I actually put back on my old glasses. I know it's always a bit to adjust to new lenses, but I have never switched back. Ack. Now this is going to be a mess, I already called and they're like give it a week. No way am I going to suffer for a week. I'll call again tomorrow or Friday and try again.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Frustrating to lose your resume. They are horrible to update and make stuff fit so I'm sure you are disappointed at the loss.

    We went to a farmer's market and did some plant shopping this morning. I planted some annuals and put my fairy garden together. I need. Some moss and succulents to complete my little scene.

    I'm sitting in the shade staying g cool while I look at my new gardens. I need to prune a tomato plant.

    Stay cool,
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Fingers crossed we will get rain tomorrow.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I planted more annuals and pruned and dead headed my pots today. I've given my pots more attention than when I worked since I have time. I now have 3 tomato plants, 1 herb pot, and will look for a jalepeno plant tomorrow. I saw one and hope one is left.

    We have been invited to a cocktail party tomorrow eve. It will be interesting if I see people I knew from 40 years ago. Casual attire and just drinks and snacks.

    Cooler today but intense sun.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHHDAY!!!!!!!!! I hope you have had a good day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wishes. Today was a better day. A certain someone wasn't at work and the environment was much better. It's still frustrating. I don't know what to do. I know if I actually find someone and leave, I will lose Hawaii for sure. I won't have vacation being new and will probably have to take a pay cut.

    We got quite a rain today. Farmers are happy. I was happy to see we didn't have any moisture come into Caleb's room again. Bernie has started replacing the floor. Oy - it's costing so much putting that flooring down again. We'll all cry if it gets ruined a third time.

    Another ACT test for Caleb tomorrow. I am super hopeful he breaks through his low scores this time. It would be such a relief to get that up.

    I made banana bread for the b-day treat to take to work and everyone seemed really pleased. I have even more overripe bananas. I guess I should do it again.

    Mmmm... cocktails.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The gathering was actually enjoyable. I'm not an extrovert at parties I don't know people. Well it turned out that there were several people I knew from 40 years ago so we reconnected and I introduced Russ. I hadn't seen some of them since my teens or college years. The party was outside with a table of appetizers and coolers of beer, wine and flavored seltzer water.

    I stood for 2-1/2 hrs so my knees were stiff and sore. I had to climb an upward driveway to the street to get to our car. That was a killer on my knees. I'm suppose to ride with my sister tomorrow so hopefully my knees don't hurt tomorrow. I need the exercise so I will go no matter what.

    We get to portal with Halen, David and Chantrelle in about 25 minutes. It has been a couple of weeks since I saw Halen on the screen. Chantrelle sends me lots of pictures via text that I download to my phone. I need to print some pictures of the grand kids for frames.

    You are lucky you had rain. No luck here as of yet. Cooler temps this week so I will start painting my dresser for the guest room. I'm done planting and just need to keep everything alive. I added a jalepeno plant to my deck pot collection of tomatoes and herbs today. I hope to get enough to make a good tomato salsa and eat BLT's.

    I hope C does well on his test. Those college entrance tests were so stressful.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We finally had about a 1/2 inch of rain last night. We need more but any is welcome.

    Rory called to report on his first day working as a preapprentice with the electrical union. He had a good day and likes the guys he is working with on this first placement. He is doing work at the University of MN this month and next. He seems excited and challenged. He learned a lot on his first day.

    Russ and I went to Costco this morning. We hadn't been there in months. We bought more than our list as usual but shouldn't have to go back for a long time. I pruned my deck tomatoes and then felt lazy and snoozed in the recliner reading when I could stay awake. Felt great!

    My sister and I never rode on Sunday. My knees hurt all night in my sleep and still hurt on Sunday morning. She was getting her pool and sauna cleaned and ready for the season so she didn't seem excited to go. I ended up going to her house late afternoon for a sauna and a dip in the pool.

    Tomorrow I will start to clean the camper and get ready for our trip next week. I also have a dresser ready to begin sanding and then paint. So a couple of projects to work on this week.

    How are you doing? It looks like the extreme heat is still in your area and across the country. We must be getting cool air from Canada because it is in the 60's and 70's and the humidity is gone. I'll take it!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    The rain is a memory at this point and the heat is on and looks to be around for awhile. It's pretty early for this heat. I guess the word of the day is drought now.

    I'm so glad Rory is enjoying his new work. So exciting. Isn't that what we want, kiddos to be happy and to be able to take care of themselves well.

    I finally got Caleb to the store to try to find his 'nice' outfit for pictures. They said they are waiting over a month to get suits. We got lucky there was one in his size in black. I would have preferred dark gray, but pictures are next week. Black it is.

    My folks just stopped by, I think they wanted to take us out to eat, but Caleb is working, Zach was sleeping and frankly I really don't want to go anywhere. We just sat and talked for awhile. My dad is apparently having major back pain ever since they did a cardiac stress test over a month ago. They have done MRI's and everything else, sent him to a pain specialist who said because of his diabetes and blood thinners they can't give him the injections so next is physical therapy. I told dad to go into it with an open mind and willingness to really give it a go. I explained how it helped me when I was struggling with the frequent urination after I had the multiple UTI's. How weak muscles in one area can really affect other areas. Of course, he could really use to lost 100 pounds and that would also take pressure of his back. But some exercises to strengthen might help to.

    We will be leaving Thursday morning for Rapid City with Caleb to see School of Mines.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Drought will be bad for the crops or do most irrigate on their own?

    Sorry your Dad isn't well. That is kind of scary with all he has going on. Physical therapy can do wonders so I hope he tries it.

    I'm glad you got the college visit rescheduled. I hope they give you a good tour and answer your questions. It looks like Z had a great year of grades. Congratulations!

    How is work going?

    We bought a few more bushes today to finish the front of the house. Russ seeded the front lawn again so we will see if anything grows. I don't know when we will tackle the back landscaping.

    My brother is having more bad days than good as far as he how he feels. I feel so bad for him. This is a slow way to go. Strawberries are in season here now so I'm going to take him some freshly picked berries this week.

    I wiped down the inside of the camper today and brought the bedding in to wash and make fresh. Tomorrow I need to buy a mop that I can use to clean the underside of the awning. It has lots of mildew on it.

    Thursday my friend and I are going to check out some antique stores and look for treasures.

    Stay cool,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I'm so sorry Steve is suffering. I do keep praying for you all. I bet the strawberries will be a hit.

    I am trying to pack for our trip to SD.

    It is going to be 107 tomorrow. Gross. I am worried about leaving Zach here, since he will be going to work and the stupid 85 year celebration that will be outside in this HEAT WARNING weather. So stupid. He better not get heat exhaustion/stroke.

    Caleb seems excited. I hope it goes well and Zach does well too.

    Generally only larger operations irrigate. Definitely not my dad/sister/brother-in-law. Could have been a better year for farming with prices going up, but not if it all dies in drought.

    Work is still not great. I'm still waffling. I'm not happy, but not ready to give up Hawaii.

    I hope you stay cool.

    For some reason I can't ever check in on my phone, so it may be a few days.

    Take care!!!

    Think cool thoughts.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Good luck with the tour. Stay in AC as much as possible. I hope Z keeps himself hydrated.

    I had a Dr appointment today. It was a check up for my type 2 diabetes. I asked her if she could prescribe a safe weight loss drug to get going. I told her no amphetamines just some thing to help burn fat and suppress appetite. She discussed Ozempic which is for glucose control. There is discussion approving it as a weight loss drug. I am switching to Ozempic from Metformin for the next months to see if it brings my glucose into normal range and also helps me lose weight. I have to give myself an injection once per week. I'll start after next week's camping trip. If I like it she will prescribe for me. I have a few months of samples to use.

    I washed my car and got all the bugs off. Sure are a lot of dings in the paint.

    I visited Steve and took strawberries. He was in bed and feels lousy. I think he is advancing to next stage. His skin is yellow and he is very thin. It makes me so sad to lose him so young.

    Let me know what you and C think of the school.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I'm so sorry about everything with Steve. You will both stay in my prayers.

    I am glad to hear that you have some new medication to try. I hope it helps!

    Sounds like Thursday went good enough for Zach. Being in "IT" he had to help with sound system issues and also got to help decorate the cafeteria. At least he wasn't directing traffic in the parking lot. Such silliness. I would have been very unhappy if he had been. I know people think interns are throwaways, but this is my kid and I didn't sign him up to stand in a 110 degree parking lot waving at cars.

    So we made it back today. I think Caleb really liked it. Sigh. I can only hope UNL pulls a rabbit out of its hat or I'm losing my baby to Rapid City. It was only the first visit, but it seemed to really hit the right buttons for him. Not many schools offer Computer Engineering and that is where is main interest is. The campus itself is pretty standard, but the labs are pretty great. And it is pretty awesome in the Black Hills. Just have to get at least four more visits (in my opinion) in and then maybe pick the top two for re-visits later this fall. But, oy, that drive.

    We went to Rushmore - I was there 25 years ago, but boy have they added a lot. There was this new walking trail, which really a half mile of steps down and then a half mile of steps up taking you down and up for closer views of the faces. Ouch. We did Rushmore Cavern yesterday and that took us walking down over 750 below the surface. Very cool and more ow. Got my steps in I think. We also did Bear Country and some other driving around. We really didn't get much else touristy done. A few things we wanted were closed by the time we were done and I was ready to hit the road good time this morning. And Bernie and I were already snapping at each other plenty.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I need to edit that cavern deepness we went to was 225 feet. I got a little rambunctious in my description! Still a hefty hike down and up! Fun though
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    I'm glad you had a good tour and Z didn't have to over heat.

    Our weather took a complete turn (probably because we are scheduled to camp). Raining, very windy up to 30 mph gusts, and cooler temps 40's, 50's and low 60's arriving. It's cold out now. We were scheduled to check in at the state park today at 3pm. We canceled for tonight due to the high winds. Russ says it isn't safe to tow the camper in those winds. So now we will check in tomorrow at 3pm. They won't let us come early in the morning because they need site to be available to someone tonight and payment begins at 3pm and extends to end of reservation. Bummer! We don't mind camping in cool weather, actually prefer it because it is nice around the fire and we don't sweat and need to shower every night. Rain is a disappointment...

    I'm going to visit my brother this afternoon so that I see him in case he passes this week. I don't think he will but I want to see him just in case. I don't want to sit vigil at his bedside waiting for his death like we did for my Mom. Is that selfish? My sister doesn't want him to be alone so she even plans to sleep in the chair over night if needed as time gets closer. If it was me dying, I would want everyone to leave my room after they say their good byes (except Russ) and let me withdraw inward and my heart stop. Steve is a private person too and I am not sure he wants an audience either. Between his friends and family, there will be many people coming and going from his room for the next days and/or weeks.
    We debated on canceling our whole week of camping but decided to go since we will only be 1-1/2 hours away. My sister can let me know what is happening and if I need to be there. I kind of want to be relaxing and alone with Russ rather than the commotion and sadness that will be happening in his room.

    Mt. Rushmore changed from my first visit in 1985 to when we took the boys there in the early 2000's. I didn't recognize it. I imagine they've done more work in the last decade. I love the Black Hills area though. I would like to camp there at some point and explore without little kids in tow.

    Well I'm going to call the orthopedic clinic and see if I can get an appointment for a consult about my knees. If surgery is recommended, I wouldn't do it until after the wedding in November.

    I hope you have reprieve from the heat and get rain too. If needed, we could just probably plan to camp in your town and it would be sure to rain!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I'm sorry things are so touch and go with Steve. I think the way you are doing it makes sense.

    Hope your camping goes well.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The wind has left us, the sun is out, and we will leave about 1:30 for the park. I just need to water pots and dead head some flowers but am waiting until a little later hoping it warms up.

    My nephew arrives from Portland today to see Steve. My sons won't be able to get back. Jeff and Rory saw him last Fall, Christmas and Rory was here this past February. With his new job he can't get away and Jeff needs to care for Miles when Karah is on the computer working. They switch off since they both work from home. She went back to work on Monday after her 3 month maternity leave. David can't leave prime fishing time since that is livelihood. I'm planning to call him on Saturday when I'm with Steve and hope to do a messenger call so they can see each other. Steve has so many visitors coming in and out of his room, and they increased his pain meds for comfort, so I don't know if he will be in any condition to talk to David and if we will have any privacy.

    I feel a little agitated with all that is going through my mind so hopefully chillin' by the camp fire will help.

    Have a good rest of the work week. If I get a signal on my phone, I will check in at least once.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Hope you are finding some relaxing during your camping.

    Senior pictures last night! Crazy. Unfortunately, there was a bad storm right over the section where this place is located (about 20 minutes from Columbus). All the farms in this small area were just hammered. So sad for all those farmers. All that beautiful corn and beans just gone. Grain bins tossed, pivots wrecked, huge trees stripped to the bark. Wow. The place where we photographed lost all their flowers which had been in full bloom (their daughters wedding is next weekend and is at their place). His photos will be fine, but you can definitely see the wreckage. Mother nature weighing in.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    Steve passed away Tuesday evening. I'm glad I spent Monday with him. He was alert and talkative. He was sleeping all day Tuesday and died peacefully at 5:45pm. I'm glad I saw him Monday. I'd rather remember him like that. It went faster than we anticipated but that was good for Steve.

    Camping was relaxing. A mix of cold and humid, wet and dry weather. Beautiful park.

    Hope your senior pictures turn out.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    Ah dear J. I'm sorry for your loss. I have been praying and praying for his peaceful passing and for peace for you and your family. Be well. Take time.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We are home. It just rains and rains and is so humid.
    Russ and I got the furniture out of Steve's apt so we are done with that. Now to sell his car and get rid of his boxes of books in our pole barn.
    I just feel relief for Steve at this point. He was miserable and his body was shutting down.
    A friend brought Russ and I a lasagna today. We had some for dinner. Good but isn't it interesting how so many people make it different from one another?
    I start my new med tomorrow. I hope I don't have side effects of stomach stuff.
    I hope you have gotten rain.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    There has been some rain here. I hope you found some enjoyment in your short trip amid the sadness. I pray you and your family are doing well.

    We took a brief tour of UNO (University of Nebraska Omaha) on Friday. Nice place, they have really built an amazing 'east' campus The Scott campus that holds their computer and business schools. Peter Kiewet has invested a lot of money in the buildings. A good option for my C kid, but Omaha was really started as a 'commuter' college and dorm life has only recently been added in like the last 20 years and you can tell that students living on campus is not the norm. The residences they have are very nice, don't get me wrong - nicer than anything else I've seen - but I can see it will be harder to have that 'college experience' you get when 60percent of kids don't live on campus and are all there all the time. It will be more difficult to integrate into the college life I think. And I really think the C kid would miss that. He wants social time I think. He is ready to forgo AP Calc (and 'only' do Dual Credit Calc 1) because it sounds like the only period they will offer it (if the same as last year) is the period he will be in New Worlds. And he doesn't want to give up New Worlds because they are already talking about all the hanging out they will be doing. He is just dying for buddy time. In a couple more weeks we will go to UNL - hopefully it will knock his socks off. Although at this point I would vote for Mines over UNO just because I think he would be happier there overall.

    Hugs dear J
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    We went to UNL when Rory was doing college visits. We liked it a lot. But when he was planning to go ROTC and got the Army scholarship, they said he had to go to University of North Dakota in Grand Forks to get the scholarship. He did but then decided against ROTC and turned down the scholarship. I didn't think Grand Forks was a very exciting town for a college experience but he didn't know differently.

    I think after C does a few visits he will know where he fits. Does he want to look at Wayne at all or steer clear so he isn't little brother the first year?

    We've had lots of rain and then today was beautiful. 79, slightly humid, sunny and breezy. Perfect day!

    I started prepping my dresser that I will be refurbishing/painting and staining for my guest room. Today I sanded and washed with TCP. Tomorrow I will paint the base of the dresser. I haven't decided if I am staining or painting the top and drawer fronts yet. It will evolve as I paint.

    Rory called tonight. He's in his 3rd week as an electrical apprentice. He likes it a lot but is overwhlemed with how busy each day is and how much he is learning.

    Our yard is shaping up! Russ finished the front landscaping today. Next he will put beds together in the bunk room and the begin to pull boards off the back deck to replace.

    Any special plans for the 4th?

    I am doing ok about Steve's passing. I'm relieved he is at peace. We wrote and submitted his obituary last night. It should appear in the newspapers this week and next I think.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,880 Member
    I'm glad you are doing ok. You are still in my thoughts and prayers because I'm sure day to day will vary.

    I hope Rory finds each passing day a bit easier. I agree, in the beginning of anything it can be so overwhelming. Hopefully not so much it's too much. I bet he rocks it.

    We have a visit booked at Wayne, but I'm guessing that's mostly to humor mom and dad. I'm sure he has little desire to be anywhere near brother. We'll see.

    Can't believe it's July. Summer always feels mostly over when July hits.

    No plans yet, I'm sure something will come up. I'd be happy to be home.

    TGIF eve!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,430 Member
    The base of my dresser and the drawer fronts are painted with two coats. I stained the top of the dresser with a mahogany gel stain. I will stain the mirror frame the same. I need to buy some brass polish/cleaner to clean up the drawer hardware. I had read that working with gel stain was so easy but I don't like it. I won't use it again when this dresser is done. I need to find a place that can cut a new mirror for the frame. This one is so old and has spots and clouding. The thing is an antique but not in the best of shape. I'm sure my siblings are horrified I would paint it and make it cute rather than maintain any value it has as an antique by refinishing and staining. I like cute, fun and functional if a piece of furniture has seen it's prime long gone. I am sure this was a dresser my grandparents had and it is well made but time for a new beginning.

    Tomorrow we are going to my sister's pool for the afternoon. She is going to grill hot dogs, cut up watermelon and make potato salad. I'm taking chips and we bring our own drinks. On Sunday we will go to a surprise bday party and picnic for a friend's husband.

    Beautiful weather here! Cooler days and chilly at night.

    When will C visit Wayne? I'll be interested to know what he decides. Exciting times for him and hope his senior year is normal.
