The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Took Thursday and Friday off. It’s been nice. Caleb went off with friends family to their cabin. Praying he comes home whole. Hope you had a good fourth
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    both pieces of my heart are in your neck of the woods at the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis. I am praying my knees off they stay well, and intact and come back invigorated. It's some 30,000 Lutheran youth in some mass craze of worships, learnings and service. Crazy. I prefer the small mission trips, but they are there. Oy.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm here. Out of town for 2 weeks and so busy. Back to work tomorrow. Still eating within an 8 hour time frame. Feel better, less bloated, but no weight loss yet.

    You and Z need a break. Glad you are getting one. Rory over for dinner do cant write much now. I'll write more this week.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Unpacked and set up my new work space today. It will be fine for my last year. See below...
    We rescheduled this werkend's camping trip to September. We are going to start looking at bigger campers this weekend.
    Off to shower. Hot and humid here!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    the heat is rolling in - I'm pretty worried about how we will all hold up for at least four days of 100-plus degrees. Brutal.

    The boys are back from their adventure in MN - Caleb had a good time, it wasn't really Zach's cup of tea with those 22000 participants, but I guess he wanted to challenge himself. Glad their home.

    You must really be enjoying your camping time if you are looking to upgrade!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    HOT!!!!!! I hate the humidity with the heat. It feels so heavy and suffocating.

    I have tomorrow off so I'm going to get a longer by the pool for awhile. Haven't been down there yet.

    The neighbor next door asked me to feed their Beta fish while they are gone for a week. I told her I have a tendency to kill fish but she wasn't worried. We'll see...

    Russ is at a class so Charlie and I have the house to ourselves. This is rare so I enjoy the solitude.

    Stay cool!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    sooooo HOT!!! So bloated. I feel like absolute shizzlle. I am less than a pound away from where I was when officially started WW almost two years ago. I have managed to only put together two 'blue dot' days. Groan.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm a pound from my starting weight two years ago too. I'm persevering on my intermittent fasting schedule. I can't eat between 11am and 7pm every day, but have to eat breakfast if it's a busy day with students. I manage to do it at least 5 of 7 days in a week. I do feel better but do need to drop weight.

    Today I did errands and then made it to the pool by 11:30. It was not crowded at all today and I even had the pool to myself for awhile. I swam a few laps, did some jogging and also some leg exercises and stretches. It was about 85 with a breeze so a perfect pool day. I came back and showered around 2pm. The heat rolled in and now it is in the 90's with a heat index of 110. It feels like a blast furnace. Weatherman says severe weather which may include high winds, rain, tornado, and hail is pushing across MN. Hope it misses us. Tomorrow begins temps in the 80's for a week.

    I'm glad we aren't camping this weekend. Tonight would have been miserable and I don't like being in the camper when it is stormy with high winds.

    Maybe we should focus on moving each day no matter how few minutes (walking, stairs, weights etc.) If we start to have more energy from exercise endorphins, maybe we will do better with our eating. I don't over eat in a day but I do like ice cream this time of year so sugar intake is up.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    AC off this week. A reprieve from the heat and humidity. Russ fell today at work. Slipped on a wet floor. Lucky he is just sore and not hurt.

    Summer is going fast. I fly to MI on Saturday for my nieces baby shower. I'm busy the next 4-5 weekends. Crazy!

    Hope you are doing well.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    we had my sister's dog for five days while they were traveling for work. On Sunday my folks did one of their drop in's because they're bored and while trying to control Dakota from barreling into my mom and knocking her down (he's very easy going all the other times, buy my folks always get him lathered up excited) he pulls me into the corner of one of the walls and OH MY FRACK - i'm pretty sure I broke my pinky toe. The whole side of my foot it black and blue and swollen. Ow. I forget how strong he can be when he's fired up. Sigh. Better me than my mom though. Pretty good damage for an 11-plus year old Vizsla.

    So, I'm icing it and trying to keep it elevated. The boys think I should go in, but really all they will do is give me a boot right? For a pinky toe? I don't know. If it doesn't start feeling better in a couple of days I guess I will have to.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm home again. Sorry about your toe. You probably should be seen.

    MI was great. Nice weather and shower was beautiful. Enjoyed my time with my sisters.

    At work so off to appt. More later.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    It's mostly feeling better. Still some bruising and tenderness, but probably ok.

    My weight not ok. I have actually been tracking for a few weeks now and I must not be being accurate somewhere because my weight it going up and according to my points I am in range. So frustrating. Just have to keep at and find some adjustments. I know what would help the most, it my two cups of special k that I munch on throughout the morning to get to lunch - I track the points, but it would certainly be 'better' to just not eat or do carrots. I just don't want to. I guess I'm still not where I need to be mentally. I am really getting emotional as the days click by for Zach to move to school in two weeks. I'm excited, but sad too.

    Just a tough cycle right now.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Hang in there Marla! You have a lot going on. Keep tracking and try to include some activity when you can. My weight is the highest its ever been. Depressing but right now I'm just doing what I have to each day.

    When I was in MI, I did some exercises and jogging in my sister's pool. That felt good but I do get sore later. I hope to attend water aerobics class again when I am retired. Right now I don't belong anywhere that has a pool or classes and am not going to join. I did some water aerobics last week when I had the complex pool to myself. I should aim for that in the month of August. My summer has been so busy but no excuse to be inactive.

    Avoiding paperwork at work. Tonight my group goes to dinner and the theater. It's our last play of this season and the next starts in October. I kind of wish I had not signed up again but I figured it was my last year so I would do it. Oh well...

    When does Z report to school? Is he excited? Have you done all your dorm room shopping? I had tears for each of my boys when I said good bye when dropping them off. It got easier as the year went on because they were growing up and I knew they belonged there.

    It will get easier!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Back from girl's weekend with my friend. Very nice time. We talked until late in the night, did exercise in the pool, painted rocks and relaxed. 4 days of work this week and 2 week off.

    Hope all is going well with college prep.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I love the sound of your schedule!

    Two more work days for Zach and then he is done with his summer from heck (me too!). Soooo many early mornings. I honestly think that is part of what has my weight going up. I have been tracking for nearly four weeks and sound have lost at least a pound or two not gone up. These hours we have been working I think may have messed up my metabolism as well. Who knows. Zach will have over 430 work hours for the summer. He only missed for his church trip, one sick day and one flake day (the day after the 4th of July) - his total hours are higher than any of the other summer helpers as far as I can tell. I am proud of him for doing this since it is so far outside his comfort zone. Especially since he was told he would get to go to other areas and they didn't do it - so I am peeved off at HR for lying to me and him. Jerks.

    We had an unexpected death in our work team last week. He was only 55 - his kids the same age as mine. He had a motorcycle accident last week and apparently developed a blood clot or pulmonary embolism during his healing (it didn't happen immediately). He had been with the company for over 30 years and his wife is a controller here and has almost 30 years as well. Brings up a lot of sad emotions.

    Caleb is in the middle of conditioning camp this week (i.e. run till you puke). Poor guy. School starts for him next week as well. He has a tough schedule with three accelerated classes (Geometry, Chem and English). I hope he has an amazing year like last year. He has a lot of potential - but as I've lived through with his brother - lots of other outside things can interfere.

    Hope your week is going well. I am super tired. As per normal.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Z is growing up. He must be proud, you too, on his perseverance at work. Is he nervous for college? I hope he loves it.

    C will have a lot to accomplish this year. What grade is he now? You will be empty nester before long. What next?

    I'm afraid to get on scale. I have been inconsistent with intermittent fasting. My schedule has been crazy and I'm not focused.

    Off for two weeks now but in and out of town. Packing for camping today and cabin next week.

    Hang in there.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Caleb is a sophomore already! He just started two-a-days yesterday. I can tell he is feeling overwhelmed thinking about doing them for the next two weeks. One day a time buddy.

    A lot rattling around my brain right now. My folks dropped in again this weekend. Dad making the comments that they will be there Friday to 'help' move Zach in to Wayne. Uh no. This is for me and Bernie. We have a short window and there will 1200 others, I can't entertain you, keep you out the way. This is my time with him. I'm so mad. I have to try to get it through his head that this is not their time with him, and it is going to become a whole thing. He didn't even move me in to Wayne, why now! I appreciate that they are excited and want to support him, but this is not about them reliving their glory days. This is a pivotal moment for me and Zach and then Zach needs to be Zach learning to be college Zach. SMH. I had the thought yesterday I wish Zach was going to Concordia because they would want nothing to do with it because they think Concordia is stupid.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Hi, I'm back from girls' book club cabin week. Very fun but I'm tired.

    Why on earth would grandparents want to help Z move to college? You are correct that is parent/child time. When does he move in? So exciting!

    Two a days are tough. Always seemed like temperature was highest of summer.

    Car goes to dealer tomorrow for some repairs. Friday is dentist and chiro. Saturday is Russ' family reunion in St Paul.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    How was college drop off?
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Good. His roommate didn’t show up until last night so we didn’t get to meet him. Hopefully they get along. Class starts tomorrow!

    Caleb turned 15 today! My baby. Another few days of two a days and then hopefully it will ease up some.

    Back to work tomorrow. Booooooo