The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Marla, I'm hanging in there. Each week it gets better. Hopefully my splint will get cut smaller next week so I can move my thumb a little more. I just want the move to be over then life settles down for a year, hopefully. What are your plans for the grad party? What are Z's final college plans?

    Ang- what kind of foods do you like? I like dried apricot, pistachios, apples with cheddar cheese or peanut butter, grapes, cheese and crackers.

    Went to friends for dinner to see another friend that moved to MI a few year ago. Nice evening but too much pizza. Caesar salad was wonderful.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Another day, hopefully another day closer to recovered for you J

    A lot going on in my crazy brain, but not ready to get too much into.

    Keeping busy and trying to stay calm. It's a challenge. :>)

    Keep after the good fight dear ones.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Overwhelmed by all we have to do in next few days!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    So. My Zach who played every Varsity golf tournament last year has been dropped back to JV following his poor play at the first tourney this season. Even though he followed that up with marked improvement and has been shooting extremely well this week. He is being punished. One mistake and he is gone? What b.s. The two he bumped ahead of Zach are shooting worse than he is. And he still is keeping him back. I want to gut the coach. He won't return our messages. First world problem I know, but well, he's my kid and he's hurt and I want to hurt who is hurting him.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    This week has been rough. I’ve had a lot going around on my mind, and still do. I majorily feel off the wagon I was getting back on. I’m trying to climb back on. I need to get running again. It’s such a stress realizer for me. Need to be up and out the door really early tomoow. Really early. I’ve got a friend picking me up at 9am to go second hand shopping. I need to get back at this again and stay consistent!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We all seem to have some struggles. I feel your pain for Z, Marla. It's hard to see our kids get over looked and not given opportunities.

    Ang- I hope you find your jojo for running. What if you set a short run goal and felt how good it makes you feel? It may get you back at it.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    More packing today. Almost done.
    Big snow storm expected Thursday, our moving day. No!!!!!!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    I know - I just saw we could get EIGHTEEN INCHES of SNOW. What the what. Nope. Nope. Nopity, nope. Mama Nature? Mercy, please.

    I got the majority of the open house announcements addressed this weekend. Scrubbed the floors. Inching my way there.

    Come on Jenny, we have to will this weather away!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Come on good weather.... no whammies!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Storm has begun. On my way to get keys for rental and do walk through.

    Move tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    oh boy - good luck - don't get out if the weather is bad

    take care
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    so far it's still rain here, but the temps keep dropping and a big part of the state is in a blizzard warning. I'm hoping you are ok J - looks dicey up your way too.

    be safe
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Wow, we are tired. We moved in a snow and ice storm. The whole weekend until today was gloomy, wet, gray weather. We slept at the townhome Thursday eve. I got some things unpacked that night but we were beat. My body was so sore I couldn't relax. The movers were great! Friday, Russ went back to house to work on garage and basement, finish packing pod and getting garbage together for pick up. I unpacked more boxes at townhome and then left for hotel to go to my speech convention. My friends and I ate dinner that night at Mall of America. All I could think about was the poor boy that was thrown off the 3rd floor balcony. Tragic and crazy! Went to bed early and was up early for my seminars.

    I got home Saturday afternoon. Russ was beat from another day at the house. I went to house today and got the rest of my hang ups and grabbed stuff from fridge and pantry. Russ didn't want my help so now I'm home but have to empty my car.

    Work tomorrow for m. Russ is taking one more day off. Closing at 3pm and we are free!

    How are you doing?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    Wow! That’s a crazy lot of work in a snow storm too. I hope you are sleeping well

    I read about that poor boy. Horrible.

    Hopefully you don’t overdue it

    How’s your wrist healing
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    My wrist feels much better and I've started range of motion exercises. Scars are healing nicely.

    Beautiful weather is here for now!

    Still getting settled but closing went smoothly. Hopefully nothing comes up later.

    How are you doing? Ready for grad party?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    here's hoping golf goes well today - the coach is 'letting' Zach play in the varsity tourney today - which he has made clear he is still not happy with him and only there by the kings pleasure. Meh. I am glad he gets to play, but of course it's a lot of pressure to perform because he is still 'not really worthy' -

    Easter - lots of choir, every night and twice Sunday, plus serving the youth breakfast, next week is the big Acapella contest the choir director from school insisted on creating and the boosters has to make happen. Sigh. I'm tired. And freaked out about graduation.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    My splint was cut smaller today so it just covers my thumb joint. More comfortable...

    Only a few more weeks of school for your boys?

    I work tomorrow and then have a 4 day weekend. I need to tackle the boxes with kitchen stuff and organize the second bedroom/den upstairs.

    Rainy this week. Tired and ready to go to bed. I'll write more when I feel rested.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,800 Member
    TGIF people. More church tonight and this weekend. Sing, sing, sing!

    From my count Zach has 11 school days, he could be gone up to 7 if he stays on Varsity. Then Caleb would have one week more than that. Yowza.

    Looking at having Zach work at the plant this summer. It's kind of freaking me out. I thought he might get an office spot, but they said they could put him on the floor. I'm a little scared of that. He has zero experience and is kind of a geeky kid. But we'll see. I know it would be good for him, but it's still scary, it's not easy work out there.

    Have a great weekend. Happy Easter!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I hope you had a happy Easter. Ours was nice. Rory and his friend came for ham dinner. They stayed for most of day. Nice to have company. Rory is working long days, 12 hours, and is exhausted. We sent them home (house mates), with lots of left overs.

    When is your grad party? Is Z excited to graduate?

    I'm off until Wednesday, yay!
