The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I agree about surgery. I've seen people have gastric bypass and gain it back. It's dangerous and it comes back if a person doesn't come to terms with why they eat what they do.

    Does Z drink enough water each day? I know dehydration can cause headaches too. Does a kid inherit migraines from their parent? You get them don't you?

    We met with our new financial planner today. Our previous one retired this summer and we were assigned to this guy and his team. I was leary but really like him. Russ does too which is amazing because he doesn't like people easily for some reason. We both feel we are in a good place to retire next year. We will meet with him again when we sell our house and put a plan together for retirement (when to withdraw on our investments, etc.). We moved some money around and changed one account to be more aggressive in its earnings. Fingers crossed all goes well. He said we will have another recession in the next few years. It's the way it works I guess.

    Beautiful weather here this week! Yay!

    We went out for dinner after our meeting to TGIFridays. We ran into a couple we've known for years but rarely see so we sat with them and had a nice dinner. I like their NY Strip Sirloin there. Always tasty!

    Well I've tried to watch The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix twice. I'm still working on the first episode and get scared and turn it to something else! Such a wuss! I will persevere.

    Have a nice Wednesday.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I can't do scary shows - I am a wimp. I used to be able to scary books like Dean Koontz and Stephen King, but I haven't been able to do those for years either.

    Glad you are pleased with your financial planner and getting so close to fun time! Yay!

    Glad the week is winding down. Sunday has too much going on, but looking forward to a hopefully relaxing Saturday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I don't read scary books anymore either. I use to love Stephen King, Dean Koontz and books about murders and serial killers. Not anymore! I did manage to watch the first two episodes of The Haunting of Hill House. It's subtle and suspenseful which makes it scary.

    I talked on the phone with two old friends today. I think about them but never make time to call. One lives in Cincinnati and the other Chicago. We grew up together as summer friends in MI. One called me and we chatted for about an hour. I messaged the other one and she called in response to my message. It was so nice to catch up a bit. When we move back to MI I'll be able to see them more often. They still go up there for summer vacation and some holidays.

    TGIF! So glad tomorrow is the end of the week. Russ started filling dumpster today. I will get to work tomorrow eve or Saturday morning. Your weekend sounds like you will get to relax for a bit.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    ah Fri-yay!

    good luck on your purging!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Camper winterized. Need to schedule trips for next year.

    Garage pretty cleaned out. Tools, camping gear, my teaching material cabinets, garden/yard tools, and bikes are only items left.

    Cold here. Possible snow tomorrow.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    We tackled basement yesterday. One dead mouse so far and lots of turds and dust. Gross! It's like throwing or giving a life time away. I'm keeping some games (maybe), photos, holiday decorations. I have to go back down there and keep tossing.

    Eating is not going well. I feel and look fat but always on the go.

    How are you?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I feel ya. I didn't even get an ounce off in October. If I lost anything one week I'd eat it back the next. So frustrated with myself.

    But. I keep trying. Obviously not succeeding, but still trying.

    Keep up the great work!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I'm working from a coffee shop this afternoon because my school is a voting location so parking would be a bear. I'm getting a lot done.

    I am annoyed by the men behind me. They are having a business meeting and two of them must be owners or in charge. They are drilling another guy who must be in charge of some workers. Very intense! Why do this at a coffee shop and talk in very loud voices for all to hear? I don't like their tone when raking the guy over the coals about work output. He's holding his own but I think the two owners (??) are jerks. Kind of reminds me of my ex husband and his attitude to others and to me when he thought he was right or wanted to argue. Ugh!

    Well it is cold and gloomy today. I saw snow flakes earlier but they are not falling now.

    I get an MRI on my hand this afternoon. The bumps/growths that began in May are still present and bigger. The neurologist had sent me to the rheumatologist to examine my hands. She saw me in September and said she would need to see me again but couldn't do so until 11/19. Two months between appointments! She had xrays done of both hands and was suppose to order an MRI. She didn't so I had to bug her to do so. Finally it is today. Hopefully she will have results when I see her on 11/19. I hope it doesn't hurt like it did when they did the MRI on my knee. I also hope I don't have to go in the machine completely or I will freak. I'm not planning to take the muscle relaxant for this today.

    Well I should get back to my paperwork. Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    good luck with the MRI

    it's so insane that the appointments take so long to get. I had C at the ortho today - and then trying to schedule the next visit... silliness - supposed to be six weeks out - but couldn't get a time for eight weeks

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I didn't get the MRI. They would have put my whole body in the machine, head too. I can't do that without sedation. All this for imaging my right hand? Ridiculous! At this point I'm so frustrated I'm considering canceling the doctor appt on the 19th and not rescheduling the MRI. I could look into an open MRI machine or sedation but getting a hold of this doctor is a pain in the *kitten* and I'm out of energy for this.

    It snowed here today and was very icy. I wore my winter boots due to ice. I was so scared I would fall in the parking lot at work. I had a late 4pm conference with parents so didn't get home until 5:30 or so. It was dark out by then. Ugh!

    A friend's husband is going hunting this weekend so she has decided to have a girl's night at her house with appetizers and BYO beverage. I think I will go for some fun girl time.

    Why did C need to see an ortho?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    the ortho was his orthodontist

    hoping to take tomorrow off - just need a day off, not sure it will happen though - it's opening weekend for deer and a bunch of others are off and Michele ended up traveling again

    just so tired
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Have you had your hemoglobin checked recently? You may be anemic which is causing your fatigue. I noticed MFP changed my swear word to *kitten* in my above post. Funny!

    Snowing here and snow on the ground. In the 20's today and will not warm up. I think in a week we are suppose to go back to 50's. Hope so. Too early for snow and cold. Makes for a long winter.

    Dumpster leaves today. We got a lot cleaned out but need to take a lot to Savers too. We may load all 3 cars and drop off at same time. I need to go through my clothes one more time, kitchen cabinets, and upper shelf of linen closet. Pack up old books and off it all goes. House needs a thorough cleaning and scrubbing. Tempted to hire that out. We'll see.

    Does C have braces?
    Did you take today off? Hope so!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I'm pretty sure the hemo was ok in Aug - I think it's mostly because my anxiety is just so high right now. Just a lot on my mind. Some of good - senior year! College! - some scary - senior year! College! Etc. Just not coping very well. And then I feel bad because my sister is working 20 some hours a day and I am whining about issues. (Not out loud, but in head) - and then that makes me more anxious.

    It has been very cold the last few days as well. I think it may get to 40 in the next few. Which would be good with me.

    I did take Friday off, but then I felt bad because several things 'blew' up that I should have been there to help with and bleh.

    Caleb does have braces and I am much happier with how it is going for him with a different doc (even with the struggle for appts) than with who I used for Zach. I am not happy with his result. A gap is already back in Zach front two teeth. So mad.

    Trying to prepare for Thanksgiving. I am having my folks, sis and fam and us. We will do dinner on Wednesday night so sis and fam can go to his side on Thursday. And mostly because she wants to get off for shopping! That crazy thing will spend 15 to 20 hours out in the chaos when she could finally be having a day off. She is nuts. I am trying to get Zach to research laptops in case the one he wants goes on sale. (Online of course) I don't go out. I may also try to get a bedspread and towels. I'm sure it will be a non issue for him. Whatever I pick will probably be fine.

    Great work on all the cleaning!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Does Z have a retainer? Weird that the teeth already separated.

    Do you do all the work for Thanksgiving dinner or do your sister and Mom bring dishes to contribute? Do you get to relax on Thursday or go to Bernie's family?

    Russ, Rory and I are going to a Thanksgiving Buffet at Axel's this year. Russ doesn't want to cook for just 3 of us and of course I don't either. No work, no mess...

    Took a carload to Savers today and Rory will fill my back seat again tonight with my pile in the basement. I cleaned out top shelf of linen closet and the guestroom closet this weekend. Clothes and other stuff left house today. I still have to finish basement, go through Kitchen cabinets, and my clothes one more time. Then I will begin to pack up things that aren't used daily but we are keeping. I need to get some more boxes and tape.

    Lighting a fire under Russ' butt to do his part is a challenge. Time is ticking and he has things to get done too. I have to nag him and I hate that.

    Well enjoy your evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    hair color day

    everyone will contribute - mom will do pie and salad, sis will do a hot veg and pie and maybe a salad if she thinks mom's salad is going to be something the kids won't like ;>)

    do not have to go to B's family - it will be me shopping online and hopefully the boys wanting to watch a movie or football - and trying not to gain five pounds grazing. It's not the one meal I have a problem with - but a long weekend of grraaaaaazzziing

    go week go!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Tired...knitting group last night went late (we never knitted). Tonight I have a play with my theater group. It is suppose to be a long play. I hope I don't fall asleep and snore.

    The sun is out! It's been so rare lately that it's noticed.

    I like to graze too. I'm so over weight right now it's bad.

    Well need a quick cat nap before I head to meet the theater ladies.

    Have a nice evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    hoping for a quiet night tonight - been looking at the online leaks of black friday ads and seeing if there is anything interesting. Trying to get Zach to look at laptops - if he would pick one - I will do that for his Christmas and Graduation and be done for him. If he would pick. I have no idea if he wants Mac or not Mac.

    I am thinking maybe an airfryer sounds like something I want to try for us and then maybe I'll do a small one for my nephew who is in his first apartment and maybe should be cooking for himself more.

    No clue for Caleb.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I haven't even thought of Christmas and now Secret Santa is starting at work. I need to ask the boys what they want if anything.

    My sister called today and my brother-in-law with multiple sclerosis is in his last days. Hospice thinks he will pass within the next 5-7 but they aren't always right. He's on morphine and in his own bed. Very sad.

    The play was good last night but very long. The seats are so uncomfortable and I was going nuts in the last act. They had 3 acts instead of 2. Late night and had trouble getting out of bed this morning. Luckily we didn't see students today so easy day. Very unproductive though. I have a ton of paperwork and didn't get any done.

    Tomorrow will be all paperwork. My only student canceled. Good for me!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. That has to be hard on your sister. Prayers for your family.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Jim, my BIL, is failing fast. Friends and family have been visiting and saying their good-byes. I don't think he's totally conscious or aware. They have him on morphine to keep him comfortable and pain free. I'm not even sure he knows he's dying. He asked my sister why he felt so bad at one point. It brings tears to my eyes. My guess he will pass tomorrow or early Sunday morning. My sister's whole adult life has revolved around her business with Jim and his illness. She will have to re-invent herself and figure out who she is by herself. I hope when my time comes I go fast and don't know what is happening. Preferably go to sleep and not wake up...

    I got a little bit more done today at work. At least I finished writing an education plan for a child, got some correspondence done with a couple of parents, and completed some paperwork for the office. At the end of the day, a few of us went to a brewery for a happy hour. I was home by 6, in my pajamas and relaxing after that. I am going to the gym in the morning. Enough of being fat and lazy. I have to take my life back and make better choices.

    TGIF and I hope you have a good weekend.
