The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Hump day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Long day in trainings. Russ and I bought the rest of the plants and a couple of shrubs tonight. That will do it. He will finish the planting this weekend and begin touch up painting outside. I will buy paint tomorrow for window trim and front doors. We cancelled our camping trip to continue while we have motivation.

    Last day of work week for me tomorrow. I had taken Friday off to get ready for camping trip and have 3 day weekend. Now I can get started on painting early and maybe fit in some shopping.

    Hope your week is going better.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Caleb's first football game tonight. Here's hoping for good things.

    Made my appointment for my wrist in a couple of weeks.

    I have this list of things I want to do in the house and Bernie just rolls his eyes. Much fun.

    Caleb and his buddies are starting a robotics group that will meet during the 'lead' session (it's the day they have one of the weird schedules. He seems excited about. Yay!

    Had a bunch more rain this week. Really need to dry out some. Husker game actually got cancelled after a three hour delay Saturday. Think that's the first time in decades. Feel bad for all those fans and players.

    Go go gardener!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    It takes a lot to get Russ to get things done. Listing the house is the motivator now. Winter will be upon us in 7-10 weeks I'm sure.

    Hope C had a good game.

    Have you gotten notice from MFP to change your password due to hackers and a breach? Is it a scam or true? I cant tell what is real or not.

    Gym and painting front doors tomorrow. Coworker party tomorrow eve. It's the annual karaoke party that is so fun.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    yes I got one like that awhile ago - and changed it - of course I still haven't figured out why I can't log in on my phone anymore - such a bummer I lost all those days and now every week it resets because I can't get on. Oh well.

    The game was won. Caleb didn't play 'a' at all - played in the 'b' fifth quarter. A bummer, but not unexpected by me based on what I had seen. We'll see if he can handle it. It's a lot of work and punishment for no glory per se. I wish Bernie would work with him on some of his technical issues (ie standing straight up from his stance instead of powering out) but he is such a *kitten* - "he has to ask me for help or do it himself, I'm not going to force him" - whatever, that's how kids work.

    up another pound. Life is good. (Sarcasm)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Sorry for C. Many of those games in our life too. Made me resentful and mad at coaches.

    Loving this weather. Enjoying my coffee with the news and then I will get started on painting doors.

    I cant seem to get back on track. My mindset isn't there right now.

    Enjoy your Friday.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Working on home repairs, sprucing up projects today. I went to paint the second coat on the garage service door. When I opened it, the bottom seal and parts of the door fell off. It was rotting through the bottom but wasn't visible on either side. So, we went and bought a new door to install with a new frame and threshold. Now I have to paint that door and Russ has to get a friend to install it because he has never done it. Russ used the paint we picked out to paint the window trim to match the window we replaced several years ago. Too white and not enough almond color. He went and got another quart so we will try that tomorrow morning. It better be ok and if not, too bad! It will fade and change over time. Just needs to look good for the realtor pictures. Tomorrow I will paint the garage door into the house. The front door looks nice. I will have to touch up the inside of the doors. They are pretty beat up.

    The kareoke party was fun but not as many people sang as the last year. Good time and lots of laughs...

    Hope you are having a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    edited September 2018
    another week of possibilities!

    good luck on getting your projects done

    Homecoming week - Zach of course isn't going and surprisingly Caleb is making noises about not going.

    I turned into angry mom Saturday when I was once scrubbing the boys (including Bernie) disgusting bathroom and asking Bernie why he couldn't do it just because I want him to if for no other reason. Because he can't keep up with all my unrealistic expectations. Whatever. Wanting my nice house to stay nice is so unrealistic. Bite me.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I hear ya! Living with all males is a challenge for keeping a house, especially bathrooms, clean. They pee on the toilet seat or floor, they should clean up their own pee. Do they notice it is there? They say they don't. Shaving and leaving their hair in the sink and not wiping it out. Ugh! Toothpaste dried in the sink, scummy shower...I could go on and on. I find if I want it done right and thorough, I have to do it myself. Rory will clean his bathroom but he just touches the surface. You could go on strike. My friend did that in her household but I can't say it worked. Her kids and husband still didn't help out and she caved in.

    Are your boys shy with girls or don't like to dance? Do any of their friends go to the dances? My boys only went when they had a girlfriend because she expected it.

    My brother in-law with advanced multiple sclerosis is in the hospital again. He has a urinary tract infection and has sepsis. He's not out of the woods yet but is doing better from first report. He's in his late 60's and I'm surprised he's still living. He can't do anything for himself anymore and needs total care. He still lives at home but should be in a care facility. My sister just can't make that decision and he is aware enough to throw a fit.

    I really need to get back on track with my weight loss. How do I get my head in the right place?

    Hang in there!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    hump day -

    choir tonight

    freshman football away tomorrow

    hoco Friday - still sounding like a no-go for the P boys.

    Zach got his first acceptance yesterday. He was pleased.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Where was Z's acceptance from? Glad he's pleased.

    I weighed in this morning. Gained back all but 1 pound. Started logging again today. I haven't made it to the gym this week but need to get there! Hopefully tomorrow after work. Busy weekend...happy hour with some retired friends on Friday afternoon and a lake picnic at a friend's on Saturday afternoon and evening. Sunday I will paint my last coat on the garage entrance door. The new service door gets installed next week.

    Tonight's dinner is baked potatoes and put on our own toppings. I bought vegetables for mine. Russ likes Hormel Chili and cheese, yuk!

    You seem to be very busy these days!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member

    His first acceptance was to Concordia. We also did apps for Wayne and Doane. I don't really expect any issues on the admittance due to his relatively high ACT - it will be when trying to get scholarship dollars with a relatively low (compared to the ones he will be competing with) GPA
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Be sure to check community scholarships (banks, Lions, women and men's organizations. He can apply by writing an essay or filling out a form. School counselor should have list of there are any. They add up if he can win some. WTG Zach!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Hotter than ___ here this weekend. Sunny, 90's, humid, everything I can't stand. Yesterday I was lucky to go to a lake party. A former coworker has a cute cozy home on Lake Minnetonka with a very large boat and beautiful patio deck over looking the lake. She invited those of us she use to work with and one person and her family she currently works with. We hung out by and in the water all afternoon, had dinner and went on a sunset cruise. Then ended the night on the patio while her husband baked cookies on the grill for our dessert. Very nice! I was a sweat hog when I got home after 10:30. Russ didn't go but stayed home to work on stuff. He doesn't last at gatherings for more than a couple of hours. I wanted to stay through the cruise. Next year I can come home with someone else and he can leave early if he wants to come.

    Well I just went grocery shopping and supplied my food choices to get back on track. I went to the gym this morning so I'm starting the week off right. Time to get serious and do it again.

    Hope you've had a good weekend.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    good for you getting your choices back on track. I am trying, but mostly still failing.

    I have my wrist appointment today. It isn't as bad as was a few months ago, and I kind of don't feel like going - but I will go because it doesn't feel great and is hindering some of the things I want to do. All the workout dvd's I used to do involve lots of getting on the floor and up, etc that involves pressure on the wrist. heck even mashing potatoes hurts.

    Sounds like a nice day. It was very hot here too. The freshman lost their football game. Caleb is only 'a' for PAT's and the team they played claimed they couldn't field a 'b' team (odd as they had more kids than we did) - so he was disappointed. Plus since they lost they had to go run before school Friday. All the boys went to the football game Friday night. Zach wanted to see if any of his friends from church won the HOCO court. The team actually won this game, which was good for them. This will be a bad/tough year as they bumped us back up to the top class due to school enrollment, which in correlation we have minimal football participation/culture. So we will be getting thumped badly by the Omaha/Lincoln schools. Caleb went to the dance and sounds like it went well. Zach stuck by his insistence that dances are stupid and didn't go.

    First parent-teacher conferences of the year are this week. Yippee. So far, Zach is off to a pretty good start, but it's early so there are many weeks to stress through week. Caleb appears to be off to a good start, but that's not a surprise. Freshman year is generally not super academically challenging for the Immanuel kids. Socially, yes.

    Busy week again.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Finally rained today and cooled off a little. We leave for Atlanta Thursday eve to visit Jeff. It will be almost 90 and humid there for the weekend. Not happy about that but I will survive.

    I'm trying to control my eating and make good choices but I gave in to temptation for some cake at work today. Tomorrow I will do better. I did work out at the gym yesterday and I'm sore today. Hopefully I can work out one more time this week at gym or I will do so in Atlanta in Jeff's apartment complex pool. I have to remember to take my suit.

    Tomorrow is an all day training for my department. Did I tell you we are moving our office space mid year? It will be my 6th move in 28 years. I plan to toss most everything I haven't looked at or used so I'm cleaned out, move very little and will be ready to walk out the door when I retire unencumbered.

    Sorry C's playing time isn't so good. Glad he went to the dance and had a good time. Does Z like any special girl yet or is he quiet and shy?

    Hope you get answers for your wrist. I see rheumatologist on Wednesday morning for my hand and knees. I hope to get the name of another orthopedic doctor for a second opinion on treatment.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    it's not carpal tunnel and since I wasn't in pain anymore he said he couldn't really diagnosis it - he said to come back if the pain comes back. I'm like dude, I tried to come in when I was in pain, it took over a month to get in. Sigh.

    I am so hungry today.

    Caleb had a tough day in school yesterday - he is definitely a spewer (he spews out all his stuff he held in all day) - so different from Zach. I hope it's helpful to his dealing with things - but it's also hard me!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    up another pound - holy heck, I am almost back to where I started.

    Come on Marla. You know you feel better when your clothes aren't so tight.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I hear ya about the doctor. I went to the rheumatologist this morning. 2 hours in her office. She asked a lot of questions, had both hands xrayed and took a lot of blood for tests. She is testing for rheumatoid arthritis among other things I think. I may have to have MRI on my right hand. Surgery may be a possibility depending on test results. I didn't get any new meds to manage pain until she rules out or in rheumatoid arthritis. I asked about a referral to a different ortho doc that could give me a second opinion on my knees but she said the MRI was straightforward and the rec I already got was right on. She wants me to come back for a follow up appt but can't see me for two months! It's frustrating isn't it? It will be Thanksgiving before we develop a treatment plan for my hand or arthritis. I started this at the end of June with my primary doctor. Frustrated!

    Rory spews too, which I think is better since they get it off their mind. It is unsettling to hear their frustration and negativity but still healthier to talk or vent about it. Just as long as they aren't getting stuck on it over time.

    I lost 1.8 this week. Not sure how that happened but I'll take it. Trying to stay within my daily points but of course I've had cake and appetizers at my weekend party and work.

    Russ is making a low cal dinner, egg fritatta with veggies. I made myself a salad in a jar for lunch yesterday and a veggie pasta salad for today's lunch. We work tomorrow and then leave for Atlanta tomorrow eve. Return Sunday eve. It will be very hot in Atlanta. Nice and cool here...

    Well hang in there on the eating. One day at a time...Don't beat yourself up, just move forward.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    on the road to Aurora tonight for frosh football - probably in a storm too - meh

    PT Conferences last night. And, it was.... wonderful! They were the best conferences of my life. I wasn't surprised Caleb's were great - he is off to a great start grade wise and the Immanuel kids are a breath of polite, fresh air to the public school teachers - it takes awhile for the public school demeanor to get under their skin and rub off. But, Zach. ZACH!!! the one I usually won't/can't stand going to be it's so stressful hearing, "he's quite smart, BUT..." The soul-stabbing comments I would hear year, after year. Not a one. Just positive comments. Positive period. I came home almost in tears. Happy tears for a change. Please God let this be his upward turning point. He is finally getting it and growing up and into his potential. Sigh... there is a lot of year left. But for today I will bask.

    Off to Wayne tomorrow and unfortunately a funeral for a cousin.

    Going to try to see niece dance Saturday.

    Hot and muggy - storms tonight and cold front tomorrow.