The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I wore my brace to the gym today. I did the exercises PT gave me and some upper body, abdominal weight machines, and rode bike for 10 minutes. Didn't want to overdo first time with brace. I did some stair stepping with brace and it made it easier.

    Rory is home from CO. He had a good week and learned a lot. He's feeling short of money so he's eager to work extra hours this week.

    Mid 80s and humid here. Bring on Fall!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I'm still here - just wrapped up with busy-ness. Orientations are over and the first full day - but Caleb hasn't had 'class' until today. Zach seems upbeat about his classes so that is exciting. Caleb is a bit overwhelmed and trying to adapt to his huge new environment. They had another scrimmage last Thursday and he got in a few of the series. It's apparent he won't be 'a' though - I was hoping that like Zach he would at least get to be 'a' for kick off - but I don't know yet.

    Glad you had such a nice time.

    Labs were drawn, I am hopeful the results are decent. That while my weight isn't where it was earlier this spring I am down a few from last summer and I have given up that coke like he wanted.

    I have been having such tenderness and swelling in my legs I started to wonder if it is a side effect from my metoprolol and reading more closely it could be. I cut back on my dose to see if the legs would feel better and they do. I am a bit concerned though because that pill also helps with some of my anxiety along with my blood pressure. I don't really want to try different meds though because so often the side effects are worse than the problem. I wonder what he'll say. Plus I have to talk about how painful my wrist has been lately too. The brace that usually helps isn't.

    Busy day.

    I too am ready for fall! I think. ;>)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I slept in and then went to the dentist today. They checked the tooth that is bothering me and found a crack in the one next to it. I need a crown, hopefully not a root canal. I will get my temporary crown tomorrow and the permanent crown early September. I'm waiting for my Flex money to kick in on September 1. Fingers crossed the crown is enough and no root canal needed.

    I went to Costco to pick up paper products and any other goodies I liked. I wore my brace to get some time in with it on. When I sweat it slips down my leg. I'm still irritated that there was nothing custom about this brace and I had to wait so many weeks for something that was in stock. I bought an Italian hot dish and caesar salad at Costco for dinner tonight. Russ is very tired from his first day back at work and he did all the cooking when we camped.

    Tomorrow I meet friend for lunch before my crown appointment.

    Wednesday is PT.

    We've decided to get all the outside work on the house done this Fall and have our contractor do the inside work when he can get started. We will list by March. Hopefully we will find a rental that we can have for 12-15 months. If that works out we could seriously start looking for housing in MI by spring of 2020.

    C is 9th grade now right? High school is an adjustment. Glad Z likes his classes. Well now you are officially in the middle of high school sports. Good luck and I hope you enjoy it more than I did. The politics of playing time really got to me.

    Well time to preheat oven and get dinner started. Have a nice night!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I saw an email with my lab results - glucose 101 - normal is 70-100 - I wonder if that means I am pre-diabetic? My dad is diabetic and my grandma was too. Blast it. I talk bad about my dad for not eating better and controlling his diabetes - I guess that one has come home to roost. What a week - and I don't have appt until Friday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I think 101 is still ok and they won't sound the alarm. Exercise and watching sugar/carb intake is the best way to keep it down. I have managed to do that and don't take a Type 2 med even though I struggle with my weight. I'll be curious to know what your doctor says. Don't beat yourself up. Just keep trying...

    I had noticed on Facebook that Lydia (use to be in this group) hasn't mentioned or shown a picture with or of her husband in a long time. I wondered if they separated. I saw on Facebook he has another woman or wife and changed jobs and towns where he lives. Weren't they married when she was in this group? I think they've divorced. I wonder if that was around the time she decided he had too much going on and left the group?

    Well I went and got my temporary crown. A 2 hour appointment! Just got home. My mouth is still numb. I asked for the gas so I would be relaxed as they sanded away my tooth and put the temporary on. It helped.

    Went to lunch with a few coworkers today at an Ethiopian restaurant that I like. It was a nice lunch. There were 4 of us that were adventurous enough to eat there. I'd been there before and liked it.

    I have PT tomorrow and need to get my oil changed in my car. Exciting! The week is going way too fast. I don't want to go back to work next week. I know I shouldn't complain, I have nice time off. It's hard to go back to the work day after time off.

    Well hang in there. Make the best choices you can with eating and keep moving. I'm trying. This temp crown won't allow me to eat sticky candy, licorice, etc. so I have to restrain.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    oh that's too bad for Lydia - she seems like a very sweet personality and her kids looks that way too -
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Caleb's having a tough time this week with his legs not feeling good and struggling at practice - I can tell he is feeling defeated - I am trying to 'prop' him up - but I know he has to struggle this himself and I hate it! I want to make it all better. Hate it!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    off to my doc appointment - hoping it isn't pre-diabetes - and getting some help for my super painful wrist and puffy legs.

    Happy (hopefully) Friday!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    Doc wasn't worried about the 101 glucose!! yay! Getting a referral to hand doc to look at wrist - hopefully yay!

    I feel relieved
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    It looks like my post from Saturday didn't show up. Oh well.

    I'm glad your doc didn't make a big deal about 101. My doc would be happy with that number.

    I just got back from my friends WI house she and her husband bought in June. It's a little house in an association that has a golf course, pool, sauna, lake access a little ways away, social activities, bar and restaurant, and event center. It's older, probably developed in the 70's. Definitely up north woods. All I could smell outside was pine trees. We drank wine, talked non stop for the whole weekend, worked on a crossword puzzle, and painted rocks.

    Sorry C is having a bit of a tough time. Classes start tomorrow?

    I go back to work in the morning, ugh!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    sounds like a nice place to spend time.

    Zach and Caleb have been back to school for a week. Zach loves his robotics class. I hope he puts as much effort into all of them as he is with that one. Caleb just has all 'requireds' with his only elective being choir -

    here's hoping for a great week for all!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    My brain is haywire. I can't keep anything straight and have mixed up visits on my work schedule. I hope it gets better and this is not the beginning of dementia or something.

    Glad Z likes his class so much. Maybe that passion will lead to what he wants to study in college.

    Russ and I have a show tonight with a story teller and a musician for a fundraiser at a local high school. It should be good. We went last year and enjoyed it.

    Off to the chiropracter... More tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    I always feel like I'm on the fritz - hope you feel more straightened out today. I am up two more pounds. For *$3@ sake.

    Caleb had another shiztastic day yesterday - I keep hoping things will settle in for him - and now darn it
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    I've been wearing my brace to work to make walking easier. For the most part it helps but a whole work day gets a little long to have it on. I can't seem to adjust it correctly to not slip so I constantly am readjusting it. I went to the gym after work and did weights and a little cardio. I removed the brace right after and came home and iced. This is tedious. My butt and gut are bigger than they've ever been. I need to get on the scale and start keeping a log of points again.

    Sorry C is having a rough time. What's going on? Football?

    It has cooled off her today and is suppose to stay that way all week. I saw some maple trees had changed to red when I went to northern WI last weekend. Must have been a type that turns early. Pretty! I'm so ready for Fall weather.

    Hang in there! Lets get back on track!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    auditors at work today - whole team is grumpy - good times
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Busy day with 4 home visits. Even with my brace on my knee hurt. Driving can be a bear!

    No time for lunch so I'm going to make myself a sandwich for an early dinner. Russ had a late lunch so he's not interested in dinner. Rory's never hungry when he gets home from work.

    Tired too. I need to make a list of to do's. I'm not accomplishing much at home.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Nothing exciting today. Ate too much! Went to lunch with coworkers since we didn't have students today. Slow week...

    I will go to the gym after work tomorrow so I get another work out in this week.

    How are you?

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    Russ accomplished a lot with the front landscaping this weekend. We went to the nursery on Saturday and bought some bushes, native grass, and day lilies. He and Rory spread mulch and put the bushes and plants in today. We need 3 more flowering plants and 2 coral bells or something similar and the front is done. I picked out paint colors for window trim, front door and service door. We are cancelling our camping trip this coming weekend to get more accomplished. It is suppose to rain in southern MN on Saturday and we are tired of sitting inside camper. Rather do that at home. Russ needs to pressure wash the deck and patios, dismantle the hot tub and motor, and pull out a couple more bushes in back yard. I want to paint the doors in front and he will paint the window trim. We hope to have the realtor take outside pictures by the end of September so house looks good in photos. We will list in February but snow and grime won't help curb appeal. Emerging Fall color will help in the photos. Still lots to do to list but it's shaping up.

    We decided to drive to MI without the camper. Russ doesn't trust his truck to get us there without having a breakdown or something going wrong. He's nervous about getting stranded in the U.P. Rory decided he couldn't take time off work so Russ and I will drive the Subaru and stay at my sister's house.

    Did you have a good Labor Day Weekend?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,802 Member
    you are very smart to take pictures when it is in fall bloom!! And very productive

    Bernie woke me up (accidentally, but still) yesterday at 5:30 a.m. I was peeved to the max. I get two Monday's a year where I can sleep in and he wrecked one. I was pretty much heck on wheels all day yesterday. Sunday was also our anniversary (23) and aside from a bag of Kit Kat's nothing special. We even had the whole day off but still couldn't be bothered to take me out. Meh.

    This week starts more stuff. Booster meeting tonight, choir start Wednesday, and Caleb has his first game Thursday. They haven't announced 'a' squad and 'b' squad but I'm pretty sure he will get 'b' so that will suck for him. We'll see how he handles it. He's been having some tough days adjusting to all that is public high school. So his coping has been maxed out most days.

    there has been a lot of drama in general. On the day of Caleb's orientation I wanted Zach to do the driving for more 'practice' and he ended up clipping another car. No injuries, but a lot of upsettedness and more drama.

    on Wednesday's and Tuesday's there are alternative schedules to allow for longer class periods and other things - and Caleb has a different lunch period. He has 'd' lunch. Which is the lunch they put the 'unmanageable' kids in. The ones who are separated for whatever poor behavior/choices reasons. And he and his weights class have to go that lunch. Zach's eyes got really big when he heard C had that lunch - apparently it's pretty rough. Great. Just what the kid needs when he is overwhelmed.

    I am already feeling like we are behind on getting ready for graduation. I want to paint a few rooms, I hate the bathroom vanities and lights and the carpet in the bedrooms. Dream on Marla
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,344 Member
    It sounds like you've had a rough week and this one may not be better. Poor C and Z! Whose car was Z driving? Do you have a 3rd car for him? We had many fender benders with David (our oldest). He totaled one car and banged up another. I backed in to his second car because I didn't see it. Luckily no one was ever hurt or killed.

    That lunch sounds rough! It's too bad that his weight class is timed so that he has that lunch. Is it the last lunch period? Is there a way around it due to how much difficulty he's having getting use to high school? What is giving him difficulty about adjusting to high school? All freshman are in the same situation.

    Sorry your wedding anniversary was a let down. Both Russ and I always forget ours or never pull together to do something special. We laugh about it and agree it is good we both screw up. I've hinted for years that I wanted a diamond anniversary ring for our 25th anniversary but I didn't get it. I'm sure I won't unless I buy it myself.

    If I lived by you I would insist we have a spa day (massages, mani/pedi, lunch or dinner out...) You need some pampering!

    I'm so lucky I get to go to the dentist at 7pm tonight to get my crown put on. Ugh! I did make it to the gym after work and did weights for upper and lower body. I'll aim to go back on Thursday.

    Hope you have a good night.
