Daily check in for Keto friends...



  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    After suggestions by by new keto friends, I've had a great day 5 on Keto. I got my supplements and added more sodium to my day. No dizziness or fuzz brain. My hubs is fully on board and we're both pretty excited to try new recipes. I'm down 5 lbs in 5 days. ULtimate goal is to see if keto helps my neuro disorders and hey, weight loss is great too! I'm hoping for a full 50 lbs. That'l get me out of the obese/overweight BMI category. So I've got a good start!

    Sounds good!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    So glad kimbo!! Sodium, and other electrolytes, are vital to this woe!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Getting off to a slow start for today's at home declutter plans. But its early yet. Wish me luck.
    Doing well on keto. Water weight is receding on schedule. Hopefully back on track by tomorrow.
    Feeling good about job situation after a scary beginning. Phew.
    bbl with project progress report..,
    . Great Progress !! Keep it up !!!

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm committed to getting in 10,000 steps per day and I just finished day 2 of the 30 day shred. My next thing is to develop the habit of recording my meals and completing my food journal daily.

    I think not diligently tracking intake is leaving me open to consuming more calories than I actually need.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Checked off several items on my declutter list yesterday. Feel good about that. Feel like I'm pacing myself better and still preserving energy for the job, which is always a challenge for me. I think keto helps with that big time. I still get way tired though.
    For today, a work day, I may rest on my laurels a bit and keep my to do list very light and enjoyable. Tomorrow, my other day off, is already looking pretty jammed up. Oh well. Feels good to gave a few pokers in the fire and a plan underway.
    Have a great Monday, all.
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    Decluttering always feels so good! I think I'll do the same here. The new year is always a good time to do just that. Congrats!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I'm committed to getting in 10,000 steps per day and I just finished day 2 of the 30 day shred. My next thing is to develop the habit of recording my meals and completing my food journal daily.

    I think not diligently tracking intake is leaving me open to consuming more calories than I actually need.
    . Good work incorporating your exercise into your day!!! When I was forgetting to log my meals earlier on in this journey, I set myself a reminder through MFP. I believe it's under settings, if I didn't log a meal by a certain time I would get a message on my phone! Also, I'm slowly getting better at Pre Logging....it really takes the stress out of hitting my macros, or over indulgence slip ups....

  • kacowgill99
    kacowgill99 Posts: 43 Member
    I just stumbled on this group of keto awesomeness! I have been in keto for 1 month today and have lost just shy of 24 lbs. I used to be ashamed of my health and what it had become, but now I am only ashamed I chose to ignore it for so long.

    Feel free to add me. I have an open diary and log in actively each day.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    pwrfl1 wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I'm committed to getting in 10,000 steps per day and I just finished day 2 of the 30 day shred. My next thing is to develop the habit of recording my meals and completing my food journal daily.

    I think not diligently tracking intake is leaving me open to consuming more calories than I actually need.
    . Good work incorporating your exercise into your day!!! When I was forgetting to log my meals earlier on in this journey, I set myself a reminder through MFP. I believe it's under settings, if I didn't log a meal by a certain time I would get a message on my phone! Also, I'm slowly getting better at Pre Logging....it really takes the stress out of hitting my macros, or over indulgence slip ups....

    I set my reminders... Thanks for the tip!
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    First week of keto down! I've lost 7 lbs. Plus the 3lbs that I lost on my "ramping up to keto" the week before. Grand total of 10 lbs gone and I've gotten down to 185.6 from 195.5!!! Three more batches of 10 and I've got my goal. I know the weight loss will slow, but man I'll take it while it's this good!
    ***Biggest bonus: I've not had a single tremor from my dystonia since I started keto. I don't know for positive that it's the keto that's having this effect, but just the week before I was having hours of tremors each day. the tremors are painful and exausting and I've been thrilled to get through the workday AND have energy for my family in the evenings.
    Next up for this week: add in some exercise. Baby steps!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    First week of keto down! I've lost 7 lbs. Plus the 3lbs that I lost on my "ramping up to keto" the week before. Grand total of 10 lbs gone and I've gotten down to 185.6 from 195.5!!! Three more batches of 10 and I've got my goal. I know the weight loss will slow, but man I'll take it while it's this good!
    ***Biggest bonus: I've not had a single tremor from my dystonia since I started keto. I don't know for positive that it's the keto that's having this effect, but just the week before I was having hours of tremors each day. the tremors are painful and exausting and I've been thrilled to get through the workday AND have energy for my family in the evenings.
    Next up for this week: add in some exercise. Baby steps!

    That is so great!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    edited January 2016
    I just stumbled on this group of keto awesomeness! I have been in keto for 1 month today and have lost just shy of 24 lbs. I used to be ashamed of my health and what it had become, but now I am only ashamed I chose to ignore it for so long.

    Feel free to add me. I have an open diary and log in actively each day.

    Congrats on the 1month loss.
    This WOE changes lives. I lost 102lb in 1.5 years on it. I'm 100% improved as a person. And I look and feel loads better as well. I wish I had known about it 17 years ago.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    kimbo8435 wrote: »
    First week of keto down! I've lost 7 lbs. Plus the 3lbs that I lost on my "ramping up to keto" the week before. Grand total of 10 lbs gone and I've gotten down to 185.6 from 195.5!!! Three more batches of 10 and I've got my goal. I know the weight loss will slow, but man I'll take it while it's this good!
    ***Biggest bonus: I've not had a single tremor from my dystonia since I started keto. I don't know for positive that it's the keto that's having this effect, but just the week before I was having hours of tremors each day. the tremors are painful and exausting and I've been thrilled to get through the workday AND have energy for my family in the evenings.
    Next up for this week: add in some exercise. Baby steps!

    That's awesome!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Just checking in to say "Hey" to the new kids. Congratulations on those great losses! My weight is stagnant but I'm happy for you all!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Just checking in to say "Hey" to the new kids. Congratulations on those great losses! My weight is stagnant but I'm happy for you all!

    The results of your test really do stink. Keep us updated.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Down another pound today. Lowest yet, fully expect to bounce up again before it sticks, but still... Yay keto!
    Been up for 6 hours on my day off- had big plans for achievement and progress. So far, no go. So i am acknowledging this in hopes of getting through the mind block. I'm dressed, have energy, encouraged by weight loss ... Still no urge to get going. Whatsoever.
    Oh well. Maybe work on my watercolor...just something more than tv or facebook would be great! Lol.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    So many good things in this thread. I've finally managed to get a couple workouts in and start sticking to my macros after a month of high stress. I am going to work on my de-stressing skills although I will hopefully never run into this perfect storm of anxiety again.

    Just for the week I've been a good boy I've dropped 2 of the 8 pounds I put on in the last month. Keep posting all the great news!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Down another pound today. Lowest yet, fully expect to bounce up again before it sticks, but still... Yay keto!
    Been up for 6 hours on my day off- had big plans for achievement and progress. So far, no go. So i am acknowledging this in hopes of getting through the mind block. I'm dressed, have energy, encouraged by weight loss ... Still no urge to get going. Whatsoever.
    Oh well. Maybe work on my watercolor...just something more than tv or facebook would be great! Lol.

    Woo-hoo on the lbs down!
  • pwrfl1
    pwrfl1 Posts: 673 Member
    edited January 2016

    Fvaisey wrote: »
    So many good things in this thread. I've finally managed to get a couple workouts in and start sticking to my macros after a month of high stress. I am going to work on my de-stressing skills although I will hopefully never run into this perfect storm of anxiety again.

    Just for the week I've been a good boy I've dropped 2 of the 8 pounds I put on in the last month. Keep posting all the great news!
    . Good Work !

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Fvaisey wrote: »
    So many good things in this thread. I've finally managed to get a couple workouts in and start sticking to my macros after a month of high stress. I am going to work on my de-stressing skills although I will hopefully never run into this perfect storm of anxiety again.

    Just for the week I've been a good boy I've dropped 2 of the 8 pounds I put on in the last month. Keep posting all the great news!

    Congrats on working your way back down. I haven't been on the scale since late November... I wanted to get through Christmas. Now I'm in recovery mode. I think I'll make Mondays my weigh in day and start next week