

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Tammy that is wonderful news! So excited for you:-)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    :drinker: :bigsmile: So totally thrilled for you Tammy !!!!! Doing the happy Dance !!!!!!!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Dancing on the beach with Tonya and Snoozie for ya!

    Dance Tammy Dance!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Tammy…..big IPOU!!! And so excited… Can’t help but believe this quote: {Anyway the waitress knew she knew me but couldn't remember me until we started talking. She was amazed at not only how I have changed physically but also my attitude towards life. Her words 'you must be doing well, you are so happy now"} : ) Glad your healing up in the lower half! that place ...Looks like spain...where is that island?

    Tonya…you got the picture thing down…love it….if I ever get a home computer…..and it’s due any day! …I will need to learn how. I wish I was there…I know I am a much happier person, when I am around sand and water, also………I lived there for 7 awesome years… should have never left!1 Breathe it all in for me!!

    Snoozie, can’t help but think we need a beach vacation. I don’t know about y ou , but I’ve been working too long… How’s the strength training coming…great ,I hope.

    Since my co-worker is out for a while…( she’s bound to run out of body parts , she can live without at some point…I think she’s one of those who love hospital life… seriously…it’s something every year !!.).. but I digress …..
    ..I am busting butt… ….eating too many sweets ,due to no willpower…So that is my not- so -new goal for August ......... to …get sweets back under control. I am taking 3 huge cinnamon pills, 1 with each meal…it has chromium in it also… hope it helps curb the desire...

    I know I am missing many people, but break is over….Keep on fighting the fight…
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Tammy, that previous job was just training for where you belong. CONGRATS!
    Gail, what is the deal with cinnamon supplements, never considered tham.
    Missing DH, I pick him up from the airport tomorrow night and then I get on a plane at 7am the next morning. I think sometimes time apart is needed to remind me why I am still married after 37 years!
    Is everyone ready to go Soaring into August! What will you do to get there? My focus is going to be on more veggies, I get a lot when I have time on the weekend but need to increase totals when rushed during the week!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Good morning Hatters...

    July is drawing to a close, and I'm excited about Susan's idea of "Soaring to Success" for August! I have several goals for this month, most of which stem from my recent 3 hr meeting with the kineisiologist/physical therapist. I won't bore you with all the details; but I learned a great deal in general about physiology and nutrition,, and about where I am now, how far I've come, and how to get to my next goals. I discovered that I cannot start strength training because I have some mobility issues I need to fix before I ever start - fortunately they can be fixed with some work after which I will be able to start the ST. (I also found out if I had started the ST on my own I would have severely injured myself because most of my muscles in my body are in a permanently "clenched" position all the time and when I try to ue them for exercise it just tears them up.....- if you think of each muscle as a string .. when your muscles are clenched it forms a "knot" in the string (not really but for explanation purposes) in most people they are only clenched when they are using them so the knots dont stay. In my case because about 40% of mine are in that clenched position 24/7, all my strings have lots of knots in them all the time.. and when i stretch or exercise, it's like pulling the string tight... the knots simply get tighter. Which also explains why I'm in pain so much with every move, and why I can't do an upward dog lol! So I have to do a lot of specific moves and therapy at home to "unclench" the muscles which can be done fortunately; once I do that I can move on to ST to create the lean body I want. It was a fantastic opportunity and I go back mid August to see how my work at home is going and will be reassessed then.

    I found out my body fat has gone down from obese thru overweight and is just hovering at the high end of the "normal" scale now (yay) and a few other things specific to the diabetes and the difference between cardio and ST on the body.. and so much more. So I am excited that my current probs can be fixed and I can continue toward my goal. He was a very positive person; he believes as well in positive thinking... (I did laugh at one point tho when we were talking and I said "and I can't run".... He very gently corrected me; he said "no you don't run now." If you say you can't do something, you will never do it. You just don't run now. You may run at some point if it interests you.. but you just don't run now". I've always believed in the power of positive thinking but that put a new twist on it even for me lol.

    So my goals for August are:

    to lose 4 pounds in the month
    ; to diligently do the movements every day for my mobility
    continue my walking every single day.
    to improve my nutritional intake with good healthy foods

    and I plan to SOAR this month!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    woww!! .Snoozie, ...I wish we had some of these on our plan....(kineisiologist/physical therapist) sounds a very good meeting...

    Janet, I have only read that cinnamon had helped some with regulating sugar...can't say for sure, as with anything I take, I usually start strong and then taper off, so It probably won't last long...
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Tonya- so glad you are having such a great time!

    Tammy- Doing the happy dance for you for sure!!! How wonderful :-) BTW how is your tailbone? I broke mine in college, so I know just how much that hurts!

    T2- Sorry about the workload...but,if you ever do get to take a vacation, Coronado Island , which technically is a peninsula, is off of San Diego and is Heaven on Earth!

    Snoozie- I am so thrilled for you that you have access to such wonderful support and therapy and that you are learning so much! Good for you for taking the initiative and following through!

    I have taken some steps myself to send myself soaring to success in August. I have been stuck at the 39 pound loss for quite some time now, so decided I needed to get my resting metabolic rate scientifically/medically determined again, and the only place I can find in AZ that does that correctly is at Canyon Ranch, so back I go for four days and three nights this August 11th, I will get the test done and then get a private consultation with a nutritionist to go over the results , establish my personal TDEE and calorie and exercise needs to continue to be able to lose weight as well as nutritional recommendations. I am really jazzed to get my new numbers cause online calculators are WAY off from my true numbers that were calculated precisely for me last year there. Additionally, I got a PT evaluation (thanks Snoozie for your inspiration!) and will be undergoing PT therapy for some neck, knee and feet issues as well as hopefully getting guidance on appropriate strength training exercises for me. Finally, I also made an ortho appt first week of Sept, in case my feet are still killing me for further evaluation and possible steroid injections.
    So, my August goals are:
    Gather all the information and tools I can from Canyon Ranch and PT
    Tweek my weight loss plan to the new numbers and follow it
    Follow through with my PT appointments 2x a week and recommendations
    Break this plateau, hit the elusive 40 pound loss mark and keep going!