Abstinence Check in



  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    So relieved to be abstinent today; I’m grateful for a plan of recovery.
    I’m checking in at the end of a day during which I kept, and am still keeping, my recovery front and center.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Good morning! I’m pledging my commitment to my recovery again today.
    Addiction is addiction is addiction.
    And recovery is recovery is recovery.
    I’m seeking recovery in all ways.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Good morning to you! I slept in today, which was much needed. I feel energized and focused on my recovery. I look to my HP today to get me through the hard parts of the day and I surrender to events that are out of my control.

    Wishing you all a great, abstinent day!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Committing to my recovery just for today, by the grace of my HP. Today I am focused on fueling my body with healthy foods that compliment my blood sugar.
    Wishing you all a great, abstinent day!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    End of day check in and I'm grateful to be blessed with this program of recovery, with my HPs guidance, of course! Today is a chilly day, so with extra effort, I managed to meet my minimum step goal. I hope everyone is having a great, abstinent day.
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Evening check-in: I’m grateful for recovery. I enjoyed a long hike with dogs, and the gift of abstinence today.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Good Morning, Happy Saturday! Today I aim to remain abstinent, just for today for the next 24hrs. I am blessed with the tools of recovery to be successful in refraining from my triggers and lean to my HP to take on the things that are out of my control.
    Wishing you all a great, abstinent day!
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Thanks, Felicia!
    I’m feeling grateful for my recovery today. I enjoyed a lovely hike in the mountain in the brisk, cold air today.
    Pledging my abstinence for the rest of this day.
    Have a great day and night!
  • nancygrateful
    nancygrateful Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, this is Nancy. I just joined this group. I'm back to going to OA in-person meetings after being away for about a year. I'm fairly new to MFP. So glad to see an OA group on here. Thanks for being here.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Hi Nancy, welcome to the online group!
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Hello Nancy! Welcome!
    I’ll join you in feeling grateful!
    - Jill
  • nancygrateful
    nancygrateful Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks GrokRockStar! I just called and asked someone from my Friday night meeting to sponsor me. I had to leave a message but very happy that I was brave enough to take that step and not afraid of rejection or whatever her answer is. That is such progress for me. I have fears around sponsorship; being engulfed, doing it wrong, etc etc. and my head tells me I don't need it. She has lost 75 lbs and kept it off and I would like to lose about the same amount. I look forward to her sharing how she did it at a minimum. I'll keep you posted. :)
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    @nancygrateful, yes, please keep us posted. I sponsor a couple of folks and it's all about what works for the individual. One sponsee is very hands-off because we've worked together for a couple of years, so she checks in at her pace. My other sponsee is fairly new and she turns over her menu to me on a daily basis and we text and talk regularly. Sometimes in the beginning it's a little awkward as you get to know each other, but you'll know soon enough if it's going to work or not. Best of luck!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    End of day for my meal plan and now in fasting mode. I've committed to my recovery today with my HP in charge. Today I let go of some stress and worry and it was very liberating, thanks Universe <3

    Wishing you all a great abstinent day/evening!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    A new day and a re-start of my commitment to my recovery. For the next 24hrs I pledge to be abstinent, focused on feeding my mind, body, and spirit with the tools of recovery.

    Wishing you all a great, abstinent day!
  • nancygrateful
    nancygrateful Posts: 17 Member
    Hi GrokRockStar and Jill! Wow, I just came on the group and was so happy to see your posts to me and your posts in general, and very glad you are here. What a nice, intimate place to check in. My MFP-OA place. Delightful! The woman I asked to sponsor me isn't sponsoring right now but we had a great conversation. She shared here experience strength and hope which was so helpful. She was real and so was I. We didn't have to be better than we are or in any different place than we are. That is because we both depend on a higher power and surrender.
  • nancygrateful
    nancygrateful Posts: 17 Member
    I am grateful for this group to commit my abstinence today and my desire to put my recovery, my program and my abstinence first today. MFP is really working for me to plan my food each day when I awake. I have tried to use it a few times before but it quickly became more like a diet for me and this really threw me off. I don't hold it that way today. My doctor has asked that I watch my cholesterol, sugar, sodium due to the related illness that could develop. I was pre all this stuff at my last visit. What a great, educating place to do this. I surrender my weight number and speed at losing weight to my HP, this is his/her business not mine. I will commit to doing the footwork with HP's help and guidance. Have a wonderful abstinent day!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    @nancygrateful, you will likely find a sponsor when you aren’t looking, and the beauty of this program is that you can get what you need, when you need it, from your fellow OAer. You’ve got a great handle on your recovery, thanks for checking in and sharing your experience!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    End of day for me, in regards to my food plan. I’ve committed to my recovery, as it remains in the forefront of my every day. Today I was a busy bee at work, so much so that I almost forgot to eat! I love that I no longer sweat the small stuff and let go so that my HP can deal with uncontrollable events.
    Wishing you all a great, abstinent day/evening!
  • SenchaJill
    SenchaJill Posts: 633 Member
    Good evening - I’m checking in after finishing my food for the day. I’m grateful for another day of abstinence today.
    Right now I’m focusing on my abstinence and recovery just one day at a time.

    Welcome again, @nancygrateful. I found the meal planning and logging on MFP to be so powerful for my recovery. So powerful, in fact, that I consider MFP to be one of my tools of recovery. And, in the beginning of this round of recovery, when at the same time I found MFP, I really had to keep the focus on my OA recovery so that MFP did not become a diet.

    I wish you all a very good, and abstinent evening.