100% Challenge - Mon 5/23 to Until - Join Anytime!



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    01/30/2017 100%

    I was out walking for 10.8K Steps. The temperature is 27 degrees and it felt less comfortable walking than yesterday. The snow is forecast to arrive around 10:30 :(

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I was out walking for 8.5K Steps + 1 cent. The temperature is 35 degrees, and comfortable for walking. Yesterdays snow ended up being not bad. A few minutes with the broom and the sidewalks were clean. Today some of the sidewalks that had not been cleaned and were shaded still had snow on them. Since the roads were good I modified my route for walking to less traveled roads where there were no sidewalks :)

    I'll be off to CostCo around 9:30 or so for Toilet Paper, Multi-vitamins and since I'll be there a bag of frozen Green Beans and a bag of Normandy Mix vegetables.

    Have a Great Wednesday

    Average Hotel Rates In Punxsutawney For Groundhog Day More Expensive Than Those In Houston For Super Bowl

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — We’re just days away from Super Bowl 51 in Houston — but it appears Pennsylvania has the hottest event in February.

    Groundhog Day is this Thursday, and apparently people are shelling out big bucks to celebrate the traditional holiday with Punxsutawney Phil.

    The hotel website Trivago looked at average hotel rates for Punxsutawney around Groundhog Day. It found they’re actually more expensive than those in Houston for the Super Bowl.

    According to Trivago, it costs about $450 for a one-night hotel stay in Punxsutawney. That is compared to the $340 for a room in Houston.

    Shadow or not, the average rate drops by more than $300 the day after Groundhog Day.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited February 2017

    02/01/2017 100%

    I was out walking for 10.7K Steps + 1 cent. The temperature is 35 degrees, and comfortable for walking.

    I stopped at the Grocery Store for Bananas and Picked up a few loose Mixed nuts in the shell and some lightly salted Peanuts that are not bad for Sodium per serving. Then back to home for a Protein Shake and a few minutes later back out teh door to the bank timed to arrive after it opened.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/02/2017 100%

    I was out walking for 13.1K Steps The temperature is 28 degrees, and comfortable for walking due to no wind chill.
    I walked to the barber shop and back hence the high step count. I did stop at the local corner Diner since I was at the barber shop before he opened. I ended up with two eggs and rye toast.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/03/2017 100%

    I was out walking for 8.5K Steps The temperature is 22 degrees, and not very comfortable for walking due to wind chill.

    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/04/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking for 9K Steps The temperature is a little bit warmer than yesterday, and not very all that comfortable for walking.

    Have a Great Sunday

    Study: Working More Than 39 Hours A Week Harmful To Mental Health

    CANBERRA, Australia — Employers take note: having your staff work overtime could be doing more harm than good. A new study finds that working more than 39 hours a week is actually detrimental to one’s health.
    Working more than 39 hours per week can pose significant health risks, especially for women, researchers found.

    Published in the Social Science & Medicine journal, researchers from Australian National University compiled previously-released government data from about 8,000 employed Australian men and women aged 24 to 64.

    The researchers found on average that 40 or more hours of work a week — typically considered full-time employment— can lead to mental health issues. This was especially true when combined with other commitments.

    In large part due to additional time constraints, such as caregiving, it was found that the average healthy work limit for women was only 34 hours a week. For men, the limit was found to be as high as 47 hours a week.

    “Given the extra demands placed on women, it’s impossible for women to work long hours often expected by employers unless they compromise their health,” lead researcher Huong Dinh told PS News.

    This study helps shatter a widely-held belief that it is healthy to work up to 48 hours a week. That theory based upon an 80-year-old standard set by the International Labour Organization.

    One conclusion that can be taken from the study is that women are disadvantaged in many senses in the workforce. Since they cannot work for as many hours without compromising their health, men often get better and higher paying positions.

    In Australia, over 40% of employed individuals work 40-plus hours a week.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/05/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking for 9.4K Steps The temperature is warmer than yesterday at 40 degrees with Sunshine, and comfortable for walking.

    I stopped at the Grocery Store for Bananas, 2 Black Plums and some Mixed Nuts in the shell for me and Lettuce and 1.5 Dozen large Eggs for my Brother.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/06/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking for 7K Steps, The temperature is 4 degrees cooler than yesterday with light off & on rain.
    I was up and out the door early myself. When I looked out the window things were already wet :(
    it is supposed to rain off and on all day into tomorrow.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/07/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking for 8.7K Steps, The temperature is 36 degrees and there seems to be a light fog and overnight there was some rain.

    I am not sure how tomorrow will play out walking as the last weather forecast I saw earlier this morning shows Snow starting before 5AM Thursday and showed much of NJ in the 5 to 10 inch snow fall and also stated that it would accumulate fast :(

    Have a Great Wednesday

    N.J.'s oldest nurse, 97, rewrites the rules on aging

    As the digital numbers flashed on the blood pressure monitor, Emerson’s public health nurse got right to the point with her 82-year-old patient.

    “When did you have your last physical? Do you go for a physical every year?” Kathryn Hodges asked.

    "Not really,” Kenneth Dunne said.

    “Well, you should,” the nurse said, jotting on a form. “We always say if that number is over 90, you should get it checked out. Are you on blood pressure medication? Did you get a flu shot?"

    When “Kay” Hodges advises and cajoles, her words are bolstered by experience – three quarters of a century’s worth.

    At 97, she is both New Jersey’s oldest licensed registered nurse and a poster girl for people who stay active and productive at such an advanced age.
    Those over 90 are the fastest-growing segment of the population. By 2050, 10 percent of all senior citizens will be either a nonagenarian or a centenarian, the Census Bureau forecasts.

    Of course, physical or cognitive impairments, or both, enfeeble many in this age group. The most fortunate are like the fiercely independent Hodges, whose biggest complaint is a bothersome knee.

    Look around and you’ll find people in their 90s living in their own homes, driving, volunteering, serving their communities and churches – even continuing in their professions. Hodges, who walks unaided and tools around in a 25-year-old Buick Roadmaster wagon with oxidized paint and a GRAMPIE vanity plate, does all of those things.
    What she has no plans to do is stop.

    “I want to leave this Earth with my boots on,” Hodges said. “I want to keep working. It’s the love of my life, other than my husband, who was a great guy.”

    The former Kathryn Appley grew up in Emerson and graduated from Westwood High School in 1937. She had to wait till the following year, after her 18th birthday, to begin the nursing program at Hackensack Hospital.

    “Crazy, isn’t it?” she said, laughing. “I always wanted to be a nurse, and I’ve always been one!”
    Hodges in an undated family portrait, circa 1940s.

    She finished nursing school in 1941, months before Pearl Harbor. The following year, she married her high school sweetheart, Donald Hodges. The couple settled in Westwood.

    On her first job, Hodges performed physicals on employees of a medical laboratory. After taking a few years off when her two sons were little, she became the public health nurse for the borough of Westwood. She also started as a Westwood poll worker. Last Nov. 8, her 55th general election, she rose before sunrise and put in a 15-hour day as the judge at her district’s polling place.

    Hodges has been Emerson’s public health nurse – a part-time post that involves health screenings, education and prevention – since 1967. Her cheerful office is located in the senior center. Most who come to see her, for a blood pressure check or for the advice of a seasoned and accessible nurse, are elderly.

    “They talk about this little pain, that little pain. Maybe I can be of some help to them,” Hodges said. “You have to have a love of people and a real desire to keep them well, so they be active citizens and do their own thing.”
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/08/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking for 8.5K Steps, The temperature is 32 degrees and it was already snowing when I went out the door. I wore the complete Frogg Toggs, That would be rain Jacket and Pants. I also wore my Insulated Boots for traction. I also have decided I am crazy for heading out walking in the snow :)

    I am running late between running out of energy from the extra walking I did yesterday and then today's walking followed by shoveling this heavy snow :(
    I Was really feeling it from walking through the ever deepening snow. It was OK at 6:15, however by 7:30 as I was heading for home, It was more like walking through soft sand at the beach.

    I plan to stay home tomorrow as the temperature is supposed to drop combined with a bitter wind chill...
    I have a suspicion that this wet heavy snow will end up with a sheet of ice under by Friday morning so I plan to play it safe.

    While I was walking I heard a thump and saw where a car on the plowed snow covered road had hit the curb. I also was Slushed when the State plows went by, It was a good thing I was where I could lean against something and was wearing Rain gear from head to toe. When I heard them coming I turned away from the road so as to not get hit with slush in the face.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/09/2017 100%

    I was not out walking today, The temperature is 21 degrees and that has a bitter feel to it when I stuck my head out the door. Yesterdays snow was wet and heavy and had a wet layer at the bottom of it due to the way the temperatures started out warm and dropped. I decided to stay home and avoid probable slippery conditions.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/10/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking today and did 9800 steps, The temperature is 37 degrees and that is a fair amount warmer than yesterday. There was a coating of ice under any snow that was not shoveled.

    I had a off day yesterday for Dinner. We ordered in from Joe's Meat Market, They deliver cooked foods or uncooked. I ordered the Market Steak with Peter Luger Steak Sauce that came with fries and a Home Made Cheesecake, Too Much foods, I felt overstuffed :(
    My Brother had the Fish and Chips, and a Sausage Pizza. that is mostly for today's consumption.

    I finished the Green Hornet radio shows from the 40s that were loaded on my iPod today while walking and right after I switched to classic rock it announced in my ear "Low Battery" so I need to do some volume leveling and load more Green Hornet etc, and then sync and charge the iPod.

    Have a Great Saturday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/11/2017 100%

    I was out walking today and did 8092 steps, The temperature is 33 degrees and that is colder than yesterday. It drizzled for a few minutes while I was walking and the streets were wet when I went out the door. There is a possibility of freezing rain or sleet or rain for my area, They can not seem to make up their minds :) they are showing icy conditions north of me. Luckily It stayed only wet and the traction was good and most of the sidewalks were clear from yesterdays warm temperature. There was a raw feel to the air as there was a breeze, I had the hood up on the Hoodie and Rain jacket which It did drizzle somewhat.

    I stopped at the grocery store and picked up some in the shell nuts and a couple of Black Plums for variety.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/12/2017 100%

    I was out walking today and hit exactly 8700 steps at my return home :) The temperature is 34 degrees and that is a whopping 1 degree warmer than yesterday. The streets were looking dry when I went out the door. We had mostly rain yesterday where I am with a few icy pellets hitting the window a couple of times. The Local news reports last night showed icy conditions ans snow north of me. Some areas picked up a few inches if the white stuff.

    I was able to work my around the few slippery spots I encountered.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/13/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking today and currently I am at 9464 steps. The temperature is 28 degrees and that is colder than yesterday. Tomorrow is Senior Discount day at the Grocery Store so the plan is to stop in while walking and buy some Bananas and see what other fruits look good.

    Today I had a Ready to drink Protein shake and as I was flattening the carton I wondered to myself am I the only one that leaves the lid loose, then flattens it and tightens the lids to keep them flat?

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/14/2017 100%

    I was out walking today and hit 7710 steps. The temperature is 34 degrees and that is a warmer than yesterday. I stopped at the Grocery Store for Bananas while walking

    Have a Great Wednesday

    P.S. From Here Yesterday

    KFC New Zealand gave away two fried chicken bouquets for Valentine’s Day
    Forget flowers, take her to New Zealand and gift her a bouquet of fried chicken.

    In a move which has delighted chicken lovers across the globe, KFC New Zealand made a limited number of fried chicken bouquets “for a couple of special chicken lovers out there”.

    The KFC NZ page uploaded a photo two days ago, requesting lovers to “tag the wind beneath your chicken wings” for a chance to win.

    The two winners were notified in the comments of the post, with one posting to the page saying it was “being devoured...although such a shame to destroy something so beautiful.”
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/15/2017 Not 100%

    I was out walking today and hit 7777 steps :) The temperature is 32 degrees and that is 2 degrees cooler than yesterday, add in that there is a breeze and :(

    I did go over 10K steps yesterday by the time I was ready to retire for the night.

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/16/2017 100%

    I was out walking today and hit 8468 steps :) The temperature is 27 degrees vs 32 degrees yesterday, add in that there is a occasional slight breeze and :(

    We should get into the 40s today, a little warmer tomorrow and up to 60 + Sunday and then back into the 50s for next week. So we will be having warmer than normal weather, According to the weather forecast last night, the weather they are having in the Soith should be moving northward over the next few days.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/17/2017 100%

    I was out walking today and hit 10,829steps + 11 cents from yesterday that I forgot to menion :) The temperature is 31 degrees vs 27 degrees yesterday.

    I need to load more Old Time Radio shows into the iPod today when I plug it in to charge. It announced in my ear 2+ blocks from home "Low Battery" :)

    Have a Great Weekend

    Meridian man's pet squirrel goes nuts on burglar
    From Here:

    Adam Pearl walked into his Meridian home Tuesday and realized something didn't seem right.

    "I came in the front door and I saw snow prints out in the front driveway going to the back of the house, so I thought something was awry because no one usually goes through the yard," said Pearl.

    Pearl was immediately greeted by his pet squirrel Joey when he got home, but the he started noticing a few doors that would normally be closed were open.

    After making his way to the back bedroom, his fear was confirmed once he stated looking at his gun safe.

    "I started looking at it and saw the scratches that are around the locking area and at that point I knew somebody was definitely in here messing around," explained Pearl.

    Pearl called Meridian Police and when officer Ashley Turner came out to take a look, Joey just had to say hello.

    "During her investigations Joey had run in the bedroom just screwing around like he always does between her legs and kind of startled her," explained Pearl. She says whoa, what was that, and I said ahhh don't worry about that, that's just Joey, my pet squirrel ya know."

    Officer Turner asked Pearl if Joey would bite.

    "I said, well, he usually doesn't bite but you never know cause he is a squirrel," replied Pearl.

    Officer Turner went on her way, only to return a few hours later with some of his stolen belongings and some unbelievable news.

    "She said while she was questioning the individual he had scratches on his hands so she asked him 'did you get that from the squirrel' and he says yeah, damn thing kept attacking me and wouldn't stop until I left," said Pearl.

    Now Joey is being hailed a hero.

    "Nobody can believe it because who can say they have a squirrel that guards their house, which is crazy," said Pearl. "You can't ask for much more than that. He is a pain in the butt, but he is great."

    Pearl said he thanked Joey by giving him his favorite treat, the candy whoppers!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    02/18/2017 Maybe Not 100%

    I was out walking today and hit 8,859steps. The temperature is 47 degrees vs 31 degrees yesterday and very nice for walking too.

    I stopped for a light Breakfast while walking and had two Eggs, a slice of Bacon, a small slice of Ham and some Rye toast. I packaged up The Large Breakfast Sausage, Slice of Bacon and Home Fries and brought them home where my Brother will use them. He likes those Fat sausages, I never did. I bought that special since I felt like a taste of Bacon and Ham :)

    Then I stopped at the grocery Store for three Bananas, Gala Apples and Bartlett Pears + saving 10cents for using the discount Key tag. I also looked at the price on shredded Wheat Whole Wheat & Bran Spoon size and made a note of the price so my brother can compare it with the Shop Rite price when he heads over there later. Whichever is cheaper will be the key, ShopRite Price or Local Grocery Store @ $3.89 - 10% on Wednesday when I stop there for more Bananas.

    Have a Great Sunday