100% Challenge - Mon 5/23 to Until - Join Anytime!



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/03/2016 100%

    Out the door today it was showing 41 degrees 1 degree cooler than yesterday, however the breeze has dies down so it was more comfortable. I have walked 7.8K steps so far. After walking up to the bank yesterday and some light yard work, I ended the day at 12,943 steps so I walked back and forth in the bedroom before retiring to be over 13,000 steps :)

    While walking today one I finished one of Old Time Radio Shows I have been listening to the remainder of, the December 25, 1943 episode of command performance as linked yesterday and listened to Dinah Shore, Bob Hope, Jack Benny , Fred Allen and more. Then I listened to the Christmas shows from Nick Carter & Henry Morgan.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/04/2016 100%

    Today it was showing 38 degrees 3 degrees cooler than yesterday, Fortunately the overnight rain has died down so it was comfortable. I have walked 5.5K steps so far. I will be walking up to the Post Office to mail a package to my Sister using a Medium flat rate box and that will finish mt goal in steps. Yesterday I ended the day at 10.5K steps.

    No Way would I go on some of these :)
    15 Scariest Bridges in the World

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/05/2016 Not 100%

    Out the door it was showing 38 degrees, No breeze so it was more or less comfortable. I have walked 9,670 steps. I did pick the last of the Raspberries Sunday, There is always next year.

    Rain moving in this afternoon into the overnight hours with a possibility of snow to the north of me.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/06/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 39 degrees, A little breeze so it was more or less comfortable. I have walked 9,053 steps. It rained overnight where I am, Much of NJ had around 8/10 inch of rain and in the Northwest corner snow up to 3+ inches. The possibility of snow to the north of me came true :)

    I mailed the first three Christmas Cards this morning too.

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    How To Drive In Jersey and Stay Alive

    Seriously, there are only two things needed to drive effectively in NJ: A horn and a middle finger. Everything else is superfluous, including knowing where you are going.

    For those of you who live in Jersey or have lived there, these things may come as no surprise. For those who haven't traveled there before, Beware, Be Prepared and Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

    1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is Nork - rhymes with Fork, not New-ark. Also, Trenton is not pronounced Tren-ton, it is Trent-in.

    2. The morning rush hour is from 5 AM to NOON. The evening rush hour is from NOON to 7 PM. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning.

    3. The minimum acceptable speed on the turnpike is 85 mph. On the parkway it's 105 or 110. Anything less is considered "Sissy.." (Just ask the former Governor of NJ)

    4. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Jersey has its own version of traffic rules. For example, cars/trucks with the loudest muffler go first at a four-way stop; the trucks with the biggest tires go second; However, in Monmouth and Burlington counties, SUV-driving/cellphone-talking moms ALWAYS have the right of way.

    5. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot.

    6. Never honk at anyone. EVER! Seriously. It's another offense that can get you shot.

    7. Road construction is permanent and continuous in all of Jersey. Detour barrels are moved around for your entertainment pleasure during the middle of the night to make the next day's driving a bit more exciting.

    8. Watch carefully for road hazards such as drunks, skunks, dogs, cats, barrels, cones, celebrities, rubber-neckers, shredded tires, cell-phoners, deer and other road kill, and the homeless feeding on any of these items.

    9. MapQuest does NOT work here -- none of the roads are where they say they are or go where they say they do and all the Turnpike EZ Pass lanes are moved each night once again to make your ride more exciting.

    10. If someone actually has their Turn Signal ON, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been "accidentally activated."

    11. If you are in the left lane and only driving 70 in a 55-65 mph zone, you are considered a road hazard and will be "flipped off" accordingly. If you return the flip, you'll be shot.

    12. Do not try to estimate travel time -- just leave Monday afternoon for Tuesday appointments, by noon Thursday for Friday appointments, and right after church on Sunday for anything on Monday morning.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/07/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 36 degrees, It was more or less comfortable. I had a brainstorm yesterday, Well maybe it was a brain drizzle, I checked out a new route to walk for distance using Map My Run and walked it today. It is further than my usual walk and I went through two other towns doing it for a total of three towns walked in today. I have walked 11,744 steps.

    Colder weather is moving in during the overnight hours with forecast overnight lows in the 20s, breezy and daytime highs in the 30s :(
    That is why I extended my walking today in case I cut it short tomorrow and Saturday. I am also thinking of stopping for a breakfast of a couple of Scrambled Eggs and Dry toast as much to warm up as to have breakfast.

    The Heron was flying up the brook today as I walked past and it is a pretty sight flying.

    All I have left for flowers from the yard is the hanging basket we planted with Geraniums and that because it is on the closed in front porch sheltered.

    Seen in the Grocery Store "Tide Chuyen Dung"

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/08/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 32 degrees, It was less comfortable than yesterday too due to the wind chill. I have walked 7,264 steps as of 8AM. Yesterday I was at 13,567 by 5PM :) so If I miss a few steps today I am not going to worry about it.

    Colder weather is moving in with forecast overnight lows in the 20s for Saturday, breezy and daytime highs in the 30s :(. I am also thinking of stopping for a breakfast on Saturday of a couple of Scrambled Eggs and Dry toast as much to warm up as to have breakfast. I did not stop today, as tomorrow is supposed to be colder.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/09/2016 Not 100%

    Out the door it was showing 26 degrees, It was semi-comfortable. The forecast breeze has not shown up yet. I have walked 7.9K steps. The forecast for Sunday and Monday is not looking that good either.

    A message just popped up that says
    A restart is required to finish installing the following updates:
    Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB3201845).
    and that
    Your device is scheduled to restart outside of active hours. (Active hours are ‏‎8:00 AM to ‏‎5:00 PM.)
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/11/2016 Not 100%

    Out the door it was showing 36 degrees, Starting at some point in the evening there was Snow falling that ended up at some point in the overnight hours becoming a steady rain. The rain appears to have ended now that I have returned :) I have walked 10.6K steps. Yesterday after getting back out to a local farm stand and a Kings supermarket to look around I was over 11K steps by noon.

    I have just finished adjusting the overall level on some Old Time Radio Christmas Shows and synchronizing them with my iPod so I have more to listen to tomorrow.

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/12/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 32 degrees and 8.6K steps and once again no money, I was just over 13K steps by bedtime yesterday. Colder weather ahead in the weather forecast. They are predicting a overnight low of 9 degrees and a high of 22 degrees for Friday as the arctic air moves in for three days heading into the weekend :(

    I set the Yeti cup down with my hot coffee on a Wooden surface that had frost while I was walking. Talk about insulated when I picked it up You could not see any melting.

    I am trying to adjust my upcoming order, the one that closes on the 23rd and the NS website is really slow this morning. I just tried a reload worked and that worked better. I have noticed a couple of new items since my last order FWIW. I just pulled 4 Lunch Bars out of the Basement freezer to use, such as the Strawberry Cheese Crepe & the Caramel Apple Muffin Breakfast, the Zesty Pizza Snack-a-Rounds & Pumpkin Loaf snacks + the Garlic Parmesan Snack-A-Rounds, The Fiesta Macaroni and Cheese and the Spicy Garlic Chicken Dinner.
    I am changing it to close tonight so I can try these new foods :)

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/13/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 35 degrees and I finished with 9.9K steps and once again no money, I was just over 11.5K steps by bedtime yesterday. Today's walk was OK for the first 2/3rd of it then I started feeling the cold, Tomorrow I may start out and pick up my Coffee and Boomerang back home depending on the Wind Chill, I want to finish my steps tomorrow as I suspect that Friday I may or may not leave the house. Colder weather is ahead in the weather forecast, Tomorrow is a transitional day with colder temperatures, unfortunately the description for Thursday & Friday is breezy with significant wind chills . They are predicting a overnight low of 9 degrees and a high of 22 degrees for Friday as the arctic air moves in for three days heading into the weekend :(

    I see that my order processed last night. Hopefully it will ship soon so that I can try the new foods :)

    I have been using the hand warmers for a while :) The Good, they help, the bad I still get cold Thumbs even with the Mittens. If I had my hands free then I could put the Thumbs with the Fingers and they would all be warm, however since I have things in both hands until I finish the coffee and free up one hand I just stop at a convenient perch and sit for a minute warming my fingers. Therefore I did order rechargeable heated Gloves :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/14/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 30 degrees, I have walked 7,951 steps. I was out the door ahead of most of the breeze. It started picking up and I started feeling cold so I stopped at the Supermarket for a couple of Apples, more to warm up however :) Then on to home and when the wind was behind me I could feel it pushing me along. The direction of the wind is why I changed my usual route home from where I walked today.

    The wind chills are forecast to hit sub zero in the upcoming overnight :(
    I may go out for coffee tomorrow and then Boomerang back home if it is to bad out there.

    It appears from checking the tracking that both the frozen and the ready to go NS orders are on the truck for delivery. I hope the frozen does not melt with today's heat wave. The frozen has been in transit since the overnight hours, 12:00 am Picked up, Bethlehem, PA :) and the ready to go was picked up at 4:02 pm, Picked up, Hagerstown, MD

    I should be giving taste reports on the new food items starting tomorrow :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016

    12/15/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 19 degrees with a little breeze, Being crazy I walked 8.5K steps.

    My latest NS orders were delivered yesterday. Between Wednesday & Thursday all the deliveries were weird. Wednesday UPS dropped packages on the unused side porch despite the label saying place inside front porch and on the front porch was a package via FedEx for the neighbor across the street and then on Thursday I saw the FedEx driver heading up to the neighbor across the street with my NS order. I am guessing that the cause is the Christmas Rush :)

    I Will be updating the food reviews group here later
    I have reviewed Four items already and more are started with information and no review so I can update them later

    On the order delivered yesterday they substituted Chicken Tortellini for the Bean Bolognese :( I had ordered that as it could be used for Lunch or dinner so I;m not real happy about that.
    Also I know I had ordered the Coffee Protein Shake, No Shake or substitutions. I suspect it has been Discontinued and as it was A La Carte they did not substitute for it. I will be calling later to check on that guess.

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/16/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 24 degrees with a little breeze, Being crazy I walked in the snow for 6.1K steps. That is 3/4 of my goal step count, however I turned for home when the falling snow started turning to rain. It looks like around 1 inch of snow. I geared up for the walk with Insulated Boots, Rain gear from head to toe.

    My latest NS order had changes from what I ordered, All of the Protein Shakes have now been discontinued. They replaced the 2 Protein Shake Classic Combo-28 pack $51.50 I had ordered with TurboShake Chocolate and Vanilla - 28 packs $79.98. Needless to say I will not be reordering them at that price. I need to investigate and see if I got them at the old price vs the new price. Then also replaced the Bean Bolognese with Cheese Tortellini. I also did not get a replacement for the Coffee Protein shake as it was A La Carte and they had no direct substitute, I called and complained about that. It appears that I will be buying ready to drink Protein shakes via CostCo and the grocery store since two flavors from NS and a higher price too :(
    Several items are showing Low inventory including the two that they substituted.

    I Will be updating more of the new food items here:
    I have reviewed Four items already and more are started with information and no review so I can update them later

    Here it is almost Christmas already with next Saturday being Christmas Eve
    Have a Great Weekend
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/17/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 36 degrees with snow still on the ground and sidewalks in places and of course Fog with visibility of 0.3 miles according to the 6AM News12 Weather report. I walked 8.5K steps and 2 cents as well as stopping at the Grocery Store for 3 Bananas and 3 Pink Lady Apples + 1 Honey Crisp. A little before I hit the Midpoint of my walk it started drizzling and by the midpoint it was raining steady and continued for the balance of my walk.
    Tomorrow may be different as it is supposed to be much colder overnight and if things do not dry off they will be ice and I am not crazy enough to walk on ice.

    I Will be updating the food reviews group here later
    I will be updating the last Two new items that I received in this last delivery.

    Have a Great Sunday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/18/2016 Not 100%

    Out the door it was showing 26 degrees with a little ice still on the ground and sidewalks in places where it melted Yesterday during the warmup where parts of NJ got up to 60 degrees. I walked 8.6K steps and 1 cent so far, yesterday I reached 11K steps by the end of the day.

    I have finished updating the food reviews group yesterday with the last of the new NS foods

    Fast… and furious: Car owner fails in desperate bid to stop his £270,000 Lamborghini being smashed to pieces in Taiwan because it was fitted with fake plates
    The Lamborghini Murciélago is thought to be a custom LP 670–4 SuperVeloce
    Its owner was pulled over back in 2013 at a routine police checkpoint by officers
    Supercar was found to have the registration plates of an £18,000 Ford Sedan
    Authorities decided to completely destroy it to avoid illegal parts being sold on
    The custom Murciélago - though to be an LP 670–4 SuperVeloce - had been impounded because it was being driven on a public road without a valid registration number in 2013.

    After three years of appeals, the government decided to demolish the luxury car in front of horrified onlookers.

    Scroll down for video with the link below

    Have a Great Monday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited December 2016

    12/20/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 14.3 degrees on the closed in front porch, That means it was colder. I walked 7.5K steps, luckily there was no wind today.

    The gifts Bill Gates has given to Redditors as a secret Santa for the last four years
    How does it feel when the world’s richest man is your secret Santa?

    “Flabbergasted” is how Aerrix, a Reddit user who got a gigantic box of gifts from Bill Gates last week described it.

    Since 2009, Reddit’s gift exchange has brought holiday cheer to strangers’ doorsteps. Last year, over 120,000 people from 150 countries joined in the world’s largest secret Santa exchange, which matches participants through a “giant daisy chain.” Each Santa is given a person’s username so they can scour through the profile to find the perfect gift. There is no fee to take part, but the guidelines recommend spending at least $20 on your gift.

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/20/2016 100%

    Out the door it was showing 24 degrees. I walked 8.8K steps + 1 cent, luckily there was no wind today.

    Later on around 9:40 I will be leaving for CostCo for Apples and Some Frozen Vegetables :)

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member

    12/21/2016 Not 100%

    Out the door it was showing 34 degrees, That means it was warmer than Yesterday. I walked 8.1K steps and there was no wind today. Outdoors it is a gray looking day so far. On the good side the forecast of Snow showers is wrong so far.

    From here on the 13th something I saw the other day :)

    Big temp swing for Texas
    By Travis Herzog
    Tuesday, December 13, 2016
    A "blue norther" cold front is coming for Texas this weekend, bringing the coldest air so far this season along with it. Not familiar with the phrase "blue norther?" That's when an arctic front swiftly moves down the plains, dropping temperatures 30 degrees or more, sometimes in as little as 30 minutes.

    The cold air rushing thru the plains this weekend will be backed by a high pressure ridge currently over the East Siberian Sea, just northwest of Alaska. This high will slide into the central plains by Sunday, sending our temperatures tumbling.

    These kinds of cold fronts are normally preceded by abnormally warm weather, and that will be the case this Saturday as high temperatures in Houston approach the record high of 80 set in 1990. Meanwhile, while we're flirting with 80 Saturday afternoon, temps in the Texas Panhandle will already be diving into the 20s! The norther is currently scheduled to blow into Houston early Sunday morning, dropping temps into the 40s before sunrise

    Have a Great Thursday