


  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @motivatedsister 6 weeks is exciting! I hope you get to hear the heartbeat at your appointment next week too! I was completely unprepared for the fatigue. I knew to expect that in the third trimester but not the first. My pregnancy book has a chapter for dads and significant others with a small section about helping with the fatigue. My husband was anxious to read what he could do to help my fatigue. I just about died laughing when the advice was basically leave her alone, let her rest/sleep, and "don't nag".

    I think for the first trimester, eating at maintenance is fine, and then you increase ~250 calories/day for the rest? I'm not really sure either. I'm going to try seeing how I feel and how my weight gain tracks, and adjust from there. What I have seen everywhere is that women who are overweight according to pre-pregnancy BMI should plan to gain 15-25lbs during pregnancy.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @motivatedsister I hope your appointment goes well next week! There is not a pregnancy setting on MFP as it's a liability issue but you can of course change your calorie goal manually to accommodate later in the pregnancy. I would definitely ask your doctor what they suggest for you going forward but I would assume that at this point you should at least be eating maintenance.
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks ladies! I'll have to change my MFP to maintenance because I'm sure I'm probably not eating that.

    Yea I'm so excited for next week!

    @puffbrat I think either here or on the check in thread you said you already painted nursery?!? Lol I'm still really early but I've been looking up ideas. I don't think I'd want to do traditional colors for either boy/girl. I think for either I would do gray and an accent color.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @motivatedsister yes I had mine at maintenance for the whole first trimester. Except I found out I didn't know what maintenance was so I raised it a little more than what MFP gave me because I was dropping weight (because apparently it was so freeing to be actually trying to eat maintenance that I was actually sticking to goal). Now I'm definitely eating more than that but I haven't been tracking. Just eating intuitively and it has been working for me (example I know I need a smaller dinner tonight because my lunch was too big... which I can tell because I'm struggling to breathe after eating haha).

    Speaking of painting the nursery, I need to post a photo of the painting we got for the bebe's room. It's so cute. I'll do that when I get home! I'm too lazy to actually paint, so I'll just decorate!
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @motivatedsister I did already paint the nursery except the inside of the closet. I wanted to get it painted before I got too large to be up on a step ladder without falling over or having my bump constantly rub the wall with wet paint :D It's a bright yellow. I wanted gender neutral, but bright and colorful. I think gray with an accent color sounds really lovely though. There's no reason you have to do traditional colors or anything else.

    @VeryKatie we had to the paint the nursery. We are most of the way through re-painting the entire house. It just badly needs it to look better, in some cases smell better, and just make it feel like ours.

    This week has been really frustrating pregnancy-wise with some good news at least. I got a cold which really walloped me. I wound up having to take 2 days off work and threw up for the first time this pregnancy. The worst part was the horrible headache that Tylenol just wasn't touching.

    I started feeling bad Tuesday, and that evening my mom and aunt began seriously annoying me about baby gifts they are making for the nursery. This reminded of how obnoxious the two of them were with each other regarding my wedding planning. My mom told me my aunt wants to make something for the nursery and I had to come up with an idea. I suggested a mobile or curtains. My aunt was thrilled with the mobile but said she wanted to make both. Well after the two of them had lunch Tuesday, my aunt was really unhappy with what I want for curtains. In my mind, that is fine and she is welcome to make the mobile or something else. No big deal. Well for those two, it's a big deal and now "the ball is in my court" to talk with my aunt about the curtains and figure out what to do. It was really hard not to send them both texts saying I DON'T CARE. There are your gifts to me. Do what you want!

    On top of that, my husband came home Wednesday, when I was sick, pissed off because he got volunteered/tricked into attending a conference in Thailand at the end of June. Less than 1 month from my due date! His manager's manager didn't tell him where the conference was and needed an immediate answer because registration was closing in less than 2 hours. I'm freaking out about the idea that my husband will be 20+ hours away when I could possibly go into labor. Not to mention having to take care of the house and pets and shopping, etc. by myself for 1-2 weeks late in pregnancy.
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I was so busy ranting I forgot the good news. Tuesday PM I had an appointment with OB and got the NT screening results. The baby has a less than 1 in 10,000 chance for Down Syndrome and trisomy 18. That's great news! Since there's no hereditary history of anything concerning in either my or Leo's family, we will not do any further genetic testing. I also got to hear the heart beat again <3
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited January 2017
    @puffbrat yellow sounds really nice for a nursery :)

    In regards to your aunt and mom... maybe next time you see them you could say something along the lines of "I have already explained what I envisioned for the curtains. So you could either go with my idea or I would love to see what you come up with as a surprise. It is your gift to give, after all! Hardeeharhar" And from then on, just stick to your guns. At least then, you can say you were clear and that it's mostly that they don't feel like making what you actually want haha. And any time they say "ball is in your court" after that, you could just gently remind them of this conversation.

    Totally sucks that your husband's boss tricked him into going to the conference so far away!!! Could he request that his company buy trip cancellation insurance for this trip? He could probably explain that the location wasn't disclosed to him before he was required to answer and that he has a nervous first time pregnant wife at home (I'm totally the type of person who is fine with being blamed if I get my way hahaha) and that, if it happens, he wants to be home for the birth of his first child. Kind of a big deal. Is there a friend who would be willing to come help you out for that time that he's gone? Statistically, it is most probable that first time babies are born 7 days late. True statistic. Random note... he should look into vaccinations for travel soon haha.

    AND YAY ABOUT THE TEST! Congrats :) I declined to have that test hahah.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    Speaking of painting the nursery, I need to post a photo of the painting we got for the bebe's room. It's so cute. I'll do that when I get home! I'm too lazy to actually paint, so I'll just decorate!

    Still waiting =P

    @puffbrat I like all of Katie's response so I'll second it. haha

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited January 2017

    OH YEAH! Lemme see if I can find an internet picture of it...
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie GGGAAAHHH!! That's adorable!!

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I will have to talk more with my husband about the trip and possible scenarios. I'm with you where I have no problem with him blaming me for things if it gets something done and makes him feel more comfortable; he's the same way with me. I don't think he has actually told anyone at work about my pregnancy yet. We work at the same company and I just made it public to my team and couple other coworkers on Monday. Knowing my husband though, he'll just be annoyed about the situation and not do anything about it.

    I think the next time I see my mom I will just tell her that this kind of drama over small things that aren't important stresses me out, and I really need her to not be doing that right now. For my aunt, I will just tell her I'm sorry she and I had such different visions for the curtains and I would be thrilled with anything else she would care to make. I don't necessarily want to tell her to make whatever curtains she wants because I had my heart set on that fabric, her style is much more old fashioned than mine, and she was uncomfortable with adding grommets which I want for practical reasons. I don't want to be holding a crying baby and struggling to open or close curtains that are getting stuck on the rod.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie I love that! So so so CUTE!!!!!!

    @puffbrat Sorry I didn't have any suggestions to add but it's mostly because 1.) I thought Katie's advice was spot on and 2.) I probably would have told them (your aunt and mom) a polite way...if it were me. haha You're right in that the last thing you need right now is to be stressed (about anything really) but especially about mundane things like this given the fact that they wanted to do the gift thing and you didn't ask for anything. The whole husband thing just sucks. I would have a hard time with that and I think sitting on this one really shouldn't be an option.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @ puffbrat. Omg about Leo. I'm sure he can get out of it when he announces your pregnancy, obviously he won't want to be in Thailand?! so close to your due date. So far away. I'm 100% with you on freaking about this. He needs to speak up, and do it quickly. I'm certain that he can get out of it if he tells them why.
    A yellow nursery sounds lovely, as do homemade mobile and curtains. I agree with Katie, say your piece and tell them to shut it, haha.

    Katie that picture is so cute!!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    @puffbrat that sucks about the hubby's work trip. I would definitely do whatever to get out of it!

    @VeryKatie the picture is sooo cute!

    Finally getting my first ultrasound this week, so I'm excited about that.

    Do either of you ladies have a pregnancy pillow to sleep with?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    I had a meltdown yesterday morning about Leo going to Thailand. I will have to talk with him about it more, but he seems really uninterested in saying anything to his management or trying to get out of it.

    He was totally caught off guard though when I told him he was going to have to show me how he changes the kitty litter boxes now. He put them in a new arrangement designed to minimize spreading litter, but I'm not sure how to clean them. He completely freaked out about the thought of me doing the litter boxes and said we would have to find someone to come over every day and do them for me. This will also apply when he goes a conference in another state for 4 days in April.

    @motivatedsister I don't have a pregnancy pillow. I keep threatening to buy one and then thinking it is too early for some reason. I almost bought one online yesterday. Based on the recommendations in another online community, I plan to buy a Snoogle from Amazon. I do think this will probably be my last week of sleeping on my stomach. I already find myself naturally doing it less.
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi everyone! Just a quick check in to let you all know I am still lurking about in the back ground, am now 35 weeks along and can't wait for bub to be here so I can A. Meet him and have some cuddles, B. Stop feeling like I am carrying a bowling ball in my pelvis and C. Start tracking again and moving my body! I am anticipating going back to the spreadsheet in March, to help make sure I am getting enough calories for breast feeding and make sure those scales climb down a this stage I have gained 15kg
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
  • teegan84
    teegan84 Posts: 39 Member
    which has been hard to see and scary but I lost 10kg before I had bub so I have faith I can do it all again once he arrives :) so happy to keep reading everyone's news and watch your conceiving/pregnancy journey's and it has helped to know that once bub is here there will be a community here I can be a part of that will support my post baby body journey! Will check in once bub arrives and I have some news to share xxxx
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited January 2017
    @puffbrat I really hope he takes how you feel into consideration and speaks to management.

    Even though I'm not pregnant so obviously can't say for sure, I'll probably get a pregnancy pillow right off the bat because I already sleep better using an extra pillow to maneuver where I want it so I don't think it's ever too early.

    @teegan84 So glad to see an update from you! It's ironic actually because I was just wondering about you and how things were going. I'm glad things seem to be going smoothly for you and I look forward to having you back around! We will definitely still be here! =)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited January 2017
    puffbrat wrote: »
    I had a meltdown yesterday morning about Leo going to Thailand. I will have to talk with him about it more, but he seems really uninterested in saying anything to his management or trying to get out of it.

    He was totally caught off guard though when I told him he was going to have to show me how he changes the kitty litter boxes now. He put them in a new arrangement designed to minimize spreading litter, but I'm not sure how to clean them. He completely freaked out about the thought of me doing the litter boxes and said we would have to find someone to come over every day and do them for me. This will also apply when he goes a conference in another state for 4 days in April.

    @motivatedsister I don't have a pregnancy pillow. I keep threatening to buy one and then thinking it is too early for some reason. I almost bought one online yesterday. Based on the recommendations in another online community, I plan to buy a Snoogle from Amazon. I do think this will probably be my last week of sleeping on my stomach. I already find myself naturally doing it less.

    @puffbrat don't change the cat litter! Cat excrement is not healthy for fetuses. Is there a friend or neighbour you can have help you instead? I'm sorry you had a meltdown - I totally understand! I had one before too (during work) and yours is a much more stressful situation :( I hope you can convince your husband to do something about it at work.

    @motivatedsister I'm planning on buying a pregnancy pillow with my gift card but I haven't got it yet.

    @teegan84 oh my goodness you're SO close to the 40 week mark! That's crazy! I'm so excited for you. Thanks for checking in :)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @teegan84 it's nice to hear from you. It's so exciting that you're so close!

    @VeryKatie I will try to find someone else to take care of the cat litter as I would really prefer to avoid the risk, but one of my friends had to do it her entire pregnancy since her husband was deployed and no one else was close. She wore a face mask and gloves every time. So that's what I will do if I have to. I would of course talk with my OB first. The risk of toxoplasmosis is supposed to be significantly smaller with indoor cats, which all 3 of mine are. They also be tested for it, which I will discuss with the vet on Friday when I take the dog in. We will see though. Maybe my mom will help.