Third Quarter of 2016: We Can Do This!!



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I don't know what I ate yesterday but today I am bloated and had to remove rings that were loose but now cutting into fingers. I still have indentions on fingers where rings cut in.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Jean - ouch!

    I've been eating so many tomatoes you'd think I'd have an issue but so far I'm fine with them. The garden is producing away. No good red tomatoes this year though. DH can't figure it out.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Sorry about not having good red tomatoes. Some look so good on the outside but have no good taste. I could never get into eating yellow tomatoes. My family loved fried green tomatoes. I didn't know until a Google search that tomatoes can cause arthritic inflammation. Thanks to you, I have learned something new. I also found the Artic Zero can cause bloating and gas in some. That was the only thing different I ate yesterday in which such swelling happened afterwards.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I've tried several flavors of Arctic Zero and was disappointed.

    If these tomatoes are making my arthritis worse - what a PITA!

    I read the story about the murder-suicide recently of a whole family including a toddler who was a heart transplant recipient. All I could think was "what a loss on so many levels". So this transplant story was a little more uplifting (in some ways anyway).
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    If you went to an ice cream stand, you'd pay $5 just for a cone or small cup. So $5 for a pint that you'd get at least 2 servings out of sounds like a good deal. I'll have to look in my supermarket and see if they have it.
    On the topic of walking the neighborhood, we get lots of walkers, runners, bikers and people walking dogs. It's pretty scenic and the association has strategically placed a few benches near water views. We have no sidewalks but the speed limit is 20 mph and people seem to follow that. We're enough off the beaten track that cars coming through are residents or workmen. Oftentimes, you wouldn't even pass a car during your walk. It's pretty pleasant and I don't walk it often enough.
    I had a color change at the nail salon because I was chipping. This should last long enough until I need the full manicure.
    Jean..You're doing so well with your WL. Just keep doing what you've been doing since it's working. My eye doctor was just around the corner from the nail salon so I finally stopped and made an appointment for later this month.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--That is a wonderful story about the bride and the man who received her father's heart.

    This link is a perspective on why portion control doesn't work for some:
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    edited August 2016
    I guess I interpret portion control differently than the doctor. He talks about limiting foods you consider bad for some period of time. Then he says you eventually go back to former eating habits. I look at portion control as having the foods you want in reasonable serving sizes and not having the heavier choices every day. I look at it as a lifestyle change and I think you can do that indefinitely. So it might be having a burger at home in a 100 calorie pocket instead of a bun. I make swaps like that all the time and probably most of us do that. So while his article was interesting, I think he's really talking about people who make poor food choices or eliminate whole categories of food. I think it's true that those approaches don't work for the long haul.
    I bought one of the new Lean Cuisine dinners yesterday and the clerk who bagged it said it looked good but she didn't think one would do it for her. I suggested adding a salad to it and it sounded like she'd never thought of doing that. I guess from all the time on NS, I got used to the dinner sizes and can't imagine eating 2 LC dinners in a sitting. I hope she gives the adding a salad approach some thought if she's serious about eating smaller amounts per meal.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--I think most people think one of those Lean Cuisine dinners are considered "complete" by many people especially those who don't like their own salads or the right kinds of veggies. I'm in that category as I never added anything to a Lean Cuisine dinner when eating it as the veggies were in the dinner. If anything were added, it was with a low fat greek yogurt, etc. Veggies are things I have to force myself to eat unless in a sauce, etc. I do like salads but mine aren't as good as Wendy's, etc.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    I think of portion control as eating a reasonable quantity of whatever food I'm having instead of having an unlimited amount or eating until I'm completely satiated. I do agree with the doctor who wrote the article that when I'm hungry, the hunger wins and I tend to make poor choices after that point. That's why eating six small meals throughout the day doesn't work very well for me. It leaves me too hungry and thinking about food constantly, which then causes me to eat more when I inevitably throw in the towel and raid the pantry or refrigerator. I do much better eating three meals per day with an occasional snack in the evening. When I was tracking my calories, etc. I found that my total calories for the day came in at about the same amount as when I was eating more often, but I felt much less hunger throughout the day and spent much less time thinking about food. It may not work as well for my metabolism, but overall this approach is much more manageable for me.

    I confess, when I eat one of those Lean Cuisine meals I don't always add a salad or veggies to it. It depends on how much time I have and what I have on hand that I can easily prep to have with it I tend to eat those when I'm pressed for time, so if I have to make something else to go with it, that defeats the purpose for me. Or,maybe I'm just lazy, lol!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I don't usually add salad or veggies to one either. But I wanted to encourage the clerk to think of the LC as the whole meal. It sounded like she'd thought about eating 2 LC so filling up with a salad made sense.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning, everyone. I still can't wear my rings that were loose a couple of days ago. Tomorrow, I will be going to the city to have lunch with my niece and some friends.

    Off to log my breakfast and mid-morning snack.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Today DH and I are celebrating our 43rd anniversary. Sometimes it seems like yesterday; other times it seems like a lifetime.

    I'm really enjoying the Olympics although finding time to watch even just the events I'm most interested in is challenging. You could literally do nothing else for two weeks. A far cry from "the olden days" when there was a couple hours in the evening and that was it. When I retire I'll definitely be watching "gavel to gavel".

    One of the US swimmers is from Spring Grove, PA which happens to be the small town where my parents lived when I was born. I don't remember it as we moved to my long time home town less than 2 years later. Of course my new home town of Baltimore has produced a lot of swimmers but then it's not a small town.

    I thought I'd like the equestrian events but the dressage is boring and in the cross country and jumping I started fretting over the horses potential for being injured. Someone else said to me "athletes get injured" to which my reply was (1) they chose to participate and (2) they don't euthanize them when they get injured.

    Tried to watch fencing because it's getting so much media but couldn't get into it.

    Guess I'll stick to swimming, track and field, and gymnastics.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Congrats upon your 43rd Anniversary. I've only seen highlights of the Olympics on the nightly news. If I were to watch, it would be gymnastics. We had a gold medal winner in gymnastics from our state several years ago.

    The midweek scale check shows a small decline. I'm going to the city today to have lunch with my niece and friends. This will likely undo any efforts despite making good choices.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    Happy Anniversary, Maryanne! We've been married 33 years and I always say (jokingly) that some of those years were longer than others.

    I'm enjoying the Olympics but some of the events are of no interest to me at all. I love the gymnastics and the diving events. The swimming is kind of exciting but I get bored with it fairly quickly. Beach volleyball is kind of interesting, but the team version bores me silly. And I don't enjoy the track and field events at all. I kind of like the rowing and sculling events, too. I guess what I like and dislike is pretty random, now that I'm thinking about it.

    I baked cookies yesterday for my volunteer place and I need to deliver them today. I may do a little shopping while I'm out just for fun. There isn't anything I really need, but as long as I'm out I might as well browse a bit.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    I even watch the preliminary heats in swimming and track and field. No clue why. Random is the right word for it. It's not like I am - or ever was - an athlete.

    If there were any hours left in the day the next thing I'd watch, believe it or not, is weight lifting. Again, no clue!

    My sister is coming East Saturday. I'm surprised they are coming now because they are BIG TIME cycling enthusiasts. They ride a tandem and TIVO all kinds of cycling. But I'll be glad to see her.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    "Small town" is an interesting phrase. You hear it a lot watching the Olympics.

    I watched the mini series on the murders of women in Chillicothe Ohio. They kept referring to it as a "small town". So I googled it. It has over 20,000 people! That is NOT a small town.

    A small town is where I grew up - 900 people on a good day - 899 of them WASPs (my aunt was a Roman Catholic, only one I ever met in my youth). Not a lot of diversity. Okay, no diversity. But somehow my parents were determined we grow up color blind. No clue where they got that idea but I'm glad they did.

    Useful for where I live now. It's not at all uncommon for me to be the only Caucasian face in a business and I seldom even notice unless someone makes a comment. What's interesting is that depending on where I am, the other faces are sometimes African American and sometimes they are Asian.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    I've been watching the Olympics as well. I like the cycling, track and field (some events), gymnastics and swimming. I felt bad for the US Men's gymnasts. They didn't do well so they didn't even make Prime Time. I watched some of the equestrian and a little fencing mostly because I'd never seen them on TV before. I had the USA Network on and they've been covering the less popular sports.
    We have an anniversary next month. It will be 44 years for us. I know what Maryanne means about it seeming a long time yet also seeming like yesterday. We were at the cardiologist's again today. She wants DH to repeat the stress test, this time with pictures. His blood pressure drops quite a bit on the treadmill where most people's BP goes up. She wants to figure out why this happens before she lets him go to cardiac rehab. She changed one of his meds from morning to bedtime. It will do most of it's work while he's sleeping. Perhaps that may be part of the puzzle.
    Other than that, it was too hot to do anything. we're in the mid 80s with high humidity. I came to the library to pick up books and enjoy the AC but it doesn't feel like it's working today.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--The volunteers will enjoy the cookies and window shopping can be fun.

    Maryanne--I agree that 20,000 is not a small town. Out of curiosity, I did a search and found these tidbits at Urban Dictionary:

    A small town is the anithesis of a big city, which is not necessarily a bad thing. A small town is a community where people are a generally friendly, laid back folk, and where everybody knows almost everybody there. If you stop and ask for directions, the person giving you the directions will probably turn it into a conversation. The community is probably a speed trap, but the police who give you a speeding ticket are often known and called by their first name. You are usually not afraid to unlock your doors (although I wouldn't do it). Most businesses in town are family-owned ma-and-pa stores threatened by the Walmart nearby, which is probably the community's largest employer. The Mayor probably has another job on the side. You also know your'e in a small town because the people raise a stink over a new business coming in, fearing that it will create "traffic congestion." Some small towns can be suburbs or exurbs of a large meropolitan area.

    It also had this:

    Top Definition

    Small Town

    Big City: 300,000+ people within city limits
    City: 100,000-300,000 citizens within limits
    Small City: 20,000-100,000 citizens within limits
    Big Town: 7,000-20,000 citizens within limits
    Town: 800-7,000 citizens within limits
    Small Town: 200-800 citizens within limits
    Village: 50-200 citizens within limits
    Hamlet: Community with less than 50 members.

    A small town generally is community possessing a post office and not much else.. Maybe a gas station or two. If you live within 10 minutes of a Wal-Mart, chances are you don't live in a small town. Also it should not be said that there is nothing to do if there is a Wal-Mart around, because there is a high probability that there is a theater or fast food restaurant around too.

    Helene--Congrats upon your upcoming anniversary. You, Maryanne, and Pam have a good track record. I do hope DH gets some answers before the cardio rehab.

    I had a great lunch at the Outback. I had the Simply Tilapia with steamed veggies. As much as I love their bread, I did not have any. As a result, the lunch is an acceptable calorie count and with what I will have for dinner, the total for the day will be around 1200 cal. The tilapia is over 40g of protein.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I sub tomorrow, the 11th. Filling a position until teacher is hired Monday so I will sub then also.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Small town has nothing but a post office? Our small town had: post office, factory, two general stores, elementary school, restaurant/bar, bank, two garages that repaired cars and sold gas, store that sold/repaired electronics (in those days tvs and radios), two churches, two cemeteries, two doctors, library (in an abandoned high school), fire station, a building for the scouts (only now as an adult do I wonder who owns the scout building?), a drive in (food not movies). We were 8 minutes from Gettysburg but we almost never went there. We didn't need to.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I think that was supposed to be a humorous take on small towns but it is close to describing my burg. We have a Post Office, a bank, 3 lawyers, 2 restaurants (small), 2 drug stores, 2 dollar stores, a senior citizen center, courthouse since it is the county seat, a tire and car repair place, one food store, 2 churches. All schools are located 3 miles, 8 miles and 14 miles from the town.

    I am so tired. I subbed today and it was almost non-stop activity.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    Jean - you have a lot of things all right!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    What does the "This discussion has been closed" mean?
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited August 2016
    Maryanne--I have no idea what "being closed" means. It was fine yesterday. I thought if a thread was closed, one couldn't post to it again. O.K., I took care of it. By the thread title, there is a symbol. I clicked on it and it gave me the option to open it, so now that "closed" is gone. I don't know if I or one of you accidentally moused over it and hit "closed" or not My mouse is very, very sensitive so I have to be careful.

    I'm taking it easy today after yesterday's challenging day at school but still good with food.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    I think I accidentally hit closed yesterday. I accidentally opened that window and couldn't get rid of it except by clicking on close. I thought I was only closing the window, not the thread. Sorry!

    Taking it easy today, as well. DH left yesterday on his camping trip and I'm enjoying peace and quiet and complete control over the TV, lol! I may get out of the house for awhile later, but we are also expecting thunderstorms later in the day, so that may keep me at home. No need to expose the car to potential hail unless I have to.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,858 Member
    Well that explains why I couldn't get in yesterday. My computer gives me fits and starts so I thought it was something to do with that. I momentarily thought it had to do with a new quarter thread starting but I quickly realized that wasn't the case. It was supposed to cool down a bit tooday but it's still 80. I spent some time decluttering kitchen drawers so I have a whole lot of unmatched plastic containers for recycling. I hit a couple of old pots under the plastic. Dh would ask why I was recycling them but the non stick surface on one is gone and I have a couple of mismatched pot lids I don't need or want. I guess I got rid of the pots and missed the lids. When I declutter, I want the stuff gone from the house the next day or it doesn't feel like progress.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--When decluttering, I try to get the stuff out of the house ASAP. If a trip to the city is not immediate, the stuff goes in the trunk of the car or the back seat so it won't be forgotten.

    The Summer Berry salad from Wendys is very good. I usually get the apple pecan chicken salad but decided to try a different one. The calories are acceptable whether you get the half size or full size.

    You may have forgotten but some time ago, I fixed this group control so that any of the three of us can start a new thread should it be needed.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,684 Member
    edited August 2016
    Interesting about the "closed" thing. I could clearly post. Of course when I saw it my mind immediately went to "what did I say that caused the powers that be to close our thread?" LOL!

    DH hates throwing away things. Even useless things. Even my things. When I retire and start decluttering, it's not going to be pretty.

    My sister and BIL came east this weekend and we all met in York for lunch. It was great to see them. I hate that they've moved the whole way to Arizona but it's their life. What I don't get is they have all these plans to redo the expensive house they bought that will require them and their cats to move into the house's in-law apartment for 2-3 YEARS. I especially don't get why they didn't move the cats into that apartment since they knew they were planning this. Instead the poor cats have gotten used to the big new house and now they are going to be in for a surprise. I know they're still better off than most cats.

    Luckily the place wasn't at all busy because we used up a table for 3 hours.

    The new medicine they want Jessicat to start on is apparently out of stock some places. I missed a call from the pharmacy yesterday where the doctor eventually found some. Now I'm debating whether to let them ship. It's SO hot here. I guess when I call them back I'll ask. Certainly they know better than I whether it's safe to ship. The place is closer to DC than here so going to pick it up is technically feasible but would be time consuming.

    I forget where I left off Jessicat's story. Her final test was inconclusive also but the internist wants to treat her for small cell lymphoma. Even though that was what I was going to push for - because I think it's eminently logical - I'm surprised he concluded that. I'm hoping that the fact that he pushed it - rather than me - means I have a shot at the insurance company paying for the treatment. I made an appointment for her with the oncologist but it's not for a month (he's SO busy) so the internist is going to start her on a second chemo drug (the prednisolone she's already on is the first drug they always use).
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I hope Jessicat's treatment helps and that the insurance company will pay for it.

    My formerly loose rings were so tight this morning that it took me 15 minutes to get them off. One hour later, my fingers are still showing the indents from where I had the rings. I've never had these rings so tight.

    I knew when I saw the ring situation that weighing in would be useless but I did it anyway. Despite being good, I weighed the same as I did last Sunday.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,961 Member
    edited August 2016
    I just realized that I haven't left my house since Thursday! I think tomorrow I will do a little retail therapy, lol! I cleaned out my closet this morning so I have a couple of boxes of shoes and clothes to take to the donation center as well.

    I also baked a lemon pound cake to take to the beach in a couple of weeks, so I had a fairly productive day. I had a very large lemon that I needed to use and for some reason, lately I've been craving a lemon pound cake. One tiny piece stuck to the pan so I sampled that, but the rest is in the freezer. It was a new recipe, so I hope it will be a hit. DH loves pound cake and he's fond of lemon, so I think he will enjoy it. We will be at the beach with his sister, mom, and aunt and they all love their desserts and ice cream. I like dessert, but I usually skip the ice cream, unless it's home made.

    Jean, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with fluid retention. At least you know that when that finally resolves, you'll likely see a good drop on the scale. I hope your job subbing doesn't wear you out too badly.

    I have an appointment this week with the dermatologist for a mole check. When I had my annual well woman checkup my doctor told me I had a mole on my back that needed to be checked and it's in an area that I can't really see very well, so I made the appointment. Then I have an appointment on Wednesday to get my hair cut and colored. Those are my only must dos for the week, except for doing a little house cleaning. I can usually talk myself out of doing that, but I really need to. It's been too long since I did more than a quick run through hitting the high points.
This discussion has been closed.