

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    edited October 2016
    @TamiJo1004 -you got it! The minutes translate to miles and get us to our destination. The sooner we get there we can use our extra minutes for bonus points. Additionally there are usually 3 challenges. Two are worth 10 points each and the other worth 5. Those points can really help our team total and the reverse is true-not doing them can really hurt our team totals.

    At least that's how it worked last season. They could come along and change things on us-they're sneaky that way! :wink:
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hi guys. For those new to the team - I'm Kim, a 41 year old special education teacher. Oh and I'm married to @tonilogan B) . I loathe dancing, so yes bring on the dancing jokes @hawkins410 . I'm primarily a runner, but I also enjoy lifting. I was supposed to do a half marathon next weekend some of you already know I am currently dealing with an ankle injury. It's a week old injury on and ankle that's been pretty much messed up for years. So I'm hoping for a quick recovery, and I'll do what I can, but my exercise will be limited, at least for the next couple of weeks.
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,303 Member
    Hi! I'm Lesley from East Tennessee, USA. I've been teaching high school for 34 years, and I've just begun teaching Group Centergy at my local gym. Recently, my husband and I "inherited" an almost-one-year-old Rottweiler named Lilly Belle, and she is definitely keeping my life interesting. A tired dog is a good dog, and I'm making it my mission to tire her out every day. We have two other amazing dogs (Forte the Destroyer and Crash Motorcycle Dog) and a cat, Miss Jennyanydots.

    I'm very excited to be on Team 1! And @hawkins410 , I'm in love with the cabin you've gotten us!
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi all! welcome to all the new members of Team 1 and Hi to the old! For those who don't know me I'm Leti! I'm 23 and a graduate student working on my masters for Elementary Education. I'm in the middle of student teaching now and will be finishing up in May, so I've been very busy. I did a spring winter challenge and it was so successful and then did a summer challenge which was lots of fun, so I'm excited to get back to it with this fall one. I've been lazy lately and putting other things before my health which isn't good. Fall/winter is so hard for me with holidays and so much yummy fall food, but I'm hoping to find ways to be mindful of what I eat, stay active and just be happy! I also have some pets, a Hedgehog named podge (his Instagram: podge_the_hedgehog if you wanna check out how cute he is) and a doggy named Bailey, who's a giant love bug! I look forward to getting to know everyone and killing it during this race! Please add me, I will try and go through and add members, but I always seem to accidently miss someone.
  • ashleereign
    ashleereign Posts: 1,904 Member
    Hey all! I'm Ashlee and this is my first Amazing Race challenge. I'm 29, married, two kitties. I'm an Accountant and I spend long hours sitting unfortunately.
    For exercise, I love dancing, swimming, and strength training. I'm trying to get into running and it's an uphill battle lol.

    I'm looking forward to running this race with all of you!
  • LeoLivingByDesign
    LeoLivingByDesign Posts: 90 Member
    Hi, I'd like to introduce myself again - My name is Lisa,I'm also an emptynester, although I have one temporarily occupying her old room. I live in New Brunswick, Canada. I just hit the one year mark on MFP on Oct. 14th. I've lost 70 lbs, but since I had major surgery in May, I've been losing and gaining the same 5 lbs. I like to do 5K Walks, I've done three this summer. I have a group called LS Walk Ins! which started out as a group for people that like LS walking videos, but has expanded to include all walking. I'm inspired every day by my friend Theresa who never gives up! I'm a firm believer that we can accomplish anything if we all stick together.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,016 Member
    Now about me. This is my fourth challenge. I am addicted to them because after a lifelong weight issue they make maintaining my weight fun. Dropped 65 pounds about 7 years ago. These challenges keep me focus on exercise and tracking so I don't have a few pounds slide up.

    I've been married 28 years. Daughter 23, an intensive care nurse. Daughter 19 in college for engineering. 4 footed daughter is 5 and a black lab. My husband just turned in his retirement paperwork for December 1 so a big change is coming!!

    I am in technical inside sales with a chemical blending company, 40 miles east of Cleveland Ohio. Lots of sedentary computer and phone work. I cycle in the summer and cross country and downhill ski in the winter. I plan on doing 60 minutes of exercise videos in the mornings. Zumba is my favorite. Jillian Micheal pushes me. I mix it up with some weight training. We also do some hiking.

    My family are huge Indian's fans. So this is an exciting time! Go Tribe!! and thank you @hawkins410
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Beer, I thought this was Oktoberfest! Where's the beer? There better be a keg of something in that cabin and a mug with my name engraved on it!

    Hi all, I'm Sharon, 52, married, (got that right the second time), and living in Maryland. I have one daughter, older than I would like to admit, three grands, also older than I would like them to be, who all live too far away. (I got to see them last weekend!) I am currently owned by two spoiled rotten dogs, Gimli and Porter, and a 25 year old cockatiel named Crash. I haven't yet named the spiders that think they are moving indoors for the winter. I work for the state department of education providing training and technical assistance to child care and pre-k teachers. I also might be a little bit of a smart *ss, please don't be offended.

    I started this journey again, for the eleventy millionth time, this past January when my husband started on medifast (he's lost 150 pounds!) and I saw the opportunity to take control of my own food choices without having to cater to anyone else's likes or dislikes. At my highest I carried 275 pounds on my 5'4" frame. That doesn't make for a very nice BMI number. I'm hovering between 220 and 225 and I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds all summer long. There is no secret - too many tasty temptations not made up for with additional exercise. So it's time to get back to the grindstone. I would be extremely happy to break the 200 mark sometime soon!

    My exercise of choice is walking, because I have crunchy knees that won't run. I get my $10 a month out of Planet Fitness on the treadmill, bike, and sometimes the weights. This time of year the weather is good for walking outside and there are a few parks with boring paths around soccer fields that I make use of if there is enough daylight left at the end of my day.

    Baseball is over for us this year, and my husband is kind of depressed about the Ravens. I, however, am a long suffering "One Before I Die" fan of the Buffalo Bills, who currently are posting a better record than the Ravens. That will change, I have no doubt, but we've never lost a tail gate party!
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is April and I am 46 and live in Michigan. I have been married 18 years, we have 3 adult children and 4 dogs. This is my second race and I have been looking forward to starting because I have gained 7lbs back since the summer race ended and I started slacking. I have started getting back this past week into my own accountability and I am glad the Fall Race is now ready to start. I am going to make sure that I make every step, dance, yoga and workouts count to help me get to the healthiest I can be.

    Glad the cottage is pet friendly
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    Argh! I was so hoping our first destination would be posted before I went to bed but no such luck! So I guess I've hot something to look forward to in the morning. Nightly night gang!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Iceland! Brr! We better get to moving that's a lot of miles! Starting my morning walk before work! Have a great Monday! We got this Team 1!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Do I put my 30 minutes on spreadsheet now or do I wait until this evening after I do more?
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    TamiJo1004 wrote: »
    Do I put my 30 minutes on spreadsheet now or do I wait until this evening after I do more?

    I do it at the end of the day with all my mins together
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    TamiJo1004 wrote: »
    Do I put my 30 minutes on spreadsheet now or do I wait until this evening after I do more?

    I input mine as I do them for in case life gets in the way!

  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member

    Did I mention earlier that I live on the beautiful lakeshore of Two Rivers, Wisconsin.

    @MissionEnforcer my first mission is complete
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Goodmorning all

    Bring up a warm coat brrrrrrrrrrrrrr reykjavik only keep moving get us warm so


    @ Tami I put it also at the end of the day all min together :)
    Have a great day everyone we can do this!!

    Hugs from belgium
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,431 Member
    @MissionEnforcer -I introduced myself to my team yesterday and have friend requested everybody but neglected to talk about where I live!

    I live in beautiful Tampa Florida. Hubby and I moved here from St. Louis way back in 1992 because we hated winter and haven't regretted it since! (Ok, maybe mid September when it's still brutally hot and humid and you are just DONE with it!). We live in an area called South Tampa. Our neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city with live oak tree lined streets and a mile to Tampa Bay and Bayshore Boulevard which is one of the longest continuous sidewalks in the world! It's a walking/running/bike riding/people watching extravaganza with oftentimes some dolphins thrown in. We have spectacular winters and hot humid summers and that's kind of it for seasons! The city itself is home to about 400,000 people but the metro area which includes Pinellas county and the beaches has more than 1.5 million. In the winter when the snowbirds come down that number (and the traffic!) increases. We have 3 major sports teams in our metro area The Tampa Bay Rays AL baseball team, the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey team and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers NFL team. Tampas signature event is called Gasparilla-think Mardi Gras with pirates! It's in January and is super fun. We are 20 minutes to Busch gardens, 30 minutes to the beach, 60 minutes to Disney world and 75 minutes to universal and Harry Potter. I love it here. Even though we have all the benefits of a major city (concerts, museums, really good restaurants) it's also a very small town feeling place-we don't talk poorly about anybody because it's either somebody's relative or they dated them in high school and it's a guarantee you will see folks you know at the grocery store or target.
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Ok challenge 1:

    All friendreqest sended and accepted check!

    As I told earlier I live in belgium in a small town called Kaulille it is in east belgium nearby the dutch border.
    Kaulille is a part of a bigger town called Bocholt but in mind of usa towns it is very very litlle ;) but it is very nice to live. Nearby forest.....a few shops and a townhouse further really nothing so for shopping we still go to the netherlands.

    Ok this one check

    Tag @MissionEnforcer okidoki also check.

    10 points in the pocket :)
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Ooh Reykjavik! I would LOVE to go there, it's so amazingly gorgeous from everything I've seen. And for all those getting cold thinking about it, it's not that cold there! Next 10 days highs in the low 50s/upper 40s F. Now you Florida folks might find that cold but I call it a gorgeous fall day.

    Challenge 1: I accepted all the friend requests I received and sent one to everyone else on the team list!


    I introduced myself a few posts back, but I live in upstate NY, in the Syracuse area. I have lived here since 2003 - which is hard to believe, because I didn't think it would be a permanent move for me. I'm from Iowa originally and my whole family lives there, but I've also lived in Palo Alto CA and St. Louis MO. Upstate NY is in its element right now - fall is gorgeous here! I love being near the Adirondack mountains and all the lakes and gorges in the area. The winter gets a bit long for me every year so I try to take a break and go somewhere warm. We are the snowiest major city in the US almost every year! I usually at least have a conference to go to in February/March in Phoenix, and last year I went to Marco Island, FL in January. This year for the first time I'm going to try to take up cross-country skiing. I won a season pass in a silent auction so I'll need to take advantage!

    And I better share a couple of fall photos - including my girl Stella