

  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Goodmorning all

    Hope everybody is doing ok maybe a litlle musclepain but that is ok right ;)
    I had a lot to read but I love all the story's and what a beautiful...cute and nice pictures.

    I had a look on the spreadsheet at the moment we are on the last place that is not the place were we want to end this week right?
    I see also excersises in other teams from 3945 min!!!! how is that even possible? LOL I think that it are miles from walking maybe the sheet must be declared a little to some teams.

    Anyhow I have all faith in us that we finished good!

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    I saw that too! I wondered! There is 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours a day! I come up with only 1440 minutes in a day!
    Yes we got some work to do! Nothing we can't do. Have a great Tuesday!
    Oh and Aggie I got the sore muscles this morning too! The good sore! :)
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    @tami hahahaaha yes and even that is a lot of workout when does she sleep? I think it is a little mistake we will see.
    It is a nice feeling right that "good sore muscles"?

  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Holy cow some of those times are insane! Pretty sure the 3,945 person made an error in entry but the person that worked out for 8 hours?! Uh, don't think so. Unless they did the Ironman but pretty sure that was last weekend!

    I did warn you guys though that there were some folks who I know from being on other challenges can put up some HUGE numbers.

    I'm off to golf so that will give me some minutes. Have a great day!
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    @tami hahahaaha yes and even that is a lot of workout when does she sleep? I think it is a little mistake we will see.
    It is a nice feeling right that "good sore muscles"?


    a little correction she is a he :) Team 4 also have a "ken"
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning team! Love the competitive spirit here. You guys are fun. Yeah, that has to be a typo for 3000+ minutes, but there are some serious players out there.

    I put up my dog walking minutes for this morning but will be back with more tonight as I'll be going to my running group workout. I'll also walk the dog some more (she needs it!) and hopefully tack on some yoga. Or maybe some Viking drumming?

    I totally forgot that I'm heading out of town this Thursday through Saturday for work. Going to Vermont so if it doesn't rain too much it should be a beautiful trip. I hope I'll have time to get some running in while I'm there. I've never been to VT, so I'm excited. Have to give 3 hours worth of lecture though so that part is not as exciting.

    By the way, all the team members are now accounted for in my friends list! Impressive to have everyone checking in and on the ball!

    Stella pic for good measure:
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    @MissionEnforcer all teammates are accounted for in my friend list
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Hello Amazing Racers!
    I'm sorry to jump in on your team thread like this, but it is kind of important, so I'm putting it on all the threads.
    Challenge #2 has three components to it:
    1. Viking Chant/Geyser Dance: Three times through
    2. YouTube Videos: 3 Videos, 2x each
    3. One routine to your own music and your own beat (or just repeat the 3 videos)
    If you choose not to do a routine of your own making (I recommend making one up to the intro video at the top of the "Racing to Reykjavik" page; it has a really fun beat to it and you can dance along while you drum), then you must do the 3 videos 3 times each, PLUS the Viking Chant Video 3 times.
    I hope this helps clear up any questions! Thank you for your attention. :)
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    @MissionEnforcer all teammates are accounted for in my friend list as well!
  • LeoLivingByDesign
    LeoLivingByDesign Posts: 90 Member
    @MissionEnforcer I introduced myself yesterday, but I wanted to show you what our town is famous for besides potatoes. Hartland, NB, home of the Longest Covered Bridge in the World fnpb0kihm4xp.jpg

  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,011 Member
    YIPES EVERYBODY!!! We are in serious last place. Yes, it is only two days, but boy it's important not to fall behind! Hopefully people just haven't had a change to post. From all the status updates I think that may be the case. If you can't get to the spreadsheet for technical reasons let @MissionEnforcer know. If you have spotting internet access, send me a quick email when you can and I will post for you. Congratulations to @wolvinnetje our first drummer!

    I hate to plagiarize from Hallmark, but their #25 Resolution for a healthy self:
    "Right where you are is a good place to start"
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    I watched all the videos after I got my workout room situated. Tomorrow I will do as many workouts as possible since one of my favorite shows won't be on. I'm going to look around and see what I can use for my drums. One definite plus to my room is no one will see me jumping around being crazy!!! I've got 2 days of water done (slosh slosh) I'm having a good feeling about the start of this!!
    NOW....let's not lose our title from the Summer Race!! We can do this and take the lead if we all pull together and give it all we got!!!! Let's be the first team to hit the destination and to hit the local establishment and show the others how it's ✅done!!!!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Last Place?


    That is not who we are!

  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    @MissionEnforcer introduction done, teammates accepted, 1st chant done
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    Went to the gym today and I am a good kind of sore right now. The bike rower that I used tonight for only 10 minutes gave my whole upper body an awesome workout.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    Last Place?


    That is not who we are!

    Exactly! We can do this!
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    @hawkins410 Happy Birthday to Tara
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member