

  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hey guys, I've been reading everyone's posts and trying to keep up. Also trying to help @tonilogan figure everything out!
    I'm getting really frustrated by my exercise limitations. I need to run, and I'm getting really grouchy! i had signed up for a kickboxing class which was supposed to start this week, and had to drop out of that :( And I think it's pretty safe to say I won't be doing my half marathon on Sunday :(
    I did lift today, and that helped somewhat. I had to drop the weight for deadlifts and front squats (I couldn't squat at all with the bar on my back) but at least it was something. I'm planning to get to the videos after a swim tomorrow.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    @ka97 I hope you heal. Having limitations is not fun!
    I missed my calling... I should have been a drummer! :D Not really I don't have much rhythm but boy did I enjoy that drumming challenge! I completed it tonight! Toys make good drums and drum holders for the balls! I think I am fixing to take my last walk of the night and call it a day! :)
    Great work Team 1 we will get this done!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited October 2016
    Team one is in first place right now!!! How about that action?!! Bring it on!
    (Edit to add: before I get too cocky, it looks like our challenge 1 points have been confirmed but other teams have not all been confirmed yet. We have work to do to stay on top!!!!)

    I just did my Viking chants (3x) and the 3 videos (2x each). I'll tell ya, drumming is not one of my strongest skills. The first song she did, the Wings one - I had so much trouble finding the beat. I swear the timing of sound and picture was off a bit. Or I'm off a bit. The other two went a bit better.

    Then I did my own, and I got to tell you, it was a masterpiece. In my need for a strong beat I found this video
    and I went to town. I was drumming, jumping, spinning, bouncing on the ball, doing yoga stretches while drumming, at one point laying on the ball and drumming over my head. A sight to behold. Poor Stella was so confused and may have gotten slightly whacked by a mixing spoon. Sorry, baby!

    So, I counted that for the 10 challenge points, plus 35 minutes of exercise. Added to my two 30-minute dog walks today that brought me to 95 total. Still working on the water for today - getting close.

    And with that, I'm out for a bit. Driving to Vermont in the morning so I'll check in with you all when I have a chance!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    @ashleereign Those pictures are gorgeous! I wish I was there!
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    @MissionEnforcer I have added all of my teammates as friends!

    As mentioned before, I am from Newfoundland, Canada. I've visited other places, but I've never lived anywhere else. Truthfully, I have no desire to, and these pictures may show why.


    Breathtaking sites!!
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Let's keep working hard to stay in top!! I'm proud of you all!!! We can rest a little when we get there. Until therz55aa9bxl13.jpg
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    @MissionEnforcer I have added all of my teammates as friends!

    As mentioned before, I am from Newfoundland, Canada. I've visited other places, but I've never lived anywhere else. Truthfully, I have no desire to, and these pictures may show why.


    I love the different color buildings..
  • aenglehardt347
    aenglehardt347 Posts: 193 Member
    @MissionEnforcer chanting done and 2 cardio drumming will put in all minutes for drumming when I finish that exercise tomorrow?
  • CKS0806
    CKS0806 Posts: 460 Member
    edited October 2016

    Downtown Chicago
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Hey all! We made it to savannah and I did get my water in. Helped that hubby has to drink a lot so I didn't feel bad about the pit Stops! Only managed 30 minutes of walking before and after dinner. The museum he wanted to go to was so not my thing and I was tired from the drive (and really, why is driving so tiring?!) so I chilled and read my book. I'm off to update the spreadsheet then early to bed. Tomorrow has a little more driving but lots of walking.
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    cardbucfan wrote: »
    Hey all! We made it to savannah and I did get my water in.... Only managed 30 minutes of walking before and after dinner.

    30 minutes is great on a travel day like that. Good luck the next few days!

  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    :):):) Both my teams are on top!!!! Indians are in the World Series!!!! and the last time I looked Team 1 was one top. Excellent job everybody.
    So @ashleereign how much room do you have? I think we all are planning on visiting. You wanted to start a B&B didn't you?
    Hang in there @ka97 I can image you being restricted doesn't bring out the best in you LOL.
    Love the shirt @mamaelf2008. @katharmonic I too was a sight to be seen doing the drums. At first I tried to use spatulas. Stupid me. Wooden mixing spoons worked better. It was fun. I may have to find a set of real drumsticks somewhere. Have a great day tomorrow!
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Checking in - been a couple of hectic days, and after a six hour meeting tomorrow, I'm getting on a plane to Florida. Got my water in three days in a row, but I haven't gotten to the videos yet. I'm thinking I might have to make my sisters join me for that on Saturday to get us psyched up for the race - Daddy will hate it and make us all go outside, but I think it will be fun.

    I'm trying to save my knees, so my minutes will be kind of low for the next couple of days, but you can bet I'm going to count every single second it takes me to finish on Sunday!

    I signed up for a challenge at a local sports complex that will hopefully help me build a little strength and kick some of these pounds off my butt. It starts when I get back next week and should help me build some minutes/miles into each day.

    There are so many posts I can't possible answer them all, but I want to come and visit ALL of your beautiful towns!! I have friends who live near Rotterdam, so I think I could even make it to Belgium if I tried really hard!
  • ashleereign
    ashleereign Posts: 1,904 Member
    120maggie wrote: »
    So @ashleereign how much room do you have? I think we all are planning on visiting. You wanted to start a B&B didn't you?

    Haha, you'll find us Newfies to be very accommodating!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    edited October 2016
    To ALL TEAMS: I have started to verify Challenge #1. What I am finding is that many people are leaving out the "brief description of where you live". Also, there are some people who are doing a great job, but aren't marking it on the spreadsheet. A few are claiming points, without making any post. I will try and finish tomorrow, as it seems most players have shown up.
  • mckelfam
    mckelfam Posts: 104 Member
    Hi all, sorry not active this week really slammed at work. Got my water intake done 3 days now. I will work on drum challenge Friday as roll call is done for sales tomorrow which means I slow down thank goodness for a bit.
    Love all the posts, amazing pictures of everyone's pets and home towns catching up at 11:30pm is only time alone to read them. Lol
    Can't wait for our hike this weekend should get about 4 hrs of hiking recorded. Such a stress reliever. Going to the bay for a hike around Point Reyes seashore area will post pics should be pretty.
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Goodmorning All,


    :) A good start to a day is very important. If you are in a positive frame of mind in the morning than you are very likely to have a productive day :)

    What a beautiful places do you have in the USA it is really amazing to see here everything is flat and green.
    On the other hand we have no snakes....spiders..sharks.....wild scary animals etc for me as a scary harry it is very important.
    @celtikgirl the coffee is warm ;) Rotterdam is about 170km from were I live so in usa distance is that a piece of cake.
    Come with hawkins she has also friends in Holland.....hahahahah yeahhh we are friendly people lol.......
    We are not at position 1 yet....... missionenforcer had to check all the challenges in the other teams and will find them positive we are all positive.
    But hey we are team 1 we go for it till the last minute of the week right? And the challenge takes 8 weeks so there will be revenge time to ;) Our human body is not made to do over 4.5 hours workout everyday 8 weeks long so I think there will be a moment that a few fall of the wagon.
    Hahahahah me competentive ??? (I don't know if this is good written) sorry yes I am it keeps me focussed and try to get always the best out of myself.

    Have a wonderful day everybody don't forget to smile you will be amazed what you get back from others.


  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    @wolvinnetje Thank you for the positive encouragement to start the day! Let's do this people!