

  • mswanger09
    mswanger09 Posts: 863 Member
    @MissionEnforcer , I did give my intro but not sure what I did had enough of a description of where I live. I live in Reading which is a nice distance from a lot of cool places for day trips.(I know said that.) there isn't too much to say about my hometown, we are currently on the bottom end of a downward swing economically, but you can sees sings of improvement and people are starting to care about the city again. We are known for pretzels and our "nickname" is Baseball(not sure who voted on that)! We are home of the AA affiliation for the Philadelphia Phillies.(Yup, I can watch their players from the early stages but not really a Phillies fan.) However, from 1933-1964-the AA Red Sox called Reading home. My dad worked part time at the stadium and got to meet and talk to some of the guys who made it to the bigs.

    Also @MissionEnforcer, I have friended my team.

    Hope everyone is having a good day! My minutes will be low over today and tomorrow but hoping for some big weekend numbers.
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    How is it possible that when you want to have the same two runs that one day you have the idea that you can run another 30 min and the other day you are out of breath after 5 min run and I mean really out of breath (my hrm gives 175bpm!!!!)
    Do I something wrong or is that normal?
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    Hi everybody. @celtikgirl Good luck this weekend!!! So cool that you would get your sisters in on the challenge fun. Maybe they are future teammates ;)@wolvinnetje so agree with starting the day out in the right frame of mind. It also works with eating. If I eat junk early, forget it, I have a hard time all day! Got my morning workout it. Lots of rain in the forecast for the next couple of days. Birthday dinner celebrations for different family members tonight and tomorrow. I will try to squeeze in more minutes when I can!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member

    We're so proud of you, @celtikgirl! Have fun! :)
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    @wolvinnetje : Your fun pictures and sayings always start my day in the right mood! Hugs and smiles back to you! <3
    @katharmonic: Your description of the drumming was about the funniest I've ever read! :D
    @mckelfam: Have a great hike at Point Reyes! Do your fur babies get to go too?
    @cardbucfan: Hope you are having a fab trip!
    @mamaelf2008: Cool shirt!! B)
    @AlethaMary, @GSXRGIRL61, @TamiJo1004; your numbers are spurring me on! Your enthusiasm is contagious! And of course, @120maggie, I always try my best to keep pace with you! :)
    @ka97: You still impress with your determination to keep going even while injured! I can't wait to see how you like the drumming! ;) Let's get @tonilogan on board and our Team will be complete! @dtplow is a Friday/Saturday logger, so no worries there.
    @leti126: You need to put your "10" on the spreadsheet! You've completed Challenge #1 so give yourself credit!

    All the beautiful pictures of where y'all live are wonderful!! Of course, I love the furbaby pictures too! Thank you for posting them! I can "travel" while the temperature climbs to 95 degrees today! I think heading up to Newfoundland & visiting @ashleereign sounds good right about now! When the boss isn't looking of course. :o

    @mswanger09: We'll have to start looking for a place to hold our Friday night party in Iceland! I'm pretty positive we will arrive by tonight! I haven't looked for an Icelandic bartender yet, but I bet there are some mighty fine ones there! ;)

    @Vowder: Keep that blue ribbon handy! B)

    Don't forget everyone: once we arrive in Iceland, we still get 10 points for every 10% we go over the 5621 miles (every 562 minutes/miles after we reach Iceland equals 10 more points!)

    Let's show them who we are and finish the first leg in First Place!! :)B):)
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Goodmorning All,


    :) A good start to a day is very important. If you are in a positive frame of mind in the morning than you are very likely to have a productive day :)

    What a beautiful places do you have in the USA it is really amazing to see here everything is flat and green.
    On the other hand we have no snakes....spiders..sharks.....wild scary animals etc for me as a scary harry it is very important.
    @celtikgirl the coffee is warm ;) Rotterdam is about 170km from were I live so in usa distance is that a piece of cake.
    Come with hawkins she has also friends in Holland.....hahahahah yeahhh we are friendly people lol.......
    We are not at position 1 yet....... missionenforcer had to check all the challenges in the other teams and will find them positive we are all positive.
    But hey we are team 1 we go for it till the last minute of the week right? And the challenge takes 8 weeks so there will be revenge time to ;) Our human body is not made to do over 4.5 hours workout everyday 8 weeks long so I think there will be a moment that a few fall of the wagon.
    Hahahahah me competentive ??? (I don't know if this is good written) sorry yes I am it keeps me focussed and try to get always the best out of myself.

    Have a wonderful day everybody don't forget to smile you will be amazed what you get back from others.


    What wonderful encouragement from our little Belgium!!
  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    How is it possible that when you want to have the same two runs that one day you have the idea that you can run another 30 min and the other day you are out of breath after 5 min run and I mean really out of breath (my hrm gives 175bpm!!!!)
    Do I something wrong or is that normal?

    I don't know my dear, I don't run!!! But I can do the same LS workout 2 days in a row and feel differently after each day. Maybe some of it has to do with your frame of mind.
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    @mamaelf2008 ...thxxx sis I think you are right that it is mentally and the hrm is a reaction from it ....weird things human body's
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    How is it possible that when you want to have the same two runs that one day you have the idea that you can run another 30 min and the other day you are out of breath after 5 min run and I mean really out of breath (my hrm gives 175bpm!!!!)
    Do I something wrong or is that normal?

    Yep, it's normal. Some runs just suck! And some runs are so amazingly awesome!!! Sometimes you can attribute it to sleep patterns, weather, time of day, nutrition. But sometimes there's just no obvious reason. Just remember all runners have crappy runs sometimes, and you just have to get through it. And then appreciate the really good ones!

    @hawkins410 I do not like the drumming. I did have to do some creative modification because there is no jumping, hopping, turning, pivoting, etc. on my ankle right now. But generally speaking, I don't like exercise videos. And I don't like choreographed workouts. So nope, not a fan of the drumming.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Team 5 has completed the first leg!
    We need to show them who's the boss! lc218a9y8g94.png
    Just saying! :D
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    @hawkins410 I do not like the drumming. I did have to do some creative modification because there is no jumping, hopping, turning, pivoting, etc. on my ankle right now. But generally speaking, I don't like exercise videos. And I don't like choreographed workouts. So nope, not a fan of the drumming.
    That's my girl! :D
    So, if we dance next week, you'd prefer it outside?
    With modifications of course?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Hey all! Busy day today with lots of walking! Tomorrow I will get the videos done and do lots more walking so should be able to put up some big numbers the next two days. Then Sunday will be the long drive back with no minutes. And I drank so much water today I almost had to make use of an alley on our walk back from dinner :blush: . I think I should get extra points for doing 45 minutes of walking in heels (25 of that needing a restroom!)
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    Hey guys every little bit helps in the awesome team effort. So even if you only have time for a quick 10 minutes of activity-- go for it. Your body will thank you. It is all about being healthy!!
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 5,010 Member
    ka97 wrote: »
    @hawkins410 I do not like the drumming. I did have to do some creative modification because there is no jumping, hopping, turning, pivoting, etc. on my ankle right now. But generally speaking, I don't like exercise videos. And I don't like choreographed workouts. So nope, not a fan of the drumming.

    I have to say Kim I had a flash to Green Eggs and Ham when I read this. Not on a boat not with a goat in the rain or on a train. I do not like exercise videos Sam I am. Knowing @hawkins410 I think you have sent her on a quest to find something to suit you!!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Not sure the scale is going to be kind to me tomorrow. A client invited me to lunch and selected a Chinese buffet. Not the first choice for a low card high fat diet. Then tonight I went to a scheduled dinner with my business partner and spouses. Brutal on for weight loss... but fun.

    It always feels like two steps forward 1.5 steps back. At least I got a 65-minute workout in today and then I'll have my 20-minute walk tonight with my wife.

    I'll do the drumming this weekend. Water isn't a problem because I drink so much on my treadmill days.

    Anyway... that's my update. We are doing well... let's keep it going! I have to remember that this is a journey not an event.

  • Grandmaelf2008
    Grandmaelf2008 Posts: 599 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    Not sure the scale is going to be kind to me tomorrow. A client invited me to lunch and selected a Chinese buffet. Not the first choice for a low card high fat diet. Then tonight I went to a scheduled dinner with my business partner and spouses. Brutal on for weight loss... but fun.

    It always feels like two steps forward 1.5 steps back. At least I got a 65-minute workout in today and then I'll have my 20-minute walk tonight with my wife.

    I'll do the drumming this weekend. Water isn't a problem because I drink so much on my treadmill days.

    Anyway... that's my update. We are doing well... let's keep it going! I have to remember that this is a journey not an event.

    You are doing great @Vowder. We didn't put it on overnight so it don't come off overnight. Slow and easy gets you to where you're going. Enjoy your time and just watch your portions.

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job!!
  • LeoLivingByDesign
    LeoLivingByDesign Posts: 90 Member
    GSXRGIRL61 wrote: »
    Do we have to have the drumming done immediately or can it wait till the weekend? Is this about the team that gets the leg done the fastest? I'm going for between 180 and 200 minutes per day, but I may not be able to drum until Friday or Saturday.

    I plan to do mine on the weekend too. I have a lot more time then.
  • LeoLivingByDesign
    LeoLivingByDesign Posts: 90 Member
    Vowder wrote: »
    Not sure the scale is going to be kind to me tomorrow. A client invited me to lunch and selected a Chinese buffet. Not the first choice for a low card high fat diet. Then tonight I went to a scheduled dinner with my business partner and spouses. Brutal on for weight loss... but fun.

    It always feels like two steps forward 1.5 steps back. At least I got a 65-minute workout in today and then I'll have my 20-minute walk tonight with my wife.

    I'll do the drumming this weekend. Water isn't a problem because I drink so much on my treadmill days.

    Anyway... that's my update. We are doing well... let's keep it going! I have to remember that this is a journey not an event.

    You are doing great @Vowder. We didn't put it on overnight so it don't come off overnight. Slow and easy gets you to where you're going. Enjoy your time and just watch your portions.

    Everyone is doing a fantastic job!!

    @Vowder I agree with Theresa, also as long as we concentrate on the 1/2 step forward, we'll always be winners!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    Good morning all!
    @Vowder I agree with Theresa and Lisa. It's called life and if we don't bend the rules sometimes we are more prone to drop off completely. This I know from experience!
    @cardbucfan Way to go! You should! I can't barely walk in heels at all.
    @mamaelf2008 Thank you for the encouragement for us all!
    Have a great day everyone! Let's crush it!