Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    I watched Hamilton on my ipad. I even turned off the time out, assuming that was the issue without any luck. I could use the PS4 or the roku, perhaps with better luck. But I watch everything else from the ipad.

    I did find an app for it. I bet that works better.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been taking my blood pressure weekly since I got my new scale. The scale doesn't take it but I dug out the machine I bought a while back. It's been going down a bit each week. I'm now at 108/68.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    So finally back from running errands. Grocery shopping and picking up an order from Target. I wanted to get some more Yasso bars and no one seems to have them other than ones dh and I don't like (sea salt caramel). Oh well.

    I did get a great 'run' in. It felt so wonderful to just run. My legs and abs are pretty sore from my HIIT workout and Stretch and Roll class yesterday. Clearly I haven't done enough of that! I was hoping the walk/run would loosen them up and alleviate the soreness but, nope, it's still there making it difficult to sit down, especially on the toilet 😜
    @quilteryoyo asked on my newsfeed how I could tell when the PM was pacing so here is a cut/paste from Strava. The red line is my HR and you can see how flat it is - that is when it is pacing at the max (130). I was amazed at how great it felt to run and not struggle. Technically my HR could go higher than 130 if it wanted to but the PM will only push it to 130. You can also see where it dropped on the last run up the hill, I could tell it was no longer pacing me as it felt more difficult. I also found it strange that it was so high when we started out. I could feel it and had no reason for it other than it felt surprisingly hot in the sun when it was only 68F. I don't think that would make my HR go up so high. It will be pretty interesting to see how this thing adapts over time to my activity requirements.
    @bearly63 asked a while back if the PM was flat or did it stick out. It is flat but there is a lump and I can feel it under my skin, especially the edges of it. I guess if I had known I could have asked to have it implanted further down in the muscle so it wouldn't show much. I am thinking that would hurt worse though and might cause issues with how the muscles work/move.

    @RunsOnEspresso - 108/68 is right where you want it to be! Was it much higher before?
    @quilteryoyo - glad the mechanic found the part and dad will get his trusty truck back!
    @Elise4270 have you considered contacting Disney about the issue or looking to see if they have some tips or something that might help?
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber It's usually between 115 and 120. Of course it goes over 120 on at the doctor's (which is why I bought a home test).

    The PM sounds like it sits a lot like my bc implant except mine is in my arm. It's flat but I can feel the edges. Sometimes it startles me when I forget it's there and touch my arm 🤣
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I hope I get to the point that I forget the PM is there!
    My BP is always really high at the doctor's office. They have noted in my chart now - 'white coat syndrome' because it is never that high at home and once in a while it will be normal at the doctor's office too. My PCP a long while ago wanted to put me on BP medication and I resisted. He asked me to get a cuff and test at home which I did and he agreed no medication was necessary. Now I have one with an app that keeps all the history and I can show the log to them.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Mine has an app too but I deleted it. I just manually enter into the withings app.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My BP was 108/60 yesterday at the docs. After 2 cups of coffee? hmm... At the hospital I think it was 110/65, mostly all doped up. I am sure it's really 130/80 most of the time because I am so sedentary.

    Pizza for dinner. I am hoping to turn in a bit early. I'm tired. DH wanted to run out to pay respects to Alex this evening. I was so happy to go that I forgot to grab my crutches, then we went to the store... I think my leg is broke. It kinda hurts.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 probably not broke. I couldn't even put any weight on mine
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    @elise4270 probably not broke. I couldn't even put any weight on mine

    Oh it is broke-ish. They re did the femur osteotomy July 1st. Bone cut in half and reoriented 20 degrees, new rod cemented in and screws. Dh was teasing me "why are you limping, what's the matter with you?". Lol! Derp forgot crutches...
    I think you can see where they cut it...
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @elise4270 probably not broke. I couldn't even put any weight on mine

    Oh it is broke-ish. They re did the femur osteotomy July 1st. Bone cut in half and reoriented 20 degrees, new rod cemented in and screws. Dh was teasing me "why are you limping, what's the matter with you?". Lol! Derp forgot crutches...
    I think you can see where they cut it...

    Some nice healing happening!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber That's an interesting graphic of your HR. I wonder how it decides when to pace to 130. I would think that going up the hill it would have been higher, not lower. I guess that is part of the adaptive process. I should get dad a Garmin or something, just so I can see what his does. It would be interesting. I don't think his adapts. His just kicks in when he has pauses in beating, I think. I was wondering how high your's sticks up. Dad's is very obvious.

    I have been taking HBP medicine for a few years. Last doctor's appointment, we halved the dose. I go again tomorrow and hope I can stop it all together. I do have the added issue of the aortic aneurysm, so they don't want it to be high at all. I was supposed to be taking my BP at home, but have been woefully bad at that. I just forget to do it. Normally runs around 110/70, but has been as high as 130/80. So, we'll see tomorrow.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Weight was up a tad this morning. Will not freak out yet.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited July 2020
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @elise4270 probably not broke. I couldn't even put any weight on mine

    Oh it is broke-ish. They re did the femur osteotomy July 1st. Bone cut in half and reoriented 20 degrees, new rod cemented in and screws. Dh was teasing me "why are you limping, what's the matter with you?". Lol! Derp forgot crutches...
    I think you can see where they cut it...

    Some nice healing happening!

    Yes! at 3 weeks! it is awesome! last time it took 3 months to see that much healing.

    @shanaber I don't know if you remember the conversation with Kevin (MobyCarp) regarding the initial spike in HR. So many of is would see it in our garmin data. The suspicion was that the HRM didn't have good contact until you worked up a sweat. But it does look like that may be a normal physiological response to the demand of running. The body doesn't know if you're exercising or running from a lion, my guess it's priming the system of sorts. Be interesting if you see it regularly.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all

    @shanaber sorry to hear that your DD didn't get the job. That sucks! I often have crackers, cheese and salami...and will throw in some olives and pretent like I am somewhere in the Mediterranean. We also do that for dinner when I don't feel like cooking. I am nosher....prefer to have small variety than a big heavy 3 course meal. Glad you got a run in....slowly but surely your coming back! That PM technology is fascinating. Glad its feeling good.

    @quilteryoyo great news about your cousin and I hope the car gets fixed. And how awesome would it be to go off your HBP meds....that is an accomplishment

    @Elise4270 Yeah...Hamilton is sad. But wasn't that King of England absolutely hysterical....he stole the show. That xray is amazing....glad its healing.

    Went to the follow up with the endocrinologist yesterday. I feel a little bad as I was worked up. All my labs were good....thyroid, great. Not losing calcium to my urine. My D levels are actually too high so I am not going to take it for a month and then only 3 times a week. My BP came it at 130/80. I am a white coat syndrome gal too but I did buy a very cool home BP monitor that is electronic. Need to start checking it.

    Bottom line? My bone density it stable, slightly improved. Still have osteopenic levels in my hip. However, my stupid Frax score is 24% and since I supposedly have a stress fracture in my hip, she says that I am osteoporotic. Lies....I tell you.!! Not really but I am trying to ignore it. Of course she wants me to go on some bone building drug that is an injection daily for 18 months. Then I go on some bone sustaining drug.....Then I check into a home. I do not do me that is just a slide down a long hill.....after my tantrum, I told her I would go home and research it....and she is going to have to get it approved by my insurance. Then we will have to sell the house because I am sure its only for the rich. I have low hopes of this so its probably a moot point. The rewards have to outweigh the risks....and there are plenty. But breaking a hip is deadly so thats an issue. Ok done venting about my health. I will not stop working out so I will go get another MRI after my vacation so he cannot tell me I can't hike.

    Food: Eggs and spinach for breakfast. Dinner - chicken and salad.

    Exercise: Run, upper body toning and then a ride tonight....

    Weighed in at 136.8 - lowest ever since before my loss. No idea why as I had 3 tacos last night latish. I.Do.Not.Understand.Weight

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ugh @bearly63 I am sorry to hear the not so great news with the hip and bone. I hope the biologic med isn't expensive, if that's what you decide to do. Only thing I can suggest is so look ahead 10-15-20 years and do the best you can to manage or head it off. I don't think giving up exercise is a good idea, it is suppose to be the best way to thwart bone loss. Glad the weight is down. I swear every time I ate candy bar, then next day my weight was down. Starve for 3 days? oh its up 4.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @bearly63 Glad your numbers look good. I would avoid the osteoporosis medicine too, if possible. Mom took it for a while and it really started to make her feel awful. The doctor told her her symptoms weren't side affects of the drug, but funny how they stopped when she quit taking it. Of course, that was years ago, so they may have something better by now. Yeah for the weight loss. I was the exact same weight this morning. :love:

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Wow! You all have been busy! I read through but don't have time to say much. I'm very busy with school work and just no time to check in. Mostly scheduling changes, but also prepping for teachers to get back, and figuring out how to identify the kids who are home, moving schedules around... it's all so crazy! This is one year when I can't wait for school to start. Some co-workers and I have some little side bets going on how fast the kids will all be home. I guessed 9/4. I don't know why - just picked it.

    Weight is still around 147-148 each day. Doing my RunBet runs and haven't gotten a lifting in yet this week and tomorrow doesn't look good. This will all pass soon!

    And now... there is a tropical storm they expect to be a hurricane heading toward Florida. At least we don't own the condo, yet. Usually they predict it wrong and they go up the gulf or out to sea but now it appears to be heading right for it.

    2020, you can go now. I'll check back this weekend!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    hmmm - thought I responded here. Pretty sure I did but maybe I didn't actually hit 'Post'.
    The pacemaker ability to 'learn' and adjust is all pretty fascinating to me. I keep reading the info on it from the manufacturer's website but I don't portend to really understand how it works. They intend that it will react even to emotional stress just like your heart would normally.
    @Elise4270 - I have not seen a spike like that previously at least not at the beginning of an activity like when I was walking like this but it is easy to watch.
    That is great that you are healing so much better/faster this go round! Any idea why?
    @bearly63 - well those results are certainly mixed. I am not a proponent of taking medications either but I like @Elise4270's advice of looking at the future. I would want to know the difference long term between the medication and doing more weight bearing workouts. I don't understand weight either... mine never seems to react the way I think it will and nothing seems to affect it as I think it should like lower calories, more protein, less protein, etc., etc..

    @ddmom0811 - I saw the storm on the news tonight, hope it stays away from you and especially the condo!

    My weight is down a tiny bit but still hanging right around 150. I really would like to start seeing a downward trend again. Am hopeful once I start running more maybe but who knows. I did have Costco soft serve this morning for breakfast 😂 so who knows. This is what happens when I go shopping before having breakfast. Thank goodness they don't have samples any longer! I also bought snacky things I normally wouldn't have.
    Tonight was our Panera night and salads were perfect for this hot night!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Hey all....Happy Friday.

    Thanks for letting me vent. This doctor is pretty good and she knows that I know what's up and where I stand re fitness etc. I just want to make sure that she is not suggesting a drug unless it's really a reward that outweighs the risks. I need to find some people who have been on it. I am so afraid to google it and get totally freaked out by all the stuff I am sure to find. So I shall ignore and deny for a while longer. And lift some heavier weights.

    Did a good endurance ride to work on fitness and endurance. Making pizza for dinner.

    @Elise4270 Thanks for your advice....looking ahead is the key.....and man that chick is wrinkley but still rocking the bikini!

    @quilteryoyo Which one was your mom on? There is one class that got a lot of bad press as it started causing major bone breaks. My mom was walking across the kitchen and her ankle just snapped. I know that I am not my mom...she was not nearly as active. But that is what freaks me out.

    @ddmom0811 hope your schedule settles down and you get your workout in. And the storm is less than they expect. Not a good time. The 2020 bingo card is just a disaster....

    @shanaber I get the impression that due to my age etc, and since I have been doing weight bearing workouts, that that alone will not do it. But that will be one of my searches and questions. Haha....softserve for breakfast. If I go to the store hungry, I bring home all kinds of less than healthy choices!

    @RunsOnEspresso Can you tell me again where that scooby race sign up is?