Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. That has to be an awful experience. Such a young child. I wish I could offer you help but I'm at a loss. Sending you lots of love.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Avidkeo That is so sad about the boy passing. I can see how that would put you in a spiral. Glad you are doing better. Nothing wrong with therapy. I'm sure talking out your feelings about things would help.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Birthday cheesecake has zero calories, right?! I had a big piece tonight and it is really good. I entered in a similar recipe, don't have the exact one he used, and a piece the size I ate was 690 calories! Yikes! Guess I need to reserve that for days when I do long runs.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I signed up for the Scooby Doo race - 5K. Will we all get the buff if there are 15, or just you? It doesn't really matter either way. Just wondering.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @quilteryoyo Every one on the team gets a buff
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Weight was up again this week. Sigh. I hope it's because I ate everything in sight & didn't work out over the weekend because of being glutened.

    I'm back to working out & watching food so 🤞🏻 for next week!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @Avidkeo very sorry to hear that about your patient. And totally makes sense to be in that much unknown and uncontrollable right now. Therapy sounds like a great plan....

    @quilteryoyo Of course birthday anything is calorie free....or at least guilt free. It's a universal rule.

    I made the NYT sheet pan baked feta and was good. Lots of flavor. I will keep that recipe for sure.

    Today, just stretching, yoga and some arm work. Need to take a day off and see if my femur/hip issue feels better. I plan to make an appt today for when we get back.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I have the stuff to put chicken caccatorie in the IP. I know I won't regret it if I can muster the energy to trick myself in to dumping the ingredients in and pushing a button, chopping onion and bell too.

    We acknowledged that the other exists and contemplated a meeting.

    Book issue squared away. I returned the books from the publisher and picked up the bundled set from the bookstore. Waiting 6-8 weeks for my refund. It was announced yesterday that even though classes resume the 17th, blackboard will be open the 10th so that we may access assignments due the first week... Probably a good thing. I can chip away at stuff and gear back up for the demand of the following 16 weeks.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks guys. Yesterday was a much better day. I'm just ticking along now.

    Been 2 weeks since I re-injured my injury, and it's still niggly and annoying. I think its going to be a while before I'm back running. Had to cancel my events this week which was hard. But that OK. I look forward to getting back to it over our summer. I'm going to build up slowly and will aim to do Auckland marathon in a year.

    For now it's cycling - I hate the bike I have, it's awful. But I'm stuck with it for a while. I'm going to buy one, but not this one.

    Food has been good, and given period is due this week I'm surprised.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @avidkeo - I am so sorry about the little boy. I can't imagine dealing with that especially with kids at home! {{HUGS}} How long did they initially say for the torn tendons to heal?
    @quilteryoyo - we've all had days like that and I think birthday cheesecake has to be eaten!
    @elise4270 - I hope school will help by giving you something you have to focus on.
    @bearly63 - where are you going on vacation? Oh also the Apple fire is out near Oak Glen and Yucaipa. Still growing and not much contained.
    @RunsOnEspresso - I signed up for the Scooby race too. I was excited they are sponsoring St Jude. I think the hospital does some pretty great things for kids there.

    I also signed up for the eRace Racism virtual race that @rheddmobile mentioned in the challenge. I signed up for the 200 mile challenge (each runner does 100) and am excited to get it done. So I now have 4 races to complete between now and the end of September.

    Had a disastrous day that just came off the rails... suffice it to say Hilde had a bathroom leak in a bathroom she never uses that flooded her house. She was completely unaware. Dh noticed the puddle in her other bathroom because she had left the hot water running and forgotten about it. We spent hours sopping up water, arranging for a plumber and calming her down. She also had issues with her patio doors so we called one of our favorite handy guys who fixed it and some other things around her house. Tomorrow we will be dealing with the insurance and hopefully they will send out the restoration team. They will likely have to take out some portion of several walls, the vanity and wall in her bathroom (water came through it from the other bathroom and bedroom) and replace a good portion of her hard wood floor. It also ruined a night stand and her primary dresser. <sigh>

    Fortunately I got a run in before all of the drama started and we got salads from Panera for dinner. Weight is oh so slowly trending down after jumping up again (down, down, down then up 2.5, now down 1...). Consistency... I need to keep telling myself that. Also tomorrow I am set free - 6 weeks post surgery and I am able to do anything I like so I am going to start back building up with my weights again.
    Finally I think I mentioned here previously about Handful for sports bras and other fitness clothes. I ordered a couple of different bras to try and found this one that is awesome! If anyone is interested I can get you $10 off.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @shanaber thanks. they have said 6weeks to 3 months. what a day for you!! crazy!

    OK so I'm definitely not buying this exercise bike. mostly because the sales person is an *kitten*. I have found the "recovery" button doesn't work properly. I have hired this bike to try it out, and have a week to decide if I'm going to buy it. Well I called the sales person to ask about the button. his response (paraphrase) "who uses that button? just get off and walk around, like we used to in ancient days when out hunting"

    So AH yah. they aren't getting my money. I Was Just stunned
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    edited August 2020
    @shanaber Glad you got your run in before the drama started. Water damage can be so bad. I hope the insurance cooperates without an issues. I'm glad you and your husband are there to help Hilde out. She is lucky to have you. (Can you remind me of your relationship with her? Relative or friend? I can't recall.) Yeah for being set free to do anything you feel like! It's exciting to get back to normal.

    @Avidkeo That's a crazy response when they are supposed to be trying to sale something. I wouldn't buy it either. Sorry it didn't work out. So you have another one in mind to try?

    @shanaber I hope the bra works out for you. I think that is the one that I bought and I can't wear it. Of course, I have found I am no good at measuring myself for a bra as I seem to order them too small. This one was tight when I tried it on, but I thought it would be okay. However, after running in it a couple of times, it's going into the donate pile. Mine has a mesh on the inside at the bottom of the cup. That rubs and make the worst chaff on my breast. And, I have decided it's too small. I ordered a Brooks on the other day. Again, I think it's a little small, but worked well on a 3 mile run. I really need to get measured by a professional.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber Thank you!

    @Avidkeo Ugh, what an asshat response. I would be taking it back right now. And I'd probably mention the reason why (asshat sales person).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I am glad all was taken care of, or will be for Hilde. I can imagine having no real control and finding yourself in a jam. She is lucky to have you and DH.

    I bought 5 thirdlove bras of various sizes and styles, and kept one (30day returns, even worn and washed). But since I've gained weight nothing fits and rides up or fits poor enough I have tenderness. @quilteryoyo I have a terrible time fitting bras too. If I do the measurements I get 32 D,34D, 36C (the bra finders give me different sizes from different places), most 36B's fit- sorta. I think I might be a B 1/2. Which is hard to find. Seems in this day and age a bra could be made that is comfortable. I asked DH for a breast reduction so I'd never have to wear a bra again, he balked. LOL! I tried.

    DD said Maurice's (women's shop) has sandles 15-20$ and the store is next to a sports store. I could venture out and find shoes and a few cheaper UA bras. "could"

    @Avidkeo I can't believe the bike ordeal. I'd be sure to add an ever so honest review, publicly or a customer service satisfaction survey if it's offered. I hope you can work with a new sales person, or outlet and find the right bike for you.

    @RunsOnEspresso I really like that "asshat" wasn't censored! haha!


    Made caccatorie yesterday, ate ice cream and a roast beef sandwich. I guess I don't like lunch meat anymore. Today? There is frozen breaded cod in there. mmm.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 HAH I didn't even notice that. Good to know LOL

    RE: Bras - I am curious about third love. I am going to need new regular bras at some point soonish. I remember one time I looked at a ton of different sites and used their measurements and I was about every size from 38A - 30DD or something. It was ridiculous. No wonder women can't get a good fitting bra because every place has their own idea of what X measurement equals. When I actually try on bras the ones that seem to fit me best are 36 or 38 B, depending on brand and style. In the same brand I have two different styles, same size. One the cup fits great, the other style the cups stick out a bit at the top. Ugh such a hassle.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270 HAH I didn't even notice that. Good to know LOL

    RE: Bras - I am curious about third love. I am going to need new regular bras at some point soonish. I remember one time I looked at a ton of different sites and used their measurements and I was about every size from 38A - 30DD or something. It was ridiculous. No wonder women can't get a good fitting bra because every place has their own idea of what X measurement equals. When I actually try on bras the ones that seem to fit me best are 36 or 38 B, depending on brand and style. In the same brand I have two different styles, same size. One the cup fits great, the other style the cups stick out a bit at the top. Ugh such a hassle.

    I will say that with returns and replacements I did find a size and style that was acceptable, be even better if I lose a few pounds since I seem to gain mostly in the armpits/bra area. I started with their suggestions, but honestly I have no idea my breast shape so that's was hit and miss. But if something didn't fit, there were follow up questions as to why; band too tight, shape, gaping at the top etc. and then suggested alternate styles and sizes. So at least I know where I can spend $60-70 on a bra that is acceptable. I'd recommend them if you are having a hard time with sizes and can be patient between shipments and exchange. I think every brand I've ever had of anything, there are fit differences in the same size and style. Simply maddening.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I hate buying bras too... Nothing has ever seemed to fit right. I remember getting fitted once (long time ago) and the woman telling me I was essentially wasting her time. Just buy one in a box, you are so small it doesn't matter which one. I actually bought 2 Handful bras to wear as regular bras now because I like how they fit and they are super soft. I guess someone might wear them as sports bras but they have regular straps and aren't really supportive for running or HIIT or anything like that. They say to order by t-shirt size but I looked to see what they sizes really mean to make sure. My dd has a horrible time finding bras, especially sports bras because she is so big. She tells me all the time that I just don't understand and she is absolutely correct. When she is older (post kid bearing age) she would like to get a reduction. She has talked about it since she was in HS.

    @avidkeo - I hate when sales people are so rude. What are they thinking? Also talked to a neighbor yesterday and found out his dad and stepmom live in NZ and they are thinking about moving there because of all the issues here. They have 7 kids (ages 2-15) and homeschool and think would be better there with the bonus of being near his parents to help as they are aging.
    @elise4270 - I think you should go get yourself a cute pair of sandals and check out the sports store sales too! You know you are going to need a few new things for school 😁 yes I am enabling and living vicariously since we can't really go anywhere to shop yet.

    Food - nothing yet this morning, getting ready to run. I made granola last night so will have that with my yogurt later. Dinner plans are to grill sausage to mix in with with red beans and rice and probably a salad or green beans. I am going to make peach cobbler or crumble too if we have enough peaches left. They are just so delicious. I may have to go get another box.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Thanks for the info on third love @shanaber. I think I'll check them out when I finally give in & buy new ones.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I'm sadly stuck with the bike for another 8 weeks. I got it as a 12 week hire, and have the option to buy within 4 weeks and all my hire payments to toward the cost of the bike. I'm glad I went that path, I nearly just went ill just buy it. Haha. So I'm using the next few weeks to shop around. I've found one I really like for around 700. Technically I'll spend 200 (360usd ish) on this as a hire (things in NZ are really expensive) and then still spend 700 on another bike. But I consider that 200 as a cheap cost to try something and realise I don't like it, so get something you actually like a fair cost. Now waiting for my credit card to do a 6m interest free offer haha

    On bras, I only buy 1 type now and I know my size so am happy buying them on line. Its a UK brand called Berli. I am a smaller chest with a large breasts - I think 32E haha. So finding bras in my size is not easy.

    On that note, I decided to try some period undies! I have a moon up but have a very heavy flow to start and it can leak overnight, so thought some period undies would help that situation. Last night my period decided to show at 2am. Was so nice just grabbing a pair uf undies and putting them on that faffing with anything else.

    So if anyone is interested, I'll give updates lol. I got the mobibody brand that's been all over my fb feed lol.

    For food, I've tracked 5 days in a row now, weight is back under 70kg. The binge urges have been better the last week. Last night I kept getting the urge when I got home from work, but knew it was because I was hungry. It was 7pm,so was having a late dinner. The urges eased once I ate proper food.

    One day at a time.