Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber I don't think there is an agency that will tell someone they can't live by themselves. It would be really hard to make that determination since everyone is different and has different support. I once helped talk a neighbor into going to the hospital. She was pitiful and living in horrible conditions because she really couldn't get up and do anything. Her niece was taking her food or she wouldn't have been able to eat. No one else could convince her she needed to go to the doctor. We were afraid she would refuse treatment or that they would say she could go back home. I asked a friend what we could do about that and she said, if she did refuse treatment to tell the hospital that she lived by herself and that I wasn't going to take her back home. Then they would have no choice but to keep her. Fortunately, it didn't come to that. They did put her in the hospital. Her niece brought her clock from home for the wall and she thought she was home. Unfortunately, she passed away about a week later, but at least she was clean and being taken care of.

    I hope you can convince her that she needs to get the work done and that the best thing to do is stay in a hotel for a couple of weeks. As for assisted living....I was going to say maybe you could contact one and see if she could come and spend some time during the day to see what it is like, do some activities, etc. But, with CoVID I'm sure that isn't possible. It's just a tough situation.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Is there an Adult Protective Service there? I know they usually deal with abuse, but might know of some options.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I think it's really hard to get someone into a place without their consent. Probably would need some sort of medical power of attorney.

    Ugh, bad weekend. I got my period Sunday and spent the day in bed. Yesterday I went into work and was exhausted when I got home. So no workout. I didn't track Sunday but I had cookies and cupcakes all day. Not good choices.

    I hopped on the bike this morning for 30 minutes. And plan to do weights at lunch. I got eating back on track yesterday. Not looking forward to Thursday weigh in but it's no one's fault but my own.

    Oh, I started a running podcast. The name is my user name and can be found on several apps like Spotify and Stitcher. I'm not sure about Apple. It hasn't said approved yet.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @runs_on_espresso ohhh I hope I can find it on runcasts!

    Welly anxiety ramped up last night. After 102 days without a community case, NZ had 4 positive tests yesterday - all the same family. The prime minister found out at 4pm. At 930pm she announced that the country is back at a level 2 lockdown (social distance, stay home if you can) and Auckland, the city where the cases are, is level 3 - basically essential services only, food outlets can do takeaway but pretty much stay home.

    It's only for a few days so the health authorities can get a handle in things and figure out where these cases came from - at the moment they have no idea - but the feeling is it will last longer, likely a couple of weeks.

    I know complaining to you guys is a bit of a slap on the face, given the relative situations. It was so easy to get relaxed! Now we face severe lockdown again. I get why and I fully support it. There are shining examples around the world of what happens if we don't. I can't help feel frustrated and annoyed.

    Anyway enough about rona. Bike this morning, then work. Food all planned, nothing excited, muesli and yoghurt for lunch, Thai Red coconut curry for dinner. Fruit for snacks. And a lot of coffee I suspect.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo You can feel anxious about corona. Most of us realize how badly the US has handled this lol

    I wonder where the family got it from? Seems strange but then again some of our earliest cases in AZ seemed to be one family with no outside place they got it from.

    I don't know what runcasts is. I'll have to look into that.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I posted this in the running challenge but I read this morning that one of the family members had been out of the country. Maybe that was just an assumption?

    Hilde is warming to the idea of going to a Residence Inn type hotel (will absolutely not agree to any kind of assisted living situation at this point). She may however need to be out of her house for as long as 2 months. Dh showed her pictures of the rooms from the website even though they don't show the accessible rooms. We are waiting now for the schedule and information from the claims adjuster.

    I got out for my run earlier yesterday and then had agility class with Hobbes last night. By the time class was over I was wiped out. Had thought about running this morning again because it is going to be so hot later this week but I was too tired. So instead I did my 30 min HIIT class followed by a 30 min Stretch and Roll class. We did a stretch with the foam roller I haven't done before where you lay on it lengthwise with it in the middle of your back with your head resting on it. You use your arms to balance and roll from side to side as well as doing big looping circles with your arms. I realized I had a huge knot under my shoulder blade that was causing pain and tightness up into my shoulder and neck. It feels SO much better now!

    Food feels pretty boring right now. I had leftover fajitas last night after class and Greek yogurt this morning. Lunch will be a tuna sandwich and some melon I think. Maybe some cottage cheese too. Dinner - no clue.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @shanaber Glad Hilde is warming up to go to a Residence Inn type hotel. Glad your roll class made you feel better.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Avidkeo I think I figured out what runcasts is LOL Screenshot on the runcasts I found
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Following you on Spotify.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Me too!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    My first one is a little rough. It's a lot harder to do than you would think!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    New x-ray. Kinda cool you can see where the old screw was just above the existing. I circled an area that looks odd to me. It is a spot that hurts. That half of my pelvis would be 1-2 inches higher than the other. It's finally returned to being even. But I wonder if it's wear. I noticed it seemed to catch the docs eye, or I was mistaken and he was looking at something else.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    New x-ray. Kinda cool you can see where the old screw was just above the existing. I circled an area that looks odd to me. It is a spot that hurts. That half of my pelvis would be 1-2 inches higher than the other. It's finally returned to being even. But I wonder if it's wear. I noticed it seemed to catch the docs eye, or I was mistaken and he was looking at something else.

    That's your si joint, and without proper si joint views it's hard to say. Could be a little OA there but it looks mostly normal to me. Nothing jumps out to me. Yeah it's neat when you can see the screw holes. In 20 years, you won't even be able to see them, all going well! Bones are incredible.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I posted this in the running challenge but I read this morning that one of the family members had been out of the country. Maybe that was just an assumption?

    Hilde is warming to the idea of going to a Residence Inn type hotel (will absolutely not agree to any kind of assisted living situation at this point). She may however need to be out of her house for as long as 2 months. Dh showed her pictures of the rooms from the website even though they don't show the accessible rooms. We are waiting now for the schedule and information from the claims adjuster.

    I got out for my run earlier yesterday and then had agility class with Hobbes last night. By the time class was over I was wiped out. Had thought about running this morning again because it is going to be so hot later this week but I was too tired. So instead I did my 30 min HIIT class followed by a 30 min Stretch and Roll class. We did a stretch with the foam roller I haven't done before where you lay on it lengthwise with it in the middle of your back with your head resting on it. You use your arms to balance and roll from side to side as well as doing big looping circles with your arms. I realized I had a huge knot under my shoulder blade that was causing pain and tightness up into my shoulder and neck. It feels SO much better now!

    Food feels pretty boring right now. I had leftover fajitas last night after class and Greek yogurt this morning. Lunch will be a tuna sandwich and some melon I think. Maybe some cottage cheese too. Dinner - no clue.

    Yay that Hilde is open to ideas. Fingers crossed. As for our covid, as was said, no international travel. The current theory is its come in on frozen cargo cause one of the people work in a cold store with imported cargo. Its an interesting prospect.

    Apparently our first cases back in February originated in the US. So um thanks for that 😂😂 I jest. I do find the science of mapping the genome to find the origin is fascinating. we've had to make a few changes to our plans for the students, because we suspect that we will be in almost complete lockdown again, which means they can't be in the department. There were 4 more probable cases today, so 8 now in 24hrs.the next few days are going to be interesting.

    Food was good. No time for anything really. And no real desire or worry about eating so that helps. Appetite is normal. Yay. Long may it last.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    My first one is a little rough. It's a lot harder to do than you would think!

    Can't wait to listen! Added you on runcasts. Now I need to go for a run. D'oh
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Very cool x-ray @Elise4270 . Hope it continues to feel better and better.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo Ya I do have SI joint dysfunction. OA sounds about right.

    I ate so much yesterday and the last of the cookie dough as if it were a popcorn snack to be had with ghost hunting shows. I didn't take the antidepressant yesterday, so I figure that is why I ate so much. I did sleep better with a full belly and not having a dose of insomnia causing antidepressant.
    Today's plans- don't eat to make up for the last few days.

    I am cleared to do zero resistance on the bike and can start gait training with one crutch or my walking poles AKA walking. YAY! I really want to start some resistance training; my upper body is fluffy. Legs have to wait until the bone heals. Doc was agreeable that at some point I may be able to get back to something similar to running. He was impressed with my progress actually said "wow" when I walked sans crutches. Fingers crossed the bone stays where it is. This one was not cemented, he just used a larger rod. It seems to not be exactly where it was initially, but I am hoping that was swelling or attributed post surgical status. Stay leg stay.

    I don't know my lab day still and can't schedule my second hour of violin. So I dropped the violin back to one hour and added an introductory course on Native American Studies. It's becoming a big thing here. So, make me culturally aware. There is a novel to read, and you may remember how much I love reading, I ordered the book on Audiables. LOL! okay, Back to my nursing reading assignments that I have to actually read.

    Text Alex's phone yesterday; "i love you, come back soon"... I just text back as if it had a new owner. Healthy boundaries- she makes me wanna be ugly.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @Elise4270 Yeah for being cleared for some exercise! I hope your leg listens and stays in place. Good luck with school. You do so much. Sorry crazy is still and issue, but you seem to be handling it well.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I am thinking of join a 680 mile virtual relay from Atlanta, GA to Washington, DC, September 21st-27th, 2020. They are recommending teams of 15-20 to complete the 680 miles in 7 days. I don't know that many other women runners to have join a team with me, guess it doesn't have just be women either though. Is anyone else considering running (@RunsOnEspresso)? I am trying to decide if I should try creating a team or just join an existing team...

    From the site - 'Oiselle x Run 4 All Women in the Womxn Run the Vote Relay, a virtual relay from Atlanta, GA to Washington, DC, September 21st-27th, 2020. Teams of 15-20 will virtually cover the 680-mile journey, learn about Civil Rights historic sites and people, and raise money for Black Voters Matter, an organization dedicated to increasing power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities.'
    Full information here:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I haven't looked at it yet. From what you posted it sounds interesting.