Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    edited August 2020
    @shanaber I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it. I see it uses Racery and I'm already doing one. From my understanding it only allows you to do one Racery event at a time 😫

    ETA Oh I looked at the FAQs. It says you can! (I swear before it wouldn't let you)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Do you know if you sign up can you join a group afterwards? I couldn't find it anywhere so I have held off signing up.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    It looks like you have to join or make a team when you register. I went to the registration page but didn't register.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I went ahead and registered and joined the Masters team for now. Hoping I can change if we get our own team going
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Also any exercise counts. Looks like they have a bunch of different things you can log and they will convert to miles, so cycling, swimming, tennis, strength training walking, etc.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I went ahead and registered and joined the Masters team for now. Hoping I can change if we get our own team going

    I can probably join that team. I'll be a masters by the time the week comes.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Just doing a quick check in!
    Things are crazy, but I am enjoying my new job! Well, the half of my job that wasn't teaching. Because of COVID and preparing for kids it's just insanely busy.

    @shanaber - I will join a team and I can probably get DD to do so also. Cool that they take cycling miles! A couple of my cycling friends might do it. No time to look now, but will try tonight or tomorrow.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    All 15 people are registered for the Scooby run. I'll finalize tomorrow and get us on the shipping schedule!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @bearly63 hopefully the oedema is a good sign things are healing. Look after yourself! Enjoy your holiday.

    @shanaber yay for insurance actually doing what it's supposed to do.

    Well in 1hr we find out if the nation goes back into a full lock down. Community spread is apparent, within a few days we are up to 30 cases. Doesn't sound like much but it's spreading far and wide. The government had a difficult decision ahead of them.

    I've been really good eating etc today. Just doing well and sticking to plans. Why can't it always be this easy? Perhaps I've finally settled? Bahaha you watch. In another week, I'll be binging again. I hope not but won't beat myself up if it happens.

    Rode my bike again today. Learning to appreciate it. Don't hate it so much so that's good.

    Working this weekend. Probably be very quiet if we are locked down.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    @ddmom0811 Glad you are enjoying your new job, even if it is crazy right now.

    @RunsOnEspresso Yeah. Happy that there are 15 people your Scooby Doo team. I'm looking forward to getting the buff. It will be my first one.

    @bearly63 Enjoy your vacation! Glad the fracture is healing and you were given the go ahead to continue exercise - especially hiking.

    @Avidkeo So sorry that your CoVID numbers are up. Hopefully it will get back under control soon. We had a local nursing home with 48 cases...10 staff and 38 residents. Last I heard 3 of the residents had passes away.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    So much good news here today; @shanaber Hilde's insurance! and huge congrats to DD landing 2 jobs (about time 2020!- er thank you!), stress fracture healing and a vacation! @bearly63 also stay safe traveling. @Avidkeo Food's on track, you got this, pre-plan and remove those temptations!

    I am so tempted by the scooby doo "running", and may look in to the Racery thing to motivate me to do the cycling or swimming. I am struggling to motivate myself at all with anything. But that could be good since I'm resting and healing. I have clinical's next week and its a 12 hour shift. I have no idea how that's going to go. Dragging a crutch with me for 12 hours is going to be a challenge, probably make sure I have tylenol that day.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    I'm checking in while on hold with the IRS. Got a notice today that I didn't pay my taxes and now owe a penalty. But, I have the canceled check where I did pay in March. It was such a ta-do to get transferred to an actual person, I sure don't want to hang up and try again. They said 15 - 30 minutes. I think it's going to be more like 30. Not how I had planned on spending my afternoon.

    I played singles tennis for almost 2 hours this morning then came home and trimmed trees for a little over an hour. I had intended to work on the trees for a couple of hours, but it started raining, so I had to quit.

    Food has been my normal breakfast - egg, cheese, toast - and a protein bar and Gatorade. I have over 1400 calories I can eat still. I know I won't eat them all. Planning to have a salad and BLT for dinner. Will probably need some sort of snack before then.

    @Elise4270 I hope your clinical's go okay. Hopefully they will cut you some slack since you're on crutches.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo. It'll be interesting... Egg cheese toast sounds good. Last time I ate eggs, it didn't sit with my tummy. Probably all the fat.

    @shanaber I was looking at an MPH in community health, that what your DD has, right? She have any insights to the changing job market in this covid era? It seems to be noble work, the degree is 75K, yikes... hard sell to DH unless I could find a repayment program. The average salary look a bit meager too, less than 50K. I really don't know what I'm dong when I grow up.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,355 Member
    Well, an hour and 15 minutes later, it's all cleared up. I didn't put my entire SS# on the check (apparently they don't keep the payment coupon with the check) so it has been sitting in the "pending" file since early April. It will be transferred into my account, but could take up to 120 days. Seriously? What do those people do? Anyway, she assured me that I won't owe any interest or penalties. Keeping all of my notes with the copy of my tax return, just in case.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @quilteryoyo - I hate dealing with the IRS, truly they are the definition of Bureaucracy! We had an issue regrading a $600 settlement I received when my mom died and it went on for moths. We kept getting letters addressed to 'dear tax payer' so we wrote back 'dear tax collector'. Finally they realized they had screwed up and added a few 0's to my $600 settlement and it was corrected. About that time the state got wind of the supposed issue and it started all over again. Good idea to keep all documentation and take names!

    @elise4270 - Dd's MPH is in international public health but the principles are the same. There are lots of jobs (CA is hiring as all their PH officials are quitting right now) but I think the agencies are largely underfunded. Nobody really thinks it is needed until you have an outbreak of something, or a pandemic. Honestly dd has never worked in the field other than volunteering with the state to help with the covid response. I think it did help her get the primary job though because the background is so important in community health programs. She thinks it will help at some point when she wants to do more administrative work and less clinical. She also taught the state required PH classes last year at her medical school.

    Stress is better today and I went for a hot and humid run of sorts. Parts of it were good and then there just wasn't anything left in the tank and I mostly walked home. Tomorrow I am getting up even earlier to run hopefully 4-5 miles. I still haven't completed my ISS 10k and the weather isn't cooperating much to gt it done ☹️
    I also wasn't hungry much at all today. Skipped breakfast and had some cottage cheese and a couple of crackers for lunch. Spaghetti with homemade sauce for dinner with a glass of wine.

    Also - I 'met' my partner in the eRace Racism challenge. She is an OB/GYN in NC and has a son in LA. I am so excited to run this challenge and get to know her! It is going to be fun, now if the weather would just cooperate!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @quilteryoyo yay! On the weight! It's inspiring as I plan lunch meals between classes. It's so easy to want chips or mcdonalds and not be a little wiser in my choices. Glad the IRS business is sorted.

    @shanaber thanks for the MPH information. I think it could be a good move for me, just because it'd be less physically demanding opposed to surgical nursing... I also thought about CRNA, which would take forever to do... I'm sure I'll figure it out. Maybe I'll hit a savant stretch with the violin and join the orchestra. LOL!

    lunch planning
    I woke up thinking today was Sunday. I am trying to get my head in the right space for classes and guess it forgot about Saturday. I made a few almond butter and low sugar jelly sandwiches on Dave's bread and dropped them in the freezer to grab and go for class mon and wed. I have some carbonated water to take in place of a coke, that is black cherry/coffee falvour. No one else thinks that sounds good, so it's all mine for lunches.

    I have a follow up the 25th. It is keeping me awake at night and that with pain and being naturally a light sleeper, I am struggling to feel like I am getting any rest. So I guess I'll try to adjust the time I take it from late morning because I sleep in, to early AM.
    I will look at some kava kava and lemon balm tea. Most of that sleepy tea (chamomile) makes me restless and I have bad dreams. Maybe once I get back on a schedule it'll sort itself out. DH has OTC sleep aids he's pushing on me- Valerian root, but I am hesitant to take anything that isn't safe long term and can cause withdrawal symptoms. I don't think I want the antidepressant changed as this one helps with nerve pain, which is a nice benefit. Any Ideas? I may try the melatonin or benadry 2 nights a week or something.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @shanaber - that's so great about DD's jobs! Hope the PM running starts getting better for you. Now I need to look into that erace racism challenge! So glad insurance is helping Hilde! I hope you all have power! Just saw a headline about 2m people w/no power in CA.

    @elise4270 - I never had any luck with those sleepy time teas. I like benadryl.

    @bearly63 - lol a vacation intervention for Peloton! Just rode mine for 2 30 min rides - Prince ride and 60s ride - both excellent. Have a great time!

    @avidkeo - I haven't heard the outcome of the lockdown. But your country does much better than ours at handling this!

    @quilteryoyo - I've never dealt the the IRS and hope I don't have to. We are supposed to get a refund and it's still not here. When we go online to look it says there are significant delays in refunds. We didn't file by 4/15 since they extended it but it was till early May.

    School just doesn't stop - we keep getting new waivers that have to be signed by parents and/or students, and rules we have to implement. School starts the 26th for our students. They are having 9-10 come the first day and then 11-12 the next to get the traffic flows right. Then all on the 3rd day and then on. We'll see how quickly we have to shut down! Now I'm figuring out the temperature tracking.

    Weight slightly up and that's probably because I did have a large glass of wine the last two nights. But I'm still in a good place. We went to the beach this morning - right in front of where our condo is to check it out. We only went because DS and DIL and Ella were going. She loves the beach. Baby Abby is due end of September so poor DIL is miserable in the FL heat!